GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 3 An Interview with Arun Krishnamurthy

Gujarat Board GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Second Language Chapter 3 An Interview with Arun Krishnamurthy Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

GSEB Class 10 English Textbook Solutions Chapter 3 An Interview with Arun Krishnamurthy (Second Language)

GSEB Class 10 English 3 An Interview with Arun Krishnamurthy Text Book Questions and Answers

Question 1.
“You must be the change that you want to see in the world.” Do you know who said this ? There are people in India who followed these words of Mahatma Gandhi and influenced the lives of many. Let’s read about two such people who, with their small initiatives, changed the lives of many.

(1) Water wastage is one of the most serious issues of the country today. But there is one man who decided to help people stop it by helping them single-handedly. Therefore, he is also known as ‘One Man NGO’. The writer, artist and cartoonist Aabid Surti wages war against water wastage. Every Sunday, this national award winner walks around homes in Mumbai and fixes leaking taps to save every drop of water. Wonderful idea, isn’t it? Aabid says, “If I can, you can.”

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 3 An Interview with Arun Krishnamurthy

(2) Have you heard about the Mother of Orphans Sindhumati Sapkal is a social worker who has adopted more than 1000 orphan children so far. Her life started as being an unwanted child. Her husband abandoned her when she was nine months pregnant She had to beg on the streets to survive and realized condition of the orphan children. Her circumstances forced her to lose courage and succumb situations But Sindhutai emerged stronger with every difficulty she faced. Today, she proudly says, “I am there for all those who have no one.”

Question 2.
Brainstorm at least two problems or difficulties faced by common people around you. Think of what your group can do to solve them. Share your ideas with the class. One is done for you. (Classroom Activity)

Problem Our idea to solve it.
(1) plastic bags, polythene bags
(2) traffic jams
(3) water scarcity
carry paper / cloth bags while going shopping
use public transport or car pool
build check dams and wells in villages implement rainwater harvesting in cities

Question 3.
Study the table about the impact of pollution.

Cause Effect Solution
– Burning of fossil fuels
– Agricultural activities
– Exhaust from factories and industries
– Mining operations
– Indoor air pollution
– Respiratory and heart problems
– Global warming
– Acid Rain
– Depletion of ozone layer
– Use public mode of transportation,conserve energy
– Understand the concept of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
– Emphasis on clean (natural) energy resources
– Use energy efficient devices

Now write five sentences about the solution of air pollution. You can begin like this …
We should use public mode of transportation instead of our own vehicle.
(1) We should use energy efficient devices.
(2) We should emphasize on the use of natural energy resources.
(3 ) We should reduce / stop the smoke from factories and industries.
(4) We should save trees and plant more trees.
(5) We should understand the concept of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 3 An Interview with Arun Krishnamurthy


1. Use the words from the box to complete this text about environmental problems.

polluted, disposal, layer, greenhouse, environment, resources, deforestation, removal, garbage

Pollution is a major problem of our times. Air, water and land all are polluted. Poor waste disposal is to blame for many of the problems. Pollution of the atmosphere has led to the destruction of ozone layer and greenhouse effect. More over we are wasting our natural resources. The act of deforestation has also created many problems. Each of us has to act sincerely to protect our environment.

2. Match A with B and form a sentence (of more than four words) using both the words. One has been done for you.
GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 3 An Interview with Arun Krishnamurthy 1
Example : Generally mosquitoes spread malaria in monsoon.
(1) Children who have supportive parents do well in studies and all other activities.
(2 ) Why did Mr Verma quit such a good job ?
(3) Removal of garbage is the main problem in a city like Mumbai.
(4) We should give worn out clothes to the poor.
(5) Mahesh and his team of volunteers will look after the guests.
(6) We should use environment-friendly paper bags when we go to the market.

3. Find and write the words having similar meanings from the first three paragraphs of A. Krishnamurthy’s interview.

(1) established – founded
(2) seashore – beach
(3) very dirty – heavily polluted
(4) varied – various
(5) keep on – continued
(6) few – a couple
(7) assist – support
(8) struggle – conflict
(9) beautiful – lovely
(10) humbleness – humility

4. Choose the most appropriate words ’ to complete the sentences.

volunteer, parent, environmentalist, superstar, film-maker, chemist, scientific researcher, musician.

(1) Every parent is worried about the future, of her / his son or daughter.
(2) A volunteer works selflessly in the mission s/he joins.
(3) People rush in to have a glimpse of a superstar wherever s/he goes.
(4) Jenil’s father is concerned about the environment and does something for it. He is an environmentalist.
(5) Mr Aiyer is busy in his laboratory inventing something. He is a scientific researcher.
(6) Ram Gopal Verma produces horror and suspense movies. He is a film-maker.

5. Use the correct forms of the words ( from the box to complete the sentences.

support, decide, remove, beautify, inform, attend, pollute, devote

Example : Your attendance in both the semesters is low so you can’t appear at the S board exam.
(1) Kalpana Chavla had supportive parents that helped her to choose her desired career.
(2) The decision of giving textbooks free of cost to all the students by the government is praiseworthy.
(3) Before you pass your S.S.C. exam, you should have information about all the courses after 10th.
(4) When mummy reached home, she found that everything was set beautifully in the room.
(5) Our request of removal of the heap of garbage at the corner of our street was attended to immediately.
(6) The government has launched a project to clean polluted rivers of our country.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 3 An Interview with Arun Krishnamurthy

6. Clip words.

Clipping occurs when the original word is reduced to one of its parts, resulting in the formation of a new word. This process is also referred to as ‘truncation’ and ‘shortening.’ In clipping, the word is shortened but the meaning remains the same.

(1) A memo is a brief written message often used in business. It is a clipping of memorandum.
(2) If your pet is sick, you take it to a vet. It is a clipping of veterinarian.
(3 ) A clip for gasoline is gas.

Now write the clip word for the longer words.
(1) brother – bro
(2) champion – champ
(3) doctor – doc
(4) popular music – pop music
(5) hamburger – burger
(6) demonstration – demo
(7) revolution – rev
(8) refrigerator – fridge
(9) advertisement – ad
(10) graduate – grad
(11) teenager – teen
(12) market – mart
(13) gymnasium – gym
(14) influenza – flu
(15) president – prez

Find out some clip words from English news papers and write the main word.
Example : con – convict
(1) auto – automobile
(2) bike – bicycle
(3) mike – microphone
(4) mod – modern
(5) phone – telephone
(6) quake – earthquake
(7) pro – professional
(8) exam – examination
(10) prof – professor

7. Use the set of words to frame a sentence. You may change the order and form of the words.

(1) conflict – arrogant – office
Ah honest person will always have conflict with his arrogant boss in the office.

(2) hesitation – quit – job
I did not have any hesitation in quitting my job and joining my father’s business.

(3) humility – venture – activist
A true activist will succeed in his venture only if he remains humble.

(4) volunteer – enterprise – large scale
We need volunteers on a large scale for – this new enterprise.


1. Make a list of trash / garbage thrown around. Make a list of things and equipment Arun and his team use.

List of trash items List of things /equipment List of trash items List of things/equipment
diaper rakes junk food collection buckets
paper / tissues spades battery garbage trucks
slippers nose masks wrappers earth movers
dry leaves sanitary gloves stow Poclain

2. Note what you liked the most and what you liked the least in this text related to Arun Krishnamurthy’s statements and Arun Krishnamurthy’s beliefs.

I liked the most I liked the least
(1) Cleans lakes, beaches and other water bodies
(2) Plants trees
(3) Makes environment-friendly paper bags
(4) Took his parents’ advice and always informed them about everything that he did
(5) Simple and humble
(6) All life forms are beautiful and we should protect them
(7) Water is the basis of life and we should care for all water bodies

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 3 An Interview with Arun Krishnamurthy

3. Tick mark the most appropriate option.

Question 1.
Arun learnt from his teachers …
A. never to stop learning.
B. to do great work to become great.
C. to seek help of other people.
D. to learn from his own deeds.
A. never to stop learning.

Question 2.
Water is the basis of life means …
A. we find everything in water.
B. all living beings need water to grow and live.
C. birds and animals need water.
D. vegetation grows with the help of water.
B. all living beings need water to grow and live.

Question 3.
The green cover around Arun’s school inspired him …
A. to plant more and more plants and trees.
B. to think and understand about the importance of life form like birds and animals.
C. to save birds and animals.
D. to launch a movement to protect the greenery
B. to think and understand about the importance of life form like birds and animals.

Question 4.
“My school and college had a plenty of green cover.” It means….
A. his school and college had been covered with green net.
B. there were lots of big trees, plants and greenery around his school and college.
C. his school and college garden had green lawn.
D. his school and college had understood the importance of green cover.
B. there were lots of big trees, plants and greenery around his school and college.

4. Answer these questions.

Question 1.
Which organization did Arun found at the age of 17 ?
Arun founded the Environmentalist Foundation of India at the age of 17.

Question 2.
What were Arun’s parents like ?
Arun’s parents were very supportive and understood that he was interested in environment.

Question 3.
What, according to Arun, should we ensure ?
According to Arun, we should ensure that / lakes and water bodies are free of garbage so that birds and animals (frogs and snakes) can live in peace.

Question 4.
What do Arun and his team do to protect themselves from dust ?
Arun and his team wear nose masks and sanitary gloves to protect themselves from dust.

Question 5.
How much time should school-going children devote for an environmental cause ?
School-going children should devote two hours on Saturday and two hours on Sunday for an environmental cause.

Question 6.
What hurt Arun badly ? What did he decide then?
A beautiful lake next to his house was heavily polluted, leading to spread of mosquitoes and had turned it into an ugly place. This hurt Arun badly. He decided to clean the lake with a couple of his friends.

Question 7.
How did Arun’s parents and teachers s encourage Arun in his drive for environment ?
Arun’s parents always supported him and guided him. They never stopped him from doing what he wanted. Arun’s taught him humility and simplicity. They taught him to keep learning all the time.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 3 An Interview with Arun Krishnamurthy

Question 8.
Why does Aiun believe that he is an environmentalist and not an activist ?
Arun keeps on learning so much from the ‘ environment and his work to protect the environment. So he believes that he is an environmentalist and not an activist.

5. Write short notes.

Question 1.
Arun – A Young Environmentalist
(founded an NGO -17 years of age – work for the cause of environment – left job at Google – working for environment – water bodies – other life forms)
Arun Krishnamurthy is a young environmentalist. At the age of 17, he founded an NGO called Environmentalist Foundation of India (EFI). He works for the cause of environment. Arun and his team of volunteers clean beaches and other water bodies, plant trees and also make environment-friendly paper bags.

He first cleaned a lake next to his house with a couple of friends. He got a lot of support from his parents and teachers. Arun feels that it is important to protect birds and animals. He feels that water bodies should be kept clean so that birds and animals can live peacefully.

Arun left a good job at Google to devote his full attention to environment. He encourages the students and youth to volunteer with him in helping the environment.

Question 2.
Arun’s NGO: EFI
(founded at the age of 17- cleaned the lake near his house – cleaned the surroundings -remove the trash – garbage – restore water bodies -encourage students – offer fellowship)
At a young age of 17, Arun founded an NGO called Environmentalist Foundation of India (EFI), which works for the cause of environment. Arun first cleaned a lake next to his house, which was heavily polluted, leading to the spread of mosquitoes and making the place ugly.

Arun and his couple of friends cleaned the lake. Arun and his team of volunteers clean beaches and other water bodies, plant trees and also make environment-friendly paper bags. The NGO cleans water bodies and uses the garbage for landfill with no or minimal exposure to environment.

The NGO encourages students to participate in this work. It also offers fellowship to interested students. It encourages the youth and trains them to make them actively involved in its activities.

6. Describe a clean / beautiful lake and a polluted / an ugly lake. Classify the listed words / phrases. Use the words in your sentences and present them before the class.

(looks very ugly-neat and clean water – dirty – foul smelling – clean, clear blue water-filthy things – trash – attractive look – boating – trees, greenery all around – plastic bags, pouches, wrappers, diapers, slippers in the water – likes to walk around – benches to sit and enjoy – water creatures like fish, jelly-fish, turtles, snakes, frogs live in it – birds fly around – no sea / water creatures – turtles, snakes die because of poisonous things – spread of mosquitoes – nobody likes to visit – well-structured, well maintained, clean banks – ill-maintained)

Clean, beautiful lake Polluted, ugly lake
• neat and clean water • looks very ugly
• clean, clear blue water • dirty
• attractive look • foul smelling
• boating • filthy things
• trees, greenery all around • trash
• likes to walk around • plastic bags, pouches, wrappers, diapers,slippers in the water
• benches to sit and enjoy • no sea/water creatures
• water creatures like fish, jelly-fish,
turtles, snakes, frogs live in it
• turtles, snakes die because of poisonous things
• birds fly around • spread of mosquitoes
• well-structured, well-maintained, clean banks • nobody likes to visit
• ill-maintained

(B) Now write notes on both the topics using the words and phrases. Compare your writing with the writings of other groups.

A clean, beautiful lake : A clean and beautiful lake contains clean watef. It has clear, blue water. A clean lake always has an attractive look. Therefore many people visit it. Sometimes there are boating facilities also. Lush green trees and greenery all around make it even more attractive and beautiful. Therefore people come for a walk around the lake.

There are benches to sit and enjoy the beauty of the lake. The lake also has water creatures like fish, jelly-fish, turtles, snakes, frogs. Birds chirp in the trees and fly around. In short, a clean and beautiful lake is well-structured and well-maintained, with clean banks.

A polluted, ugly lake:  A polluted lake looks very ugly. The water is very dirty and has a foul smell. Therefore it is not visited by anyone. The lake is full of filthy things and trash. It is filled with plastic bags, pouches, wrappers, diapers, slippers, etc.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 3 An Interview with Arun Krishnamurthy

There are no sea / water creatures in the lake. Turtles and snakes die because of poisonous things. A polluted lake leads to spread of mosquitoes. In short, a polluted, ugly lake is ill-maintained.

7. Think and answer.

(Classroom / Individual Activity)
(1) How should we keep our surroundings neat and clean ? What role should you play ?
(2) Prepare a list of Dos and Don’ts to keep our water bodies (ponds/rivers/lakes) neat and clean.
(3) Discuss in group : Conserving our environment is now more necessary than ever. Present your views before the class. (Take help of your teacher)
(4) Prepare placards about what to do and what not to do to save the environment.
(5) How would your parents feel if you become a social worker like Arun? (You may use your mother tongue.)
(6) Observe your surroundings. Make a list of things you don’t like. Give some suggestions regarding what can be done.

Language Practice

1. Read the paragraph and underline the word(s) that tell you how often the person does something (referring to time/ frequency).
Example : usually, sometimes
Saina Nehwal is the first Indian to win a medal (2012) in badminton at the Olympics. She always states her winning mantra as ‘hard work’. She never thinks about defeat when she is in the game and always tries to win the match. However, she never keeps a count of titles she wins. She has a pretty busy schedule and she always sticks to that. She rarely skips her practice sessions. She believes that to attain goals one must follow an unvarying and fixed routine every day. She usually follows three sessions in a day including warm up exercises and game practice on court. Although she has many hobbies, she often doesn’t have time to fulfil her other interests. She likes reading short stories and sometimes spends time watching movies.

Answer these questions. Answer can be one word or Yes / No.

Question 1.
Does Saina think about defeat in the game ?

Question 2.
Which winning mantra does she always state ?
Hard Work

Question 3.
Does she skip her practice sessions ?

Question 4.
How many sessions does she practice in a day ?

Question 5.
Is Saina able to fulfil her other interests ?

Question 6.
What does she do ? (always / sometimes / never)
Read short stories, watch movies sometimes

2. (A) Look at some of the facts.

(1) All the crows are black. We rarely find a white crow.
(2) Fish always keep their eyes open. Even when they sleep they never shut their eyes.
(3) It seldom rains in the desert areas of Rajasthan.
(4) Lions frequently enter the village of Gir. But they are never seen in city areas.
(5) Saras cranes are always found in winter in Gujarat.
(6) The Indian elephant usually sleeps for 2-3 hours per day.

(B) Study the table and understand the words given in the steps expressing frequency of an action.

Name Month Visits library
Raghav 03 00
Junaid 10 01
Parv 06 02
Freny 03 06
Rishi 03 08
Name Month Visits library
Jamshed 01 08
Rizwana 01 12
Dilbar 01 26
Khushbu 01 30

(1) Raghav doesn’t go to the library, -never
(2) Junaid doesn’t visit the library unless it is necessary. – almost never
(3) Parv visits the library once in two-three months. – seldom / rarely
(4) Freny prefers to read at home. She visits the library only to borrow books. – occasionally
(5) Rishi is not regular but many times he reads at the library as well, -sometimes
(6) Jamshed visits the library almost twice a week. – frequently
(7) Rizwana regularly visits the library. – often
(8) Dilbar visits the library every day except holidays. – almost always / usually
(9) Khushbu visits the library every day. – always

3. Read about each situation and then answer the questions.

Question 1.
Jaimin usually does his homework. Ravindra always does his homework. Dipak never does his homework. Who is a regular student ?

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 3 An Interview with Arun Krishnamurthy

Question 2.
Shehnaz seldom walks to school. Mahima ( often walks to school. Rina walks to school sometimes. Who prefers to go to school by bus more than the other two ?

Question 3.
Shemalbhai usually takes buttermilk ? during lunch. Kishanbhai sometimes takes buttermilk during lunch. Ramanbhai always takes buttermilk during lunch. Who is fond of buttermilk among them?

Question 4.
Mona’s grandmother sometimes takes a walk after dinner. Her brother always runs five kilometres in the morning. She hardly ever does exercises. Who is more health conscious ?
Mona’s brother

Question 5.
Jatin is seldom late to work. Aarav is usually late to work. Dev is sometimes late to work. Who is likely to be scolded by the boss ?

Question 6.
Mohit rarely reads English newspapers, Rishi usually goes through the headlines only. Navin always prefers to read Gujarati newspaper. Who spends more time on reading English newspapers ?

4. Now, think of your daily life and answer these questions. Use always, never, often, sometimes, rarely, almost, never, almost always, frequently, occasionally, seldom.

Question 1.
How often do you get up before 6.00 a.m. ?

Question 2.
How often do you arrive on time at school ?

Question 3.
How often do you watch T.V. ?
Almost always

Question 4.
How often do you visit a temple / a mosque/ a church?

Question 5.
How often do you fail to do your homework ?

Question 6.
How often do you go to bed before 9 p.m. ?

Question 7.
How often do you leave the book open while going to sleep ?

Question 8.
How often do you use English while talking to your friends ?

Question 9.
How often do you dream of becoming famous ?

Question 10.
How often do you read stories about famous people ?

5. Fill in the blanks. Use always / never / sometimes / often seldom.

(1) Yuvraj amazes me. He is never sad. He always seems so happy.
(2) Sofia is fond of reading novels. Her vocabulary is good but sometimes she uses dictionary to look for meanings of the new words.
(3) Faizal is good at English. He seldom makes any grammatical errors.
(4) Kunjal is the best singer of our school. He always attends his music classes.
(5) Disha is a brilliant athlete. She never skips l her practice sessions.

6. Read the sentences and notice the difference in the word order.

1. I am always hungry when I wake up early. 1. I always feel hungry when I wake up early.
2. Vikram is usually on time to school. 2. Vikram usually reaches the school on time.
3. Our teacher is often the first to arrive at school. 3. Our teacher often arrives early to school.
4.1 am sometimes shy around new people. 4. I sometimes avoid going to parties.
5. Pankti is rarely absent from the school. 5. Pankti rarely misses any class.
6. Vikram and Akram are seldom on time. 6. They seldom pass a test.
7. We are never in the school after 6 p.m. 7. We never stay back in the school after 6 p.m.

7. Look at the group of sentences. Underline the frequency expressions. Tick (✓) the sentences, which have acceptable word order and put a cross (X) against the wrong ones.

Example : Often I feel like going for long walks by myself. ✓
I often feel like going for long walks by myself. ✓
I feel often like going for long walks by myself. X

(1) I sometimes forget my wife’s birthday. ✓
Sometimes I forget my wife’s birthday. ✓
I forget sometimes my wife’s birthday. X

(2) I read seldom the newspaper. X
I seldom read the newspaper. ✓
Seldom I read the newspaper X

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 3 An Interview with Arun Krishnamurthy

(3) She is usually in at this time of the day. ✓
Usually she is in at this time of the day. ✓
She is in at this time of the day usually. ✓

(4) Never he gets here before 10.00 am. X
He never gets here before 10.00 am. ✓
He gets never here before 10.00 am. X

8. (A) Here are some activities : swimming, play cricket, play badminton, play carrom, play games on phone, read newspaper, go to cinema hall, go for trekking, go for fishing, visit library, attend birthday parties, offer prayers, participate in competitions at school.

Put them into this table thinking about their frequency in your life for the past two / three years.

Always Sometimes Rarely Never Occasionally
play badminton swimming play carrom play games on phone play cricket
read newspaper go to cinema hall go for trekking go for fishing offer prayers
visit library participate in competitions at school
attend birthday parties

8. (B) Exchange notes with your partner and speak five sentences about his / her activities. (Classroom Activity)

9. Answer the questions using the information in the table. Follow the example.

Name Goes for walk Watches TV Does homework Reads newspaper
Rahul Sometimes Never Almost always Sometimes
Virendra Frequently Occasionally Sometimes Never
Jasmin Seldom Rarely Rarely Always
Shafika Almost never Sometimes Never Almost always

Question 1.
Who is regular in doing homework ?

Question 2.
Who doesn’t forget to read a newspaper every day ?

Question 3.
Who doesn’t like to go for a walk at all ?

Question 4.
“I watch special TV programmes only.” Who says that ?

Question 5.
Who dislikes homework ?

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 3 An Interview with Arun Krishnamurthy

Question 6.
Who reads a newspaper on a few days of the week?

Question 7.
“I dislike watching TV but I watch some programmes on weekends.” Who says this ?

10. (A) Here are ways of learning new vocabulary. How often do you use these ways to learn new words. Write the answer that is true for you. (Use always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never). (Individual Activity)

Question 1.
I make a drawing to help me remember a new word.
Answer: ………………

Question 2.
I learn new words when I use them in sentences.
Answer: ………………

Question 3.
I write down the meaning in a special notebook.
Answer: ………………

Question 4.
When I come across a new word, I repeat the word aloud.
Answer: ………………

Question 5.
I try to use new words in conversation.
Answer: ………………

Question 6.
I look up the meaning of the new words from a dictionary.
Answer: ………………

Question 7.
I circle or underline new words when I find them.
Answer: ………………

Question 8.
I write new words repetitively in a separate notebook.
Answer: ………………

Question 9.
I write the Gujarati meaning next to the new English word.
Answer: ………………

Question 10.
When I come across a new word, I try to guess its meaning.
Answer: ………………

10. (B) Take turns asking and answering these questions (in L. 10 (A)). Begin each question with “Do you ever… ?” If the answer is ‘Yes’, then ask “How often do you … ?” (Classroom Activity)
Example :
Do you ever make a drawing to remember a new word ?
How often do you make a drawing to remember a new word ?

11. (Classroom Activity)

Step 1 : Select your partner. Write that person’s name here :
Step 2 : Read statements 1 to 5. Without talking to your partner, guess how often your partner does these things. Write your guesses in ‘My guess’ using always / regularly / usually / often / sometimes / rarely / never.
My guess My partner’s answer
(1) How often is s/he late for school ? —- My guess —- My Parents answer
(2) How often does s/he bunk classes ? …………… —- …………….
(3) How often does s/he respond to teacher’s questions in class ? …………… —- …………….
(4) How often does s/he share lunch-box with friends ? …………… —- …………….
(5) How often does s/he talk to your teacher in English ? …………… —- …………….

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 3 An Interview with Arun Krishnamurthy

Step 3 : Now, frame interview questions following the example and interview your partner. Write your partner’s answers in the column on the right. Did you guess correctly ? Give yourself one point for every correct guess.
Question : How often are you late for the school ?
Correct guess : ………….


Question 1.
Observe the pictures. Sense the story. Develop a longer story adding names of people, places and other descriptions.
GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 3 An Interview with Arun Krishnamurthy 3
Mr Pappuji ate a banana and dropped its skin on the road. There was a dustbin on the footpath, but Mr Pappuji was in a hurry. He did not care to drop the banana skin in the dustbin. “Who cares ?” he said to himself, and walked away

He visited a bookstall across the road. He spent some time in the bookstall. He bought a newspaper because he found some interesting news in it. He paid for the newspaper and left the bookstall.He returned reading. The news item was so interesting that Mr Pappuji never even looked up. He crossed the road safely, but as he reached the footpath, he slipped on the banana skin and fell down. He was hurt badly.

He realized his mistake. It was the same banana skin that he had dropped carelessly. And now he slipped on it and was hurt because of it. Mr Pappuji picked up the banana skin and threw it in the dustbin. We learn from the story that we should keep our surroundings clean. We should always use a dustbin to throw garbage.

Question 2.
Your friend went on a pilgrimage on foot from Danta to Ambaji. The route is explained in the figure below. Now read the information and write a paragraph describing your friend’s pilgrimage.
GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 3 An Interview with Arun Krishnamurthy 2
1. Ukaanchali river
2. Sir Bhavanisinh Vidyalaya
3. Entrance to Sanctuary
4. Seva Camp by ITI, Palanpur
5.Piplavali Vaav village
6. Trishuliyo Chat,
7. Trishuliyamata Temple
8. Dhabavali Vaav village
9. A small hilly pass
10. Paansa village
11. Ambaji

You may begin this way : My friend Vishvam is a great devotee of Goddess Ambaji. He often goes there on a pilgrimage. This year, on the full moon day of Bhadrapad month, he went from Danta to Ambaji on foot. As soon as he started from Danta, he crossed the river Ukaanchali. Then after walking for about a kilometre, he reached Sir Bhavanisinh Vidyalaya. After walking for about two and a half kilometres, he reached the entrance to the sanctuary.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 3 An Interview with Arun Krishnamurthy

From there he walked for two kilometres and reached the Seva Camp, which was run by ITI, Palanpur. After taking some rest, he started walking again. After walking for three kilometres, he reached the Piplavali Vaav village. He crossed the village and walked for another one and a half kilometre to reach the Trishuliyo Ghat, a mountain pass. From there he walked for one kilometre and reached the Trishuliyamata Temple.

He took some rest there. He again started walking and crossed about one and a half kilometres to reach Dhabavali Vaav village. From there he walked for a kilometre and reached a small hilly pass. He crossed the pass and walked for another kilometre to reach Paansa village. He rested in this village for some time. He left the village soon and walked for about two and a half kilometres and reached Ambaji.

Question 3.
Suppose you are a resident of village Magarwada. Describe your planning of cleaning your mohalla under the ‘Clean India Movement’. You can get help from the questions given below.
Clean Magarwada – Green Magarwada
(1) Why did you decide to take up this project of cleanliness ?
(2) Who inspired you ?
(3) What will you do to explain the importance of cleanliness to the village people ?
(4) Who will be your teammates for this purpose ?
(5) What tools provided by the Gram Panchayat will you get for your team ?
(6) What help do you expect from the elderly people ?
(7) How much time will it take to clean your mohalla ?
(8) Do you expect any reward ? Why ?
(9) What do you suggest to keep your mohalla permanently clean ?
I am a student of standard 10. I have been living in Magarwada since my early childhood. I was taught about the importance of cleanliness both at home and in school. But yet many areas of my village, including my own mohalla is quite dirty. I was greatly inspired by our Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s Swachcha Bharat Abhiyan. So I decided to clean up my own mohalla as well as the whole village. I spoke to my friends in my neighbourhood and they all agreed to work with me in this task.

First of all we spoke to the authorities in the Gram Panchayat and sought their support. They agreed to help us and also give us things like brooms, spades, rakes, dustbins, etc. Some of them also volunteered to educate the people of the village about the importance of cleanliness. We requested the elders of the village to encourage and motivate everyone.

We began by cleaning our mohalla. We first collected all the garbage in big buckets. We then swept the whole mohalla. We requested everyone to use a dustbin at home, and also put a large dustbin in a corner of the mohalla. It took us one day to clean our mohalla.

The Sarpanch was happy. He asked all the people of the village to visit our mohalla and see how beautiful it looked. Everyone was happy. We assured of our help to clean the whole village. The elders also spoke about how a clean village can be a healthy village. We also requested the people of the village to keep the river clean. We told them not to throw any garbage into the river.

Some of us also educated the people about the importance of trees. Many people promised to plant at least one tree around their houses. We are happy that our village has become beautiful and clean now. We did not do this for any reward. But it was necessary to keep our surroundings clean and take care of the environment. It is for our own bright and healthy future.

Question 4.
You are a young leader of your locality. Write a report on what you did to celebrate the ‘World Environment Day’ held in your locality. You may use these clues.

(5th June – the World Environment Day -Worried about the worsening condition of environment – collecting people – inspiring speech – poster and slogan competition – exhibition – short movie – oath – future planning – founding a club – procession with placards – great satisfaction)
June 5 is celebrated as World Environment Day. As a young leader of my locality, I decided to celebrate this day by educating the people about the importance of environment and why we should protect it. Today there is a lot of air, noise and water pollution everywhere. Each of us can contribute by protecting the environment and surroundings in our own locality.

I called a meeting of all the young residents of our locality and sought their support. We spoke about how we are destroying our environment and also how we can reduce pollution of all kinds. We then called a meeting of all the people in our locality and shared our thoughts and ideas with them. Some of the young students gave inspiring speeches.

We also held a poster and slogan-writing competition for students. All the posters and slogans were exhibited in the garden of our locality. We also took out a small procession with placards about pollution and protecting the environment.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 3 An Interview with Arun Krishnamurthy

In the evening, we showed a short movie on the harmful effects of pollution and what each of us can do to protect our environment. We asked each one present to take an oath to protect and preserve the environment.

We also decided to form a club called the Environment Club, which would work continuously for cleanliness and environment. Anyone could become a member of this club. We urged the people to devote at least two hours a week to keep our surroundings clean. We also decided to plant trees. It was a day of great satisfaction.

Exam-Oriented Study Material

1. Read the extracts and answer the questions. ?

(1) Arun Krishnamurthy was just 17 years old when he founded the NGO Environmentalist Foundation of India (EFI). Beginning with the Turtle Walk a move to save turtle eggs and young hatchlings in Chennai, today Arun and his team of volunteers have cleaned beaches and various water bodies in Chennai, Hyderabad, Delhi, Coimbatore and Puducherry. The team cleans lakes, beaches and zoos, plants trees, educates people through street plays and also makes environment-friendly paper bags. Arun’s team has students who joined him when they were in Class – 7 and continued to work with him even after five years.

Question 1.
Which organization did Arun found at the age of 17?
Arun founded an NGO called Environmentalist Foundation of India at the age of 17.

Question 2.
Which was the first activity of EFI?
The first activity of EFI was Turtle Walk – a move to save turtle eggs and young hatchlings in Chennai

Question 3.
What have Arun and his team done ?
Arun and his team have cleaned beaches and water bodies in Chennai, Hyderabad, Delhi, Coimbatore and Puducherry.

Question 4.
What are the activities of Arun’s team ?
Arun’s team cleans lakes, beaches and zoos, plants trees, educates people through street plays and also makes environment-friendly paper bags.

(2) A beautiful lake next to my house, which once had a lot of birds, frogs and snakes, was heavily polluted. It led to the spread s of mosquitoes and turned a lovely place into an ugly neighbourhood. This hurt me badly and I wanted to do something about it. I got together with a couple of my friends and cleaned the pond next to my house. This was the first activity.

Question 1.
Why was Arun hurt?
Arun was hurt because a lake next to his house was so polluted that it spread mosquitoes and turned the place into an ugly neighbourhood.

Question 2.
What did Arun do?
Arun got together with a couple of his friends and cleaned the pond next to his house.

(3) I have supportive parents who understood that my interest was the environment. They have never stopped me from doing what I want. On my part, I also made sure that I did not fail my parents in any way. I always informed them about everything that I did and took their advice before jumping into actions.

Question 1.
What does Arun say about his parents ?
Arun says that his parents are supportive and understood his interest in environment and so they never stopped him from doing what he wanted.

Question 2.
How did Arun make sure that he never failed his parents ?
Arun always informed his parents about his activities and took their advice before jumping into action.

(4) I have teachers who taught me how to go about things. They also taught me humility-so that I did not become snobbish or arrogant and start thinking I was a superstar because I was doing all this environment work. They taught me to be simple and keep learning all the time. I am not an activist, I am an environmentalist. I have learnt so much by doing this work.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 3 An Interview with Arun Krishnamurthy

Question 1.
What did Arun teachers teach him ?
Arun’s teachers taught him to be humble, simple and keep learning all the time.

Question 2.
Arun’s teachers taught him humility so that….
Arun’s teachers taught him humility so that he did not become arrogant or snobbish and start thinking that he was a superstar because he worked for the environment.

Question 3.
What does Arun call himself?
Arun calls himself an environmentalist.

Question 4.
Why does Arun believe that he is an environmentalist and not an activist ?
Arun believes that he is an environmentalist and not an activist because s he keeps on learning so much from the environment and his work to protect the environment.

(5) Both my school and college had plenty of green cover and both were home to several other life forms. This made me understand their importance, how beautiful they are and why we need to protect them. These animals sire on their own, find their own food and are always active, on the move and never lazy. It is so positive; we have a lot to learn from them.

Question 1.
What did Arun realize from the green cover in his school and college ?
The green cover in his school and college made Arun understand the importance of other life forms, how beautiful they are and why we need to protect them.

Question 2.
Both his school and college were home to….
Both his school and college were home to several other life forms.

Question 3.
Why does Arun say that we have a lot to learn from animals ?
Arun says that we have a lot to learn from animals because they are on their own, find their own food and are always active, on the move and never lazy.

(6) It is always good to decide in favour of what you really love to do. I quit my job ‘ at Google, but I still keep in touch with my friends there. So only my duties at ‘ Google have come to an end, not my emotional bond. I understood that I had to leave the job at that minute in 2010, or else I s would never be daring enough to do so.

I could not sit back and enjoy life when environmental damage was happening on such a large scale. I wanted to do something and that something needed my full attention. So I left Google for EFI.

Question 1.
It is always good to decide….
It is always good to decide in favour of what you really love to do.

Question 2.
Why does Arun say that only his duties at Google have come to an end ?
Arun quit his job at Google, but he is still in touch with his friends there and so he says that only his duties at Google have come to an end, not his emotional bond.

Question 3.
Why did Arun quit his job ?
Arun did not want to sit back and enjoy life when environmental damage was happening on a large scale, so he quit his job to work to save the environment.

(7) Everything from a diaper to worn out slippers – we find everything in our lakes. It is so disturbing because it is water and water is the basis of life. How can we not care for these water bodies ? We use this garbage for landfill with no or minimal exposure to the outside environment. We ensure that the lake area and water-holding are free of garbage so that birds, frogs and snakes can live in peace.

Question 1.
What is thrown in lakes?
Everything from a diaper to worn out slippers are thrown in lakes.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 3 An Interview with Arun Krishnamurthy

Question 2.
Why should we care for water bodies ?
We should care for water bodies because water is the basis of life.

Question 3.
The garbage is used for….
The garbage is used for landfill with no or minimal exposure to outside environment.

Question 4.
What do Arun and his team ensure ? Why?
Arun and his team ensure that the lake area and water-holding are free of garbage so that birds, frogs and snakes can live in peace.

(8) Depending on the size of the lake, and the amount of garbage, it can take anywhere between 5 days and 3 months to completely clean a lake. We have our tools like rakes and spades.

Question 1.
Which tools do they use ?
They use tools like rakes and spades, s

Question 2.
How long does it take to clean a lake ?
Depending on the size of the lake, and the amount of garbage, it takes anywhere between 5 days and 3 months to clean a lake.

(9) We wear nose masks, sanitary gloves and carry rakes and spades with which we collect the garbage and dump it into collection buckets which are taken to the garbage truck. We also use heavy machinery like earth movers and Poclain to desilt the lake and clear the weeds and shrubs that are harmful.

Question 1.
What does Arun and his team use ? while cleaning a lake ?
Arun and his team wear nose masks, sanitary gloves and carry rakes and spades while cleaning a lake.

Question 2.
For what are earth movers and Poclain used ?
Earth movers and Poclain are used to desilt the lake and clear the weeds and harmful shrubs.

(10) Firstly, we should all stop throwing trash outside our homes. Next, we should reduce the amount of trash we generate. Stows, tissues, wrappers, batteries, fast food junk, all these end up in lakes and they come from our homes. If we can reduce the amount of garbage at home and if we can dispose all garbage safely, that itself is a great deal. Every student is welcome to volunteer with us in helping the environment.

Question 1.
What advice does Arun give us ?
Arun advises us to stop throwing trash outside our homes and reduce the amount of trash that we generate.

Question 2.
What is found in lakes?
Stows, tissues, wrappers, batteries and fast food junk are found in lakes.

Question 3.
If we can reduce the amount of garbage at home
If we can reduce the amount of garbage at home, we can dispose all garbage safely.

(11) How much time do school-going children need to devote, in say a week, lor an environmental cause Four hours a weekend-that is two hours on Sundays and two hours on Saturdays. This small beginning is more than enough to ensure larger participation later.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 3 An Interview with Arun Krishnamurthy

Question 1.
How much time should students devote for environment ?
Students should devote four hours a weekend – two hours on Saturdays and two hours on Sundays – for environment.

Question 2.
A small beginning….
A small beginning will ensure larger participation later.

(12) We offer fellowships to interested students. Our programme looks at young animal lovers, young wildlife photographers, film-makers, theatre artists and scientific researchers. We give them training in these areas and get them actively involved in all our work. Our youngest volunteer is in Class 3.

Question 1.
Whom does the EFI train?
The EFI trains young animal lovers, young wild life photographers, film-makers, theatre artists and scientific researchers.

Question 2.
How old is the youngest volunteer?
The youngest volunteer is in Class 3.

Question 3.
EFI offers to interested students.
EFI offers fellowship to interested students.

2. Frame sentences using the given set of words. You may change the forms of the words.

(1) to take up – cause
Our General Secretary has promised to take up the cause of the poor students.

(2) to venture into – quit
Mahesh quit his job and ventured into cloth business.

(3) volunteer – large scale
The company is looking for volunteers on a large scale to advertise their new product.

(4) decide – in favour of
The teacher gave his decision in favour of our team.

(5) to deal with – garbage
The municipality cannot deal with the large amount of garbage in the city.

(6) to keep in touch with – friends
Though Mihir is in the US, he still keeps in touch with his school friends.

(7) conflict – arrogant ?
An honest person will always have conflict with his arrogant boss in the office.

3. Fill in the blanks selecting the correct words from the brackets.

(1) (ensure, importance, damage, environment)
People have now realized the importance of trees to protect the environment. We must ensure that we do not damage our environment.

(2) (polluted, educate, garbage, spreads)
Polluted water spreads malaria. Therefore it is important to educate people about keeping our water bodies clean. We should not throw any garbage in lakes and rivers.

(3) (quit, opinion, option decision)
Nitin had no option but to quit his job. He took this decision after taking the opinion of his friends.

(4) (duty, devote, inspire, arrogant)
The success of young sportsmen and I sportswomen from small villages will  inspire many young people. In spite of their success, they are not arrogant. They devote a lot of their time to training and practice. It is our duty to honour them and encourage them.

(5) (dispose, attention, dump, garbage)
Mr Das drew the attention of his neighbour to the garbage that had collected outside the gate. He asked him to dispose of the garbage. But the neighbor continued to dump more garbage.

(6) (active, founded, supportive, humility)
This institution was founded by Mr Gandhi, a man who was known for his humility. People working found him to be very supportive and active in all projects.

(7) (positive, removal, hesitate, disturbing)
Corruption in education is very disturbing. The removal of a corrupt officer in the department is a positive change. We should not hesitate to report any act of corruption.

(8) (offered, volunteers, participation, experience)
The volunteers have offered to work throughout the night. In my experience, their active participation will help us achieve our goal.

(9) (activities, inform, generated, advised)
The teacher advised us to inform the principal about various activities that we , have planned for the summer camp. This camp has generated a lot of interest in parents and students.

4. Write short notes using the given questions /points.

Question 1.
Arun Krishnamurthy
(Who is Arun Krishnamurthy ? – What is the name of his NGO ? – How old was he when he founded the NGO ? – What are the activities of Arun and his team ? Which was his first activity ? What are Arun’s views on animals and birds ? – Why should we keep the water bodies clean ? – Why did he quit his job ? – How does he encourage students ?)
Arun Krishnamurthy is a young environmentalist. At the age of 17, he founded an NGO called Environmentalist Foundation of India (EFI). Arun and his team of volunteers clean beaches and other water bodies, plant trees and also make environment-friendly paper bags. Arun first cleaned a lake next to his house, which was heavily polluted, leading to the spread of mosquitoes and making the place ugly.

He got a lot of support from his parents and teachers. Arun feels that it is important to protect birds and animals. He feels that water bodies should be kept clean so that birds and animals can live peacefully. Arun left a good job at Google to devote his full attention to environment. EFI offers fellowships to students who are interested in saving the environment.

Question 2.
Arun’s NGO : EFI
(founded at the age of 17 – activities – remove trash – garbage – restore water bodies – encourage students – offers fellowship)
At a young age of 17, Arun founded an NGO called Environmentalist Foundation of India (EFI), which works for the cause of environment. Arun and his team of volunteers clean beaches and other water bodies, plant trees and also make environment-friendly paper bags.

The NGO cleans water bodies and use the garbage for landfill with no or minimal exposure to environment. The NGO encourages students to participate in this work. It also offers fellowship to interested students. It encourages the youth and trains them to make them actively involved in its activities.

Question 3.
Role of Arun’s parents and teachers in his activities (How did his parents support him ? What did he do so that he does not fail his parents ? What did his teachers teach him ?)
Arun’s parents were very supportive. They understood that his interest was environment. So they never stopped him from doing what he wanted. At the same time, Arun also made sure that he did not fail his parents in any way. He always informed them about everything that he did. He always took their advice before jumping into actions.

Arun’s teachers taught me how to go about things. They taught him humility – so that he did not become snobbish or arrogant and start thinking that he was a superstar because he was working for the environment. They also taught him to be simple and keep learning all the time.

Question 4.
How Arun’s school and college further his interest in environment (plenty of green cover-home to life forms – understand their importance – beautiful – protect them – animals are on their own – find their food – always on the move – never lazy – positive – learn from them)
Arun’s school and college had plenty of green cover. Both these places were home to several other life forms. This made Arun understand their importance. He realized how beautiful they are and why we need to protect them. Arun realized that these animals are on their own, find their own food and are always active, on the move and never lazy. He found all this very positive. According to Arun, we have a lot to learn from these animals.

5. Select the title of the Read related with each sentence.

(Note .’Important sentences of this Read are given here.)

(1) The team cleans lakes, beaches and zoos, plants trees, educates people through street plays and also makes environment- friendly paper bags.
(2) A beautiful lake next to my house, which once had a lot of birds, frogs and snakes, was heavily polluted.
(3) I got together with a couple of my friends and cleaned the pond next to my house.
(4) I have supportive parents who understood that my interest was the environment.
(5) I also made sure that I did not fail my parents in any way.
(6) I have teachers who taught me how to go about things.
(7) They taught me to be simple and keep learning all the time.
(8) I am not an activist, I am an environmentalist.
(9) They also taught me humility so that I did not become snobbish or arrogant.
(10) It is always good to decide in favour of what you really love to do.
(11) Only my duties at Google have come to an end, not my emotional bond.
(12) I could not sit back and enjoy life when environmental damage was happening on such a large scale.
(13) Water is the basis of life.
(14) Every student is welcome to volunteer with us in helping the environment.
(15) We offer fellowships to interested students.
(16) Our youngest volunteer is in Class 3.

6. Fill in the blanks selecting the correct words from the brackets.

(punctual, sometimes, inspiration, never, forgets)
Raj is always on time. He is never late. – But sometimes, he comes late because of traffic. He likes people who are disciplined and punctual. He never forgets to praise people who do good work. He is an ; inspiration for others in the office.

7. Write the correct question to get the underlined word / words as answers.

Question 1.
Sometimes I go to bed at 9 o’clock.
A. Who goes to bed at 9 o’clock?
B. Do you go to bed at 9 o’clock ?
C. How often do you go to bed at 9 o’clock ?
D. When do you go to bed?
How often do you go to bed at 9 o’clock ?

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 3 An Interview with Arun Krishnamurthy

Question 2.
The children frequently visit the garden.
A. How often do the children visit the garden ?
B. Who visits the garden frequently?
C. When do the children visit the garden ?
D. How much do the children visit the garden ?
How often do the children visit the garden ?

Question 3.
I rarely meet my friends.
A. When do you meet your friends?
B. How often do you meet your friends ?
C. How much do you meet your friends ?
D. How do you meet your friends ?
How often do you meet your friends ?

Question 4.
Sheetal has three books.
A. How many books has Sheetal ?
B. How much books has Sheetal ?
C. Does Sheetal have three books ?
D. How often does Sheetal have books ?
How many books has Sheetal ?

8. Complete the sentences using the functions given in the brackets.

(1) The Sports Day is always celebrated in our school, (describing action)
(2) The principal never scolds the students. (describing action)
(3) Hi, Megha ! What a pleasure to see you. (exchanging pleasantries)
(4) Darshan never comes late. (describing action)
(5) Mitesh often goes to his village. (describing action)
(6) Sanjana comes home early. (specifying time)
(7) We go to the temple in the main market, (specifying location)
(8) Anjali likes to watch Hindi movies. (describing action)

9. Complete the dialogue using the functions given in the brackets.

Sachin : Hi, Mansi! How are you ?
Mansi : I am fine. Thank you. (exchanging pleasantries)
Sachin : What are you doing here?
Mansi : Oh, I often come here for a walk. (describing action)

An Interview with Arun Krishnamurthy Summary in Gujarati

[અરુણ કૃષ્ણમૂર્તિએ ફક્ત 17 વર્ષની ઉંમરે Environmentalist Foundation of India – ફાઉન્ડેશન ઑવ ઇન્ડિયા)ની સ્થાપના કરી. ચેન્નઈમાં Turtle Walk (ટર્ટલ વૉક) – કાચબાનાં ઈંડાં અને તેનાં નાનાં બચ્ચાંને બચાવવાના આંદોલનથી શરૂ કરી, આજે અરુણ અને તેના સ્વયંસેવકોના જૂથે ચેન્નઈ, હૈદરાબાદ, દિલ્લી, કોઈમ્બતુર અને પુડુચેરીના દરિયાકિનારાઓ અને બીજાં જળાશયો સાફ કર્યા છે.

આ જૂથ તળાવ, દરિયાકિનારાઓ અને પ્રાણીસંગ્રહાલયો સાફ કરે છે, વૃક્ષારોપણ કરે છે, શેરી નાટકો દ્વારા લોકોમાં જાગૃતિ લાવે છે અને પર્યાવરણને અનુકૂળ હોય તેવી કાગળની થેલીઓ પણ બનાવે છે. અરુણના જૂથમાં એવા વિદ્યાર્થીઓ છે, જે સાતમાં ધોરણમાં હતા ત્યારથી તેમની સાથે જોડાયા અને પાંચ વર્ષ પછી પણ તેમની સાથે કામ કરવાનું ચાલુ રાખ્યું.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 3 An Interview with Arun Krishnamurthy

મને હંમેશાં સમર્થન આપનાર મારાં માતા-પિતા જાણતાં હતાં કે મને પર્યાવરણમાં રસ છે. મારી ઇચ્છા મુજબ કંઈ પણ કરવા માટે તેમણે મને કદી રોક્યો નથી. અને મેં પણ, મારાં માતા-પિતા કોઈ પણ રીતે નિરાશ ન થાય તેની કાળજી લીધી. હું જે કંઈ કરતો તે વિશે તેમને બધી માહિતી આપતો અને કોઈ પણ કાર્ય કરતા પહેલાં તેમની સલાહ લેતો. મારા શિક્ષકોએ કામ કઈ રીતે પાર પાડવું તે શીખવ્યું.

તેમણે મને વિનમ્રતા પણ શીખવી – જેથી હું અહંકારી અથવા દંભી ન થઈ જાઉં અને હું આ પર્યાવરણનું કામ કરી એક મહાનાયક થઈ ગયો છું તેવું વિચારવા ન લાગું. તેમણે મને વિનમ્ર રહી નિરંતર શીખતા રહેવાનું શીખવ્યું. હું આંદોલન કરનાર વ્યક્તિ નથી. હું એક પર્યાવરણવાદી છું. આ કામ કરીને હું ઘણું બધું શીખ્યો છું.
તમારી શાળા અને કૉલેજે તમારા રસને કઈ રીતે આગળ વધાર્યો?

મારી શાળામાં અને કૉલેજમાં – બંનેમાં ખૂબ જ લીલોતરી હતી, અને બંને (સ્થળો) બીજા અસંખ્ય જીવોનું ઘર હતું. આથી મને સમજાયું કે તેમનું મહત્ત્વ શું છે, તેઓ કેટલા સુંદર છે અને આપણે શા માટે તેમનું રક્ષણ કરવાની જરૂર છે. આ પ્રાણીઓ સ્વતંત્ર છે, તેમનો ખોરાક જાતે શોધી લે છે અને હંમેશાં કાર્યશીલ – હરતાફરતા હોય છે અને કોઈ દિવસ આળસ નથી કરતા. આ બધું કેટલું હકારાત્મક છે; આપણે તેમની પાસેથી ઘણું શીખવા જેવું છે.

એક સારા પગારવાળી નોકરી છોડીને આ કામમાં ઝંપલાવતા પહેલાં તમને કોઈ અવઢવનો અનુભવ થયો ખરો? આ નિર્ણય લેતાં પહેલાં તમે કયા કયા વિકલ્પો વિશે વિચાર્યું હતું? તમને જે (કામ) કરવાનું ખરેખર ખૂબ ગમતું હોય તેના પક્ષમાં નિર્ણય લેવો હંમેશાં હિતાવહ હોય છે. મેં ગૂગલની નોકરી છોડી, પણ હું આજે પણ ત્યાંના મારા મિત્રો સાથે સંપર્કમાં છું. એટલે ગૂગલમાં મારી ફરજ પૂરી થઈ છે, મારા ભાવનાત્મક સંબંધો નહીં.

” 2010ની તે ક્ષણે જ મને સમજાયું કે મારે નોકરી છોડવી જ છે, નહીં તો હું તેમ કરવાની હિંમત કદી ન કરી શકત. પર્યાવરણને આટલા મોટા પ્રમાણમાં નુકસાન થતું હોય ત્યારે હું આરામથી બેસીને જીવન માણી ન શકું. મારે કંઈક કરવું હતું અને તે “કંઈકને મારા પૂર્ણ ધ્યાનની જરૂર હતી. તેથી EFI માટે મેં ગૂગલ છોડ્યું. જળાશયોમાં લોકો કયા પ્રકારનો કચરો નાખે છે? તમે જળાશયો સાફ કરો ત્યારે આ કચરો કાઢવા માટે શું કરો છો?

બાળોતિયાથી માંડીને જૂના ચંપલ સુધી – બધું જ આપણાં તળાવોમાં મળે છે. આ ખૂબ જ ચિંતાજનક છે કારણ કે આ પાણી છે, અને પાણી તો જીવન છે. આપણે આ જળાશયોની કાળજી કેમ ન લઈએ? અમે આ કચરો જમીનમાં એવી રીતે દાટી દઈએ

કે જેથી બહારના પર્યાવરણને નહિવત્ અથવા ઓછામાં ઓછું નુકસાન થાય. અમે તળાવ અને જળાશયોનો વિસ્તાર સ્વચ્છ રાખીએ છીએ જેથી પક્ષીઓ, દેડકાં અને સાપ શાંતિથી રહી શકે. એક મોટું તળાવ સાફ કરવા માટે કેટલા દિવસ લાગે? તમે સફાઈ અને સુરક્ષા માટે કોઈ ખાસ સાધન વાપરો છો? તળાવનું કદ અને કચરાના જથ્થાના આધારે, તળાવને સંપૂર્ણ રીતે સ્વચ્છ કરવા માટે 5 દિવસથી ૩ મહિના સુધીનો સમય લાગે. અમારી પાસે દાંતી અને પાવડા જેવાં ઓજારો હોય છે.

સુરક્ષા માટે તમે કયા પ્રકારના સાજસરંજામનો ઉપયોગ કરો છો? શું તમે સફાઈ પ્રક્રિયાનું ટૂંકમાં વર્ણન કરી શકો?
અમે નાક માટે માસ્ક અને હાથ માટે મોજાંનો ઉપયોગ કરીએ છીએ. અમે દાંતી અને પાવડા વડે કચરો ભેગો કરી મોટી ડોલમાં નાખીએ છીએ, જે પછી કચરાની ટ્રકમાં ઠલવાય છે. તળાવમાંથી કાદવ અને હાનિકારક ઘાસ અને ઝાડવાં કાઢવા માટે અમે અર્થ મુવર્ક અને પૉકલૅન જેવાં મોટાં યંત્રોનો ઉપયોગ પણ કરીએ છીએ.

તમારા મત મુજબ, બાળકો અને યુવાનો પર્યાવરણ માટે શું કરી શકે? પર્યાવરણના રક્ષણ માટે એક નાની શરૂઆત કરવા માટે અમારે શું કરવું જોઈએ? પહેલાં તો આપણે સૌએ આપણાં ઘરની બહાર કચરો ફેંકવાનું બંધ કરવું જોઈએ. પછી, આપણે કચરાનું પ્રમાણ ઓછું કરવું જોઈએ, આપણા ઘરમાંથી નકામો સામાન, કાગળ, બૅરિ, વધેલું ફાસ્ટ ફૂડ – આ બધું જ તળાવમાં ફેંકવામાં આવે છે. જો આપણે ઘરમાં ભેગા થતા કચરાનું પ્રમાણ ઓછું કરી શકીએ અને જો બધા જ કચરાનો નિકાલ સુરક્ષિત રીતે કરી શકીએ, તો તે સૌથી મોટી સિદ્ધિ ગણાય.

પર્યાવરણની મદદ કરવા માટે દરેક વિદ્યાર્થીનું અમારી સાથે સ્વેચ્છાએ કામ કરવા માટે સ્વાગત છે. શાળાએ જતાં બાળકોએ, પર્યાવરજ માટે, અઠવાડિયામાં કેટલો સમય આપવો જોઈએ? વીકએન્ડમાં ચાર કલાક – એટલે કે શનિવારે બે કલાક અને રવિવારે બે કલાકમાં આ નાની શરૂઆત આગળ જતાં નિશ્ચિતરૂપે મોટા પાયે સહભાગી થવા માટે પૂરતી છે.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 3 An Interview with Arun Krishnamurthy

વિદ્યાર્થીઓ અને શાળાઓ તમારી સાથે કઈ રીતે જોડાઈ શકે? શું તમારા કાર્ય વિશે તેમને માહિતી આપવા માટે તમે કોઈ કાર્યક્રમ કરો છો ? હા, રસ હોય તેવા વિદ્યાર્થીઓને અમે ફેલોશિપ (ભાગીદારી) આપીએ છીએ. અમે યુવાન પ્રાણી-પ્રેમીઓ, વન્યજીવન ફટૉગ્રાફર, ફિલ્મ બનાવનાર, રંગમંચના કલાકારો અને વૈજ્ઞાનિક સંશોધકો એકત્રિત કરીએ છીએ. અમે આ ક્ષેત્રોમાં તેમને તાલીમ આપી અમારી બધી પ્રવૃત્તિઓમાં સક્રિય કરીએ છીએ. અમારો સૌથી નાનો સ્વયંસેવક ત્રીજા ધોરણમાં છે.

Word Meanings

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GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 3 An Interview with Arun Krishnamurthy 5

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 3 An Interview with Arun Krishnamurthy

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Idioms And Phrases

(1) to take up
Ritesh has taken up the project on Solar Energy.

(2) lead to
The dirty water of the lake has led to the spread of mosquitoes.

(3) to turn into
Planting of trees and flower plants has turned the house into a beautiful, green place.

(4) on the move
Raj does not like to live in one city, He is always on the move.

(5) to venture into
Maheshbhai resigned from his job and ventured into business.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 3 An Interview with Arun Krishnamurthy

(6) to arrive at
The police has finally arrived at the conclusion that Ramu has not stolen the ornaments.

(7) in favour of
All the students have voted in favour of Maulik.

(8) to keep in touch with
In spite of leaving Ahmadabad, Kirit keeps in touch with all his friends.

(9) to come to an end
Our preparations for the Annual Day have come to an end.

(10) on a large scale
The Sports Day will be held on a large scale this year as many schools are participating in it.

(11) to deal with
The teacher knows how to deal with the naughty students in the class.

(12) worn out
The poor boy is wearing worn out shoes.

(13) free of
No city is free of pollution today.

(14) more than enough
The students have collected money for the orphAnswer: It is more than enough for the whole year.

(15) to be involved in
All the students of the class have been involved in the preparations for the Independence Day.

I feel… (Classroom / Individual Activity)
(1) How do you feel when you see people throwing garbage around?
(2) What would you do to inspire young people to work for the cause of environment ?
(3) Which qualities of Arun would you appreciate ?
(4) As a student, what would you advise your schoolmates to keep your school surroundings clean ?
(5) Usually, do people keep a village pond clean? If ‘No’ what will you do to keep it clean ? Present your group’s idea to the class.

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