The Thief’s Story Question Answer Class 10th GSEB English Chapter 2

Gujarat Board  GSEB Class 10 English Textbook Solutions Footprints Without Feet Chapter 2 The Thief’s Story Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers, Notes Pdf.

Class 10 English The Thief’s Story GSEB Solutions

Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Chapter 2 Questions and Answers GSEB

The Thief’s Story Class 10 Question Answer

Read and Find Out (Text Book Page No. 8)

Question 1.
Who does ‘I’ refer to in this story?
In this story, T refers to the thief.

Question 2.
What is the “a fairly successful hand” at?
He was “a fairly successful hand” at stealing and robbing people.

Question 3.
What does he get from Anil in return for his work?
When Hari asked Anil if he could work for him, Anil said that he could not pay him. Finally, the agreement was that if he would cook, then Anil would feed him. However, Anil soon found out that he did not know how to cook. Therefore, he taught him how to cook and later, how to write his name. He promised he would teach him how to write whole sentences and how to add numbers. Apart from this, when Hari went out to buy the day’s supplies, he would make a profit of a rupee a day.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Chapter 2 The Thief’s Story

Read and Find Out (Text Book Page No. 10)

Question 1.
How does the thief think Anil will react to the theft?
The thief thought that on discovering the theft, Anil’s face would show a touch of sadness. The sadness- would not be for the loss of money, but for the loss of trust.

Question 2.
What does the thief say about the different reactions of people when they are robbed?
In his short career as a thief, he had made a study of men’s faces when they lost their goods. He said that the greedy men showed fear; the rich men showed anger and the poor men showed acceptance.

Question 3.
Does Anil realize that he has been robbed?
Yes, Anil had realized that he had been robbed. He knew this probably because all the notes were wet and damp from the rain. However, he did not say anything to the thief and behaved normally.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Chapter 2 The Thief’s Story

Think about it

Question 1.
What are Hari Singh’s reactions to the prospect of receiving an education? Do they change over time? (Hint: Compare, f8r example, the thought: “I knew that once I could write like an educated man there would be no limit to what I could achieve” with these later thoughts: ‘Whole sentences, I knew, could one day bring me more than a few hundred rupees. It was a simple matter to steal- and sometimes just as simple to be caught. But to be a really big man, a clever and respected man, was something else.” What makes him return to Anil?
Initially, when Anil offered to educate him, he thought of it as a bright prospect for himself. He knew that once he could write such as an educated man, there would be no limit to what he could achieve in his field. For him, the motivation behind getting educated was robbing people.

However, later, when he had stolen Anil’s money and then missed his train in which he would have escaped, he realized that he had completely forgotten about the whole sentences that Anil had promised to teach him to write. He thought about getting educated in a different light.

He thought that it was a simple matter to steal and be caught, but to be a really big, clever and respected man was something else. He was inspired by the trusting and simple nature of Anil. This motivation to earn someone’s trust and be respectable made him return to Anil.

Question 2.
Why does not Anil hand the thief over to the police-? Do you think most people would have done so? In what ways is Anil different from such employers?
Anil does not hand over the thief to the police because he realized that Hari had learnt his lesson and had changed for the better. Otherwise, he would never have come back and kept the money at the same place from where he had stolen it. Anil even knew how Hari cheated him of a rupee a day while buying the day’s supplies. But he never said anything ‘to him. This is such a case where most people would have handed him over to the police.

Anil was different from such employers because he was a modest and trusting man. He had offered to teach Hari how to cook and also to educate him. When he found out that Hari had stolen the money, but had kept it back, he knew that it was Hari’s conscience that had made him do so. Hari could have easily run away with the money, but he did not. This made Anil give him another chance and build him into a better person that he could already see him becoming.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Chapter 2 The Thief’s Story

Talk about it

Question 1.
Do you think people like Anil and Hari Singh are found only in fiction, or are there such people in real life?
No, I don’t think that people like Anil and Hari Singh are found only in fiction. There are such people in real life also. Although such people are rare in today’s society. If one is caught stealing, people will first beat him severely. Then he will be handed over to the police.

It should be realized that a human being is bound to commit error. One chance for reforming oneself must be given. This is the only way to bring anyone to the right path. Punishing severely is not the only solution. Strictness can make them absolute criminals.

Question 2.
Do you think it is a significant detail? in the story that Anil is a struggling writer? Does this explain his behaviour in any way?
Hari Singh’s observation about Cnil getting irregular income and Anil’s statement about his sale of a book to a publisher indicates that he is a struggling writer. He lives life according to the flow of money he gets at as given time. When he gets the money he enjoys eating out with his friends. When he is having less money then he even does not pay a salary? to Hari Singh.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Chapter 2 The Thief’s Story

Question 3.
Have you met anyone like Hari Singh? Can you think and imagine the circumstances that can turn a fifteen-year-old boy into a thief?
No, I haven’t met anyone like Hari Singh but the existence of such people is certain. A fifteen-year-old boy can be forced by circumstances to become a thief. It may be the need to feed the stomach, to satisfy illegal addiction, to maintain health, to fulfil luxurious demands, etc.

Question 4.
Where is the story set? (You can get clues from the names of the persons and places mentioned in it.) Which language or languages are spoken in these places? Do you think the characters in the story spoke to each other in English?
The story is set somewhere in Uttar Pradesh near Lucknow. We can say so because the story mentions, that there is a railway station for Express train to Lucknow. The presence of sweet shops and bazaars also indicate it to be a decent-sized town. No, the characters in the story do not speak to each other in English but probably in Hindi.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Chapter 2 The Thief’s Story

The Thief’s Story Summary in English

The Thief’s Story Summary:
Anil was a young writer. He was living his life very carelessly. He was writing for the magazines and earning the money to run his life. One .day Anil was watching the wrestling match. Hari best knew how to make unknown person a friend. He used an old formula to flatter the person.

Hari stayed with Anil. Anil promised him that he would teach him how to write and add numbers. He also taught him how to cook tasty food. Hari Singh went to buy daily needs and had profit of one rupee daily. Anil knew it but he did not mind it. Both were living together happily.

One month passed, Hari Singh did not. perform his business. One day he saw Anil had bought a bundle of notes. He saw hair to put “them under the mattress. As Hari saw the bundle of notes, his evil spirit awakened in his mind and he decided to rob Anil that night. After having dinner Anil slept peacefully. Hari could not sleep, he woke up. He crept to the bed and slipped his hand under the mattress.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Chapter 2 The Thief’s Story

He took the notes and ran away on the road. Hari Singh made up his mind that he would directly go to the railway station and would catch the Lucknow Express. He thought that Anil would not catch him if he ran away from the city. Hari Singh reached the railway station, Lucknow Express was about to go. Suddenly the good spirit called him. The inner voice told him not to betray the faith of Anil.

The train was moving but Hari did not dare to catch it. He remembered the innocent face of Anil. Anil would not worry about the money but he might feel bad that Hari had broken his faith. There was a conflict in the mind of Hari Singh.

He did not want to lose the trust of Anil. Because he knew that Anil was a simple man. Moreover, Anil was teaching him how to write and add numbers which could change his life. He could become a respected person in the society.

He left the railway station. He came to the maidan and sat on the bench. Just, then heavy rain started. It was the month of November. The chill wind started blowing. He felt more uncomfortable as he had cheated an innocent person. His shirt and pyjamas stuck to his body because they were wet due to the rain.

Then he went to the Clock Tower to save himself from the rain. He sat there under the tower. Suddenly he remembered his notes. He searched for it and found that all the notes were wet. He crept again and secretly put back money under the. mattress.

The next day Anil woke up, prepared tea for Hari and himself. He handed a fifty-rupee note to Hari and told him that he would be regularly paid now. Hari took the note and found that it was still wet. He understood that Anil knew about the last night’s episode.

10th Std English Questions And Answers:

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