GSEB Class 11 Economics Important Questions Chapter 7 Indian Economy

Gujarat Board GSEB Class 11 Commerce Economics Important Questions Chapter 7 Indian Economy Important Questions and Answers.

GSEB Class 11 Economics Important Questions Chapter 7 Indian Economy

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What name was India given in the ancient time? How did it get that name?
India was named ‘Bharat’ in the ancient times after the name of the son of King Dushyant and his queen Shakuntala.

Question 2.
What is the period between 1757 and 1858 known in India history?
The period of East India Company Raj or Rule.

Question 3.
Whose influence can be seen on Indian civilization?
Influence of the Aryans and the Indus Valley Civilization.

Question 4.
Where can one find the remains of Indus Valley Civilization?
At Harappa and Mohen-jo-Doro. In Gujarat the remains can be found in Lothal and Dholavira.

Question 5.
On what was economy of ancient India majorly dependent?
Mainly on agriculture and some basic industries.

Question 6.
State the economic condition of ancient India.
Ancient India was quite prosperous, with wonderful urban planning and development. The main source of earning was agriculture and few industries.

GSEB Class 11 Economics Important Questions Chapter 7 Indian Economy

Question 7.
State Rai Chaudhary’s view on Indian industries.
As per historian Rai Chaudhary, before 19th century, India was an important manufacturing centre for some items. India was famous for its cotton, jute, muslin, wool, making idols, indigo, terracotta, earthenware, etc. Some of these goods were even exported.

Question 8.
What are historian Angus Maddison’s views on India’s prosperity?
According to historian Angus Maddison, India was extremely prosperous and had a share of 25% of the world wealth during the time of Maurya dynasty.

Question 9.
When did railway service begin in India? Between which places did the first train run?
In 1853; The first rail ran in India between Boribandar (presently, CST in Mumbai) and Thane on 16th of April, 1853.

Question 10.
Give an idea about Indian rail network by 1947 A.D.
By 1947 i.e. when India became independent, India’s rail network spread to 53,000 km. and served 68 lakh people.

Question 11.
State the development in roadways by the time of independence.
By the end of 19th century, Indian roads were spread to 2,78,420 km which increased to 4,47,105 by 1943. 32% of these roads were concrete (‘pakka’) roads and 68% were ‘kachcha’ roads.

Question 12.
When did private banking start in India? How many banks did India have by 1946?
In 1770 A.D.; More than 700.

Question 13.
How much tax did the rich and poor used to pay in 1876?
As‘per a calculation made by Dadabhai Naoroji, in 1876, the rich contributed about 8% of the national income as taxes while the poor Indians poor contributed 15% of the national income as taxes.

Question 14.
How did the British exploit the Indian artisans?
The East India Company used to buy goods from Indian artisans at 15% to 40% lower prices and sold them in the world at higher prices. This way they exploited Indian artisans and made high profits.

Question 15.
How can you say that the investment pattern of the British in India was very selfish?
The British used to invest only in those sectors where they could reap their own benefits directly or indirectly. For example, they built railways and roadways to expand their trade and movement of army, built universities so that Indians could study English and then serve the British. Hence, we can say ……..

Question 16.
What were home charges?
During the British rule, the British over and above their salaries used to withdraw additional money from India on the name of expenses done for British administration, maintenance of British Army, war expenses, pensions, etc. Amount withdrawn for this purpose was called home charges

Question 17.
What was the main reason for slow economic development after independence?
India concentrated more on agriculture and less on industries and service sector. Hence, India’s economic growth was slower post-independence.

Question 18.
State India’s dependency on agriculture after independence.
As per Human Development Report, during independence about 72% of the population was dependent on agriculture. This declined to 58% in 2001-02 and to 49% in 2013-14.

Question 19.
How much did industries contribute to employment from 1951 to 2011-12?
In 1950-51, the share of industries in employment was 10.6%. This increased to 18.2% in 2001 and further to 24.3% in 2011- 12.

Question 20.
How much did the service sector contribute in NI from 1951 to 2014-15?
In 1951, the share of service sector in national income was 30.3%. This increased to 38% in 1980-81, 50.4% in 2000-‘01 and further to 52.7% in 2014-15.

Question 21.
How can one say that India faced population explosion?
After independence, population in India has grown annually by 1.5% which means there is population explosion in India.

Question 22.
What was India’s population in 1901?
23.84 crores.

Question 23.
How many people lived below poverty line in 1973 and in 2011?
54.9% in 1973 and 21.9% in 2011.

Question 24.
What is structural unemployment?
Unemployment caused by mismatch between the skills that workers in the economy have and skills demanded by the
employers is called structural unemployment

Question 25.
What is human development?
The process of enlarging people’s freedoms and opportunities and improving well-being is known as human development.

Question 26.
State the rate of unemployment in 1999 and 2004 as given by NSSO.
7.31% in 1999-2000 and 8.2% in 2004-05.

Question 27.
When did India witness a decrease in unemployment- after 2005? Also, state the rate of unemployment.
Unemployment decreased in 2009-10 to 6.6%. It also further decreased in 2011-12 and became 5.6%.

Question 28.
Which factors (indices) are measured while studying human development?
Factors such as average life expectancy, literacy, gender ratio, infant mortality, etc.

Question 29.
How can one say that India’s HDI is very low?
In 2013 India’s rank was the 136 in the list of 187 countries, which confirms that India’s HDI is very low.

Question 30.
What is LPG in economics?
LPG refers to the economic reforms done in 1991 under the policy of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization (LPG).

GSEB Class 11 Economics Important Questions Chapter 7 Indian Economy

Question 31.
What is NNPpc?
NNPpc means Net National Product at Factor Cost. It is the sum of wages, rent, interest and profits paid to factors for their contribution to the production of goods and services’produced in a year.

Question 32.
What was India’s NNPpc ‘n 2013-1:4?
₹ 87,51,834 crores.

Question 33.
State the contribution of agriculture and allied activities in national income in 1950-51 and 2014-15.
53.1% in 1950-51 and 17.6% in 2014-15.

Question 34.
State the contribution of all the important sectors in national income of 2014-15.
Agriculture: 17.6%, Industries: 16.6% and Service sector: 52.7%.

Question 35.
State India’s per capita income in 1950-51 and 2013-14.
₹ 7114 in 1950-51 and ₹ 69,959 in 2013-14.

Question 36.
What is occupational structure? In which parts is it generally divided?
The structure or say divisions of people employed in various sectors of an economy is called the occupational structure of that economy.

In India, occupational structure’ is divided into three sectors namely

  1. Agriculture or primary sector
  2. Industries and
  3. Services or service sector.

Question 37.
State few activities included in primary sector.
Primary sector basically means agriculture, It also includes allied services related to agriculture such as dairy farming and animal husbandry. This sector includes agriculture and allied activities, dairy farming and animal husbandry.

Question 38.
Which activities are included in industrial sector?
All activities that consist of production such as manufacturing, construction, mining, quarrying, etc. are included in service sector.

Question 39.
Which activities are included in service sector?
Servicesector includes all activities related to trade, banking, transport, information and broadcasting, health, education, etc.

Question 40.
State the contribution of each sector in generating employment in 1950-51.
Agriculture: 72.1%, Industries: 10.6% and Service: 17.3%.

Question 41.
How much land used to get irrigation facility in 1950-51 and in year 2012- 13?
22.6 million hectare of land in 1950-51 and 63 million hectare i.e. 45% of total agricultural land in 2012-13.

Question 42.
How many universities and colleges were there in 1950? How many did it become in 2013-14?
In 1950s there were 20 universities and 500 colleges. This increased to 719 universities and 35,000 colleges by 2013-14.

Question 43.
How much electricity did India generate in 1950-51 and 2011-12?
2300 MW in 1950-51 and 2,43,000 MW in 2011-12.

Question 44.
What is purchasing power parity?
When comparing currencies of two countries it is necessary to convert values such as national income to a common currency. This is done by purchasing power parity. So, purchasing power parity means equalizing the purchasing power of two currencies by considering the differences in their cost of living and inflation.

Question 45.
What is absolute poverty?
When a person is unable to earn even a minimum amount needed to meet basic needs such as food, clothing and shelter then that person is called absolutely poor and his poverty is called absolute poverty.

Question 46.
What is disguised unemployment?
When more than required number of workers are involved in an occupation or activity, the unemployment that arise is called disguised unemployment. In such unemployment, people seem to be employed but since there are more than necessary people engaged in the activity their overall productivity is low.

Question 47.
Define national income (Nl).
The value of all final goods and services produced in all the sectors in an economy within a year is called national income of the country.

Question 48.
What do you mean by basic utilities?
Services such as transportation, education, water and irrigation, etc. necessary for the primary development of a nation are called basic or primary services.

Question 49.
What do you mean by excise?
Excise is a type of tax imposed on people and firms of a nation when they either import or export commodities or services.

Question 50.
What is jand revenue?
Income earned by charging tax on land held by a person is called land revenue.

Question 51.
Define per capita income and explain it.
The average share of each individual in the national income is called the per capita income (PCI). PCI is just a mathematical average and does not mean that every individual earns the same.

GSEB Class 11 Economics Important Questions Chapter 7 Indian Economy

Question 52.
State the formula of PCI.
Per Capita Income (PCI) = \(\frac{\text { Total National Income }}{\text { Total Population }}\)

Question 53.
What is industrial policy?
Policy which frames rules and regulations for industrial development in order to fulfill goals and objectives of the economy is called industrial policy

Question 54.
What is economic exploitation?
The overuse of resources of an economy for selfish benefits by an individual, firm or the state of the same country or of other country is called economic exploitation.] [The formation of segments and links among these segments of a society is called social structure.

Question 55.
What is social structure?
The formation of segments and links among these segments of a society is called social structure.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
State and explain the economy of India in the pre-British and the ancient time.
The important economic aspects of India in the pre-British and the ancient time are as follows:
(A) Occupational structure:

  • Basically, ancient India was an agricultural nation and the economy was mainly rural economy.
  • Some basic industries also existed. Overall, both the agricultural as well as industrial sectors were quite prosperous.

1. Agriculture:

  • Agriculture in India was quite prosperous. India used to grow variety of crops.
  • Indian villages were self-reliant and basic necessities like grains, vegetables, fruits, clothes, shoes, etc. were produced in the villages itself.
  • Villagers” also used to practice cattle rearing and dairy farming.
  • Thus, village life was happy and economy was prosperous.

2. Industries:

  • As per historian Rai Chaudhary, before 19th century, India was an important manufacturing centre for some items. :
  • India was famous for its cotton, jute, muslin, wool, idols, indigo, terracotta, earthenware, etc. Some of these goods were even exported.

3. Services:

  • India had a system of minting metal coins even before 600 B.C.
  • India followed a very systematic and wonderful system of town planning and sewage. It also had a stable political system and unity among people.
  • Owing to all these healthy factors, India’s trade in agricultural and manufactured goods was blooming. We can find evidences of all these facts at a historical village of Lothal in Gujarat.

(B) National income\Economic prosperity:

  • According to historian Angus Maddison, India was extremely prosperous and had a share of 25% of the world wealth during the time of Maurya Dynasty.
  • At that time, most regions of the present India were under one rule. During the Mughal rule, India boasted of having almost 90% of the wealth of the entire southern Asia. Even at that time India used to earn high taxes.
  • During the rule of Aurangzeb around 1700 A.D., India’s national income was 10 crore pounds.
  • Foreigners were spellbound with Indian wealth and came to India for her riches.
  • Thus, ancient India was a golden era of India.

Question 2.
Give an idea about the national income and economic prosperity of India in the pre-British and ancient India era. OR The ancient age of India was a golden age. Give reason.
National income\Economic prosperity:

  • According to historian Angus Maddison, India was extremely prosperous and had a share of 25% of the world wealth during the time of Maurya Dynasty.
  • At that time, most regions of the present India were under one rule. During the Mughal rule, India boasted of having almost 90% of the wealth of the entire southern Asia. Even at that time India used to earn high taxes.
  • During the rule of Aurangzeb around 1700 A.D., India’s national income was 10 crore pounds.
  • Foreigners were spellbound with Indian wealth and came to India for her riches.
  • Thus, ancient India was a golden era of India.

Question 3.
How did the ancient riches of India start getting eroded?

  • Before the western countries came India was very rich and prosperous.
  • India had huge wealth, rich scriptures and a very well integrated social set-up. India was quite famous for trade in cotton, muslin, indigo, spices, and items made from metals such as copper, bronze, brass, etc.
  • Owing to its prosperity, people of several countries got attracted and came to India for trade and then to rule. Among them were Portuguese, French, Dutch and finally the English.
  • These foreign rulers fought with each other in India to establish their power over India. Finally, it was the British who surpassed all and established its rule in India.
  • The British exploited our people and emptied our resources. As a result, poverty increased and the ancient riches of India started eroding.

GSEB Class 11 Economics Important Questions Chapter 7 Indian Economy

Question 4.
What progress did India make in Roadways under the British rule?
The British created a good network of roadways in India.

  • They set-up Public Works Department (PWD). PWD used to raise several important and basic utilities needed by a city or town.
  • By the end of 19th century, Indians roads were spread to 2,78,420 km. This increased to 4,47,105 by 1943. 32% of these roads were concrete (‘pakka’) roads and 68% were ‘kachcha’ roads.

Question 5.
What was the condition of the agricultural sector during the British rule?

  • Agriculture in Indian suffered from low revenues, ‘Zamindari’ (landlordship) system and cruel acts of the British.
  • The poor farmers were exploited in several ways and they became poorer.
  • For example, when industrial revolution began in Britain, the British needed indigo for their textile industries. So, they forced Indian farmers grow more indigo. However if farmers took a loan to grow indigo and incurred loss, the British government neither helped them nor waived off their loans. This way the farmers started getting suppressed under the burden of debts.

Question 6.
Give a brief idea about the land revenue during the British rule.
Land revenue:

  • The East India Company got the right to collect land revenue from Indian kings. With this they also got the right to collect land revenue from farmers who owned lands.
  • Later, the British started collecting land revenues from the farmers via. the Zamindars. The British punished the farmers who failed to give revenues by confiscating their land, charging fines and so on. Land revenues were as high as half of the produce of farmers. All these ruined the agricultural economy of India and made it poorer.

Question 7.
Why Indian industries could not progress much during the British rule?
Industrial policy:

  • The period from 1750 to 1830 was the period of Industrial Revolution in the west.
  • Also, during this period the East India Company started establishing its rule in India. By 1858 it established its rule completely.
  • Due to unjust policies of the British Government, the Indian investors had lost their confidence.
  • Due to these reasons, the Indian industries did not develop much. Our industries produced only few light and consumer goods. We did not have heavy and basic industries that could produce machines, engineering equipment, heavy chemicals and other such key products.

Question 8.
The investment pattern of the British in India was very much skewed. Give reason.
Investment pattern:

  • The British invested only in those sectors of India which benefited Britain. For example, they created railways and roadways to move their raw materials and goods for their industry.
  • They invested in education to educate Indians so that such educated Indians could run the British administration. On the other hand, they did not allow Indians to obtain education in science and technical fields to restrict India’s growth.
  • They needed civil engineers for public works departments in India and in Britain and doctors for their treatment in India. So, they started colleges for medicine and civil engineering in India for their own benefit.
  • Thus, the investment pattern of the British was very selfish and they invested only in selected areas that could benefit them.

Question 9.
Though the British ruined Indian economy, they also gave India a platform for development. Give reason.

  • The British ruled India for about 200 years. In all these years they exploited Indian economy and emptied our resources.
  • Although India faced huge economic exploitation, it also obtained certain advantages.
  • It was the British who abolished several social evils like the sati pratha, female infanticide, etc.
  • The British started railways in India. By 1947 i.e. when India became independent, India’s rail network spread to 53,000 km. and served 68 lakh people.
  • The British also created a good network of roadways in India. By 1943 A.D. Indian roads covered 4,47,105 km.
  • They set-up Public Works Department (PWD). PWD used to raise several important and basic utilities needed by a city or town.
  • All these developments played a very positive and big role of serving as a platform for the free India.

Question 10.
State the growth in India’s agriculture sector post-independence.

  • India has always been an agrarian country. Although the share of agricultural sector in employment has gradually declined but still it is relatively higher.
  • India’s higher agriculture development and lesser development of industries and service sector have resulted in lower economic development.
  • Developed nations have lesser percentage employment in agriculture and higher in the industrial and service sectors.
  • As per Human Development Report, during independence about 72% of the population was dependent on agriculture. This declined to 58% in 2001-02 and to 49% in 2013-14.

Question 11.
How did the industrial sector perform after the independence? State the contribution of industries in generating employment and national income.
Post-independence India developed well in industrial sector. The contribution of industrial sector in employment and national income has increased over time.

Contribution in employment:
In 1950-51, the share of industries in employment was 10.6%. This increased to 18.2% in 2001 and further to 24.3% in 2011-12.

Contribution in national income:

  • In 1950-51, the share of industries in national income was 16.6%. This increased to 26% in 2013-14
    (Source: CSO i.e. Central Statistical Organization).
  • Today, 2/3rd of the export earnings are earned from the industrial sector.
  • Although the industrial sector is progressing, India cannot be called a completely industrialized nation.

Question 12.
State the contribution of service sector in employment and national income after the independence.
Service sector:
Contribution in employment:
In 1951, the share of service sector in employment was 17.3%. This increased to 25.2% in 2001 and further to 27% in 2011-12.

Contribution in national income:

  • In 1951, the share of service sector in national income was 30.3%. This increased “to 38% in 1980-81, 50.4% in 2000-‘01 and further to 52.7% in 2014-15.
  • From such a rapid increasing share of service sector we can say that India is moving fast on the path of growth and development.

Question 13.
High population growth has resulted in less development in India. Give reason.

  • After independence, population in India has grown annually by 1.5% which means there is population explosion in India.
  • The growth rate of population in India is one of the reasons for its lesser development.
  • In 1901, the population of India was 23.84 crores. It increased to 36.1 crores in 1951, 102.7 crores in 2001 and further to 121.02 crores in 2011.
  • Such high growth rate of population has always remained a matter of concern for Indian development.
    Thus, slower industrial development, more concentration on agriculture and on the top of it high growth rate of population has resulted in less development in India post-independence.

Question 14.
Give a brief idea about poverty in India after the independence.

  • One of the main characteristics of Indian economy is a very high level of absolute poverty.
  • Though percentage of population living below poverty line has declined, over years it is still quite high.
  • In 1973-74, about 54.9% of population lived below poverty line. It then declined to 45.3% in 1993-94, to 37.2% in 2004-05 and further to 21.9% in 2011-12.

GSEB Class 11 Economics Important Questions Chapter 7 Indian Economy

Question 15.
Write a short note on unemployment in Post-independent India.

  • India has been a facing a severe problem of structural unemployment.
  • Structural unemployment refers to a form of unemployment caused by a mismatch between the skills that workers in the economy have, and the skills, demanded by employers.
  • In 1951, 33 lakh people were unemployed.
  • In 1999-2000, 7.31% of the total population was unemployed. This increased to 8.2% in the 2004-05 (Source: NSSO-National Sample Survey Organization).
  • The good side is that the unemployment decreased to 6.6% in 2009-10 and further to 5.6 in 2011-12.
  • The proportion of disguised unemployment is higher in rural areas. Disguised unemployment cannot be exactly measured.

Question 16.
Which factors are studied in Human Development Index? State India’s HDI in various years.
Human development:

  • Average life expectancy, literacy, gender ratio, infant mortality rate, etc. are various indices that measure the human development. On studying these indices one can see that India- stands at lower rank in human development.
  • One such index is the Human Development Index (HDI). India’s HDI in 2000 was 0.463, in 2010 was 0.547, in 2012 was 0.554 and in 2013 was 0.586. These measures on the HDI are very low.
  • In 2013 India’s rank was the 136 in a list of 187 countries, which confirms that India’s HDI is very low.

Question 17.
Write a short note on the growth rate of India as a developing economy.
Growth rate:

  • The .growth rate of the economy, especially after the LPG i.e. the policy of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization in 1991, has increased.
  • During the period between 1950-51 and 1990-91, the average annual growth rate was around 3.5%. But, after the economic reforms of 1991
    through the LPG, the average annual growth rate has remained above 6.8% which is an important achievement.
  • After 2012-13, the growth rate had slowed down. In 2014-15, the average annual growth rate was less than 5%.
  • In 1950-51 the Net National Product at factor cost i.e. (NNPFC) at constant /rice level was ₹ 2,69,724 crores. It increased to ₹ 87,51,834 crores in the year 2013-14. Thus, in a period of 63 years, the NNP has grown by 18 times.

Question 18.
Give an idea of the growth in PCI between the years 1950 and 2014.
Per capita income:

  • In 1950-51, the per capita income of India (PCI) at constant prices was ₹ 7,114. It increased to ₹ 69,959 in 2013-14.
  • Thus, in a period of 63 years PCI increased by approximately 5.6 times.
  • Between 1950-51 and 1990-91 PCI increased by about 1.6 percent while after 1991 it increased by 5.5%.

Question 19.
State the various sectors in which we can divide employment of India. Also, give examples of occupations of each sector.
In India, employment is studied in three sectors. They are:
(a) Primary sector:
This sector includes agriculture and allied activities, dairy farming and animal husbandry.

(b) Industrial sector:
All activities that consist of production such as manufacturing, construction, mining, quarrying, etc. are included in service sector.

(c) Service sector:
Service sector includes all activities related to trade, banking, transport, information and broadcasting, health, education, etc.

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
India used to mint coins
(A) Since 750 B.C.
(B) After 400 B.C.
(C) From before 1100 B.C.
(D) From before 600 B.C.
(D) From before 600 B.C.

Question 2.
During the Mughal rule, India held about _______ % wealth of South Asia.
(A) 25
(B) 90
(C) 45
(D) 60
(B) 90

Question 3.
What was India’s national income during 1700 A.D.?
(A) 10 crore pounds
(B) 50 crore pounds
(C) 20 crore pounds
(D) 80 crore pounds
(A) 10 crore pounds

Question 4.
During the British raj, land revenue was about _______ % of the total production done by farmers.
(A) 10%
(B) 50%
(C) 25%
(D) 70%
(B) 50%

GSEB Class 11 Economics Important Questions Chapter 7 Indian Economy

Question 5.
During the British rule, cotton cloth exported from India were charged _______ % excise and that from Manchester to India were charged _______ %.
(A) 10%, 20%
(B) 17%, 12.5%
(C) 2.5%, 15%
(D) 15%. 2.5%
(D) 15%. 2.5%

Question 6.
Which of the following was not a component of ‘Home charges’ paid to the ‘ British?
(A) Civil and Military charges
(B) Interest payments for debts incurred in maintaining Indian colony
(C) Interest on railways
(D) None of these
(D) None of these

Question 7.
Which country had the highest PCI as per HDR of 2013?
(B) Germany
(C) England
(D) Norway
(D) Norway

Question 8.
Industries contributed _______ in national income in 1950 and _______ in 2013.
(A) 16.6%, 26%
(B) 23.84%, 36.1%
(C) 26.6%, 36%
(D) 25.2%, 38%
(A) 16.6%, 26%

Question 9.
Today, _______ sector contributes 2/3rd to the total export earnings.
(A) Industrial
(B) Primary
(C) Service
(D) Agriculture
(A) Industrial

Question 10.
Service sector contributed _______ in employment in 1951.
(A) 25.2%
(B) 14.7%
(C) 17.3%
(D) 19.6%
(C) 17.3%

Question 11.
What was India’s population in 1951?
(A) 36.1 crores
(B) 41.6 crores
(C) 23.84 crores
(D) 29.37 crores
(A) 36.1 crores

Question 12.
India faces a very high level of _______
(A) Absolute poverty
(B) Partial poverty
(C) Relative poverty
(D) Both (A) and (C)
(A) Absolute poverty

Question 13.
How many people were unemployed in 1951?
(A) 41 lakh
(B) 59 lakh
(C) 27 lakh
(D) 33 lakh
(D) 33 lakh

Question 14.
In India unemployment is quite wide spread in rural regions.
(A) Structural
(B) Cyclical
(C) Disguised
(D) Seasonal
(C) Disguised

Question 15.
India’s HDI in 2012 was _______
(A) 0.586
(B) 0.554
(C) 0.547
(D) 0.463
(B) 0.554

Question 16.
In which year India’s average growth was below 5%?
(A) 1950-51
(B) 2011-12
(C) 2014-15
(D) Both (A) and (C)
(D) Both (A) and (C)

Question 17.
What was India’s NNPFC at constant price level in 1950-51?
(A) ₹ 2,69,724 crores
(B) ₹ 3,72,523 crores
(C) ₹ 87,51,834 crores
(D) ₹ 42,21,713 crores
(A) ₹ 2,69,724 crores

Question 18.
India’s NNP grew by _______ times in 63 years.
(A) 7
(B) 11
(C) 14
(D) 18
(D) 18

GSEB Class 11 Economics Important Questions Chapter 7 Indian Economy

Question 19.
In 1950-51, contribution of industries, service and agriculture was _______ , _______ and _______ respectively.
(A) 50.4%, 27.3%, 22.3%
(B) 27.7%, 42.7%, 29.6%
(C) 16.6%, 27.7%, 29.7%
(D) 16.6%, 30.3%, 53.1%
(D) 16.6%, 30.3%, 53.1%

Question 20.
After 1991, the PCI increased by _______ %.
(A) 1.6
(B) 2.7
(C) 4.8
(D) 5.5
(D) 5.5

Question 21.
Between 1950-51 and 2011 -12, the employment in India shifted from _______
(A) Agriculture to Service
(B) Agriculture to Industry and Service
(C) Agriculture and Industry to Service
(D) Industry to Agriculture and Service
(B) Agriculture to Industry and Service

Question 22.
What was India’s literacy rate in 1951?
(A) 10.79%
(B) 18.33%
(C) 12.36%
(D) 21.28%
(B) 18.33%

Question 23.
The approximate length of Indian roads today is _______ km.
(A) 36.7 lakh
(B) 98 thousand
(C) 48.6 lakh
(D) 27 lakh
(C) 48.6 lakh

Question 24.
India’s rail network is spread to _______ km.
(A) 65,000
(B) 26 lakh
(C) 2.5 lakh
D) 48.6 lakh
(A) 65,000

Question 25.
World’s Bank’s ICP stands for _______
(A) International Commerce Portal
(B) International Co-operation Programme
(C) International Currency Parameters
(D) International Comparison Programme
(D) International Comparison Programme

Question 26.
As per ICP of 2011, India was identified as the _______ country in the world.
(A) Thirty first largest
(B) Seventeenth largest
(C) Tenth largest
(D) Third largest
(D) Third largest

Question 27.
Which country stood after _______ USA and China as per ICP, 2011?
(A) England
(B) India
(C) Russia
(D) Norway
(B) India

Question 28.
As per ICP, 2005, India was at _______ position.
(A) 3rd
(B) 7th
(C) 10th
(D) 21st
(C) 10th

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