GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 2 The Human Robot

Gujarat Board GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Second Language Chapter 2 The Human Robot Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

GSEB Class 10 English Textbook Solutions Chapter 2 The Human Robot (Second Language)

GSEB Class 10 English The Human Robot Text Book Questions and Answers

1. All of you must have used remote controls to operate TV or music player. Do you know how they work ? Discuss with your partner, (in your mother tongue) (Classroom Activity)

2. Read the names and functions of some robots.

Name of the Robot What do they do?/Function
Moley Quality of life is majorly decided by the food we eat. In the modern world, people want to eat good food but they don’t have time to cook it themselves. Therefore, Dr Mark Oleynic invented a robot that can cook healthy and tasty food to make lives happy. The robot can be operated by a smartphone and can cook food to be served at your convenient time.
Neuroarm Neuroarm is designed to perform neurosurgeries (related to nervous system). Launched in 2007, the Neuroarm is guided by a neurosurgeon with the help of digital images. It can perform critical operations with high accuracy.
Seaswarm Seaswarm works as a fleet and collects and removes oil from the sea surface. The small size robot is designed in such a way that it can operate without human support with the help of GPS and Wi-Fi in the sea. It can protect precious aquatic life from the dangers of oil spill.
Depthx The Deep Phreatic Thermal Explorer is an underwater research robot. It can measure underwater space. It was designed to study underwater life and to collect samples. The DepthX project was funded by NASA with the goal of developing technology that can explore the oceans of Jupiter’s moon.
Milo Milo, the spiky hair robot that looks like a kid helps differently- abled children in learning. It has a face like humans and it can make expressions too. It helps many children and families and brings happiness in their lives. The meaning of the name Milo is: merciful.

Discuss why the robots are given such names. (Classroom Activity)

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 2 The Human Robot

3. Think of at least two robots you would like to invent to make lives of people easy. Give each an appropriate name and mention its possible functions.

No Name of the robot what would it do?
1. DocRob This robot would work like a doctor. It would be able to examine a patient, diagnose and also prescribe medicines. In short, you need not go to a doctor.
2. FarmHelp This robot would be of great help to our farmers. It would plough the field, sow seeds and also reap the harvest and collect it in bags. In short, it would do all the work a farmer has to do.


1. Circle the word which is an outsider in each set.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 2 The Human Robot 1

2. Replace the underlined words and make meaningful sentences with the help of words given in the box.

speciality, generous , salesmen , efficiently, bewilder

(1) Nisarg visited a shopping mall. He saw many persons who sell things in various sections of the mall.
Nisarg visited a shopping mall. He saw many salesmen in various sections of the mall.

(2) Khaleda is a brilliant student. She has a special quality in drawing.
Khaleda is a brilliant student. She has a speciality in drawing.

(3) If you want to perform the best, you will have to do your work effectively.
If you want to perform the best, you will have to do your work efficiently.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 2 The Human Robot

(4) We are confused very much.
We are bewildered.

(5) Mother Teresa was a kind woman.
Mother Teresa was a generous woman.

3. Match each word given in column A with its opposite given in column B.

(i) beautiful (a) inefficient
(ii) cheap (b) stressful
(iii) interesting (c) expensive
(iv) relaxing (d) right
(v) wrong (e) ugly
(vi) efficient (f) dear
(g) boring
(h) dangerous

(i) beautiful x ugly
(ii) cheap x expensive
(iii) interesting x boring
(iv) relaxing x stressful
(v) wrong x right
(vi) efficient x inefficient

4. Number these sentences to show the order in which the events occurred.

[5] He pleaded guilty.
[4] He was charged with drinking and driving.
[6] He was fined and banned from driving for two years.
[2] He was stopped by the traffic police.
[1] He went on a long drive with his friend on his eighteenth birthday.
[3] They arrested him.

5. Complete the table with the words for act, actor and action. One is done for you.

Act Actor Action
forgery forger forge
murder murderer murder
burglary burglar burgle
blackmailing blackmailer blackmail
kidnapping kidnapper kidnap
smuggling smuggler smuggle

Now use any two words from each column
in your own sentences.
(1) Ramu was charged with forgery.
(2) That man was arrested for blackmailing his boss.
(3) Is this man really a murderer ?
(4) The police has caught the burglar.
(5) Hamid has threatened to kidnap his neighbour’s son.
(6) That woman has smuggled diamonds.

6. Write True or False. Correct, if false.

(1) If you are innocent, you do not plead guilty. – True

(2) If you park your car in a ‘parking area’, you have to pay fine. – False
If you park your car in a ‘No parking area’, you have to pay fine.

(3) ‘To arrest’ means that the police will come
and take somebody away because they think that he/she is guilty. -True

(4) People who sell drugs are called stockists. – False
People who sell drugs are called druggists.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 2 The Human Robot

(5) A convict is a person who pleads for the accused. – False
A convict is a person who pleads guilty of a crime.

(6) If you kill, rob or threaten someone, it is called a crime.

7. Unscramble the letters in part A and match the word with the description.

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8. Frame sentences using all the words. You may change the forms of the words if needed.

Example : manufacture – robot – efficient
We manufacture efficient robots for household work.

(1) design – work
The vacuum cleaners have been designed to make our work faster and cleaner.

(2) pause – breath – continue
The excited child was narrating a story, He then paused for a breath and then continued.

(3) assign – nod – deed
The boss has given a nod for the deed and assigned his secretary the remaining work.

(4) accuracy – excellent
Girish prepares accounts with an excellent accuracy.

(5) woman – generous
Parvati gave her ornaments to her brother. What a generous woman she is

9. Put the proper words at the proper places to make meaningful sentences.

(1) My friend met the landowner and the sale deed, (designed / assigned)
My friend met the landowner and assigned the sale deed.

(2) The secretary explained her boss the agenda of the meeting, (briefly / brief)
The secretary briefly explained her boss the agenda of the meeting.

(3) A red light on the Mayor’s car was. (flashing / shining)
A red light on the Mayor’s car was flashing.

(4) Peter was on bail and went to Rajasthan. (released / free)
Peter was released on bail and went to Rajasthan.


1. Make a list of activities work done by the robot on Prem Chopra’s command. One is done for you.
Example: Collected groceries into the trolley

(1) Selected the best mangoes
(2) Paid at the cash counter
(3) Stole a necklace from Gopal Jewellers
(4) Stole expensive antiques, ornaments and precious stones
(4) Stole a bunch of expensive Afghani grapes
(5) Stole precious gems from Jhaveri Brothers

2. Tick mark the most appropriates option.

Question 1.
What kind of robots are not made by the s Super Robots Plaza ?
A. helping in homes
B. helping in business
C. helping in robbery
D. helping in personal activities
C. helping in robbery

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 2 The Human Robot

Question 2.
What will Ram Singh do, according to robotics ?
A. hurt people
B. injure himself
C. steal anything
D. follow the command
D. follow the command

Question 3.
Prem Chopra was arrested because …
A. he had stolen things.
B. his robot had stolen things.
C. he had threatened the robot.
D. he was the owner of the robot.
D. he was the owner of the robot.

Question 4.
Which of the following is not true ?
A. Ram Singh does not harm people.
B. Prem Chopra does not harm people.
C. Ram Singh follows his master’s command,
D. Prem Chopra threatens Ram Singh.
B. Prem Chopra does not harm people.

3. Write That’s great, Well done, Very bad /How bad, Oh! It’s a shame, That’s wonderful, How surprising, Really amazing as responses to the sentences. One is done for you.

(1) The silver robot said, “Welcome to Super Robot Plaza, sir.”- Really amazing.
(2) That metallic blue robot is perfectly programmed to carry out all kinds of house hold functions.- That’s wonderful.
(3) It operates within the radius of a kilometre. –That’s great.
(4) Ram Singh – 070 carried out his work with tremendous speed and accuracy. – Really amazing.
(5) The robot paid the bill at the cash counter. – Well done.
(6) Ram Singh-070 picked up a necklace and hid it in the storage unit. – Oh! It’s a shame.
(7) The computerized cameras capable of split second recording clicked Ram Singh in the act of stealing. – Well done.
(8) Prem Chopra refused all the allegations put on him. – Very bad.
(9) Robots will never cause harm to human beings. – That’s great.
(10) Prem Chopra pleaded guilty. – Well done.

4. Read the text carefully and find out the sentences having similar meanings to these sentences.

Question 1.
There were a number of metallic, silver, electric blue and green robots in the right corner.
The right corner appeared to be crowded with robots in metallic silver, electric blue and green.

Question 2.
Prem Chopra ordered the robot to buy two kg. of ripe, juicy mangoes from a huge pile.
“Two kilograms of mangoes-ripe and juicy,” commanded Prem Chopra from a distance, seeing a huge pile of mangoes.

Question 3.
With the help of a remote control, Prem Chopra asked the robot to steal and hide a necklace.
Quickly Prem Chopra disappeared around the corner and spoke into the remote control – softly and clearly. “Pick up a necklace and hide.”

Question 4.
The master warned the robot to defuse his system if he disclosed any facts.
“No noise. Information not to be revealed. Top secret. Otherwise I will defuse your system,” he threatened.

Question 5.
Counsel Goel pleaded the court to summon Ram Singh-070 to the court.
I request Ram Singh robot to be called in the court.

Question 6.
The court was full of people who were very eager to see a robot in the witness box.
The next day, the court was overcrowded with people keen to watch a robot in the witness box.

Question 7.
Prem Chopra was confident that his servant would never break his faith in him.
Never would this machine man betray his / master.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 2 The Human Robot

Question 8.
The robot always obeys the masters.
“Robots do not disobey masters.”

5. Rewrite the passage replacing the underlined words with those given in the brackets.

(in no time, paused, collected, commanded, heavy packets, called back, selected, groceries, thoroughly efficient, amusing servants, common sight, obedient worker)
In the market, robots carrying very big boxes, buying tickets, taking food items to the cars were a general scene, but still strange and wonderful helpers. Ram Singh-070 was very capable. With tremendous speed and accuracy, he gathered groceries into the shopping trolley and waited for the next command. “Two kg. of mangoes-ripe and juicy,” pleaded Prem Chopra from a distance, seeing a huge pile of mangoes. Very quickly Ram Singh-070 had sorted out the best ones.
In the market, robots carrying heavy packets, buying tickets, taking groceries to the cars were a common sight, but still strange and amusing servants. Ram Singh-070 was thoroughly efficient. With tremendous speed and accuracy, he collected groceries into the shopping trolley and paused for the next command. “Two kg. of mangoes – ripe and juicy,” commanded Prem Chopra from a distance, seeing a huge pile of mangoes. In no time Ram Singh-070 had selected the best ones.

6. Answer these questions.

Question 1.
What kind of robots are made by Super Plaza ?
Super Plaza makes robots for industry, construction companies, plumbing and cleaning, caretakers and for home.

Question 2.
Who greeted Prem Chopra at the hall ?
A robot greeted Prem Chopra at the hall.

Question 3.
What did the salesman check before giving the robot to the customer ?
The salesman checked the gait, grip, movement and some programmed functions of the robot.

Question 4.
Which principles governed Ram Singh’s behaviour ?
Ram Singh’s behaviour was governed by three principles: the robot will obey his master, the robot will not harm humans and the robot will not take harm to self.

Question 5.
What instructions were given to the robot for picking up a necklace ?
The instructions given to the robot for picking up a necklace were: Pick up a necklace and hide. No noise. Information not to be revealed. Top secret. Otherwise I will defuse your system.

Question 6.
What did Prem Chopra think after buying the robot ?
After buying the robot, Prem Chopra thought that if his robot could shop for groceries, then why not for better things like jewels.

Question 7.
Why was Prem Chopra given bail ?
Prem Chopra was given bail till the court hearing because none of the stolen articles were recovered from him.

Question 8.
Why was Prem Chopra confident when Ram Singh was called to the court ?
Prem Chopra was confident when Ram Singh was called to the court because he would always obey his master.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 2 The Human Robot

Question 9.
What did Ram Singh do with himself at last ?
At last Ram Singh broke apart rather than tell a lie, hurt humans or become unfaithful.

7. Write short notes.

Question 1.
Ram Singh-070-The Human Rofooi
Ram Singh was a metallic blue robot. He was perfectly programmed to function in the household, cleaning, arranging, collecting groceries from the super market, tending the lawn, mailing letters, relating TV programmes, selecting news from the paper. He had an in-built system of three principles: the robot will obey his master, the robot will not harm humans; and the robot will not take harm to self.

Ram Singh-070 was thoroughly efficient, with tremendous speed and accuracy. He stole expensive antiques, ornaments and precious stones for Prem Chopra, his master. At last he was caught stealing precious gems. When he was produced in the court, Ram Singh chose to break apart rather than tell a lie, hurt human beings or become unfaithful.

Question 2.
Conflict of Ram Singh-070 with Itself
Ram Singh had an in-built system of three principles: the robot will obey his master, the robot will not harm humans; and the robot will not take harm to self. When he was produced in the court, his master, Prem Chopra was confident that the robot would never disobey him. He had threatened Ram Singh that he would defuse him if he revealed any information about stolen goods. Thus Ram Singh was in conflict.

If he revealed the information, he would disobey his master. And if he did not, he would harm many other people. This conflict brought Ram Singh’s end. He chose to break apart rather than tell a lie, hurt human beings or become unfaithful.

8. Reflect your views. (You may use your mother tongue.) (Classroom / Individual Activity)

(1) What would you have done if you were Ram Singh ?
(2) If you were Prem Chopra, would you have done the work Prem Chopra did ? What would you have done ?
(3) Suppose you are creating a robot. What kind of a robot will you create ?
(4) What would you do if…
A. you find a purse on the road ?
I would open the purse and look for any visiting card or any other information (like phone number,address etc.) about the owner. If get it, I would call him/her up and return the purse to him/her. If there is no such information in the purse, I would deposit it in the nearest police station.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 2 The Human Robot

B. someone has stolen your shoes ?
I would try to find my shoes. If I cannot find them, I would buy a new pair and go home.

Language Practice

Function: Exchanging Niceties

1. Read the conversations carefully. Select the appropriate intension of the speaker from the list given at the end of all conversation examples. Write down their numbers in the box against each conversation. One is done for you.


A. Hirva: Hello, I’m Hirva Shashtri.
Kishor : Hi! My name is Nandkishor Mistry. But you can call me Kishor.
Hirva: Nice to meet you, Kishor. [12]
Kishor: Nice to meet you, too. Sorry, can you tell your last name again?[3]
Hirva : Shashtri… Hirva Shashtri.

B. A: Excuse me! Can you show me the way to the Post Office ? [13]
B: Ya…sure. Take the first right and then second left.
A: Thank you so much.
B : You’re welcome. [9]

C. Rehan: How is your preparation for the exam today ?
Harsh: Maths exam is always tough for me.
Rehan : Best of luck! [2]
Harsh : Same to you. [2]

D. Nisha: Hey Parag, do you know that Sana’s grandmother passed away ?
Parag : Oh … when ? Sana has her internal exam today.
Nisha : Last night.
Parag : Oh, I’m so sorry for her. [6]
Nisha : I’m afraid she would miss her exam too. [7]

E. (Announcement at the railway station)
May I have your attention, please ? The train number 19334 Valsad – Ahmedabad [11]
Gujarat Queen Express which is scheduled to arrive at 4:55 is running late by 35 minutes. The inconvenience caused is deeply regretted. [4]

F. Soha : Hi, Tapan. How are you ?
Tapan : I am fine. How about you ?
Soha: I am fine, too. Thank you. By the way, [13] meet my cousin, Shivani.
Tapan: Hello Shivani, nice to meet you. Shivani: Nice to meet you too.
Tapan:Where are you from, Shivani? Shivani: I’m from Raipur.
Tapan : Sorry / Pardon ? [3]
Shivani: Raipur, Chhattisgarh.
Tapan: Oh, great. Shivani, do drop in at my home. We will have a cup of coffee together.
Shivani: That’s so nice of you. Thank you.
Tapan: Have a nice stay in Bhavnagar. Bye!

G. [on a dinner table]
Vikas: What would you have, Gopa? Plain chapatti or chapatti with ghee ?
Gopa : Either, please! [10]
Vikas: Juhika, have you got enough gravy in Sabzi ?
Juhika :Yes, that’s fine, thanks. [10]
Vikas : Gopa, would you have another chapatti ?
Gopa : That would be great! [1]
Vikas : And Gopa, would you like some more sabzi ?
Gopa: No thanks. I have enough [14]
Vikas :What about you, Juhika ? Should I give you some more sabzi ?
Juhika: No, I am good. Thanks. [14]

Intentions of the speaker:
1. Accepts the offer happily.
2. Conveying good wishes.
3. Didn’t listen to what s/he said. Want to get something repeated.
4. Don’t like that it happened. Or sorry that someone will face trouble because of you.
5. Feels s/he is interrupting / disturbing someone,
6. Feels someone’s pain.
7. Feels that it’s not good news for the listener.
8. Greets wishes someone.
9. Happy to help.
10. S/He is okay with anything.
11. Wants all to listen carefully. Something important is to be said.
12. Wants to greet someone on meeting for the first time.
13. Wants to open a new topic or add information.
14. Wants to say ‘No’ politely.

2. Replace the intentions of the speaker
(mentioned in the brackets) with appropriate
expressions to complete the conversations.

(1) A : (Interrupting someone) Excuse me, where can I meet the principal of the school ?
B: She must be in her office on the first floor.
A: (Wants to express gratitude for giving information) Thank you.

(2) A : Hey friends, let’s go for dinner somewhere tonight.
B: (Likes the idea. Excited to go). That would be great!
A: (Wants to open a new topic) By the way, what happened in Pro Kabaddi today ?
B: No idea. I couldn’t watch the match.

(3) A : Do you have any choice in hot drinks ?
B: I don’t know what they serve.
A: Most probably only two popular choices would be available.
B: In that case (can have anything) either will do.

(4) A : Hi, how’s life ? Long time no see ?
B: Actually, I am busy preparing for the final exams.
A: (Wants to open a new topic / subject) By the way, meet my guest, Manav.
B: (Greets the guest on first meeting) Hi,
Manav. Nice to meet you.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 2 The Human Robot

(5) A : These laddus are delicious.
B : Have one more then.
A: (Wants to say ‘no’ politely). Oh, no. I have enough.

3. Read the situations and match them with appropriate expressions given in A. You may have to use an expression more than once.

1. Nice to meet you
2. Excuse me
3. I’m so sorry.
4. I’m afraid
5. Deeply regretted
6. By the way
7. Sorry/Pardon
8. Have a nice stay
9. Either, please
10. That’s fine
11. That would be great!
12. I have got enough
13. No, I am good.
Situations —- No. of the expression from A
a. Your friend introduces you to her cousin. You shake hands with him / her. a – 1.
b. You are in a town for the first time and want to ask a stranger how to reach the destination.
b- 2.
c. Your friend’s grandfather has died and you are meeting him the first time after that. c – 3.
d. You have lost a friend’s book. You looked for it but couldn’t find it.He asks if you have found the book. You want to say no. d – 4.
e. Your friend wanted some help but you couldn’t. e – 5.
f. You want to change or introduce a topic. f – 6.
g. Someone is telling something to you. You couldn’t understand it properly and want it to be repeated. g – 7.
h. You want to wish someone to enjoy the new place. h – 8.
i. You do not have a particular choice. i -9.
j. You don’t want anything more. You have enough. j – 10.
k. Someone has offered you something and you actually want it. k – 11.
l. You don’t need it. You already have it. l – 12.
m. I have it. I don’t want more. m -13.
n. You step on someone’s foot unknowingly. n – 3.
o. You are at a dining table. You have finished the dinner. You want to stand up and leave. o – 2.

4. Complete the conversations choosing the right expression from the brackets.

(1) A: Hi, I am Firoz.
B: Nice to meet you, Firoz. (Excuse me/Nice to meet you)

(2) A : Hi, How are you ?
B : I am good. You tell me.
A : I am good too. By the way, what are you doing in the evening? (Excuse me/By the way)
B : Nothing special.

(3) A : Have some more Halwa.
B: I have got enough. (I have got enough /No, I am good)

(4) I’m afraid, I am in a hurry to reach home. You please carry on with the dinner.
I will take your leave. (Excuse me /I’m afraid)

(5) A: Hello, I am going out to get something to drink. What would you like to have – something hot or cold?
B: Either, please. That’s so nice of you. (Thank you so much/Either, please)

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 2 The Human Robot

(6) Mohit: Aditya, I am going out to get some snacks. Do you want anything ?
Aditya : I’m afraid I am not hungry. (Thank you /I’m afraid)
Mohit: In that case, can I get you something to drink ?
Aditya: That would be great! (That would be great/I’ve got enough)

(7) A :Your First name ?
B : Meera.
A: Age ?
B : 21
A : Sorry ? (Pardon/Sorry)
B : 21

(8) I regret I was not able to help. I should have taken your call more seriously.
(I’m afraid/I regret)

5. Think of a situation where you can use all the expressions given in A, B, C and D. Write down a dialogue and enact it in the class.

Nice to meet you. I’m afraid Thank you. That would be great!
Excuse me. I’m so sorry for that. Have a nice time. I have got enough.
By the way. Thanks for your concern. How do you do ? No, I am good.

(Nirav and Abha are classmates. They meet at a function in their school. Nirav’s cousin Jay has come to see the school.)
Nirav : Hi, Abha! How are you ?
Abha: Hi, Nirav! I am fine. Thank you. How are you ?
Nirav : Oh, not fine, really.
Abha :Why ? What happened ?
Nirav: I could not qualify for the tennis tournament because of a sprain in my leg.
Abha: Oh, no! I am so sorry for that. Did you see a doctor ? What does he say ?
Nirav :Yes, I did. He says I will have to miss the tournament this year.
Abha : I’m afraid he is right. Sportsmen like you must take care of your fitness. Everything will be fine soon.
Nirav: I hope so. Thanks for your concern. By the way, meet my cousin Jay.
Abha: Hi, Jay! I am Abha. How do you do ?
Jay: Hi, Abha! I am fine. Nice to meet you.
Abha: Nice to meet you, too, Jay.
Nirav : (Interrupting) Excuse me, Abha and Jay. I will just meet my coach and come back.
Abha: Sure. Don’t worry about Jay. I will give s him good company.
Nirav :Yes, I know. Thanks.
(Nirav leaves to meet his coach. Abha and Jay are talking to each other.)
Abha: Jay, would you like to have some refreshments ?

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 2 The Human Robot

Jay : Sure. That would be great!
Abha : Ok, then. Let’s go.
(Abha and Jay are talking while having refreshments.)
Abha: Jay, would you like to have some more cake ?
Jay: No, I am good. Would you like me to bring some ice-cream for you ?
Abha: Oh, no. I have got enough. Thank you.
(Just then Nirav joins them for refreshments. The three friends enjoy chatting with one another.)
Abha: Nirav, I must go home. I am getting late.
Nirav: Ok. Carry on. I will show our school to Jay. We will also wait for the prize distribution.
Abha :Yes. Bye, Jay. Bye, Nirav. Have a nice time! Nirav and Jay : Bye, Abha.


Question 1.
Write a paragraph on ‘My Dream ? Robot’ ‘My Dear Robbu’.You may use these points.
(name – appearance – skills – use – as a friend – facility – my comfort – special qualities – my ? pride)
My Dream Robot
I have always been interested in technology. Technology has made our lives so simple and so easy! I often think of a robot that would help me with all my work. My dream robot! I would name him Mitra – a friend. Mitra would be of metallic blue colour.

He would have arms that could stretch for a long distance – at least two feet. Mitra would be programmed to do all the household work – dusting, sweeping, cooking, washing clothes, ironing, repairing electrical and electronic appliances, etc. In short, Mitra would be my best friend. I would not have to depend on any outsider for any work, Mitra would also do my homework and check it as well.

He would help with all my subjects. He would be able to solve all my difficulties, too. My dream robot Mitra would also play my favourite games with me. He would take care of all my needs and comfort. But one special quality Mitra would have is – emotions and feelings. He would not just be a machine, but a machine with a ‘heart’! Mitra would be my pride.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 2 The Human Robot

Question 2.
Observe any one of these machines while it is working. Then write a paragraph in about 75 words on how it works.
Names of the machines : washing machine, grinder machine, roti-maker, etc.(Project Work)

Question 3
Read the information and write a short paragraph on: Aryabhatta, India’s First Experimental Satellite.
Launch date : April 19, 1975
Weight : 360 kg
Built by : Indian Space Research Organization [ISRO]

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Launched by : Soviet Inter-Cosmos Rocket

  • Named after the 5th century astronomer and mathematician, Aryabhatt
  • Was named by the first woman Prime Minister of India, Smt. Indira Gandhi
  • Reentered the earth’s atmosphere after 17 years
  • Image on Indian 2 rupee currency notes printed between 1976 and 1977
  •  Cost more than 3 crore

Objectives :

  • To design and make a space worthy satellite system
  • To establish infrastructure for the fabrication of space-craft system
  • To set up ground-based receiving, transmitting and tracking systems
  • To conduct investigations in the area of space sciences
  • To broadcast weather report
  • To set up stations required to communicate

Aryabhatta was India’s First
Experimental Satellite. It was built by Indian Space Research Organization [ISRO], It weighed 360 kg and it cost more than 3 crore. It was launched by Soviet Inter-Cosmos Rocket on April 19, 1975.
Aryabhatta was named after the 5th century astronomer and mathematician, Aryabhatta. This name was given by the then Prime Minister of India, Smt. Indira Gandhi. The satellite reentered the earth’s atmosphere after 17 years. The image of this satellite was printed on the 2 rupee currency notes printed between 1976 and 1977.
The main objectives in launching this satellite were to design and make a space worthy satellite system and to establish infrastructure for the fabrication of spacecraft system. The satellite was used to set up ground-based receiving, transmitting and tracking systems. It conducted many investigations in the area of space sciences. It was also used to broadcast weather report, which was very useful for farmers. Aryabhatta was used to set up stations required to communicate.

Exam-Oriented Study Material

1. Read the extracts and answer the questions.

(1) “May I help you, sir ?” grinned the short, narrow-eyed salesman inside the Super j; Robots Plaza. “Well … er,” Prem Chopra responded, “I wish to purchase a robot…” “For help, sir,” completed the salesman. “That is our speciality. We manufacture efficient robots for industry, construction companies, plumbing and cleaning, caretakers – they are designed for only specialized work. Our best ones are for consumers like you – for the home,” he spoke like a recorded programme. “Er … yes, that’s what I want.” Prem ? Chopra spoke in a business-like fashion.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 2 The Human Robot

Question 1.
What kind of robots are made by Super Robots Plaza ?
Super Robots Plaza makes robots for industry, construction companies, plumbing and cleaning, caretakers and for home.

Question 2.
For what are the best robots made?
The best robots are made for home.

Question 3.
Who greeted Prem Chopra?
A short narrow-eyed salesman greeted Prem Chopra.

(2) “Please come this way.” The salesman led him through a brightly-lit, richly-carpeted gallery into a huge dome-shaped hall glowing with fluorescent light. The right corner appeared to be crowded with robots in metallic silver, electric blue and green.

Some were moving about as if practising to walk while some stood still – switched out of operation. Just as Prem Chopra stepped on the threshold of the hall, one of the robots swiftly came forward. “Good day, sir, welcome to Super Robots Plaza. We hope your visit here proves worthwhile,” the silver robot said in a metallic voice. “Brilliant,” mumbled Prem Chopra, somewhat bewildered.

Question 1.
What did Prem Chopra see in the right corner of the hall ?
Prem Chopra saw robots in metallic silver, electric blue and green in the right corner of the hall.

Question 2.
Who greeted Prem Chopra?
A silver robot greeted Prem Chopra.

Question 3.
What were the robots doing ?
Some robots were moving about as if practising to walk while some stood still – switched out of operation.

Question 4.
What was Prem Chopra’s reaction when he was greeted by a robot ?
Prem Chopra was bewildered when he was greeted by a robot.

(3) The salesman gave a proud smile as he headed towards an isolated robot in metallic blue. “This one is perfectly programmed to function in the household, cleaning, arranging, collecting groceries from the super market, tending the lawn, mailing letters, relating your programmes on the TV and selecting news of your interest from the paper.”

The salesman paused for breath and continued, “All you need is the remote control monitor for command.” “You mean sitting at home I can command the robot in the city market ?” asked Prem Chopra. “It operates within a limited radius of a kilometre. By the way, this one is called Ram Singh-070,” the salesman explained.

Question 1.
For what was the metallic blue programmed ?
The metallic blue robot was programmed to do household work like cleaning, arranging, collecting groceries from the supermarket, tending the lawn, mailing letters, relating TV programmes and selecting news of interest from the paper.

Question 2.
What was needed to command the robot ?
A remote control monitor was needed to command the robot.

Question 3.
What was the name of the robot ?
The name of the robot was Ram Singh – 070.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 2 The Human Robot

Question 4.
The robot operates….
The robot operates within a limited radius of a kilometre.

(4) Prem Chopra nodded. The salesman demonstrated the gait, grip, movement and some programmed functions. Everything was well-tuned and fixed, Prem Chopra seemed satisfied with the deal. “I must tell you, like all robots, and adhering to the discipline of robotics, Ram Singh has an in-built system of three principles : the robot will obey his master, the robot will not harm humans; and the robot will not take harm to self.” Prem Chopra heard the first principle and it impressed him. He did not take notice of the other two. He nodded delightedly and assigned the sale deed and contract of ‘no misuse of the robot’. He had now got a servant and an accomplice.

Question 1.
What did the salesman demonstrate ?
What did the salesman check before giving the robot ?
The salesman demonstrated the gait, grip, movement and some programmed functions of the robot.

Question 2.
Why was Prem Chopra seemed satisfied with the deal ?
Prem Chopra seemed satisfied with ? the deal because everything in the robot was well-tuned and fixed.

Question 3.
Which are the three principles of s robotics ?
Which principles govern Ram Singh ? – 070’s behaviour ?
The three principles of robotics are : the robot will obey his master, the robot will not harm humans; and the robot will not take harm to self.

Question 4.
By which principle was Prem Chopra impressed ?
Prem Chopra was impressed by the principle that the robot will obey his master.

Question 5.
Prem Chopra assigned ….
Prem Chopra assigned the sale deed and contract of ‘no misuse of the robot.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 2 The Human Robot

Question 6.
After buying the robot, Prem Chopra had now got….
After buying the robot, Prem Chopra had now got a servant and an accomplice.

(5) “If Ram Singh-070, my robot, can shop for groceries, then why not for better things like jewels ?” thought Prem Chopra. In the market, robots carrying heavy packets, buying theatre tickets, carrying groceries to the cars were a common sight but still strange and amusing servants. Ram Singh – 070 was thoroughly efficient.

With tremendous speed and accuracy, he collected the groceries into the shopping trolley and paused for the next command. “Two kilograms of mangoes – ripe and juicy,” commanded Prem Chopra from a distance, seeing a huge pile of mangoes. In no time Ram Singh-070 had selected the best ones.

Question 1.
What did Prem Chopra think after buying the robot?
After buying the robot, Prem Chopra thought that if the robot could shop for groceries, then why not for better things like jewels.

Question 2.
What shows that Ram Singh-070 was. very efficient ?
Ram Singh-070 was efficient because he collected groceries and selected the best mangoes with great speed and accuracy.

Question 3.
What was a common sight in the market ?
Robots carrying heavy packets, buying theatre tickets and carrying groceries to the cars were a common sight in the market.

Question 4.
Robots were servants.
Robots were strange and amusing ( servants).

(6) Ram Singh – 070 followed Prem Chopra like a faithful dog when he stopped at Gopal Jewellers. Through the glass window he saw a generous display of gold ornaments. Quickly Prem Chopra disappeared around the corner and spoke ? into the remote control – softly and clearly. “Pick up a necklace and hide. No noise, Information not to be revealed.

Top secret. Otherwise I will defuse your system,” he threatened. Ram Singh-070 moved inside the shop, close to the counter. His metallic palm extended forward silently and a necklace went into the storage unit s without a clink or a jingle. Nobody took notice.

Question 1.
From where did Prem Chopra steal ornaments ?
Prem Chopra stole ornaments from Gopal Jewellers.

Question 2.
Which instruction were given to the robot to pick up the necklace ?
The robot was instructed to pick up the necklace and hide it without making noise and not to reveal the information.

Question 3.
What did Prem Chopra warn the robot ?
Prem Chopra warned the robot that 5 if he revealed the information of theft, he would defuse his (robot’s) system.

Question 4.
How did Ram Singh – 070 steal the necklace ?
Ram Singh extended his metallic palm, picked up the necklace and s hid it into his storage unit without any noise.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 2 The Human Robot

(7) From expensive antiques to ornaments and precious stones, the shop-lifting went on for some days without any trace of anxiety and recognition in the beginning. But the confused reactions of ( shop-owners gradually became louder.

Unaware, Prem Chopra went on with ? his shop-lifting spree until a young fruit vendor noticed an expensive bunch of Afghani grapes disappearing inside the metallic blue robot.

The incident was related all over and no sooner had they heard than some shop-keepers recalled the presence of a metallic blue robot in their shops before their valuables were missing. This information reached the police headquarters in no time.

Question 1.
What things did Prem Chopra steal ?
Prem Chopra stole expensive antiques, ornaments and precious stones.

Question 2.
What did a fruit vendor notice?
A fruit vendor noticed an expensive bunch of Afghani grapes disappearing inside the metallic blue robot.

Question 3.
The ……… of the shop-owners gradually became louder.
The confused reactions of the shop- owners gradually became louder.

Question 4.
What did some shopkeepers recall ?
Some shopkeepers recalled the presence of a metallic blue robot in their shops before their valuables were missing.

(8) One day Prem Chopra guided Ram Singh – 070 to Jhaveri Brothers for lifting precious gems. The police was waiting in readiness and the computerized cameras capable of split second recording, clicked him in the act. Ram Singh robot was caught, but Prem Chopra fled as soon as he saw, through the binoculars, two persons noting down Ram Singh’s licence number printed on his metallic neck. Prem Chopra was arrested from his. home, as owner of Ram Singh-070 the thief.

Question 1.
Where did Prem Chopra guide Ram Singh – 070 ? For what ?
Prem Chopra guided Ram Singh-070 to Jhaveri Brothers to steal precious gems.

Question 2.
How was Ram Singh-070 caught?
Ram Singh-070 was caught stealing in the computerized cameras set up by the police.

Question 3.
Why did Prem Chopra flee ?
When Prem Chopra saw that Ram Singh-070 was caught stealing and two persons were noting down his licence number printed on his , metallic neck, he fled from there.

Question 4.
Why was Prem Chopra arrested?
Prem Chopra was arrested because he was the owner of Ram Singh-070, the thief.

Question 5.
From where was Prem Chopra arrested ?
Prem Chopra was arrested from his house.

(9) Soon after his arrest, Prem Chopra was released on bail until the court hearing. None of the stolen articles were recovered. He had cleverly disposed them off through his gang. In the court he denied all the charges. “Someone else seems to have tampered with Ram Singh – 070’s programs. The police found me at home,” he argued.

Question 1.
What happened after Prem Chopra was arrested ?
After Prem Chopra was arrested, he was released on bail until the court hearing.

Question 2.
What did Prem Chopra say in the court ?
Prem Chopra denied all the charges in the court.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 2 The Human Robot

Question 3.
Were the stolen articles recovered? Why?
The stolen articles were not recovered because Prem Chopra had disposed them off through his gang.

Question 4.
What did Prem Chopra argue in the court ?
Prem Chopra argued that someone must have tampered with the robot’s programs and that the police had found him at home.

Question 5.
Why was Prem Chopra given bail ?
Prem Chopra was given bail till the court hearing because none of the stolen articles were recovered from him.

(10) Counsel Goel cleared his throat and reached closer to the judge. “Considering Mr Chopra’s explanation and the happenings of the last few days when so many jewellers and curio dealers have been affected, it seems important to know the working of Ram Singh robot. I request Ram Singh robot to be called in the court.” “Robot goes to court” were the headlines in the next day’s papers.

Question 1.
The headlines in the papers were
The headlines in the papers were Robot goes to court.

Question 2.
What did Counsel Goel request the judge ?
Counsel Goel requested the judge to call the robot in the court.

Question 3.
Why was it important to know the working of the robot ?
It was important to know the working of the robot because Counsel Goel was not satisfied with Prem Chopra’s explanation.

(11) The next day, the court was overcrowded with people keen to watch a robot in the witness box. Counsel Goel was ticking off points till the last moment. He appeared confident and crisp but so was Prem Chopra. Never would this machine man betray his master. The proceedings began and Ram Singh-070 appeared in the witness box.

Question 1.
Why was the court overcrowded with people ?
The court was overcrowded with people because they were keen to- watch a robot in the witness box.

Question 2.
Counsel Goel appeared
Counsel Goel appeared confident and crisp.

Question 3.
Why was Prem Chopra confident ?
Prem Chopra was confident because he knew that the robot would never betray his master.

(12) “Your honour,” counsel Goel began, “I am told by Super Robots that the memory tape designed in these types of robots contains information of the previous week.” “But the case started a fortnight after the incident; the needed information must be wiped out,” the judge said. Counsel Goel smiled softly staring at Prem Chopra. “Sir, the robot has been switched out of operation ever since.” Prem Chopra’s face fell but he was confident Ram Singh-070 would obey his master. The secrets were sealed.

Question 1.
Why did the judge feel that the needed information must have been wiped out ?
The judge felt that the needed information must have been wiped out because the memory tape contains information of the previous week and the case had started a fortnight
after the incident.

Question 2.
Why was Counsel Goel sure that the information was not wiped out ?
Counsel Goel was sure that the information was not wiped out because the robot had been switched out of operation since the incident.

Question 3.
Why was Prem Chopra confident ?
Prem Chopra was confident because he knew that Ram Singh – 070 would obey his master and so the secrets were sealed.

(13) Counsel Goel turned to Ram Singh robot. “Who is your master ?” he asked briefly. A dull blue light flashed and after a momentary whirring sound, the robot squeaked in his metallic tone, “Mr Prem Chopra.” “What did you do for Mr Prem Chopra ?” A pause, a whir, then a metallic answer, “Cleaning, mowing the lawn, washing, doing dishes, shopping…” “Recall in detail your activities of last six days,” counsel Goel interrupted.

Question 1.
What did Counsel Goel ask the robot to do ?
Counsel Goel asked the robot to recall his activities of the last six days.

Question 2.
What did Counsel Goel ask the robot ?
Counsel Goel asked the robot who his master was and what he did for him.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 2 The Human Robot

(14) Counsel Goel stopped the tape. “Notice the pause, Your Honour. Some action is not revealed. What were those instructions ? Who gave these instructions ?” he questioned Ram Singh-070.
“Information not to be revealed,” he responded.
“But why?”
“Robots do not disobey masters.”
“Several people who have suffered losses will be harmed if these instructions are not reported. What were those instructions ?” counsel Goel persuaded.
“Robots do not harm people,” Ram Singh-070 responded mechanically.

Question 1.
Why did Counsel Goel ask the judge to notice the pause ?
Counsel Goel asked the judge to notice the pause because that meant that some action and instructions were not revealed.

Question 2.
Why did the robot not reveal the information ?
The robot did not reveal the information because robots do not disobey their masters.

Question 3.
Why did Counsel Goel persuade the robot to reveal the information?
Counsel Goel persuaded the robot to reveal the information because many people who had suffered losses would be harmed if the instructions were not reported.

Question 4.
Ram Singh-070 responded mechanically.
“Robots do not harm people,” Ram Singh-070 responded mechanically.

(15) “Many, many people have suffered. Speak up, Ram Singh – 070,” Counsel Goel stressed each word. “No, Ram Singh,” Prem Chopra shouted nervously but the judge warned, “Keep quiet.”
“Come on Ram Singh – 070,” the ;judge said. Ram Singh-070 jerked his head left, then right towards the judge.

A clicking sound indicated the s hampering of running tapes and jamming of caution signals pip-pip, pip-pip. The crackling sound and the indigo light intensified. A red light flashed on the forehead of Ram Singh robot signaling “Danger. Reporting system failed.” Tiny ; shutters in the centre of his chest opened displaying a small TV screen flashing, “SYSTEM DISINTIGRATED.” Ram Singh robot had defused.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 2 The Human Robot

Question 1.
Why did Prem Chopra shout nervously ?
Prem Chopra shouted nervously because Counsel Goel asked the robot to speak the truth as many people had suffered.

Question 2.
A clicking sound indicated….
A clicking sound indicated the hampering of running tapes.

Question 3.
What did the red light flashing on the robot’s forehead signal?
The red light flashing on the robot’s forehead signalled a system failure.

Question 4.
What message was flashed on the screen ?
The message flashed on the screen was System Disintegrated.

Question 5.
What happened to the robot ?
The robot had defused.

(16) “Oh, no,” cried the salesman of Super Robots. “He is defused, he is dead.” There was a hush in the court room. Silence prevailed for long in the court room. The counsel cleared his throat and said, “Robots do not cause harm s to people and neither can they disobey ; their masters. Those instructions from Mr Prem Chopra were not to be revealed.

They could have been injurious to his own existence a threat to the robot’s life. If he revealed them, he would disobey his master; if he did not, he would harm I others. This conflict brought Ram Singh’s ( end. He chose to break apart rather than to telling a lie, hurting human beings or becoming unfaithful.” Traces of pain and depression marked the counsel’s face.The judge pondered for a while and proclaimed, “The court declares Prem Chopra guilty of theft!”

Question 1.
Why was there a hush in the court room ?
There was hush in the court room because the robot had defused-he was dead.

Question 2.
What did Ram Singh do with himself at last ?
At last Ram Singh broke apart rather than tell a lie, hurt humans or become unfaithful.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 2 The Human Robot

Question 3.
If the robot had revealed the instructions
If the robot had revealed the information, he would disobey his master.

Question 4.
If the robot did not reveal the instructions
If the robot did not reveal the information, he would harm others.

Question 5.
What was Ram Singh-070’s conflict?
Ram Singh -070’s conflict was that if he revealed the instructions, he would disobey his master and if he did not, he would harm others.

Question 6.
What did the judge proclaim?
The judge proclaimed that Prem Chopra was guilty of theft.

Question 7.
What was the counsel’s reaction when the robot was diffused ?
When the robot was defused, the counsel was pained and depressed.

Question 8.
If the robot revealed the instructions, it would have been injurious….
If the robot revealed the instructions, it would have been injurious to his own existence a threat to the robot’s life.

2. Frame sentences using the given set of words. You may change the forms of the words.

(1) step on – threshold
Just when Mr Das stepped on the threshold of his house, his phone rang.

(2) pause – breath – continue
Mohan was so excited that he did not even pause for a breath and continued 5 his story.

(3) come forward – welcome – guest
The teacher asked Rucha to come forward and welcome the guest.

(4) design – work
There are robots that are designed to work in homes and industries.

(5) adhere to – principles
All the employees must adhere to the principles of the company.

3. Fill in the blanks selecting the correct words from the brackets.

(1) (responded, paused, explaining, continued)
The teacher was explaining the meaning of the poem. She paused for some time and asked the children if they had understood the poem. The children responded with a loud ‘yes’. The teacher continued with her explanation.

(2) (charges, accomplice, guilty, denied)
Ramu was Kalu’s accomplice in a theft. When he was caught by the police, he denied all the charges. He said that he was not guilty.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 2 The Human Robot

(3) (persuading, confident, obeys, principle)
Mohan is confident that he will succeed in persuading his father to allow him to go for the picnic. His father is a man of principle and Mohan always obeys him.

(4) (confused, purchased, expensive, select)
Gita was so confused that she could not ? choose a single dress for herself. Her mother helped her to select a pretty dress, which was quite expensive. But she purchased it at last.

(5) (proud, impressed, silently, discipline)
The teacher was impressed with the discipline of the students. All of them were sitting silently and studying. She was proud of her students.

(6) (satisfied, obvious, threat, anxiety)
There are many parents who are never satisfied with their children’s performance. Hence it is obvious that many children suffer from anxiety and depression. Today, stress is a big threat to the health of children.

(7) (operates, accuracy, manufactured, designed)
This robot is manufactured in India. It operates within a limited radius of 1 kilometre. It is designed to do all household work. It works with great speed and accuracy.

(8) (brilliant, tremendous, efficient, demonstrated)
Harsh is an efficient employee. He is a brilliant young man. He has often demonstrated his skills. He is a man with tremendous confidence.

(9) (recall, interrupted, information, mumbled)
“I do not recall meeting this man,” he mumbled. The master interrupted him and asked him to reveal all the information.

(10) (collected, warned, instructions, swiftly)
The teacher read out all the instructions to the students. She warned them not to copy during the test. When the bell rang, she collected all the answer sheets swiftly.

(11) (proclaimed, release, arrested, pondered)
The guards arrested a poor man and presented him before the king. The man requested the king to release him. The king pondered for some time and then proclaimed that poor man should be set free.

(12) (reveal, affect, grinned, threatened)
Pathik threatened his brother, “If you reveal our secret, I will hammer you.” The brother grinned and said, “Your threats will not affect me.”

(13) (amusing, reaction, clearly, briefly)
Mulla Nasruddin was narrating an amusing incident to his friend. He paused briefly and waited for a reaction from his friend. The Mulla could clearly see that the friend had not understood anything.

(14) (unaware, lifted, flee, nervously)
The little boy looked around nervously. He then lifted a jar of chocolates. He was unaware of the cameras installed in the shop. He was about to flee when he was caught by the shopkeeper.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 2 The Human Robot

(15) (tampered, reported, stressed, function)
All the newspapers have reported that the voting machines cannot be tampered with. They function perfectly. The Election Commission also has stressed on this fact.

(16) (readiness, cautioned, guide, intensify)
The coach will judge the readiness of the players and also guide them regarding the final match. He advised the players to intensify their attack on the rival team. “But do not cheat,” he cautioned them.

4. Write short notes using the given questions/ points.

Question 1.
Ram Singh-070-The Human Robot
(What was the colour of the robot ? – What could he do ? – Which were the three principles that were inbuilt in his system ? – Was he thoroughly efficient ? How ? – What did he steal for Prem Chopra?-When was he caught?-What happened in the end ?)
Ram Singh was a metallic blue robot. He was perfectly programmed to function in the household, cleaning, arranging, collecting groceries from the super market, tending the lawn, mailing letters, relating TV programmes, selecting news from the paper. He had an in-built system of three principles the robot will obey his master, the robot will not harm humans; and the robot will not take harm to self.

Ram Singh-070 was thoroughly efficient, with tremendous speed and accuracy. He stole expensive antiques, ornaments and precious stones for Prem Chopra, his master. At last he was caught stealing precious gems. When he was produced in the court, Ram Singh chose to break apart rather than tell a lie, hurt human beings or become unfaithful.

Question 2.
Conflict of Ram Singh – 070 with Itself
(in-built system of three principles -produced in court-Prem Chopra had threatened to defuse him – could not disobey his master – conflict – if he revealed the information – disobey his master – if he did not reveal the information – harm people-break apart than tell a lie)
Ram Singh had an in-built system of three principles : the robot will obey his master, the robot will not harm humans; and the robot will not take harm to self. When he was produced in the court, his master, Prem Chopra was confident that the robot would never disobey him.

He had threatened Ram Singh that he would defuse him if he revealed any information about stolen goods. Thus Ram Singh was in conflict. If he revealed the information, he would disobey his master. And if he did not, he would harm many other people. This conflict brought Ram Singh’s end. He chose to break apart rather than tell a lie, hurt human beings or become unfaithful,

Question 3.
Ram Singh – 070-The Thief
(How did he steal a necklace from Gopal Jewellers ? – What did Prem Chopra warn him ?-What other things did he steal ? – What did he steal from the fruit- seller -Was he caught ?-Why did he go to Jhaveri Brothers ?-How was he caught?)
Ram Singh-070 was owned by Prem Chopra. Prem Chopra used him to steal many things. When they went to Gopal Jewellers, Prem Chopra instructed Ram Singh – 070 to pick up a necklace quietly. He warned the robot that if he revealed the information, he would be diffused. Ram Singh-070 picked up a necklace with his metallic palm and put it into his storage unit.

There was not a clink or a jingle. No one noticed it. Besides this, Ram Singh – 070 stole expensive antiques, ornaments and precious stones. One day, Ram Singh-070 stole a bunch of expensive Afghani grapes, but he was seen by the fruit-seller.

One day, Prem Chopra instructed Ram Singh-070 to steal precious gems from Jhaveri Brothers. But the police, who was waiting with computerized cameras, caught him stealing the gems.

5. Select the title of the Read related with each sentence.

(Note : Important sentences of this Read are given here.)

(1) Our best ones are for consumers like you-for the home,
(2) The salesman led him through a brightly-lit, richly-carpeted gallery into a huge dome-shaped hall glowing with fluorescent light.
(3) This one is perfectly programmed to function in the household,
(4) It operates within a limited radius of a kilometre.
(5) The salesman demonstrated the gait, grip, movement and some programmed functions.
(6) He nodded delightedly and assigned the sale deed and contract of ‘no misuse of the robot’.
(7) With tremendous speed and accuracy, he collected the groceries into the shopping trolley and paused for the next command.
(8) No noise. Information not to be revealed. Top secret. Otherwise I will defuse your system,
(9) The confused reactions of shop-owners gradually became louder.
(10) The police was waiting in readiness and the computerized cameras capable of split second recording, clicked him in the act.
(11) He had cleverly disposed them of through his gang.
(12) In the court he denied all the charges.
(13) Never would this machine man betray his master.
(14) The next day, the court was overcrowded with people keen to watch a robot in the witness box.
(15) Several people who have suffered losses will be harmed if these instructions are not reported.
(16) He is defused, he is dead.
(17) If he revealed them, he would disobey his master
(18) If he did not, he would harm others.
(19) He chose to break apart rather than telling a lie, hurting human beings or becoming unfaithful.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 2 The Human Robot

6. Complete the sentences using the functions given in the brackets.

(1) My school is near the post office. (specifying location)
(2) You have a test tomorrow. Best of luck! (exchanging pleasantries)
(3) Excuse me, Shilpa. But I must leave now. (exchanging pleasantries)
(4) I heard about your accident. I am so sorry, (exchanging pleasantries)
(5) Would you like to have some more tea ? No, thank you. (exchanging pleasantries)
(6) The manager will come at 10 o’clock. (specifying time)

7. Complete the dialogue using the functions given in the brackets.

Jay : Hi, Manish ! How are you ?
Manish: I am fine. Thank you. (exchanging pleasantries)
Jay: Manish, meet my cousin Gaurav.
Manish: Hi, Gaurav! Nice to meet you. (exchanging pleasantries)

The Human Robot Summary in Gujarati

હું તમને મદદ કરું, સાહેબ?” સુપર રોબૉટ્સ પ્લાઝામાં એક ઠીંગણા, નાની આંખવાળા સેઝમૅને સસ્મિત પૂછ્યું. હા … હે,” પ્રેમ ચોપડા બોલ્યો, “મારે એક રોબોટ ખરીદવાની ઇચ્છા છે…” “મદદ માટે, સાહેબ,” સેઝમૅને વાક્ય પૂરું કર્યું. “તે અમારું વિશિષ્ટ ઉત્પાદન છે. અમે ઉદ્યોગો, બાંધકામ કંપનીઓ, પ્લમિંગ અને સફાઈ, સંભાળ રાખનારાઓ માટે કાર્યક્ષમ રોબૉટ્સનું ઉત્પાદન કરીએ છીએ – ફક્ત વિશિષ્ટ કામ માટે જ તેમની રચના કરવામાં આવી છે. અમારા શ્રેષ્ઠ રોબૉટ્સ ઘર માટે – તમારા જેવા ગ્રાહકો માટે છે,” કોઈ રિકૉર્ડ થયેલા પ્રોગ્રેમની જેમ તે બોલ્યો. “હું … હા, મારે તે જ જોઈએ છે.” પ્રેમ ચોપડા વ્યાપારિક ઢબે બોલ્યો..

“અહ, આ તરફ આવો, પ્લીઝ,” સેક્ઝમૅન તેને ખૂબ જ પ્રકાશિત, મોંઘા ગાલીચા પાથરેલી એક પરસાળમાંથી દોરી જઈને ક્લઅરેસન્ટ લાઇટમાં ઝગમગતા એક મોટા ગુંબજ-આકાર હૉલમાં લઈ ગયો. ત્યાં જમણા ખૂણામાં ચાંદી જેવા સફેદ, ભૂરા અને લીલાં રોબૉટ્સનો ઢગલો હતો. અમુક (રોબૉટ્સ) ચાલવાનો મહાવરો કરતા હોય તેમ આમતેમ ફરતા હતા, જ્યારે અમુક (રોબૉટ્સ)

ઉપયોગમાં ન હોવાથી સ્થિર ઊભા હતા. પ્રેમ ચોપડાએ હૉલના ઊમરા પર પગ મૂક્યો, ત્યાં તો એક રોબૉટ ઝડપથી આગળ આવ્યો. “ગુડ ડે, સાહેબ, સુપર રોબૉટ્સ પ્લાઝામાં આપનું સ્વાગત છે. અમને આશા છે કે તમારી અહીંની મુલાકાત સફળ થશે,” ચાંદી જેવા સફેદ રોબોટે તેના ધાતુ જેવા અવાજમાં કહ્યું, “ઉત્તમ,” થોડો મૂંઝાયેલો પ્રેમ ચોપડા ગણગણ્યો.

ગૌરવભર્યા સ્મિત સાથે સેલ્સમૅન જુદા મૂકેલા એક ભૂરા રોબૉટ તરફ આગળ વધ્યો. આ રોબૉટ) ઘરમાં કામ કરવા માટે, સફાઈ, ગોઠવણી, સુપર માર્કેટમાંથી કરિયાણું લાવવા માટે, ઘાસ કાપવા, પત્રો પોસ્ટ કરવા, TV પર તમારા કાર્યક્રમોની યાદી તૈયાર કરવા અને છાપાંમાંથી તમને રસ પડે તેવા સમાચાર પસંદ — કરવા માટે યોગ્ય રીતે પ્રોગ્રામ કરવામાં આવ્યો છે.” સેક્ઝમૅન શ્વાસ લેવા રોકાયો અને આગળ કહ્યું, “આદેશ આપવા માટે તમારે ફક્ત રિમોટ કન્ટ્રોલ મૉનિટરની જરૂર પડે.”

“શું તમે એમ કહેવા માગો છો કે બજારમાં ફરતા રોબૉટનું હું ઘરે બેઠા સંચાલન કરી શકું?” પ્રેમ ચોપડાએ પૂછયું. “તે એક કિલોમીટરની મર્યાદિત ત્રિજ્યામાં કામ કરે છે. અને હા, આનું નામ રામ સિંહ – 070 છે.” સેલ્કમેને સમજાવ્યું. પ્રેમ ચોપડાએ માથું ધુણાવ્યું. સેલ્ટમૅને (રોબૉટનું) હલનચલન, પકડ, ચલભાગ અને અમુક પ્રોગ્રામ કરેલાં કાયોં (ચલાવી) બતાવ્યાં. બધું જ સારી રીતે કાર્યરત અને ગોઠવેલું હતું. પ્રેમ ચોપડાને આ સોદાથી સંતોષ હોય તેવું લાગતું હતું.

મારે તમને જણાવવું જ જોઈએ કે બધા રોબૉટ્સની જેમ અને રોબોટિક્સ(યંત્રમાનવ બનાવવાનું વિજ્ઞાન)ના નિયમ અનુસાર, રામ સિંહની રચનામાં ત્રણ સિદ્ધાંતો ગોઠવવામાં આવ્યા છે; રોબૉટ હંમેશાં તેના માલિકની આજ્ઞાનું પાલન કરશે, રોબૉટ માનવીઓને નુકસાન નહીં પહોંચાડે અને રોબૉટ પોતાને નુકસાન નહીં થવા દે.” પ્રેમ ચોપડા પહેલો સિદ્ધાંત સાંભળીને પ્રભાવિત થયો. તેણે બાકીના બે (સિદ્ધાંતો) તરફ ધ્યાન આપ્યું નહીં. તેણે આનંદમાં માથું ધુણાવ્યું અને વેચાણ દસ્તાવેજ અને “રોબૉટનો દુરુપયોગ નહીં થાય” તે કરાર પર સહી કરી સોંપી દીધાં. હવે તેની પાસે એક નોકર અને સાગરીત હતો.

પ્રેમ ચોપડાને વિચાર આવ્યો, “રામ સિંહ – 070, મારો રોબૉટ, જો કરિયાણું ખરીદી શકે, તો હીરા જેવી સારી વસ્તુઓ કેમ નહીં?” બજારમાં ભારે સામાન ઉપાડતાં, સિનેમાની ટિકિટ ખરીદતાં, ગાડી સુધી કરિયાણું લઈ જતાં રોબૉટ્સ એક સામાન્ય દશ્ય હોવા છતાં તેઓ વિચિત્ર અને રમૂજ પમાડે તેવા નોકરો હતાં. રામ સિંહ – 070 ખૂબ જ કાર્યક્ષમ હતો. તે અતિશય ઝડપ અને ચોકસાઈથી બધો જ સામાન હાથગાડી(ટ્રાલિ)માં ભરીને, બીજા આદેશની રાહ જોતો ઊભો રહ્યો. “બે કિલો પાકી અને રસવાળી કેરી,” કેરીનો મોટો ઢગલો જોઈને પ્રેમ ચોપડાએ દૂરથી જ આદેશ આપ્યો. પળવારમાં તો રામ સિંહે સૌથી સારી (કેરીઓ) પસંદ કરી લીધી હતી. “(નકદ) કાઉન્ટર પર બિલ ચૂકવી દે,” પ્રેમ ચોપડાએ કમાન્ડરમાં આદેશ આપ્યો.

પ્રેમ ચોપડા ગોપાલ જૂઅલઝ પાસે ઊભો રહ્યો ત્યારે રામ સિહ – 070 એક વફાદાર કૂતરાની જેમ તેમની પાછળ ગયો. કાચની બારીમાંથી તેણે વિપુલ પ્રમાણમાં ગોઠવેલા સોનાના દાગીના જોયા. તે ઝડપથી એક ખૂણામાં સંતાઈ ગયો અને રિમોટ કન્ટ્રોલમાં ધીમેથી અને સ્પષ્ટ બોલ્યો, “એક હાર ઊઠાવીને સંતાડી દે. શાંતિથી, માહિતી બહાર પડવી ન જોઈએ. એકદમ ખાનગી છે.. નહિતર હું તારી સિસ્ટિમ બંધ કરી નાખીશ.”

તેણે ચેતવણી આપી. રામ સિંહ – 070એ દુકાનમાં પ્રવેશ કર્યો, અને કાઉન્ટરની સાવ નજીક (ગયો). તેનો ધાતુનો હાથ ધીમેથી, અવાજ કર્યા વિના આગળ લંબાયો અને કોઈ પણ રણકાર કે ખણખણાટ, વિના સ્ટોરેજ યુનિટસંગ્રહ એકમ)માં હાર પહોંચી ગયો. કોઈને ખબર ન પડી. પ્રાચીન કાળની મોંધી વસ્તુઓથી માંડીને ઘરેણાં અને કીમતી રત્નો – થોડા દિવસો સુધી આવી ચોરી ચાલુ રહી – કોઈ પણ ચિંતા કે પકડાઈ જવાના ડર વગર. પણ દુકાનદારોની ગૂંચવણભરી

પ્રતિક્રિયાઓ ધીમે ધીમે વધવા લાગી. આ બધાથી અજાણ પ્રેમ ચોપડાએ તેની ચોરી ચાલુ રાખી, પણ એક દિવસ ફળ વેચનાર એક યુવાને મોંધી અફધાની દ્રાક્ષનું ઝૂમખું તે ભૂરા રોબૉટની અંદર અદશ્ય થતાં જોયું. આ ઘટના બધે પ્રસરી અને આ સાંભળતા જ અમુક દુકાનદારોને તેમની કીમતી ચીજો અદશ્ય થઈ તે પહેલાં તેમની દુકાનમાં એક ભૂરા રોબૉટની હાજરી યાદ આવી. થોડા જ સમયમાં આ માહિતી પોલીસ મથકે પહોંચી ગઈ. એક દિવસ પ્રેમ ચોપડાએ રામ સિંહ – 070ને ઝવેરી બ્રધર્ઝ(ની દુકાન)માંથી કીમતી રત્નો ચોરવાનો આદેશ આપ્યો.

પોલીસ તૈયાર ઊભી હતી અને પળ-પળનું રિકોર્ડિંગ કરતા કમ્યુટરાઇઝડ કેમરામાં તે (રામ સિંહ – 070) ચોરી કરતા પકડાઈ ગયો. રામ સિંહ રોબૉટ તો પકડાઈ ગયો પણ જ્યારે પ્રેમ ચોપડાએ દૂરબીનમાંથી બે વ્યક્તિઓને રામ સિંહની ધાતુની ગરદન પર છપાયેલો લાઇસન્સ નંબર નોંધતા જોયા, ત્યારે તે ત્યાંથી નાસી ગયો. ચોર રામ સિંહ – 070ના માલિક તરીકે પ્રેમ ચોપડાની તેના ઘરેથી ધરપકડ થઈ.

ધરપકડ બાદ તરત જ પ્રેમ ચોપડાને ન્યાયાલયની સુનાવણી થાય ત્યાં સુધી જામીન પર છોડવામાં આવ્યો. ચોરેલી એક પણ વસ્તુ પાછી મળી નહીં. તેણે તેની ટોળકીની મદદથી ખૂબ જ ચાલાકીપૂર્વક તેમનો (વસ્તુઓનો) નિકાલ કરી દીધો હતો. ન્યાયાલયમાં તેણે બધા જ આક્ષેપો નકાય. કોઈ બીજી વ્યક્તિએ રામ સિંહ – 070ના પ્રોગ્રામ સાથે ચેડાં કર્યા છે. પોલીસે તો મને ઘરેથી પકડ્યો,” તેણે દલીલ કરી.

ગોયલ વકીલે ગળુ ખંખેર્યું અને ન્યાયાધીશની નજીક જઈને કહ્યું, “શ્રી ચોપડાએ આપેલો ખુલાસો અને છેલ્લાં થોડા દિવસોમાં બનેલી ઘટનાઓ, જેની અસર ઘણા ઝવેરીઓ અને પ્રાચીન વસ્તુઓ વેચનાર પર થઈ છે, તે ધ્યાનમાં લેતાં રામ સિંહ રોબૉટ કઈ રીતે કામ કરે છે તે જાણવું અગત્યનું છે. રામ સિંહ રોબૉટને ન્યાયાલયમાં બોલાવવાની વિનંતિ કરું છું.”

“રોબૉટ ન્યાયાલય જશે.” બીજા દિવસનાં છાપાંઓના મુખ્ય સમાચાર હતા. એક રોબૉટને સાક્ષીના પાંજરામાં જોવા માટે ન્યાયાલયમાં બીજા દિવસે ઉત્સુક લોકોની ભીડ જામી. ગોયલ વકીલ છેલ્લી ઘડી સુધી મુદ્દાઓનો અભ્યાસ કરી રહ્યા હતા. તેઓ આત્મવિશ્વાસથી

ક્લકતા અને ચોક્કસ દેખાતા હતા, પણ પ્રેમ ચોપડાનું પણ તેવું જ હતું. આ યંત્રમાનવ કોઈ દિવસ તેના માલિકને દગો નહીં દે. કાર્યવાહી શરૂ થઈ અને રામ સિંહ – 070 સાલીના પાંજરામાં હાજર થયો. “યુઅર ઑનર,” ગોયલ વકીલે શરૂઆત કરી. “સુપર રોબૉટ્સ દ્વારા મને જણાવવામાં આવ્યું છે કે આ પ્રકારના રોબૉટ

માટે બનાવવામાં આવેલી મેમરિ (સ્મરણશક્તિ) ટેપમાં છેલ્લા એક અઠવાડિયાની માહિતી હોય છે.” પણ આ કેસ (મુકદ્દમો) ઘટનાના પંદર દિવસ બાદ શરૂ થયો; (તેથી) જોઈતી માહિતી ભૂંસાઈ ગઈ હશે,” ન્યાયાધીશે કહ્યું. પ્રેમ ચોપડા સામે જોઈને ગોયલ વકીલ થોડું મલક્યા, સાહેબ, (ઘટના બની ત્યારથી રોબૉટને બંધ કરી દેવામાં આવ્યો છે.” પ્રેમ ચોપડાનું મોં પડી ગયું, પણ તેને ખાતરી હતી કે રામ સિંહ – 070 તેના માલિકની આજ્ઞાનું પાલન કરશે. બધી જ ગુપ્ત વાતો સુરક્ષિત હતી. “તમે આગળ બોલો.” ન્યાયાધીશે હુકમ કર્યો.

ગોયલ વકીલ રામ સિંહ રોબૉટ તરફ ફર્યા. “તારો માલિક કોણ છે?” તેમણે ટૂંકો પ્રશ્ન પૂછ્યો. એક ઝાંખી ભૂરી લાઇટ ઝબૂકી અને એકાદ ક્ષણના ઘરઘરાટ બાદ રોબૉટ તેના ધાતુ જેવા કર્કષ અવાજમાં બોલ્યો, “શ્રી પ્રેમ ચોપડા.” “તેં પ્રેમ ચોપડા માટે શું શું કર્યું ?’ એક ક્ષણ થોભ્યા પછી થોડો ઘરઘરાટ, અને પછી યાંત્રિક ઉત્તર, “સાફ-સફાઈ, ઘાસ કાપવું, કપડાં ધોવા, વાસણ સાફ . કરવી, ખરીદી …”

તેને અધવચ્ચે અટકાવતા શ્રી ગોયલ બોલ્યા, “છેલ્લા છ દિવસની તારી પ્રવૃત્તિઓ વિશે વિગતવાર માહિતી આપ.” મેમરિ ટેપમાંથી યાંત્રિક અને કંટાળાજનક વિવરણ શરૂ થયું – “કારનું બૂટ ખોલ્યું, કરિયાણાનો સામાન કાઢ્યો, બૂટ બંધ કર્યું, ફર્યો. ત્રીસ ડગલાં ચાલ્યો, ઊભો રહ્યો, ડાબી બાજુ પ્રાચીન વસ્તુઓની દુકાન, સૂચનાનું સિગ્નલ – ખાલી-ડાબી તરફ ચાલ્યો, ફર્યો, વીસ ડગલા …” અઠ્ઠ વકીલે આદેશ આપ્યો. “થોભ. પાછો ફર અને ફરીથી બોલ.” સૂચનાનું સિગ્નલ મળ્યા બાદ ફરીથી એક ક્ષણનો સ્વાભાવિક વિરામ, વકીલ ગોયલે ટૅપ બંધ કરી,

“આ ક્ષણિક વિરામ પર ધ્યાન આપો, યુઅર ઑનર. અમુક ક્રિયા વિશે નથી કહેવામાં આવ્યું. તે સૂચનાઓ શું હતી? આ સૂચનાઓ કોણે આપી?” તેમણે રામ સિંહ – 070ને પૂછયું. “માહિતી બહાર પાડવાની નથી,” તેણે ઉત્તર આપ્યો. “શા માટે?” ”રોબૉટ તેમના માલિકના હુકમનો અનાદર ન કરે.” ‘‘આ સૂચનાઓ વિશે માહિતી ન આપવામાં આવે તો જેમણે નુકસાન વહ્યું છે તેવા ઘણાં લોકો દુઃખી થશે. શું હતી તે સૂચનાઓ?” વકીલ ગોયલે આગ્રહપૂર્વક પૂછ્યું.

રોબૉટ્સ લોકોને નુકસાન (દુઃખ) ન પહોંચાડે,” રામ સિંહ – 070એ યાંત્રિક ઉત્તર આપ્યો. ‘ઘણા બધા લોકોને નુકસાન થયું છે, સાચી વાત કહી દે, રામ સિહ – 070,” દરેક શબ્દ પર ભાર મૂક્તા વકીલ ગોયલ બોલ્યા, ના, રામ સિંહ,” ગભરાઈ ગયેલા પ્રેમ ચોપડાએ બૂમ પાડી, પણ જજે તેને ચેતવણી આપી કહ્યું, “શાંત રહો.”“બોલ રામ સિંહ – 070,” ન્યાયાધીશે કહ્યું. રામ સિંહ – 070એ તેનું માથું ડાબી બાજુ ફેરવ્યું, અને પછી ન્યાયાધીશ તરફ જમણી બાજુએ.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 2 The Human Robot

ક્લિક ક્લિક અવાજ આવ્યો, જે ચાલતી ટેપ અટકવાનો નિર્દેશ હતો અને પિપ-પિપ, પિપ-પિપ, ચેતવણીનાં સિગ્નલ પણ બંધ થઈ ગયાં. એક મોટો અવાજ અને ભૂરી લાઇટ વધુ તેજ થઈ. ‘‘ભય, સિસ્ટિમ બંધ.” સિગ્નલ સૂચવતી એક લાલ લાઈટે રામ સિહ રોબોંટના માથા પર ઝબૂકી. તેની છાતીની મધ્યમાં બેસાડેલી નાની બારી ખુલી અને તેમાં દેખાતા એક નાના TVના પડદા પર લખ્યું હતું, “સિસ્ટિમનું વિઘટન.” રામ સિંહ રોબૉટ નષ્ટ થઈ ચૂક્યો હતો.

ઓહ નહીં,” સુપર રોબૉટ્સનો સેલ્ટમૅન બોલી ઊઠડ્યો, તે નાશ પામ્યો છે. તે મૃત્યુ પામ્યો છે.” ન્યાયાલયમાં શાંતિ છવાઈ ગઈ. લાંબા સમય સુધી ન્યાયાલયમાં શાંતિ રહી. વકીલે ગળું ખંખેર્યું અને કહ્યું, “રોબૉટ્સ લોકોને હાનિ ન પહોંચાડે અને તેઓ તેમનાં માલિકના હુકમનો અનાદર પણ ન કરે. શ્રી પ્રેમ ચોપડાએ આપેલી સૂચનાઓ બહાર પાડવાની નહોતી. તે તેના પોતાના અસ્તિત્વ માટે હાનિકારક હતી – એક રોબૉટના જીવને જોખમરૂપ હતી. જો તેણે તે સૂચનાઓ) બહાર પાડી હોત, તો તેણે તેના માલિકના હુકમનો અનાદર કર્યો હોત;

(અને) જો તે સૂચનાઓ) બાર ન પાડી હોત, તો તે બીજાને નુકસાન કરત. આ સંઘર્ષે રામ સિંહનો અંત ક્યોં. ખોટું બોલવું, માનવીઓને ઈજા પહોંચાડવી અથવા દગો કરવાને બદલે તેણે નષ્ટ થવાનું પસંદ કર્યું.” વકીલના ચહેરા પર દુઃખ અને ખિન્નતાની રેખાઓ સ્પષ્ટ દેખાતી હતી. થોડી વાર વિચાર કરીને ન્યાયાધીશે જાહેર કર્યું, “આ ન્યાયાલય પ્રેમ ચોપડાને ચોરી માટે દોષી ઠેરવે છે.” વકીલે તેની ફાઈલ ઉપાડી અને નમીને ઓરડાની બહાર જતો રહ્યો.

Word Meanings

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Idioms And Phrases

(1) to lead through
The teacher led the children through the corridor.

(2) to step on
The little boy stepped on the dog’s tail.

(3) to come forward
Sonam came forward and spoke to the teacher about the problems of the students.

(4) to prove worthwhile
“Did your visit to the minister prove worth while ? Did he listen to you ?” asked Mr Shah to his friend.

(5) to head towards
The principal quickly headed towards his office.

(6) to adhere to
The students must adhere to the rules of the school.

(7) to take notice of
The teacher did not take notice of the new student sitting on the first bench.

(8) to go on
In spite of the noise in the class, the teacher went on teaching.

(9) all over
The news of the Prime Minister’s visit to the city spread all over in no time.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 2 The Human Robot

(10) in no time
When we called Sumeet, he arrived home in no time.

(11) capable of
Nowadays, even young children are capable of using computers efficiently.

(12) to dispose of
The main problem in cities is how to dispose of the garbage.

(13) wiped out
When my computer crashed, all my work was wiped out.

(14) to turn to
Deepak turned to the shopkeeper and asked him the price of the shirt.

(15) in detail
Harsh explained his project in detail to the teacher.

(16) to suffer loss
Nareshbhai suffered very heavy loss in his business last year.

(17) for long
Nayana’s performance ended and for long the audience was clapping in appreciation.

(18) to break apart
The toy car fell down from my hand and broke apart.

I feel… (Classroom Activity)
(1) Make a list of the sentences that you didn’t like about Prem Chopra.
(2) What would you do if you had a robot like Ram Singh-070?
(3) Underline the words / phrases narrating Ram Singh’s conflict.
(4) Discuss in the class : Are robots a blessing or a curse ?
(5) Underline the sentences that Ram Singh spoke in his defense in the court.
(6) Which quality of Ram Singh did you like most ?

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