GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Poem 2 Pencil

Gujarat Board GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Second Language Poem 2 Pencil Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

GSEB Class 10 English Textbook Solutions Poem 2 Pencil (Second Language)

GSEB Class 10 English Pencil Text Book Questions and Answers


1. (A) The little girl draws nine -1 imaginary pictures. Which one do you like s the most ? Draw any three pictures in the space beside the printed poem. (Individual Activity)
(B) What is meant by ‘only the smoke remains on the white paper’ ?
The burden of homework makes the little girl so angry that she breaks the tip of her pencil. She stops drawing. Her creativity is killed by homework. So the poet says that only smoke remains on paper.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Poem 2 Pencil

2. Find out the antonyms of these from the poem.

(1) black : white
(2) darkness : light
(3) emptied : filled
(4) kindled: extinguished
(5) drowning : swimming
(6) takes : gives

3. Answer these questions in brief.

Question 1.
When does the sky of the white paper begin to be filled ?
The sky of the white paper begins to be filled when the poet’s daughter sharpens her pencil and starts drawing on it.

Question 2.
Do you think that the peacock drawn by the girl is strange ? Why ?
No, the peacock drawn by the girl is not strange because children have a wonderful imagination.

Question 3.
Where is the fish flying ?
The fish is flying on the forehead of the cloud.

Question 4.
Why does the little girl get angry ?
The little girl gets angry because her teacher has given her homework and she will have to stop drawing and do the homework.

Question 5.
How does the angry girl react ?
The angry girl breaks the tip of the pencil with which she is drawing.

4. Write True or False. If false, correct the sentences.

Question 1.
The fish travels through the forehead of the cloud.

Question 2.
The girl is busy sharpening her pencil.
The girl is busy drawing strange pictures.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Poem 2 Pencil

Question 3.
The girl hates doing the homework given by the teacher.

Question 4.
The aeroplane is flying through the clouds.
The aeroplane is walking on the road.

Question 5.
The poet loves his daughter very much.

Question 6.
The lion is talking to the girl.
The lion is talking to the cow.

Question 7.
The girl enjoys drawing the pictures.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Poem 2 Pencil

Question 8.
The girl smashes the point of the pencil.

Question 9.
The sun doesn’t have any patch of clouds over it.
The sun has a patch of cloud over it.

Question 10.
The girl feels happy in making the picture of the animals only.

5. Imagine that you have again become very young (5 to 8 years). What type of pictures would you draw on the ‘sky of white paper’ ? Describe any three imaginary pictures. Then draw and colour them. (Individual Activity)

Exam-Oriented Study Material

Read the lines of the poem and answer the questions.

(1) My daughter
Little dear daughter
Lights a pencil
With a sharpener.
The sky of the white paper
Begins to be filled with light.

Question 1.
When does the sky of white paper begin to be filled with light ?
The sky of white paper begins to be filled with light when the girl sharpens her pencil and starts drawing on it.

Question 2.
‘The sky of the white paper begins to be filled with light’ means ….
‘The sky of the white paper begins to be filled with light’ means the girl starts drawing on the paper.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Poem 2 Pencil

Question 3.
What is the antonym of the word ‘darkness’ ?

(2) The black bird flying away with the tree;
Glasses on the eyes of the peacock;
The fire chariot flying in the air;
The airplane walking on the road;
The lion having a conversation with the cow;

Question 1.
What is the black bird doing?
The black bird is flying away with the tree.

Question 2.
What is strange about the peacock drawn by the girl?
The peacock drawn by the girl is wearing glasses.

Question 3.
What is flying in the air ?
The fire chariot is flying in the air.

Question 4.
What is walking on the road?
The airplane is walking on the road.

Question 5.
Who are having a conversation?
The lion and the cow are having a conversation.

Question 6.
The cow is having a conversation with the peacock. True or False ?

Question 7.
The peacock is wearing glasses. True or False ?

Question 8.
The airplane is flying in the air. True or False ?

Question 9.
What is the synonym of the word ‘chat’?

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Poem 2 Pencil

(3) A one-eyed sun on the black tree
With a patch of cloud over it;
A blue fish flying on the forehead of the cloud;
The yellow butterfly swimming in the waterfall.

Question 1.
Where is the sun?
The sun is on the black tree.

Question 2.
What is there over the sun?
There is a patch of cloud over the sun.

Question 3.
What is the fish doing?
The fish is flying on the forehead of the cloud.

Question 4.
What is the butterfly doing?
The butterfly is swimming in the waterfall.

Question 5.
The sun is ….
The sun is one-eyed.

Question 6.
The blue fish is swimming in the waterfall. True or False ?

Question 7.
The yellow butterfly is swimming in the waterfall. True or False ?

Question 8.
The sun is one-eyed. True or False ?

(4) My darling daughter,
In her ecstasy Is busy drawing
Strange pictures.
But when the schoolmaster
Gives her homework,
My darling doll
Breaks the tip of the pencil
In anger,
And the candle of the pencil Is extinguished.
Only the smoke remains On the sky of the white paper.

Question 1.
What is the girl doing?
The girl is busy drawing strange pictures.

Question 2.
When does the girl get angry ?
The girl gets angry when the schoolmaster gives her homework.

Question 3.
What does the girl do when she is angry ?
When the girl is angry, she breaks the tip of her pencil.

Question 4.
What remains on the sky of the white paper ?
Only the smoke remains on the sky of the white paper.

Question 5.
The ….. is extinguished.
The candle of the pencil is extinguished.

Question 6.
What is the antonym of the word ‘kindled’ ?

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Poem 2 Pencil

Question 7.
Which word in the poem means ‘odd’?

Pencil Summary in Gujarati

મારી દીકરી નાની વહાલી દીકરી એક પેન્સિલ પ્રગટાવે છે એક શાર્પનર વડે શ્વેત કાગળનું આકાશ પ્રકાશથી પ્રજ્વલિત થાય છે. વૃક્ષ સાથે ઊડી જતું કાળું પક્ષી; મોરની આંખો પર ચશ્માં; હવામાં ઊડતો અગ્નિરથ; રસ્તા પર ચાલતું વિમાન; ગાય સાથે વાતો કરતો સિંહ; કાળા વૃક્ષ પર એક આંખવાળો સૂરજ (અને) તેની ઉપર વાદળનો એક ધબ્બો; વાદળના લલાટ પર ઊડતી એક ભૂરી માછલી; ધોધમાં તરતું એક પીળું પતંગિયું.

મારી વહાલી દીકરી, તેના અત્યાનંદમાં વિચિત્ર ચિત્રો દોરવામાં વ્યસ્ત છે. પણ જ્યારે શાળાના શિક્ષક તેને ગૃહકાર્ય આપે છે, મારી વહાલી ઢીંગલી ગુસ્સામાં પેન્સિલની અણી તોડી નાખે છે, અને પેન્સિલની મીણબત્તી ઓલવાઈ જાય છે. શ્વેત કાગળના આકાશમાં રહે છે ફક્ત ધુમાડો.

Word Meanings

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