GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 5 गुणवती कन्या

Gujarat Board GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 5 गुणवती कन्या Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers Notes Pdf.

Gujarat Board Textbook Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 5 गुणवती कन्या

GSEB Class 10 Sanskrit गुणवती कन्या Textbook Questions and Answers

1. अधोलिखितेभ्यः विकल्पेभ्यः समुचितम् उत्तरं चिनुत –
Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives:

1. कस्मिन् वर्षे प्रविष्टः शक्तिकुमारः चिन्तामापन्नः?
(क) द्वाविंशतितमे
(ख) विंशतितमे
(ग) एकविंशतितमे
(घ) चतुर्विंशतितमे
(क) द्वाविंशतितमे

2. श्रेष्ठिपुत्रः किमर्थं देशम् अभ्रम?
(क) धनार्जनार्थम्
(ख) विद्याग्रहणाय
(ग) दारग्रहणाय
(घ) धनग्रहणाय
(ग) दारग्रहणाय

3. बुद्धिमती कन्या शालीन् कुत्र तप्तवती?
(क) अग्नौ
(ख) आतपे।
(ग) चत्वरे
(घ) समानायां भूमौ
(ख) आतपे।

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 5 गुणवती कन्या

4. तुषान् विक्रीय धात्री किम् आनीतवती?
(क) घृतम्
(ख) काष्ठानि
(ग) जलम्
(घ) शाकम्
(ख) काष्ठानि

5. कन्या धात्रीमुखेन अतिथिं प्रथमं किं निवेदितवती?
(क) प्रतीक्षाकरणाय
(ख) आसनग्रहणाय
(ग) भोजनाय
(घ) स्नानाय
(घ) स्नानाय

6. इन्धनानि जलेन शमयित्वा कन्या किं प्राप्तवती?
(क) कृष्णाङ्गारान्
(ख) काष्ठानि
(ग) जलम्
(घ) शाकम्
(क) कृष्णाङ्गारान्

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 5 गुणवती कन्या

7. भोजनान्ते कन्यया कस्य व्यवस्था कृता?
(क) शयनस्य
(ख) ताम्बूलस्य
(ग) तक्रस्य
(घ) मिष्टान्नस्य
(ख) ताम्बूलस्य

8. कन्या विविधानि व्यञ्जनानि केन विरचितवती?
(क) स्वकीयेन बुद्धिबलेन
(ख) क्रीतेन इन्धनेन
(ग) प्रस्थपरिमितेन धान्येन
(घ) स्वकीयेन धनेन
(ग) प्रस्थपरिमितेन धान्येन

2. एकवाक्येन संस्कृतभाषायाम् उत्तरं लिखत –
Answer in one Sanskrit sentence:

1. श्रेष्ठिपुत्रस्य नाम किम् आसीत्?
श्रेष्ठिपुत्रस्य नाम शक्तिकुमारः आसीत्।

2. देशान् भ्रमन् शक्तिकुमारः एकदा कुत्र समागत:?
देशान् भ्रमन् शक्तिकुमारः एकदा कावेरीतीरपत्तने समागतः।

3. शक्तिकुमारः विरलभूषणां कुमारी कुत्र अपश्यत्?
शक्तिकुमारः विरलभूषणां कुमारी कूपे अपश्यत्।

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 5 गुणवती कन्या

4. कन्या तण्डुलान् केन प्रक्षालितवती?
कन्या तण्डुलान् जलेन प्रक्षालितवती।

5. भोज्यादीनां पदार्थानां वर्णनं कृत्वा कन्या किं कृतवती?
भोज्यादीनां पदार्थानां वर्णनं कृत्वा कन्या अतिथेः भोजनरूचिम् वर्धितवती (अवर्धयत्)।

3. कृदन्त प्रकारं लिखत –
Name the type of the following कृदन्त।

1. प्रविष्टः – त – प्रत्ययान्त कर्तरि भूतकृदन्तम्
2. आकृष्टम् – कर्मणि – भूतकृदन्तम्
3. भोजयितुम् – प्रेरक हेत्वर्थक तुमन्तम् अव्ययम्।
4. उक्त्वा – सम्बन्धक भूतकृदन्तम् त्वान्तम् अव्ययम्
5. आदाय – सम्बन्धकं भूतकृदन्तम् ल्यवन्त अव्ययम्
6. निवेदितवती – तवत् – प्रत्ययान्त प्रेरक कर्तरि भूतकृदन्तम्

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 5 गुणवती कन्या

4. सन्धिविच्छेदं कुरुत –
Dissolve the sandhis:
1. प्रविष्टस्तदा = प्रविष्ट + तदा
2. सोऽचिन्तयत् = सः + अचिन्तयत्
3. तुषेभ्यस्तण्डुलाः = तुषेभ्यः + तण्डुलाः
4. व्यञ्जनञ्च = व्यञ्जनम् + च

5. समासप्रकारं लिखित –
Name the type of the compound:
1. दारविहीनानाम् = तृतीया तत्पुरुष समासः
2. घृतसहितम् = तृतीया तत्पुरुष समासः
3. पिनद्धशालिः = बहुव्रीहि समासः
4. विरलभूषणाम् = बहुव्रीहि समासः
5. शालिप्रस्थेन = षष्ठी तत्पुरुष समासः
6. कृष्णाङ्गारान् = कर्मधारय समासः
7. गुणसम्पदा = षष्ठी तत्पुरुष समासः
8. स्वनगरम् = षष्ठी तत्पुरुष समासः अथवा कर्मधारय समासः।

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 5 गुणवती कन्या

6. उदाहरणानुसारं शब्दरूपं परिचयं कारयत –
Write the form of words according to example.
GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 5 गुणवती कन्या

7. कोष्ठगतापदानि प्रयुज्य वाक्यानि रचयत –
Use words from brackets and make sentences:

1. A merchant’s son named शक्तिकुमार was living.
(श्रेष्ठिपुत्र शक्तिकुमार नि + वस्)
2. At the well he saw a girl having few ornaments.
(कूप एका विरलभूषण कुमारी दृश्)
3. She took merchant’s son to her house.
(श्रेष्ठिपुत्र स्वगृह आ + नी)
4. Wealth is obtained through it.
(तत् धन मिल्)
5. I bring vegetables, ghee and oil for money.
(धन शाक घृत तैल च आ + नी)
1. श्रेष्ठिपुत्रः शक्तिकुमारः निवसति स्म (न्यवसत वा।
2. कूपे एका विरलभूषणा कुमारी दृष्टा।
3. श्रेष्ठिपुत्रं स्वगृहम् आनीतवती।
4. तेन धनं मिलेति (तेन धनं प्राप्यते वा)।
5. धनेन शाकं घृतं तैलं च आनयामि।

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 5 गुणवती कन्या

8. अधोलिखितानां प्रश्नानाम् उत्तराणि आङ्ग्लभाषायां लिखत –
Answer the following questions in English:

Question 1.
What does शक्तिकुमार think when he became twenty – two years old?
When शक्तिकुमार become twenty-two years old he thought, “Men who have no wife suitable qualities are not happy. So how can I find a virtuous wife?”

Question 2.
What was शक्तिकुमार’s planning to test an excellent girl?
शक्तिकुमार wanted to find a suitable bride for himself. According to his plan, a girl who could prepare and feed various food items (dishes) from only one paddy would be a virtuous girl from him.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 5 गुणवती कन्या

Question 3.
Which things does the girl sell? What does she get in return?
The girl dehusked the paddy. With the husk sold to the goldsmith, she got some money with which she bought firewood. Then she cooked the rice in the boiled water. When the rice was ready, she sprinkled water on the fire and sold the coal to the beggars, and with that money, she bought the oil, vegetables, ghee, and curds. Then she prepared many food items.

Question 4.
In what way did the girl increase शक्तिकुमार’s liking for a meal?
When served the food items prepared by her to शक्तिकुमार’, she described the dishes in an interesting manner. Her description made शक्तिकुमार like every item.

Question 5.
What attracted शक्तिकुमार to propose the girl for marriage?
शक्तिकुमार’s mind was already attracted by the girl’s beauty but when she passed the test of preparing many dishes with only one we paddy, he was impressed by her qualities. He noticed that she was frugal, expert in cooking as well as in conversation. She was courteous and had a good manner. Her qualities convinced him that she would be an ideal housewife
so he proposed the girl for marriage.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 5 गुणवती कन्या

9. आङ्ग्लभाषायां संक्षिप्तां टिप्पणी लिखत
Write a short note in English:

1. शक्तिकुमार’s planning for the test.
शक्तिकुमार wanted to marry a virtuous girl who would make an ideal wife for him. He made a plan to test the prospective bride. When he saw a young girl sitting at the well on the bank of the river कवेरी, he thought of implementing his plan. According to his plan, if the girl could make many food items with only one प्रस्थ paddy that he gave her and please him she would be the right girl for him.

2. Planning of the excellent girl.
शक्तिकुमार gave only one प्रस्थ paddy to the young girl and asked for whether she had the skill to prepare a sumptuous meal for him with that. She accepted the challenge. She first dehusked the grains by heating them in the light of the sun and grinding them. She asked her attendant to sell the husk to the goldsmith and buy firewood with the money.

Then she washed the rice grains and boiled them. She extinguished the fire and sold the cool to the beggars and with that money she bought vegetables, oil, ghee and curd. She prepared many dishes. She served them to शक्तिकुमार, made him interested in them by describing each and every dish in an interesting manner. After the meal, she offered even a betel.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 5 गुणवती कन्या

10. अधोदत्तानां वाक्यानाम् आङ्ग्लभाषायाम् अनुवाद कुरुत –
Translate the following sentences in English:
Question 1.
तत्कथ गुणवती भार्याम् अहं विन्देयमिति?
So how can I get a virtuous wife?

2. एकदा स कावेरीतीरपत्तने समागतः।
Once he came to the city on the bank of the river कावेरी.

3. स्वर्णकाराय विक्रेतुं धात्रीमुक्तवती।
She told the maidservant to sell (it) to a goldsmith.

4. उष्णीकृते जले च तान् प्रक्षिप्तवती।
She put them into the hot water.

5. अतिथये प्रथमं स्नातुं निवेदितवती।
She told the guest to take a bath first.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 5 गुणवती कन्या

गुणवती कन्या Introduction
The story in this lesson is adopted and simplified from दशकुमारचरितम्, composed by the great poet दण्डी। In this sixth chapter (उच्छ्वास) of दशकुमारचरितम्, Prince मन्त्रमुग्ध describes his own experiences. He has narrated this story to illustrate his statement: दारगुणाः गृहिणः प्रियहिताय (The good qualities of a wife cause the happiness and welfare of a householder).

Like every young man शक्तिकुमार, desired to marry the most suitable young girl. Though at first he was attracted by the physical beauty, he wanted to make sure whether she had qualities to make her a good wife. He made her face the test, devised by him. When she passed the test, he proposed her. One is reminded of a popular proverb “The way, to a man’s heart go through his stomach.”

गुणवती कन्या Summary Of The Chapter

1. संस्कृतम्:
काञ्चीनगरे शक्तिकुमारो नाम एकः श्रेष्ठिपुत्रः प्रतिवसति स्म। स यदा स्वकीयस्य जीवनस्य द्वाविंशतितमे वर्षे प्रविष्टस्तदा चिन्तामापन्नः – नास्ति दारविहीनानाम् अननुरूपगुणदाराणां च सुखम्। तत्कथं गुणवती भार्याम् अहं विन्देयमिति।

There lived in a city called काञ्ची, the son of a merchant named शक्तिकुमार, when he entered the twenty-two years of his life, he became worried (thinking), “Those who have no wife and those whose wife devoid of suitable virtues do not become happy. So how can I get a virtuous wife?”

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 5 गुणवती कन्या

2. संस्कृतम्:
ततः स प्रभूतं विचार्य वस्त्रान्ते पिनद्धशालिः दारग्रहणाय विविधान् देशान् अभ्रमत्। एकदा स कावेरीतीरपत्तने समागतः। अत्र स: कूपे विरलभूषणां कुमारीमेकाम् अपश्यत्। तस्याः रूपसम्पदाभिभूतः सोऽचिन्तयेत्-आकृष्टं मे हृदयम् अस्याम्। तदेतां परीक्ष्य विवाहप्रस्तावं कृत्वा, सत्याम सम्मती उद्वहामि। स तां निकषा संगत्य सविनयम् आह-अस्ति ते कौशलं शालिप्रस्थेन अनेन सम्पन्नमाहारं मां भोजयितुम्?

Translation: Then thinking deeply he wandered at various places with paddy tied at the hem of his garment to get a wife. Once he came to a city on the bank of the river folks Here, he saw a young girl wearing fewer ornaments near the well. He who was overpowered by the wealth of her beauty thought, “My mind is attracted to this girl. So testing her and making her a proposal I will marry her if she agrees. Approaching her politely he said, “Do you have the skill to feed me with sumptuous food prepared with this one Prasth paddy?”

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 5 गुणवती कन्या

3. संस्कृतम्:
ततः सा ओमिति उक्त्वा प्रस्थमात्रं धान्यमादाय श्रेष्ठिपुत्रस्य याचनानुसारं कर्तुं प्रवृत्ता।

Saying ‘Yes’ (and) taking only Prasth paddy, she proceeded to do as he had asked (her).

4. संस्कृतम्:
ततः आदौ सा बुद्धिमती कन्या तान् शालीन् प्रथमम् आतपे तप्वती। ततः समायां परिशुद्धायां भूमौ तान् अघट्टयत्। अनेन तुषेभ्यस्तण्डुलाः पृथक् सञ्जाताः।

Then first that intelligent girl heated the paddy in the Sun. Then she ground them on the flat or even ground. As a result of this, the rice grains were separated from the husk.

5. संस्कृतम्:
तण्डुलान् सम्प्राप्य सा तुषाम् भूषणानां मार्जनार्थं स्वर्णकाराय विक्रेतुं धात्रीम् अकथयत्। तस्मात् यत् धनं मिलति, तेन काष्ठानि आहार इति च धात्री निवेदितवती।

Having obtained the rice grains, she told the elderly nurse to sell the husk to the goldsmith for cleaning the ornaments. She told the elderly nurse to bring firewood with the money she would get.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 5 गुणवती कन्या

6. संस्कृतम्:
छात्री काष्ठानि आनीतवती। तदनन्तरं सा तण्डुलान् असकृत् जलेन प्रक्षालितवती, उष्णीकृते जले च तान् प्रक्षिप्तवती। अल्पीयसा कालेनैव तण्डुलाः सिद्धाः सञ्जाताः। ततः इन्धनानि जलेन शमयित्वा कृष्णाङ्गरानपि तदर्थभ्यः प्रेषयित्वा यत् धनं लब्धं तेन धनेन शाकं घृतं दधि तैलं च क्रीतवती। तेन च सा विविधानि व्यञ्जनानि सम्पादितवती।

The elderly nurse brought the wood. Then she washed the rice grains many times and put them in the hot water. In a short time, the rice were cooked. Then having extinguished (burning pieces of) wood with water and with whatever money she got by sending the coals to those who needed them, she bought vegetable, ghee, oil and curd. And with it she prepared various dishes.

7. संस्कृतम्:
सम्पन्ने आहारे सा कन्या धात्रीमुखेन अतिथये प्रथमं स्नातुं निवेदितवती। ततः स्नानशुद्धाय तस्मै अतिथये सा पेयोपाहारपूर्वं भोजनं घृतसहितम् ओदनं व्यञ्जनञ्च अयच्छत्।

When the food was ready, the young girl asked the guest through the elderly nurse to take a bath. Then to the guest who had cleaned himself by taking bath she gave rice and other dishes with ghee after first offering beverage and snacks.

8. संस्कृतम्:
मध्ये मध्ये सा भोज्यादीनां विविधानां पदार्थानां वर्णनं कृत्वा अतिथेः भोजनरुचिमपि अवर्धयत्। भुक्ते तु तस्मिन् अतिथौ तया ताम्बूलस्यापि व्यवस्था कृता। एवं स्वकीयया गुणसम्पदा प्रस्थपरिमितेन धान्येन विविधानि व्यञ्जनानि विरचितवतीं कन्यां प्रति समाकृष्टः शक्तिकुमारः विवाहस्य प्रस्तावं कृतवान्। कन्यया स्वीकृते प्रस्तावे तां विधिवदुपयम्य स्वनगरमनयत्।

In between the young girl even whetted the guest’s desire for the meal by describing the various food items and other things. When the guest had finished with the meal the arrangement of a betal was also made by her. In this way gifcher was attracted to the young girl who prepared various dishes with only one prasth of paddy using her wealth of qualities made a proposal of marriage. When the proposal was accepted by the young girl, marrying her according to rites for HR took her to his own city.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 5 गुणवती कन्या

गुणवती कन्या Glossary And Notes

काञ्चीनगरे – in the city of काञ्ची, the famous ancient city in Tamil Nadu in Sough India, श्रेष्ठिपुत्रः – श्रेष्ठिनः पुत्रः – षष्ठी तत्पुरुष समास, the son of a merchant, प्रतिवसति स्म – प्रत्यवसत्, lived or was living; present tense verb followed by स्म expresses the sense of past tense, स्वकीयस्य जीवनस्य – of his own life, द्वाविंशतितमे वर्षे – in the twenty-second year, प्रतिष्टस्तदा – प्रतिष्टः + तदा – when (he) entered, चिन्तामापन्नः – चिन्ताम् + आपन्नः – became worried, दारविहीनानाम् – दारैः विहीनाः, तेषाम् – तृतीया तत्पुरुष समास, who have no wife; दारा is a masculine noun used in the plural, अननुरूपगुणदाराणाम् – न अनुरूपाः अननुरूपाः – नञ् तत्पुरुष समास, अननुरूपाः गुणाः यस्याः सा, अननुरूपगुणाः – बहुव्रीहि समास, अननुरूपगुणाः च अमी दाराः च, तेषाम् – बहुव्रीहि समास; whose wives have no suitable qualities, (तेषां) सुखम् नास्ति – they are not happy, तत्कथम् – so how,

गुणवतीम् भार्याम् – virtuous wife, गुणवत् – (adjective ending in वत्) Feminine accusative singular. Note how adjective changes according to the noun, गुणवान् पति:/ पुत्रः (M), गुणवती कन्या/भार्या (F), विन्देयम् – विन्देय, लभेय (how should I) get, विद् (6U) A potential mood, विधिलिङ् लकार, first person singular, verb of the subject ‘अहम्’, प्रभूतम् – very much, adverb of विचार्य, विचार्य – thinking, वस्त्रान्ते – वस्त्रस्य अन्तः, तस्मिन् – षष्ठी तत्पुरुष समास; in the hem of agarment,

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 5 गुणवती कन्या

पिनद्धशालिः – पिनद्धा शालिः येन सः – बहुव्रीहि समास, who has tied paddy, दारग्रहणाय-दाराणाम् ग्रहणम्, तस्मै – षष्ठी तत्पुरुष समास, for taking a wife, विविधान् देशान् – at various places, अभ्रमत् – wondered; verb of the subject, सः कावेरीतीरपत्तने – कावेर्याः तीरम्, कावेरीतीरम् – षष्ठी तत्पुरुष समास, कावेरीतीरस्त पत्तनेम्, तस्मिन् – षष्ठी तत्पुरुष समास, in a city on the bank of the river कावेरी, समागतः – समागच्छत् – came, कूपे – in the well, here ‘near the well’, विरलभूषणाम् – विरलम् भूषणम् यस्या सा, ताम् – बहुव्रीहि समास, to one having less ornament, adjective of the noun कन्याम्, अपश्यत् – saw, रूपसम्पदाभिभूतः – रूपसम्पदा + अभिभूतः,

रूपस्य सम्पद्, तया – षष्ठी तत्पुरुष समास, by the wealth in the form of beauty, अभिभूत – impressed or overpowered; adjective of, ‘स:’ आकृष्टम् – attracted, the adjective of the neuter noun, -हृदयम्’ अस्याम् – in this (girl), इदम् (pronoun) Feminine locative singular, अस्याम् – अस्याम् कन्यायाम् तदेताम् – तत् + एताम् – so (testing) this (girl), परीक्ष्य – having tested, परि + ईक्ष् (1A), पूर्वकालवाचक धातुसाधिक ल्यवन्त – gerund, विवाहप्रस्तावम् – विवाहस्य प्रस्तावः, तम् – षष्ठी तत्पुरुष समास, the proposal of marriage, तस्याम् सम्मती – if she agrees, उद्वहामि – (I shall) marry, ताम् निकषां – near her, the indeclinable निकषो is used with the assusative case so – ताम्’ is in the accusative, another example, कूपम् निकषा एकः विशालः वृक्षः अस्ति। संगत्य – having met, सविनयम्-विनयेन सह यथा स्यात् तथा – अव्ययीभाव समास; politely,

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 5 गुणवती कन्या

आह-ब्रवीति – says, here ‘said’, अस्ति ते कौशलम् – do you have the skill? शालिप्रस्थेन अनेन – with this one, प्रस्थ (of paddy), सम्पन्नम् – rich, sumptuous, the adjective of आहारम्, संपन्नम् – prepared, cooked, माम भोजयितुम् – to feed me, भुज (7U), प्रेरक हेत्वर्थक तुमन्त अव्यय — causal infinitive. ओमिति उक्त्वा – having said आम् which is life ‘yes’, all right, प्रस्थमात्रम् धान्यम् – one प्रस्थ paddy, the object of आदाय, आदाय – गृहीत्वा – having taken, याचनानुसारम् – याचनायाः अनुसारः यस्मिन् कर्मणि यथा स्यात् तथा – अव्ययीभाव समास, according to the desire, कर्तुं प्रवृत्ता – (she) started doing proceeded.

तान् शालीन् — that grains, शालि – (masculine noun ending in इ), accusative plural; object of the verb तप्तवती, (अतपत्) आतपे – in the sun, तप्तवती — (she) heated;, तप् (1P) कर्तरि भूतकृदन्त past active participle, feminine nominative singular, समायाम् – on the even; adjective of the feminine noun, भूमौ तान् – शालीन्, अघट्टयत् – (she) ground, अनेन – as a result of this, तुषेभ्यस्तण्डुलाः – तुषेभ्यः + तण्डुलाः – the rice grains (were separated) from husk, पृथक् सञ्जाताः – become separate, सम् + जन् – सञ्जा (4A), past active कर्तरि भूतकृदन्त, masculine nominative plural, सजाताः – समजायन्त, the adjective of तण्डुलाः।

सम्प्राप्य – having obtained; सम् + प्र + आप (5P), पूर्वकालवाचक धातुसाधित ल्यवन्त अव्यय or सम्बन्धक भूतकृदन्त, तुषान् – husk, मार्जनार्थम् – मार्जनाय इति – चतुर्थी तत्पुरुष समास, for cleaning, स्वर्णकाराय — to the goldsmith, विक्रेतुम् – to sell, in order to sell; वि + क्री (9U) हेत्वर्थक धातुसाधित तुमन्त अव्यय or infinitive, धात्रीम् अकथयत् – धाज्यै अकथयत् – told the elderly maidservant. When the roots,

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 5 गुणवती कन्या

कथ्, ख्या, चक्ष्, causal form of नि + विद् (10U) are used, the person to whom something is told should be in the dative case so in place of धात्रीम् अकथत् and धात्रीम् निवेदितवती, धाज्यै अकथयत् and धाज्यै, निवेदितवती – are preferable, धात्रीम् – वृद्धदासीम्, निवेदितवती – narrated, told, नि + विद् (10U) causal past active participle feminine nominative singular, आहर – bring; आ + ह (1P) imperative mood, लोट् लकार, second-person singular verb of the subject त्वम्। आनीतवती – आनयत्, she brought; आ + नी (1P) कर्तरि भूतकृदन्त past active participle, feminine nominative, singular,

तदनन्तरम् – तस्मात् अनन्तरम् – पंचमी तत्पुरुष समास, after that, असकृत् – many times, often; this is an indeclinable, प्रक्षालितवती – प्राक्षालयत्, – (she) washed; प्र + क्षल् (10U), कर्तरि भूतकृदन्त, past active participle, feminine nominative singular, उष्णीकृते जले – in the heated water, उष्णीकृते च उष्णम्, अनुष्णम्, अनुष्णम् उष्णम् सम्पद्यमानम् कृतम् – च्चि form, प्रक्षिप्तवती – प्राक्षिपत् – (she) put; प्र + क्षिप् (6P) कर्तरि भूतकृदन्त past active participle, feminine nominative singular,

अल्पीयसा कालेन – in a very short time; अल्प (adjective) + ईयस् > अल्पीयसा comparative degree, adjective, masculine instrumental singular, सिद्धाः सञ्जाताः – they were cooked/ready to serve, इन्धनानि – firewood, शमयित्वा – having extinguished; शम् (4P) causal, प्रेरक सम्बन्धक भूतकृदन्त त्वान्त अव्यय, कृष्णाङ्गारान् – कृष्णाः अङ्गाराः तान् – कर्मधारय समास; black coal, तदर्थिभ्यः – needy of them (coal); अङ्गारक्रेतृभ्यः प्रोषयित्वा – having sent; प्रेष (4P) प्रेरक पूर्वकालवाचक धातुसाधित causal त्वान्त – gerund, यत् धनम् लब्धम् – whatever

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 5 गुणवती कन्या

money she gets, घृतम् – ghee, तैलम् – oil, क्रीतवती – (she) bought; क्री (9U) past active कर्तरि भूतकृदन्त, – feminine nominative singular, व्यञ्जनानि – dishes, सम्पादितवती – (she) prepared. सम्पन्ने आहारे – यदा आहारः सम्पन्नः तदा – when the meal was ready (cooked). This is locative absolute construction or सति सप्तमी, धात्रीमुखेन – धाग्याः मुखम् तेन – षष्ठी तत्पुरुष समास; sending a message through the maid, धात्रीमुखेन – धात्रीम् संप्रेष्य अतिथये – to the guest, स्नातुम् – to take a bath, स्नानशुद्धाय – स्नानेन शुद्धः तस्मै-तृतीया तत्पुरुष; (to the guest) who had taken a bath, पेयोपाहारपूर्वकम् – with beverage and snacks (उपाहार); adjective of भोजनम् Note that पेय and उपाहार are like soup or starters, sizzlers. They are appetizing, घृतसहितम् – घृतेन सहितम् – तृतीया तत्पुरुष समास with ghee, the adjective of ओदनम् व्यञ्जनम् च अयच्छत् – gave served; दा – यच्छ् (1P) imperfect past tense, ह्रास्तन भूतकाल, third-person singular, when this root is used the indirect object/recipient is in the dative case so तस्मै अतिथये।

मध्ये मध्ये – in between, side by side, भोज्यादीनाम् – of the food and snacks, विविधानाम् पदार्थाम् – of the various eatables, भोजनरुचिम् – भोजने रुचिः, ताम् – सप्तमी तत्पुरुष समास; interest in the food, अवर्धयत् – (she) increased, वृध (1A), प्रेरक लङ् लकार causal imperfect past tense, third-person singular, भुक्ते तु तस्मिन् अतिथौ – यदा सः अतिथिः भुक्तवान् तदा – when the guest had eaten. This is locative absolute construction or सति सप्तमी, ताम्तूलस्य अपि – (arrangement of) a betel also, स्वकीयया गुणसम्पदा – with the wealth (सम्पद्) – in the form of good qualities of her own (स्वकीया),

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प्रस्थपरिमितेन – प्रस्थेन परिमितम्, तेन – तृतीया तत्पुरुष समास; with (only) one प्रस्थ (grains), विरचितवतीम् – who had prepared; adjective of the substantive noun, ‘कन्याम्’ समाकृष्टः – attracted, the adjective of ‘शक्तिकुमारः’ प्रस्तावम् कृतवान् – _he proposed, lit-made a proposal, कन्यया स्वीकृते प्रस्तावे – यदा कन्यया प्रस्तावः स्वीकृतः तदा – when the proposal was accepted by the young girl. This is locative absolute construction or सति सप्तमी, विधिवत् – according to rule prescribed by scriptures; this is an indeclinable, उपगम्य – having __married; उप + यम् (1P) ल्यवन्त ground, स्वनगरम् नयत् – स्वनगरम् + अनयत् – he took (her) to his city.

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