GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 3 Read 1 Manage Your Stress

Gujarat BoardĀ GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Second Language Unit 3 Read 1 Manage Your Stress Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

GSEB Std 12 English Textbook Solutions Unit 3 Read 1 Manage Your Stress (2nd Language)

GSEB Class 12 English Manage Your Stress Text Book Questions and Answers


(a) What is your way of reacting in the list in the second para of the Read.
(b) What are the areas or topics of your over-thinking ?
(c) Do all the four steps of ā€˜anticipating success’ and then share your feeling with your partner.
(a) My way of reacting is as follows :
(1) I find it difficult to concentrate on things.
(2) I have lots of different things on my mind but cannot grasp a clear thought.
(3) I start lots of things but donā€™t finish any.

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 3 Read 1 Manage Your Stress

(b) The areas or topics of my over-thinking are as follows:
(1) Preparation for exam.
(2) Competition in sports.
(3) Fulfilling my parentsā€™ expectations for me.

(c) I have followed all the four steps of ā€˜successā€™, but while following them, my thinking was like this :
I tried to curb my over-thinking which made me suspicious about my result by repeatedly saying to myself that ā€˜I have no expectations’. Then I tried to observe self-hypnosis by settling down in a chair and counting numbers imagining different things. I also tried to bring positive pictures on my mind-screen by collating all those things that can bring me bright success.

2. Peep into your life and fill in the table. Add one incident when you really felt

Action Yes/No How long does that feelings last ? Reason
You are frightened when a cockroach climbs up your leg. Yes 2-3 minutes fear that it may harm me
Your mouth starts watering when you think of lemon being squeezed. Yes till we forget the taste of lemon experience the taste
You shiver in interviews or in elocution competitions. Yes till my turn comes to appear for interview. fear if my answers would be correct.

Once when I was in Std. XI, I went to my exam place, i.e., my school. I was fully prepared as I have been a ranker throughout. I have always stood first and wanted nobody to take over me. Our teachers used to give us the course from which the questions would be asked.

We were also in the habit of preparing that much limited course. At that time, my friend came to me and asked me a question that belonged to another chapter which was not covered in that exam. I told him not to bother me for the things that were not going to be asked in that exam.

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 3 Read 1 Manage Your Stress

Then he revealed that the chapter was to be there in that exam. The teacher had announced that on the last day before the exam when I was absent. I was so much stressed thinking that I would not be able to manage my first rank that time.

3. Make pairs. Put the appropriate letter in the brackets.

1. Mind (D) A. helps in balancing our brain
2. Music (A) B. makes you unable to concentrate.
3. Mental abilities (F) C. makes you physically weak and exhausted.
4. Mental stress (B) D. keeps us in position to think logically.
5. Anticipation of happenings E. start lot of things but do not finish.

4. Write three sentences about how these help.

(1) Putting worries on paper
(2) Removing worries of ā€œI canā€™tā€
(3) Writing a few lines with the other hand
(4) ā€˜No Expectationā€™
(1) We should write down all our worries. Putting them on a piece of paper gets them out of our head.
(2) The phrase ā€œI canā€™tā€ has to be deleted from your vocabulary. It is not constructive and blocks your view of possible solutions.
(3) To remove stress, write a few lines- with your other hand. This rebalances the two hemispheres of the brain.
(4) To avail maximum energy we have to use the phrase ā€˜I have no expectation and I will deal with whatever happens when it happensā€™ as a mantra. By doing this, your body starts relaxing at the thought of ā€˜no expectationsā€™. This relaxation tells you that you have just stopped yourself from wasting valuable energy. You will feel mentally and emotionally calmer.

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 3 Read 1 Manage Your Stress

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
Do you think there are more chances of accidents when you are in a hurry or you have some tension?
When one is under stress the chances of accidents are more. Mind, emotions and body work together. The mind is the rational and logical part that helps you to make unemotional choices. If tension overrules the mind, accidents occur.

Question 2.
What would you do when you have stress ? OR Which exercise suits you more ? Why?
To reduce tension play some music you to remove stress like and dance. This creative exercise works on the right side of the brain and helps to rebalance your brain. We should indulge in activities which will divert your mind from tension and calms it.

Question 3.
Why can you not take proper decisions when you are angry?
When you are angry your memory lets you down. There are lots of different things on your mind and are unable to grasp a clear thought. You are often undecided under such circumstances.

Question 4.
You have a cricket match today. Tomorrow there is a test in the school and you should study now. You are supposed to choose one. Make a decision and say why it is rational.
Priority should be given to studies as you are a student first. Your career depends on your approach to studies rather than cricket. Cricket is your hobby. Examination will brighten your future. The decision is rational.

Question 5.
Write your experience to support the statement: We donā€™t get tired of work but we get tired of list of pending works.
Every day begins with a new source of enthusiasm. But the moment we begin our work we are first reminded of the list of pending work on hand. This creates stress in our mind. This thought imperils the ability to work. It reduces productivity. It reduces accuracy in the work we are doing. We become lethargic and want to take help of others.

That means we become dependent on others. It affects us physically and emotionally. Irritation develops as a result. We are unable to deal patientiy with others. Our thinking is mistified and routine work is disturbed. The present work also gradually becomes a part of the pending list.

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 3 Read 1 Manage Your Stress

Question 6.
List the work you can do at these places: [In kitchen, in garden, at your papaā€™s workplace, on playground, in school, etc.]
List of what we can do :
Kitchen: Clean the kitchen, clean utensils, cook food, repair the gas stove if needed, arrange things according to requirements.
Garden: Till the land, sow seeds, water garden, chip the dead branches, remove weeds, pluck fruits, flowers when necessary.
Papaā€™s occupation : Work on the computer, prepare charts, give ideas.
Playground: Clean the place, draw lines where required, prepare equipment, tie nets where necessary, arrange teams, provide knowledge, encourage players.
School: Help students in homework, clean the board for the teacher, write the thought for the day, keep duster, chalk sticks where required, maintain quietness in class; circulate notices, bring the requirements of the class to the notice of the principal.

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 3 Read 1 Manage Your Stress

Summarize in four-five sentences

Question 1.
Self-hypnosis helps to relieve mental stress. It helps to divert your thinking to self imagination. It is done till you feel rested and refreshed. The concentration is fully imposed on the mind. We count numbers in a reverse order while relaxing in a chair. The counting should correspond with breathing. This gradually reduces mental stress.

Question 2.
The screen exercise
When you are taken over with emotions clear thinking is dimmed. Process of decision taking is endangered. Screen exercise helps detach yourself emotionally from the current situation and settle in clear thinking. Here you have to imagine what another person would do in your situation. This will help you to evaluate the problem more clearly.

If we close our eyes and think on the current situation causing stress, we project a picture on the screen of our mind as if it were a film. You have to imagine what really happened and not what might happen. After some time you will be relieved of stress.

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 3 Read 1 Manage Your Stress

Question 3.
Anticipating success
When life becomes hectic and nothing seems easy, we develop pessimistic ideas. They dominate our mind. We can overcome this situation by Anticipating success. This is a result of optimistic thinking. To remedy the situation, close your eyes and medidate. This helps to clear the current crisis. You experience a great relief.

A. Additional Questions and Answers

Question 1.
How do our mental capacities help us ?
Our mental capacities are our abilities ” to concentrate, to take in new information, to remember old and new information and to be in a position to think logically. We need our mental capacity to study, to work, to impose a constructive and workable order on our life, and to make rational day-to-day decisions.

Question 2.
How is our mind ?
Answer: Our mind is the rational, logical part of us that helps us to make unemotional choices, to store and retrieve information and to order and calculate. It is the counterpart to the emotions.

Question 3.
Why does a student get nervous in exam hall?
Nervousness in exam hall results from the interaction between mind and emotions. A studentā€™s mental capacity has helped him retain what he has revised. He knows his stuff but when he enters the exam hall and starts getting emotional by expecting difficulties and imagining failure, all of a sudden the carefully stored information is no longer available. His emotions have barred the way to his inner information store.

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 3 Read 1 Manage Your Stress

Question 4.
How does our mental stress affect our memory ?
If we are mentally stressed, we find it difficult to concentrate on things. We find our memory letting us down frequently. We have lots of different things on our mind but cannot grasp a clear thought. We are often undecided, we take more time to do tasks that we were able to complete quite quickly before.

Question 5.
How does screen exercise help us ?
The screen exercise shows us how to step back and emotionally detach ourselves from our current situation of stress. This helps us see more clearly what is going on. Imagining another person in our situation puts a new perspective on our stress problem so that we can evaluate more calmly.

(B) Short notes

Write short notes focussing on the questions :

(1) Mental Capacity of Man

  • mind, emotions and body are interlinked
  • What is not freedom ?
  • they work together
  • mental capacities – concentrate
  • take in new information – think logically, etc.
  • Mind is counterpart of emotion
  • emotional disturbances cause mental stress
  • better dealing with stress, less mental capacity gets affected

Mental Capacity of Man: Mind, emotions and body are all closely interlinked and always work together.
Manā€™s mental capacities are his abilities to concentrate, to take in new information, to remember old and new information and to be in a position to think logically. One needs oneā€™s mental capacity to study, to work, to impose a constructive and workable order on oneā€™s life, and to make rational day-to-day decisions.

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 3 Read 1 Manage Your Stress

Manā€™s mind is the rational, logical part of him. It helps him to make unemotional choices, to store and retrieve information and to order and calculate. It is the counterpart to the emotions. The emotional disturbance causes stress. The better one deals with stress, the less oneā€™s mental capacity will be affected.

(2) The Techniques to Reduce Stress

  • Describe the techniques to reduce stress.
  • Explain the first technique in detail.
  • What are the benefits of the first technique ?
  • Explain the second technique in detail.
  • What are the benefits of the second technique ?
  • Why should we do mental exercise regularly?

The Technique to Reduce Stress: In this present day hectic world, stress has been common. People would like to do away with it at any cost. For this purpose, the following /techniques could be useful: We should stop being emotional. We should stop over-thinking. One should repeatedly say to himself ā€˜I have no expectations and I will deal with whatever happens when it happens.ā€™

We should learn ā€˜self-hypnosisā€™ to relieve mental stress. Sitting in a quiet place, concentrating on something discarding all the annoying thoughts can help a lot to remove stress. The screen exercise is also a useful technique.

It helps us to step back and emotionally detach ourselves from our current situation. We can also anticipate success to win over stress. Besides, all these, there are certain s stress control exercises, too. They can help us to remove stress. They could be Short Meditation, The Crown Pull and Mental Quick Fixes.

(C) Reading Comprehension

Read the following extracts and answer the questions:

(1) Stop over-thinking
When tasks and pressures start building up, the mind can sometimes go into over thinking and you come to the thought, I wish there was a switch in my head that I could flick ( and turn off all the thoughts going around 5 in my mind !ā€™ It is not that easy. There is a ? technique to help yourself during the problem of over-thinking.

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 3 Read 1 Manage Your Stress

(1) When does over-thinking take place ?
(2) What is not easy according to the writer ?
(1)When tasks and pressures start building up, the mind starts over-thinking.
(2) According to the writer, to stop over- ! thinking all of a sudden like flicking a s switch to turn off an electrical apparatus is not easy.

(2) In order to have the maximum energy available at the start of a busy day, use 1 have no J)
expectations and I will deal with whatever happens when it happensā€™ as a form of mantra. You will notice how your body starts relaxing at the thought of ā€˜no expectationsā€™. This relaxation tells you that you have just stopped yourself from wasting valuable energy. You will feel calmer mentally and emotionally as a consequence.

(1) What mantra one should have in the morning to have energy for the whole day?
(2) What are the advantages of the said ā€˜morning mantraā€™ ?
(1) In the morning one should have the mantra ā€˜I have no expectations and I will deal with whatever happens when it happens.ā€™ This mantra helps us have energy for the whole busy day.
(2) If we follow the morning mantra ā€˜no expectationsā€™, we can stop ourselves from wasting valuable energy. We will also feel calmer mentally and emotionally as a consequence.

(3) When life becomes too hectic, we can end up feeling mentally tied in knots. Nothing seems easy and positive. Pessimism sets in and we cannot see a way out of our current problems. We can open a source of optimism with the technique of anticipating success.

  • Settle back in a chair and close your eyes.
  • Experience with all your senses what it feels like to have achieved something and enjoy the resulting feelings of relief and elation.
  • Hang on to the positive feelings and bring them back with you into the here and now.
  • Open your eyes again.

(1) When does pessimism set in ?
(2) Give two ways to anticipate success ?
(1) When life becomes too hectic, we feel mentally tired and everything seems clumsy. In such condition, pessimism sets in and we cannot see a way out of our
current problems.
(2) We can anticipate success in the following ways :

  • Relax in a chair with closed eyes and feel like having achieved something.
  • While relaxing thus, we should hang on positive feelings.

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 3 Read 1 Manage Your Stress

(4) Mind, emotions and body are all closely interlinked and always work together. It helps you distinguish them clearly if you try to understand them separately. Your mental capacities are your abilities to concentrate, to take in new information and to be in a position to think logically. You need your mental capacity in order to study, to work, to impose a constructive and workable order on your life, and to make rational day-to-day decisions.

(1) How does our mental power make us powerful ?
(2) Why do we need our mental capacity ?
(1) Our mental power helps us to concentrate, to take in new information and to be in a position to think logically.
(2) We need our mental capacity in order to study, to work, to impose a constructive and workable order on our life and to make rational day-to-day decisions.


(1) What do you mean by mental capacities ?
(2) Mind, emotions and heart are all closely interlinked and always work together – True or False
(1) Mental capacities are oneā€™s abilities to concentrate, to take in new information and to be in a position to think logically.
(2) Mind, emotions and heart are all closely interlinked and always work together. – True.

(5) When life becomes too hectic, we can end up feeling mentally tied in knots. Nothing seems easy and positive. Pessimism sets in and we cannot see a way out of our current problems. We can open a source of optimism with the technique of anticipating success.

(1) What happens when life becomes too hectic ?
(2) Which thing shows us the way out of our current problems?
(1) When life becomes too hectic, we can end up feeling mentally tied knots. Nothing seems easy and positive.
(2) Only optimism with the technique of anticipating success shows us the way out of our current problems.

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 3 Read 1 Manage Your Stress

(6) The mind is the rational, logical part of you that helps you to make unemotional choices, to store and retrieve information and to order and calculate. It is the counterpart to the emotions. A good example of the interaction between mind and emotions is exam nerves, Your mental capacity has helped you retain what you have revised.

(1) In what ways does the mind help us ?
(2) How is the mind ?
(1) The mind helps us to make unemotional choices, to store and retrieve information and to order and calculate.
(2) The mind is the rational, logical part of man.

(D) Say True or False

Write whether the following sentences are True or False:

(1) Mind keeps us in position to think logically.
(2) Mind, emotion and body are all neither interlinked nor work together.
(3) Music hepls in balancing our brain.
(4) The mind is the irrational, illogical part of us.
(5) Mental abilities help you decide against feelings.
(6) When tasks and pressures start building up, the mind goes into meditation.
(7) Mental stress makes you unable to concentrate.
(8) Self-hypnosis worsens our mental stress.
(9) Anticipation of happenings makes you physically weak and exhausted.
(10) When emotions have taken us over, it becomes possible to think clearly.
(11) Pessimism hides all the ways that lead to a solution of our problem.
(12) If we stay focused on positive outcome, we cannot think more clearly.
(13) Anticipating success is a way of clearing negative thoughts.
(14) The body is the counterpart to the emotion.
(15) Starting a lot of things but not finishing is a sign of mental stress.
(1) True
(2) Raise
(3) True
(4) Raise
(5) True
(6) False
(7) True
(8) False
(9) True
(10) False
(11) True
(12) False
(13) True
(14) False
(15) True

Manage Your Stress Summary in Gujarati

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GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 3 Read 1 Manage Your Stress

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Glossary (ąŖ¶ąŖ¬ą«ąŖ¦ąŖ¾ąŖ°ą«ąŖ„)

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 3 Read 1 Manage Your Stress 1GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 3 Read 1 Manage Your Stress 2GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 3 Read 1 Manage Your Stress 3

Phrases And Idioms

let down (ąŖ²ą«‡ąŖŸ ąŖ”ąŖ¾ąŖ‰ąŖØ) disappoint, fail to meet expectations – ąŖØąŖ¾ąŖ°ąŖ¾ąŖœ ąŖ•ąŖ°ąŖµą«ąŖ‚, ąŖ…ąŖŖą«‡ąŖ•ą«ąŖ·ąŖæąŖ¤ ąŖŖą«ąŖ°ąŖ¾ąŖŖą«ąŖ¤ ąŖ•ąŖ°ąŖµąŖ¾ ąŖ…ąŖøąŖ«ąŖ³ ąŖ°ąŖ¹ą«‡ąŖµą«ąŖ‚
turn off (ąŖŸąŖ°ą«ąŖØ ąŖ‘ąŖ«) switch off, stop the flow of – ąŖ¬ąŖ‚ąŖ§ ąŖ•ąŖ°ą«€ ąŖ¦ą«‡ąŖµą«ąŖ‚, ąŖŖą«ąŖ°ąŖµąŖ¾ąŖ¹ ąŖ…ąŖŸąŖ•ąŖ¾ąŖµą«€ ąŖ¦ą«‡ąŖµą«‹
deal with take action in, administer,manage something ā€“ ąŖŖąŖ—ąŖ²ąŖ¾ąŖ‚ ąŖ²ą«‡ąŖµąŖ¾ąŖ‚, ąŖØąŖæąŖ­ąŖ¾ąŖµąŖµą«ąŖ‚, ąŖŖąŖ¾ąŖ° ąŖŖąŖ¾ąŖ”ąŖµą«ąŖ‚
sort out deal successfully with a problem or a situation ā€“ ąŖøąŖ®ąŖøą«ąŖÆąŖ¾ ąŖ•ą«‡ ąŖŖąŖ°ąŖæąŖøą«ąŖ„ąŖæąŖ¤ąŖæąŖ®ąŖ¾ąŖ‚ąŖ„ą«€ ąŖ¹ąŖ² ąŖ•ąŖ¾ąŖ¢ąŖµą«‹
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be tied in knots (ąŖ¬ąŖæ ąŖŸąŖ¾ąŖ‡ąŖ” ąŖ‡ąŖØ ąŖØą«‹ąŖŸą«ąŖø) be in confused state ā€“ ąŖ®ą«‚ąŖ‚ąŖąŖµąŖ£ | ąŖšąŖæąŖ‚ąŖ¤ąŖ¾ąŖ®ąŖ¾ąŖ‚ ąŖ¹ą«‹ąŖµą«ąŖ‚
set in (ąŖøą«‡ąŖŸ ąŖ‡ąŖØ) begin, become fixed for a period of time ā€“ ąŖ¶ąŖ°ą«‚ ąŖ„ąŖµą«ąŖ‚, ąŖ„ą«‹ąŖ”ą«‹ ąŖøąŖ®ąŖÆ ąŖøą«ąŖ„ąŖæąŖ° ąŖ„ąŖˆ ąŖœąŖµą«ąŖ‚
tangle up mix something together – Asolla ąŖøąŖ¾ąŖ„ą«‡ ąŖ­ąŖ³ą«€ ąŖ—ą«‚ąŖ‚ąŖšąŖµąŖ¾ąŖ”ą«‹ ąŖ•ąŖ°ąŖµą«‹

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 3 Read 1 Manage Your Stress


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GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 3 Read 1 Manage Your Stress

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GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 3 Read 1 Manage Your Stress

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GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 3 Read 1 Manage Your Stress

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