GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 1 Where were you?

Gujarat Board GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Second Language Sem 1 Unit 1 Where were you? Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

GSEB Std 6 English Textbook Solutions Sem 1 Unit 1 Where were you?

GSEB Class 6 English Where were you? Text Book Questions and Answers

નીચે આપેલા ગીતનું અભિનય સાથે ગાન કરો :

There were five in the bed,
And the little one said,
Roll over, roll over, roll over,
So they all rolled over,
And one fell down.
There were four in the bed, And the little one said,
Roll over, roll over, roll over,

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 1 Where were you 1

So they all rolled over,
And one fell down.
There were three in the bed,
And the little one said,
Roll over, roll over, roll over,

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 1 Where were you?

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 1 Where were you 2

So they all rolled over,
And one fell down.
There were two in the bed,
And the little one said.
Roll over, roll over, roll over,

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 1 Where were you 3

So they all rolled over,
And one fell down.
There was one in the bed,
And the little one said, “Good night.”

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 1 Where were you?

(ધેઅર વેઅર ફાઇવ ઇન ધ બેડ,) પલંગમાં પાંચ (બાળકો) હતાં,
(ઍન્ડ ધ લિટલ વન રોડ,) અને નાનું (બાળક) બોલ્યું,
(રોલ ઓવર, રોલ ઓવર, રોલ ઓવર,) ગુલાંટ ખાઓ, ગુલાંટ ખાઓ, ગુલાંટ ખાઓ,
(સો ધે ઑલ રોલ્ડ ઓવર,) તેથી તેઓ બધાંએ ગુલાંટ ખાધી,
(ઍન્ડ વન ફેલ ડાઉન.) અને એક બાળક) નીચે પડી ગયું. (ધેઅર વેઅર ફૉર ઈન ધ બેડ,) પલંગમાં ચાર
(બાળકો) હતાં, (ઍન્ડ ધ લિટલ વન રોડ,) અને નાનું બાળક) બોલ્યું,
(રોલ ઓવર, રોલ ઓવર, રોલ ઓવર,) ગુલાંટ ખાઓ, ગુલાંટ ખાઓ, ગુલાંટ ખાઓ,

(સો ધે ઑલ રોલ્ડ ઓવર,) તેથી તેઓ બધાંએ ગુલાંટ ખાધી,
(ઍન્ડ વન ફેલ ડાઉન.) અને એક બાળક) નીચે પડી ગયું.
(ધેઅર વેઅર શ્રી ઇન ધ બેડ,) પલંગમાં ત્રણ (બાળકો) હતાં,
(ઍન્ડ ધ લિટલ વન રોડ,) અને નાનું બાળક) બોલ્યું,
(રોલ ઓવર, રોલ ઓવર, રોલ ઓવર,) ગુલાંટ ખાઓ, ગુલાંટ ખાઓ, ગુલાંટ ખાઓ,
(સો ધે ઑલ રોલ્ડ ઓવર,) તેથી તેઓ બધાંએ ગુલાંટ ખાધી,
(ઍન્ડ વન ફેલ ડાઉન.) અને એક બાળક) નીચે પડી ગયું.
(ધેઅર વેઅર ટૂ ઇન ધ બેડ,) પલંગમાં બે (બાળકો) હતાં,
(ઍન્ડ ધ લિટલ વન રોડ,) અને નાનું બાળક) બોલ્યું,
(રોલ ઓવર, રોલ ઓવર, રોલ ઓવર,) ગુલાંટ ખાઓ, ગુલાંટ ખાઓ, ગુલાંટ ખાઓ,
(સો ધે ઑલ રોલ્ડ ઓવર,) તેથી તેઓ બધાંએ ગુલાંટ ખાધી,
(ઍન્ડ વન ફેલ ડાઉન.) અને એક (બાળક) નીચે પડી ગયું.
(ધેઅર વૉઝ વન ઇન ધ બેડ,) પલંગમાં એક (બાળક) હતું,
(ઍન્ડ ધ લિટલ વન રોડ, “ગુડ નાઇટ.”) અને નાનું બાળક) બોલ્યું, “શુભ રાત્રિ.’

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 1 Where were you?

ગીતમાંથી ઉદાહરણ મુજબ rhyming words શોધો અને લખો :
Teacher’s Note: વિદ્યાર્થીઓને rhuming words (અનુપ્રાસવાળા શબ્દો) વિશે સમજાવવું. તેનું ગીતમાં શું મહત્ત્વ છે તે પણ સમજાવવું.

Example : red – bed
(1) sand – and
(2) right – night
(3) food – good
(4) tall – all
(5) bell – fell
(6) tree – three
(7) brown – down
(8) alive – five
(9) more – four

What kind of signs have you seen in and around a hospital?
(ઇસ્પિતાલમાં અને તેની આસપાસ તમે કયાં ચિહ્નો જોયાં છે ?)

Teacher’s Note: દવાખાનાની અંદર, બહાર અને આસપાસ કયાં ચિહનો જોવા મળે છે, તે વિશે વિદ્યાર્થીઓને પૂછો, અને તેની વિશે ચર્ચા કરો. આ ઉપરાંત તેઓ રસ્તા પર કઈ કઈ traffic signs જુએ છે તે પણ પૂછો. વિવિધ traffic signs બતાવીને, વિદ્યાર્થીઓને તેમનો અર્થ પૂછો.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 1 Where were you 5

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 1 Where were you?

Activity 2.

ચિત્ર ધ્યાનથી જુઓ અને નીચે આપેલા ચિત્ર આધારિત પ્રશ્નોના ઉત્તર લખો :

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 1 Where were you 4

Question 1.
There are children in the garden. – Count them.
Number of Boys : [ 4 ]
Number of Girls : [ 6 ]

Question 2.
Write their names.
Boys : Jay, Sanjay, Irfan, Mahesh.
Girls : Reshma, Sona, Mona, Eva, Sunita, Geeta.

Question 3.
Where is Mahesh ?
Mahesh is on the see-saw.

Question 4.
Where are Sona and Mona ?
Sona and Mona are on the swings.

Question 5.
Are Jay and Sanjay on the see-saw ?
No, Jay and Sanjay are not on the see-saw.

Question 6.
Is Jay behind the tree ?
No, Jay is not behind the tree.

Question 7.
Who is on the slide?
Reshma is on the slide.

Question 8.
Who are skipping ?
Eva, Sunita and Geeta are skipping.

Question 9.
What is Reshma doing ?
Reshma is sliding.

Question 10.
What are Sunita and Geeta doing?
Sunita and Geeta are skipping.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 1 Where were you?

Activity 3.

(A) નીચેનો સંવાદ સાંભળો અને વાંચો :

Teacher’s Note: શિક્ષકે પાઠ્યપુસ્તક પાન નં. 3 પરના સંવાદો વિદ્યાર્થીઓને વાંચી સમજાવવા અને અહીં આપેલો સંવાદ શિક્ષકે જુદાં જુદાં નામ લઈ બોલવો, સમજાવવો અને વિદ્યાર્થીઓને આવા સંવાદો બનાવવામાં તેમજ વર્ગ સમક્ષ રજૂ કરવામાં મદદ કરવી.
વિદ્યાર્થીઓએ નીચે દર્શાવ્યા મુજબના સંવાદો બનાવવા અને વર્ગ સમક્ષ રજૂ કરવા :

Vibha : Lekha, please give me your English notebook.
Lekha : Sorry ! It is not in my school bag.
Vibha : OK. Give me your pencil, please.
Lekha : Here it is.
Vibha : Thank you.

(B) તમારી વસ્તુઓની મદદથી શિક્ષક પ્રવૃત્તિ કરાવશે. તે પ્રવૃત્તિ કરો :

Teacher’s Note : શિક્ષકે પાઠચપુસ્તક પાન નં. 4 પરના ચિત્ર ઉપરથી આપેલા પ્રશ્નોત્તર વિદ્યાર્થીઓને સમજાવવા. પછી નીચેના જેવા પ્રશ્નો પૂછી વિદ્યાર્થીઓને ઉત્તર આપવામાં મદદ કરવી.

Question 1.
Where is Lopa’s water-bag ?
It is at number six.

Question 2.
Was it at number four ?
No, it was not at number four.

Question 3.
Where is the principal ?
The principal is in the classroom.

Question 4.
Where was the principal ?
The principal was in the office.

Activity 4.

જૂથમાં કામ કરો. તમારા જુથના સભ્યોની હાજરીની વિગત નીચેના પત્રકમાં ભરો :

Note : નીચે રાજેશના વર્ગની વિગત આપતું પત્રક અને તેના આધારે બનાવેલાં વાક્યો આપ્યાં છે, તે સમજો. તે પ્રમાણે તમારા વર્ગની માહિતી તથા વાક્યો તૈયાર કરી શકશો.

No. Name Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 Rajesh P P P A P P
2 Priya P A A A P P
3 Neha A P P P P P
4 Alap P P A P P P
5 Rohan P P P P P P
6 Zalak A A P P P P

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 1 Where were you?

હવે, નીચેના જેવા પ્રશ્નો બનાવી ઉત્તર લખો :

Question 1.
Were you present on Monday?
Yes, I was present on Monday.

Question 2.
Who were absent on Monday ?
Neha and Zalak were absent on Monday.

Question 3.
Was Alap present on Wednesday ?
No, Alap was not present on Wednesday.

Question 4.
Who were present on Thursday ?
Neha, Alap, Rohan and Zalak were present on Thursday.

Teacher’s Note : શિક્ષકે પાઠ્યપુસ્તક પાન નં. 5 પરના ઉદાહરણ વાક્યો વાંચી સમજાવવા અને ગઈ કાલની અને આજની ગેરહાજરીની વિગતો બોર્ડ પર નોંધવી. ઉપર Activity 4માં દર્શાવ્યા પ્રમાણેના પ્રશ્નો પૂછવા અને વિદ્યાર્થીઓને સાચા ઉત્તર આપવામાં મદદ કરવી.

Activity 5.

અહીં કેટલીક વ્યક્તિઓની વિગત આડાઅવળી થઈ ગઈ છે. નીચે આપેલાં વાક્યો વાંચો અને તે વિગતોને યોગ્ય રીતે જોડો

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 1 Where were you 6

Example: Het was at the circus last night.
(1) Dr Shah was in a meeting last week. ?
(2) Jasmin and Chameli were in the hospital on Monday.
(3) Vandana was at the post office today morning.
(4) Bharti and Kalpesh were at Mahendra’s office today morning.
(5) Bharti and Kalpesh were in the hospital last week.
(6) Mrs Vaghela was on her farm last Sunday.
(7) Vandana was on her farm yesterday.
(8) Dr Shah was in the hospital today morning.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 1 Where were you?

જૂથકાર્ય કરો. અહીં આપેલી જગ્યામાં આવી વિગતો લખો અને તેને જોડવા જરૂરી વાક્યો તેની નીચે લખો :
GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 1 Where were you 7
(1) Deepa was in the kitchen yesterday.
(2) Manoj was in the bus last night.
(3) Dr Sheth was in Delhi last year.
(4) Ram and Shyam were at the circus last Saturday.
(5) Mrs Bhatt was at the gate in the morning.
(6) Asha and Mona were in the hall on Friday.

Activity 6.

ખતી ભરો. તમારી વિગતો વર્ગ સમક્ષ ૨૧ જુથમાં કાર્ય કરો. તમારા મિત્રો સાથે સવાલ-જવાબ કરી નીચે આપેલા કોઠામાં વિગતો ભરો. તમારી વિગતો વર્ગ સમક્ષ રજુ કરો :

Example: Madhav: Where were you at 7:00 in the morning yesterday ?
Pallav : I was in the dairy.

Friend’s Name at 7:00 in the morning at 9:00 am at 3:30 in the afternoon at 5:00 pm at 7:00 in the evening
Pallav in the dairy in the class on the playground at home in the garden
Pathik at school in the library at the post office in the bus at his friend’s house
Vedangi in the class in the office at Megha’s house in the train on the airport
Prachi in the garden in her room at school on the playground at home
Nirav in the
at the temple at Meet’s house in the bus in the garden

(1) Pathik was in the library at 9:00 am yesterday.
(2) Vedangi was at Megha’s house at 3:30 in the afternoon.
(3) Prachi was on the playground at 5:00 pm yesterday.
(4) Nirav was in the garden at 7:00 in the evening.

Note: આ રીતે બીજાં વાક્યો બનાવી શકાય.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 1 Where were you?

Activity 7.

તમારા શિક્ષક ચિઠ્ઠી આપે તે સ્થળે સંતાઈ જાવ. દાવ લેનાર તમને પકડી ના પાડે તે જોજો. દરેક દાવ પછી વર્ગમાં જઈને કહો કે તમે ક્યાં સંતાયા હતા :

Example : Teacher : Where were you, Menka ?
Menka : I was under the last bench.
Teacher : Where were you, Ajay ?
Ajay : I was in principal’s office.
Teacher : Where were you, Parth ?
Parth : I was in the neem tree.
Teacher : Where were you, Yogesh ?
Yogesh : I was in the computer room.
Teacher : Where were you, Monil ?
Monil : I was in class seven.
Teacher : Where were you, Nisarg ?
Nisarg : I was under the table.
Teacher : Where were you, Komal ?
Komal : I was near the water tank.

Note: પાઠ્યપુસ્તક પાન નં. 9નાં ચિત્રો પરથી આ પ્રકારના પ્રશ્નો બનાવી તેના ઉત્તર લખો.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 1 Where were you?

Activity 8.

It was a cold Day (ઇટ વૉઝ અ કોલ્ડ ડે) ઠંડીનો દિવસ હતો

Last year, there was one really, really bad day. It was Monday. Usually, there are about 25 students in my class but that day, there were only 5 students! It was really cold. It was raining a lot. It was dark and gray outside.

There was no sunshine. I thought the students weren’t at school because, they were sick. They were at home. May be they were in bed. Mr Joshi is our teacher. He is always at school. He is never at home on a Monday. Last Monday was no different.

He was not in bed. He was in the classroom and he was cold ! He was not in warm clothes. In fact, all the students were cold. It was freezing. The school was like a refrigerator. Our room was like a freezer ! And poor Mr Joshi was like ice! The small class was cold, cold, cold ! It was raining heavily. I left the school early.

The rain stopped at night. Next day the Sun was shining. So everything was OK. There were 25 students, not only 5. But where was Mr Joshi? He wasn’t there. He was at home, sick in bed!

(લાસ્ટ પિઅર, ધેઅર વૉઝ વન રિઅલિ, રિઅલિ બૅડ ડે. ઇટ વૉઝ મન્ડે. યુઝલિ, ધેઅર આર અબાઉટ ટ્વેન્ટિ-ફાઇવ ટ્યૂડન્ટસ ઇન માઈ ક્લાસ બટ ધેટ ડે, ધેઅર વેઅર ઓલિ ફાઇવ ટ્યૂડન્ટસ ! ઇટ વૉઝ રિઅલિ કોલ. ઇટ વૉઝ રેનિંગ અ લૉટ, ઇટ વૉઝ ડાર્ક ઍન્ડ ગ્રે આઉટસાઇડ. ધેઅર વૉઝ નો સનશાઇન. આઈ થૉટ ધ ટ્યૂડન્ટસ વેઅરન્ટ ઍટ સ્કૂલ બિકૉઝ, ધે વેઅર સિક. ધે વેઅર ઍટ હોમ.

મે બી ધે વેઅર ઇન બેડ.) ગયા વર્ષે, એક દિવસ ખરેખર બહુ ખરાબ હતો. (તે દિવસે) સોમવાર હતો. સામાન્યતઃ મારા વર્ગમાં પચીસ વિદ્યાર્થીઓ હોય છે, પણ તે દિવસે માત્ર પાંચ જ વિદ્યાર્થીઓ હતા ! ખરેખર ખૂબ ઠંડી હતી. પુષ્કળ વરસાદ વરસી રહ્યો હતો. બહાર અંધારું હતું. સૂર્યપ્રકાશ (તડકો) ન હતો. મેં માન્યું કે વિદ્યાર્થીઓ શાળામાં ન હતા કારણ કે, તેઓ બીમાર હતા. તેઓ ઘરે હતા.

કદાચ તેઓ પથારીમાં હતા. (મિસ્ટર જોશી ઇઝ અવર ટીચર. હી ઇઝ ઑલ્વેઝ ઍટ સ્કૂલ. હી ઇઝ નેવર ઍટ હોમ ઑન અ મન્ડે. લાસ્ટ મને વૉઝ નો | ડિફરન્ટ. હી વૉઝ નોટ ઇન બેડ. હી વૉઝ ઇન ધ ક્લાસરૂમ ઍન્ડ હી વૉઝ કોલ્ડ ! હી વૉઝ નોટ ઇન વૉર્મ ક્લોઝ. ઇન ફૅક્ટ, ઑલ ધ યૂડન્ટસ વેઅર કોલ્ડ, ઇટ વૉઝ ફીઝિંગ. ધ સ્કુલ વૉઝ લાઇક અ રિફ્રિજરેટર. અવર રૂમ વૉઝ લાઇક અ

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 1 Where were you?

ફ્રીઝર ! ઍન્ડ પુઅર મિસ્ટર જોશી વૉઝ લાઇક આઇસ ! ધ મૉલ ક્લાસ વૉઝ કોલ્ડ, કોલ્ડ, કોલ્ડ! ઇટ વૉઝ રેનિંગ હેવિલિ. આઈ લેફ્ટ ધ સ્કૂલ અલિ.) શ્રી જોશી અમારા શિક્ષક છે. તેઓ હંમેશાં નિશાળે હોય છે. તેઓ સોમવારે ક્યારેય ઘરે હોતા નથી. ગયો સોમવાર અલગ ન હતો. તેઓ પથારીમાં ન હતા. તેઓ વર્ગમાં હતા અને તેઓ ઠરી ગયા હતા ! (તેમને ખૂબ ઠંડી લાગી હતી !) તેમણે ગરમ કપડાં પહેર્યા ન હતાં.

હકીકતમાં, બધા જ વિદ્યાર્થીઓ ઠરી ગયા હતા. (વાતાવરણ) થીજી જવાય તેવું હતું. નિશાળ રેફ્રિજરેટર જેવી હતી. અમારો રૂમ ફ્રીઝર જેવો હતો ! અને શ્રી જોશી બિચારા બરફ જેવા (ઠરી ગયા) હતા ! નાનો વર્ગ ખૂબ જ ઠંડો હતો ! ભારે વરસાદ વરસી રહ્યો હતો. હું શાળામાંથી વહેલો નીકળી ગયો.

(ધ રેન સ્ટૉડ ઍટ નાઇટ, નેક્સ્ટ ડે ધ સન વૉઝ શાઇનિંગ. સો એવરિથિંગ વૉઝ ઓકે. ધેઅર વેઅર ટ્વેન્ટિ-ફાઇવ ડન્ટસ, નૉટ ઓલિ ફાઇવ. બટ વેઅર વૉઝ મિસ્ટર જોશી? હી વૉઝન્ટ ધેઅર. હી વૉઝ ઍટ હોમ, સિક ઇન બેડ !) રાત્રે વરસાદ અટકી ગયો, બીજા દિવસે સૂર્ય પ્રકાશતો હતો. તેથી બધું બરાબર હતું. (વર્ગમાં) પચીસ વિદ્યાર્થીઓ હતા, માત્ર પાંચ નહિ, પરંતુ શ્રી જોશી ક્યાં હતા? તેઓ ત્યાં ન હતા. તેઓ ઘરે હતા, માંદા, પથારીમાં !

ઘટનાના આધારે ખાલી જગ્યા પૂરો :
(1) The weather was cold and rainy.
(2) It was dark and gray outside.
(3) Many students were not at the school.
(4) There was no sunshine.
(5) Lots of students were sick at home.
(6) Mr Joshi was at home, sick in bed.
(7) The room was like a freezer.
(8) The school was like refrigerator.
(9) The rain stopped at night.
(10) Mr Joshi was at home next day.

નીચેનાં વિધાનો સામે True અથવા False લખો :

(1) There were 5 students in the class that Monday. — True
(2) It was warm on Monday. — False
(3) Mr Joshi was present that Monday. — True
(4) Mr Joshi was at school the next day. — False
(5) Mr Joshi and students felt cold the next day. — False

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 1 Where were you?

Additional Questions

Say whether the following sentences are True or False:

(1) Usually there are five students in class. — False
(2) It was raining on Tuesday. — False
(3) Mr Joshi was not in warm clothes. — True
(4) The rain stopped in the evening. — False
(5) Mrs Joshi was sick on Tuesday. — True

Activity 9.

અર્ચના નામની છોકરી દરરોજ ડાયરી લખે છે, પરંતુ કેટલાક દિવસોની ડાયરી લખવાનું ચુકી ગઈ છે. તે પોતાની મમ્મીને પૂછીને લખે છે. અર્ચના અને તેની મમ્મી વચ્ચેના સંવાદ નીચે આપેલ છે. તે

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 1 Where were you 9

Archana : Mummy, please tell me, where were we the last Sunday?
Mummy : We were on the farm.
Archana : Oh ! yes. What was the name of that big tree ?
Mummy : Big tree ?
Archana : One near the well.
Mummy : Yes. That was an Amla tree.
Archana : OK. Where was I on Friday afternoon ?
Mummy : On Friday, what was the date ?
Archana : It was the 11th of this month.
Mummy : We were at the
Dudh Sagar : Dairy
Archana : And mummy, on the 12th?
Mummy : You and your friends were in the library.
Archana : Oh, yes. I remember now. I was there with my friends. And on the 10th of this month?
Mummy : On the 10th of this month ? You were at the doctor’s clinic.
Archana : Yes, but I will not write that.
Mummy : Why not, beta ?
Archana : No ! No ! It was a bad experience.
Mummy : But it was a real experience. So, please do

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 1 Where were you?

ઉપરના સંવાદને આધારે નીચેના કોઠામાં અર્ચનાની વિગતો નોંધો :

Time Place People
last Sunday on the farm Archana, mother, father
on 12th of this month in the library Archana, Salim, Tina
on 10th of this month at the doctor’s clinic Archana, mother, father
on 11th of this month at the Dudh Sagar Dairy Archana and her friends

હવે, નીચે પ્રમાણેનાં વાક્યો બોલો :

(1) Archana was on the farm last Sunday
(2) Archana was In the library on 12th of this month.
(3) Archana was at the doctors clinic on 10th of this month.
(4) Archana was at the Dudh Sagar Dairy on 11th of this month.

Additional Questions

Say whether the following sentences are True or False :

(1) Archana was in a garden last Sunday. — False
(2) They saw a big tree. — True
(3) Archana was in a dairy on the 12th. — False
(4) They were in the library on Friday. — False
(5) Archana was happy at the clinic. — False

Activity 10.

કૌસમાં આપેલા શબ્દોનો ઉપયોગ કરી ખાલી જગ્યા પૂરો :

(am, is, was, were, are)

(1) Today is Saturday.
(2) Yesterday was Friday.
(3) This year I am in class VI.
(4) Last year I was in class V
(5) This week we are in school.
(6) Last week we were in park.
(7) My friends are here today.
(8) They were not here yesterday.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 1 Where were you?

Activity 11.

તમારા પરિવારના સભ્યો વિશે નીચે પ્રમાણે વિગતો નોંધો :

Who (Family members with names) When (Birth Date) Where (Birth Place)
Mother: Rekhaben 12-2-1982 Vadodara
Father: Anilbhai 11-8-1978 Surat
Sister: Mona 06-2-2003 Vadodara

આ વિગતોના આધારે નીચેના પ્રશ્નોના ઉત્તર લખો :

Question 1.
What was the age of your father in 2008?
My father was thirty years old in 2008.

Question 2.
Where was your sister born ?
My sister was born in Vadodara.

Question 3.
Where was your mother born ?
My mother was born in Vadodara.

Question 4.
When was your sister born ?
My sister was born on 6th February, 2003.

Question 5.
What is your mother’s birth date ?
My mother’s birth date is 12-2-1982.

તમારા પરિવારના સભ્યને મળતી આવતી Birth date,
Birth place કે Name જેવી વિગતો વર્ગના બીજા કોઈ વિદ્યાર્થીના પરિવારમાં છે કે કેમ તે ચકાસો. જો સરખી વિગતો હોય તો તે વર્ગ સમક્ષ રજુ કરો :

My father and Saroj’s father were born at the same place.
(1) My sister and Prakash’s brother were born on the same date.
(2) My mother’s name and Sudha’s mother’s name are the same.

Note : આ પ્રમાણે બીજાં વાક્યો બનાવી શકાય.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 1 Where were you?

Activity 12.

ઉદાહરણ પ્રમાણે નીચેનાં વાક્યો આપેલી ખાલી જગ્યામાં લખો. આ પ્રવૃત્તિથી તમે શું શીખ્યા તેની વર્ગમાં ચર્ચા કરો : ઉદાહરણ : Hello, 108 service. How can I help you?

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(1) An accident here. At the National Highway number 8.
Answer:GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 1 Where were you 11

(2) OK, OK, We are sending the ambulance right now.
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(3) Thank you. Please make it fast.
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(4) Yes, sure. Is this your cell number ?
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(5) Yes, it is my number. My brother is injured.
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(6) What is the blood group of your brother ?
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(7) It is 0 +
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(8) OK, sir. The ambulance is on the way. You will get calls from us. Please stay in touch with us.
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(9) I will. Thank you.
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Answer: આ પ્રવૃત્તિથી જુદાં જુદાં ફોર્મ ભરવાની ચોક્સાઈ કેળવાય છે. વળી, બે શબ્દો વચ્ચે જગ્યા છોડવી, વિરામચિહનોનો ઉપયોગ કરવો, સપ્રમાણ સારા અક્ષરે લખવું વગેરેનો પણ મહાવરો થાય છે.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 1 Where were you?

13. Project Work

ધોરણ 5 થી 8ના ગુજરાતી | સામાજિક વિજ્ઞાન વિજ્ઞાન અને ટેકનોલૉજીના પાઠ્યપુસ્તકોમાંથી ગુજરાતમાં ભારતમાં થઈ ગયેલી વિભૂતિઓ વિશે માહિતી મેળવો. તેમના ફોટા ચોંટાડીને દરેક વિશે બે-ત્રણ વાક્યો લખો :

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 1 Where were you 20

(1) Gandhiji was born in Porbandar.
(2) He was a freedom fighter
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(1) Ravindranath Tagore was a great poet.
(2) He received the ‘Nobel Prize’ for his poems in ‘Geetanjali’.
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(1) Abdul Kalam is a great scientist.
(2) He was the President of India.
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(1) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel was born in Nadiad.
(2) He is called the ‘Iron Man of India’.

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(1) Jawaharlal Nehru was the first Prime Minister of India.
(2) His birthday is celebrated as the ‘Children’s Day’.

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(1) Indira Gandhi was the daughter of Jawaharlala Nehru.
(2) She was the Prime Minister of India.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 1 Where were you?

Let’s Learn More

1. Read the following lines from the poem :

(1) There were five in the bed,
And the little one said,
Roll over, roll over, roll over,
So they all rolled over,
And one fell down.

Answer the following questions :

Question 1.
How many children were there in the bed ?
There were five children in the bed.

Question 2.
What did the little one say ?
The little one said, ‘Roll over, roll over, roll over.’

Question 3.
What did they all do ?
They all rolled over in the bed.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options :

Question 1.
Where were the children ?
A. under the tree.
B. in the school.
C. in the bed.
D. in the kitchen.
C. in the bed.

Question 2.
How many children were there in the bed ?
A. four
B. five
C. six
D. one
B. five

Question 3.
How many children fell down ?
A. one
B. two
C. three
D. none
A. one

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 1 Where were you?

(2) There were two in the bed,
And the little one said,
Roll over, roll over, roll over,
So they all rolled over,
And one fell down.
There was one in the bed,
And the little one said, “Good night.”

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
Where were the children ?
The children were in the bed.

Question 2.
How many children were there in the bed ?
There were two children in the bed.

Question 3.
Who said to roll down ?
The little one said to roll down.

Question 4.
What did the little one say ?
The little one said, “Good night.”

Answer the questions selecting the correct options :

Question 1.
Where were the two little children ?
A. on the playground.
B. in the river.
C. at the bus-stand.
D. in the bed.
D. in the bed.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 1 Where were you?

Question 2.
How many children were there in the bed at last ?
A. none
B. one
C. two
D. five
B. one

Question 3.
What did the little one say ?
A. “Good bye.”
B. “Good morning.”
C. “Good night.”
D. “Good afternoon.”
C. “Good night.”

2. Read the following paragraphs from the lesson:

(1) Last year, there was one really, really bad day. It was Monday. Usually, there are about 25 students in my class but that day, there were only 5 students ! It was really cold. It was raining a lot. It was dark and gray outside. There was no sunshine. I thought the students weren’t at school because they were sick. They were at home. May be they were in bed.

Answer the following questions :

Question 1.
What day was a bad day last year ?
Monday was a bad day last year.

Question 2.
Usually how many students are present in the class on Monday ?
Usually 25 students are present in the class on Monday.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 1 Where were you?

Question 3.
How many students were there in the class that day ?
There were 5 students in the class that day.

Question 4.
Was it raining a lot ?
Yes, it was raining a lot.

Question 5.
Why weren’t the students at school ?
The students weren’t at school because they were sick.

Complete the sentences selecting the correct options :

Question 1.
Last year, there was one really bad day. It was …………..
A. Sunday
B. Monday
C. Saturday
D. Friday
B. Monday

Question 2.
In my class, there were only
A. ten students
B. five students
C. one student
D. seven students
B. five students

Question 3.
It was ………
A. dark and gray outside.
B. sunshine outside.
C. very hot outside.
D. night outside.
A. dark and gray outside.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 1 Where were you?

Question 4.
The children were …………
A. at the railway station.
B. at school.
C. at home.
D. at the hospital.
C. at home.

Question 5.
The children may be in bed because …
A. they were tried.
B. they had no homework.
C. they were lazy.
D. they were sick.
D. they were sick.

(2) Mr Joshi is our teacher. He is always at school. He is never at home on a Monday. Last Monday was no different. He was not in bed. He was in the classroom and he was cold! He was not in warm clothes. In fact, all the students were cold. It was freezing. The school was like a refrigerator. Our room was like a freezer ! And poor Mr Joshi was like ice ! The small class was cold, cold, cold ! It was raining heavily. I left the school early.

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
Who is our teacher ?
Mr Joshi is our teacher.

Question 2.
Where was Mr Joshi last Monday ?
Mr Joshi was at school last Monday

Question 3.
Was Mr Joshi in warm clothes ?
No, Mr Joshi was not in warm clothes.

Question 4.
Why was the small class very cold ?
The small class was very cold because it was raining heavily.

Complete the sentences selecting the correct options:

Question 1.
Mr Joshi is never at home on ……….
A. Sunday
B. Monday
C. Thursday
D. Friday
B. Monday

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 1 Where were you?

Question 2.
The school was like a ………..
A. refrigerator
B. desert
C. forest
D. farm
A. refrigerator

Question 3.
The class was like
A. refrigerator
B. ice
C. freezer
D. forest
C. freezer

Question 4.
Mr Joshi was like …………..
A. a tree
B. a pillar
C. an elephant
D. ice
D. ice

Question 5.
I left the school early, because …
A. is was a holiday.
B. the teacher was on leave.
C. it was raining heavily.
D. it was very hot.
C. it was raining heavily.

(3) The rain stopped at night. Next day the Sun was shining. So everything was OK. There were 25 students, not only 5. But where was Mr Joshi ? He wasn’t there. He was at home, sick in bed!

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
When did the rain stop ?
The rain stopped at night.

Question 2.
Why was everything OK the next day?
The next day everything was OK because the sun was shining.

Question 3.
How many students were there in the class ?
There were 25 students in the class.

Question 4.
Who was at home ? Why ?
Mr Joshi was at home because he was sick.

Complete the sentences selecting the correct options : 

Question 1.
The rain stopped …
A. at night.
B. in the morning.
C. at noon.
D. in the evening.
A. at night.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 1 Where were you?

Question 2.
Everything was OK because …
A. the moon was shining.
B. the sun was shining.
C. it was raining heavily.
D. it was a holiday in school.
B. the sun was shining.

Question 3.
Mr Joshi wasn’t…
A. at home.
B. at school.
C. in the library.
D. in the office.
B. at school.

Question 4.
Mr Joshi was in bed because…
A. he was tired.
B. he had a holiday.
C. he was sick.
D. he was lazy.
C. he was sick.

3. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions :

We celebrate 2nd October as ‘Gandhi Jayanti’. We lovingly call Gandhiji ‘Bapu’. He was’ born in Porbandar in 1869. His father’s name was Karamchand and his mother’s name was Putlibai. His wife’s name was Kasturba. He studied in Rajkot. He believed in truth and non-violence. He also believed in simplicity and equality. He fought for freedom. We call him ‘The Father of the Nation’.

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
When do we celebrate ‘Gandhi Jayanti’ ?
We celebrate ‘Gandhi Jayanti’ on 2nd October.

Question 2.
What do we lovingly call Gandhiji ?
We lovingly call Gandhiji ‘Bapu’.

Question 3.
Where and when was he born ?
He was born in Porbandar in 1869.

Question 4.
What was his father’s name ?
His father’s name was Karamchand.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 1 Where were you?

Question 5.
What was his mother’s name ?
His mother’s name was Putlibai.

Question 6.
What was his wife’s name ?
His wife’s name was Kasturba.

Question 7.
Where did he study ?
He studied in Rajkot.

Question 8.
What do we call him ?
We call him The Father of the Nation’.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options :

Question 1.
Where was Gandhiji born ?
A. in Rajkot
B. in Bhavnagar
C. in Porbandar
D. in Morbi
C. in Porbandar

Question 2.
What was his father’s name ?
A. Karamchand
B. Karsandas
C. Raichand
D. Punamchand
A. Karamchand

Question 3.
What was his wife’s name ?
A. Ramaba
B. Kasturba
C. Jyotiba
D. Anandba
B. Kasturba

Question 4.
What do we call him ?
A. ‘The Father of the Nation’
B. ‘Motabhai’
C. ‘Dada’
D. ‘Netaji’
A. ‘The Father of the Nation’

Complete the sentences selecting the correct options :

Question 1.
We celebrate ‘Gandhi Jayanti’ on …
A. 14th November.
B. 15th August.
C. 2nd October.
D. 26th January.
C. 2nd October.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 1 Where were you?

Question 2.
Gandhiji’s mother’s name was …
A. Putlibai.
B. Kasturba.
C. Jijabai.
D. Jodhabai.
A. Putlibai.

Question 3.
Gandhiji believed in ……………..
A. fighting.
B. truth and non-violence.
C. simplicity and equality.
D. fast.
C. simplicity and equality.

4. Recite the song and enjoy.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 1 Where were you 28

There are houses made of wood.
There are houses made of mud,
There are houses in the East,
There are houses in the West,
There are houses in the North,
There are houses in the South,
There are houses all around me,
But my house is the best

5. Study the chart and answer the questions given below it:

No. Name Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
( 1 ) Mahesh P P P A P P
(2) Sanjay A P P P P P
(3) Geeta P P P A P P
(4) Sunita P P P A P P
(5) Irfan P A P P P A

Question 1.
Who was absent on Monday?
Sanjay was absent on Monday.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 1 Where were you?

Question 2.
Was anyone absent on Wednesday ?
No. No one was absent on Wednesday.

Question 3.
When was Sunita absent ?
Sunita was absent on Thursday.

Question 4.
Who was absent on Saturday ?
Irfan was absent on Saturday.

Question 5.
When were Geeta and Mahesh absent ?
Geeta and Mahesh were absent on Thursday.

6. Choose the correct words from brackets ane fill in the blanks:

(1) It was ………. (rain, raining)
(2) The students were ……… home. (on, at)
(3) ……….. are 25 students in my class. (Their, There)
(4)The teacher was at home, sick in ……. (bad, bed)
(5) It was a ………… day. (bed, bad)
(6) There ……….. only five students in the class. (was, were)
(7) ………. was Monday. (It, There)
(8) Mr Joshi was not in warm (cloth, clothes)
( 9 ) The rain stopped ………….. night, (in, at)
(10) Today ……….. Sunday. (is, was)
(1) raining
(2) at
(3) There
(4) bed
(5) bad
(6) were
(7) It
(8) clothes
(9) at
(10) is

7. Match the opposite words :

‘A’ — ‘B’
(1) cold — bad
(2) absent — short
(3) good — hot
(4) tall — present
(5) small — light
(6) heavy — big
(1) cold x hot
(2) absent x present
(3) good x bad
(4) tall x short
(5) small x big
(6) heavy x light

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 1 Where were you?

8. Write the past tense forms:

(1) come
(2) go
(3) say
(4) fall
(5) give
(6) is
(7) are
(8) sit
(9) eat
(10) see
(1) came
(2) went
(3) said
(4) fell
(5) gave
(6) was
(7) were
(8) sat
(9) ate
(10) saw

9. Find out the given words from the puzzle:

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 1 Where were you 29


GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 1 Where were you?

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 1 Where were you 30


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