GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 4 Will You Wake Up?

Gujarat Board GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Second Language Sem 2 Unit 4 Will You Wake Up? Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

GSEB Std 6 English Textbook Solutions Sem 2 Unit 4 Will You Wake Up?

GSEB Class 6 English Will You Wake Up? Text Book Questions and Answers

Activity 1.

(A) Recite the poem.

Choosing (શૂટિંગ) પસંદગી

What will you have, a ball or a cake ?
(વૉટ વિલ યૂ પૅવ, અ બૉલ ઑર અ કેક?) તમે શું લેશો, દડો કે કેમ?

A cake is so nice, yes, that’s what I’ll take.
(અ કેક ઈઝ સો નાઇસ, યસ, બૅટ્સ વૉટ આઈલ ટેક.) કેક કેટલી સરસ છે, હા, હું તે (કેક) લઈશ.

What will you have, a cake or a cat ?
(વૉટ વિલ યુ હેવ, કેક ઑર અ કૅટ?). તમે શું લેશો, કેમ કે બિલાડી?

A cat is soft, I think I’ll take that.
(અ કૅટ ઈઝ સૉફ્ટ, આઈ ર્થિક આઈલ ટેક ઘેટ.). બિલાડી કેટલી નરમ છે, મને લાગે છે હું તે (બિલાડી) લઈશ.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 4 Will You Wake Up?

What will you have, a cat or a rose ?
(વૉટ વિલ યૂ પૅવ, અ કૅટ ઑર અ રોઝ?) તમે શું લેશો, બિલાડી કે ગુલાબ?

A rose is so sweet, I’ll have that I suppose.
(અ રોઝ ઇઝ સો સ્વીટ, આઇલ ઑવ ધેટ આઈ સપોઝ.) ગુલાબ કેટલું સરસ છે, મને લાગે છે હું તે (ગુલાબ) લઈશ.

What will you have, a rose or a book ?
(વૉટ વિલ યુ હેવ, અ રોઝ ઑર અ બુક?). તમે શું લેશો, ગુલાબ કે પુસ્તક?

A book full of pictures – oh, do let me look!
(અ બુક ફુલ ઑવ પિકચર્ઝ – ઓહ, ડૂ લેટ મી લુક !) ચિત્રોથી ભરેલું પુસ્તક – ઓહ, મને જોવા તો દો!

(B) Find out the rhyming words from the poem.

(1) cake – take
(2) rose – suppose
(3) book – look
(4) cat – that

(C) (i) Answer these questions.

Question 1.
What is sweet ?
A rose is sweet.

Question 2.
What is soft?
A cat is soft.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 4 Will You Wake Up?

Question 3.
What is nice ?
A cake is nice.

Question 4.
What is full of pictures ?
A book is full of pictures.

(ii) Answer the questions in A. Tick ✓ your option in B.

(1) What will you drink ? — Tea
(2) What will you eat ? — Bhel
(3) What will you smell ? — Rose
(4) Where will you go ? — To a riverside
(5) When will you sleep ? — Early at night
(It is✓ hot. /It has energy./It is tasty.)
(It is✓ tasty. /It is spicy. /It is sweet and sour.)
(It is nice./It is beautiful./It is ✓ sweet.)
(To a hill / To a:riverside / To a✓ seashore)
(Late at night /In the afternoon / Early ,at✓ night)

(D) Count and write.

Question 1.
How many (squares) are there in the picture?
GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 3 In Future 11

6 squares

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 4 Will You Wake Up?

Question 2.
How many ∆ (triangles) are there in the picture?

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 3 In Future 12

16 triangles

Question 3.
How many glasses are there in the picture ?
GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 3 In Future 13
4 glasses

Question 4.
How many animals are there in the picture ?
GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 3 In Future 14

20 animals

Question 5.
There were twenty birds in a tree. A man took his gun and shot one bird. How many birds will be there in the tree after that?
No birds

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 4 Will You Wake Up?

Question 6.
Jigar had ₹ 500. He went to a cinema. He watched ‘Bhaag Milkha Bhaag’. He paid ₹100 for the ticket. During the interval, he bought two packets of popcorn. He paid ₹ 50 for each packet. How many rupees will Jigar have now ?

Activity 2.

(A) Work in groups. Answer the questions, Plan to celebrate ‘World Environment Day’.

Question 1.
When is the World Environment Day celebrated ?
(a) 5th January
(b) 5th September
(c) 5th June
(c) 5th June

Question 2.
Where will you celebrate the World Environment Day?
(a) in the house
(b) in school
(c) in the theatre
(b) in school

Question 3.
What will you do on this day ?
(a) plant trees
(b) pluck flowers
(c) shout loudly
(a) plant trees

Question 4.
Which competitions will you arrange on this day ?
(a) 100 metre race
(b) Elocution competition
(c) Singing competition
(b) Elocution competition

Question 5.
What types of slogans will you make ?
(a) Save Trees
(b) Save Money
(c) Use Plastic
(a) Save Trees

(B) Read the table. Answer the questions.

Stallno. Activity Name of the co-ordinator
(1) Paper work Ms Sushilaben Patel
(2) Clay work Ms Saberabibi Sidat
(3) Action songs Ms Hemlataben Parmar
(4) Play / Drama Mr Bipin Parekh
(5) Story-telling Mr Prakash Parmar
(6) Paste work Ms Nimishaben Patel
(7) Painting Mr Chhakabhai Chaudhari
(8) Rangoli Ms Ritaben Kher
(9) Science experiments Ms Anitaben Chauhan
(10) Funny games Mr Jashvantsinh Kher

Question 1.
How many stalls will be there at the Balmela ?
There will be ten stalls at the Balmela.

Question 2.
Where will you go for painting ?
I will go to stall no. 7 for painting.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 4 Will You Wake Up?

Question 3.
Who will be the co-ordinator for action songs ?
Ms Hemlataben Parmar will be the co-ordinator for action songs.

Question 4.
Jigar wants to do science experiments. Where will he go ?
He will go to stall no. 9.

Question 5.
What will you make of paper ?
I will make boats, ships, caps, flowers, etc. of paper.

(C) Read the sentences. Write your answers.

Question 1.
Nisarg keeps a bird in a cage. What will you do ?
I will open the cage and free the bird.

Question 2.
Children are trying to save a tree. What will you do ?
I will help them.

Question 3.
Hitesh uses solar energy. Will you use solar energy ? How ? Give examples.
Yes, I will use solar energy.

  • I will use a solar cooker for cooking.
  • I will use solar energy for lighting up my house.

Question 4.
Dharam always uses plastic bags. Which bag will you use ? Cloth, paper or plastic bags ?
I will use cloth bags or paper bags.

Activity 3

(A) Read the story.

Mafatlal’s Egg
Mr Mafatlal was a lazy mam. He did not like to work. He sat idle or moved here and there all the time. One day, he went for a walk. He stopped on the way to take rest. He sat down under a tree. Then he saw a hen’s egg lying on the grass under the tree.

(વન ડે, હી વેન્ટ ફૉર અ વૉક. હી સ્ટૉપ્સ ઑન ધ વે ટુ ટેક રેસ્ટ, હી સેંટ ડાઉન અન્ડર અ ટ્રી. ધેન હી સૉ અ હેન્ડ એગ લાઇગ ઑન ધ ગ્રાસ અન્ડર ધ ટ્રી.) એક દિવસ તેઓ ચાલવા ગયા. રસ્તામાં તેઓ આરામ કરવા ઊભા રહ્યા. તેઓ એક ઝાડ નીચે બેઠા. પછી તેમણે ઝાડ નીચે ઘાસ પર એક મરઘીનું ઈડું પડેલું જોયું.

“An egg!” he thought. “I am very lucky. This will make me rich.” Just then his friend Chhaganlal saw him.
“Hello, Mr Mafatlal!” he said. “What is there in your hand ?”
“An egg!” said Mr Mafatlal. “I’m very lucky, aren’t I ?”
“An egg ?” said Chhaganlal. “Is that all ?”
“You don’t understand,” said Mr Mafatlal. “This egg will make me rich.”
His friend laughed. “Please explain,” he said.

“Listen to me,” said Mafatlal. “I shall not eat this egg. I shall put it in my pocket. It will be warm there. Soon a chick will come out of the egg. The chick will grow into a hen. The hen will lay eggs. Those eggs will give me more chicks. They will grow into hens.

Those hens will lay eggs. I shall sell them and I shall be a rich man. I shall live in a big house. Many servants will serve me. I shall have four cars. People will say ‘Look, that’s Mr Mafatlal. He is a very rich man.’ Then I shall…” “Stop!” said Chhaganlal. “You are going too fast. Let me look at this wonderful egg”

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 4 Will You Wake Up?

Mr Mafatlal took the egg out of his pocket. He showed it to Chhaganlal, but it slipped from his fingers.Mr Mafatlal looked at the broken egg. “Oh dear!” he said. “Now I shall not have any chicks. I shall not have any hens. They will not lay any eggs. I shall not be rich. I shall not have a big house. I shall not have lots of servants and cars. Oh dear!”

“Yes,” said Chhaganlal. “You will be poor Mr Mafatlal. But you can try your luck next time. Come on. Start working and earn.” “Perhaps, you are right,” said Mr Mafatlal sadly.

(મફતલાલ્ડ એગ) મફતલાલનું ઈંડું

(મિસ્ટર મફતલાલ વૉઝ અ લેઝિ મૅન. હી ડિડ નૉટ લાઇક ટૂ વર્ક. હી સેંટ આઈડલ ઑર મૂડ હિઅર ઍન્ડ ધેઅર ઑલ ધ ટાઇમ.) શ્રી મફતલાલ એક આળસુ માણસ હતા. તેમને કામ કરવું ગમતું નહીં. તેઓ હંમેશાં નવરા બેસી રહેતા અથવા આમતેમ ફરતા.
GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 3 In Future 15
(“ઍન એગ !” હી થૉટ, “આઈ ઍમ વેરિ લકિ. ધિસ વિલ મેક મી રિચ.”) “ઈડું !” તેમણે વિચાર્યું. “હું બહુ નસીબદાર છું. આ (ઈંડું) મને ધનવાન બનાવશે. (જસ્ટ ધેન હિઝ ફ્રેન્ડ છગનલાલ સૉ હિમ.) એટલામાં તેમના મિત્ર છગનલાલે તેમને જોયા. (“હેલો, મિસ્ટર મફતલાલ !” હી સેડ. “વૉટ ઇઝ ધેઅર ઇન યુઅર હેન્ડ?”)

“કેમ છો, શ્રી મફતલાલ !” તેઓ બોલ્યા. “તમારા હાથમાં શું છે?” (“ઍન એગ !” સેડ મિસ્ટર મફતલાલ. “આઈમ વેરિ લીક, આરન્ટ આઈ?”) “છે ” શ્રી મફતલાલ બોલ્યા. “હું બહુ નસીબદાર છું, નહીં? (“ઍન એગ?” સેડ છગનલાલ. “ઇઝ ધેટ ઑલ?”) “ઇંડું?” છગનલાલ બોલ્યા. “બસ?”

(“યૂ ડોન્ટ અન્ડરસ્ટેન્ડ,” સેડ મિસ્ટર મફતલાલ. “ધિસ એગ વિલ મેક મી રિચ.”) “તમે સમજ્યા નહીં,” શ્રી મફતલાલ બોલ્યા. “આ ઈડું મને ધનવાન બનાવશે.” | (હિઝ ફ્રેન્ડ લાડ. “પ્લીઝ ઇક્રક્સપ્લેન,” હી સેડ.) તેમના મિત્ર હસ્યા. “મહેરબાની કરીને સમજાવો,” તેઓ બોલ્યા.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 4 Will You Wake Up?

(‘લિસન ટૂ મી,” સેડ મફતલાલ. “આઈ શાલ નૉટ ઇટ ધિસ એગ. આઈ શાલ પુટ ઇટ ઇન માઇ પૉકિટ. ઇટ વિલ બી વૉર્મ ધેઅર, સૂન અ ચિક વિલ કમ આઉટ ઑવ ધ એગ. ધ ચિક વિલ ગ્રો અ હેન. ધ મેન વિલ લે એઝ. ધોઝ એઝ વિલ ગિવ મી મૉર ચિક્સ.

ધે વિલ ગ્રો ઇન્દુ હેન્ડ. ધોઝ હેન્ડ. વિલ લે એઝ. આઈ શાલ સેલ ધેમ ઍન્ડ આઈ શાલ બી અ રિચ મૅન. આઈ શાલ લિવ ઈન અ બિગ હાઉસ. મેનિ સર્વન્ટ્સ વિલ સર્વ મી. આઈ શાલ હેવ ફૉર કાર્ઝ. પીપલ વિલ સે ‘લુક, ધેટ્સ મિસ્ટર મફતલાલ. હી ઇઝ અ વેરિ રિચ મૅન.” ધેન આઈ શાલ …”સાંભળો,” મફતલાલ બોલ્યા, “હું આ ઈડું ખાઈશ નહીં. હું તે મારા ખિસ્સામાં મુકીશ. તે ત્યાં હુંફાળું રહેશે.

થોડા સમય બાદ ઈંડામાંથી એક બચ્ચું બહાર નીકળશે. બચું મોટું થઈ મરઘી થશે. મરઘી ઈડાં આપશે. તે ઈંડાં મને વધારે બચ્ચાં આપશે. તે (બચ્ચાં) મોટાં થઈને મરઘીઓ થશે. તે મરઘીઓ ઈંડાં આપશે. હું તે (ઈડાં) વેચીશ અને એક ધનવાન માણસ બનીશ. હું એક મોટા ઘરમાં રહીશ. ઘણાં બધા નોકરો મારી સેવા કરશે. મારી પાસે ચાર કાર હશે. લોકો કહેશે “જુઓ, તે શ્રી મફતલાલ છે. તેઓ બહુ ધનવાન માણસ છે.” પછી હું…”

(“સ્ટૉપ !” સેડ છગનલાલ. “યૂ આર ગોઇંગ ટુ ફાસ્ટ, લેટ મી લુક ઍટ ધિસ વન્ડરફુલ એગ.”) “થોભો !” છગનલાલ બોલ્યા. “તમે ખૂબ ઝડપથી વિચારી રહ્યા છો. મને આ અદ્ભુત ઈડું જોવા દો.” *. (મિસ્ટર મફતલાલ ટુક ધ એગ આઉટ ઑવ હિઝ પૉકિટ.

હી શોડ ઇટ ટૂ છગનલાલ, બટ ઇટ સ્લિપ્સ ફ્રૉમ હિઝ ફિંગર્ઝ.). શ્રી મફતલાલે તેમના ખિસ્સામાંથી ઈડું બહાર કાઢ્યું. તેમણે તે છગનલાલને દેખાડ્યું. પણ તે તેમની આંગળીઓમાંથી સરકી ગયું. (મિસ્ટર મફતલાલ લુકડ ઍટ ધ બ્રોકન એગ.

“ઓહ ડિઅર !” હી સેડ. “નાઉ આઈ શાલ નૉટ ઑવ ઍનિ ચિકક્સ. આઈ શાલ નૉટ હેવ ઍનિ હેન્ઝ. ધે વિલ નૉટ લે ઍનિ એક્ઝ. આઈ શાલ નૉટ બી રિચ. આઈ શાલ નૉટ હેવ અ બિગ હાઉસ. આઈ શાલ નૉટ ઍવ લૉટ્સ ઑવ સર્વટ્સ ઍન્ડ કાર્ઝ. ઓહ ડિઅર !”) શ્રી મફતલાલે તૂટેલા ઈડાં સામે જોયું. “અરેરે !” તેઓ બોલ્યા.

“હવે મારી પાસે મરઘીનાં બચ્ચાં નહીં હોય. મારી પાસે મરઘીઓ નહીં હોય. તે ઈડાં નહીં આપે. હું ધનવાન નહીં બનું. મારી પાસે મોટું ઘર નહીં હોય. મારી પાસે ઘણાં બધા નોકરી અને કાર નહીં હોય. અરેરે !”

(“યસ.” સેડ છગનલાલ. “યૂ વિલ બી પુઅર મિસ્ટર મફતલાલ. બટ યુ કેન ટાઇ યુઅર લક નેક્સટ ટાઇમ. કમ ઑન. સ્ટાર્ટ વર્કિંગ ઍન્ડ અર્ન.”) “હા,” છગનલાલ બોલ્યા.” તમે ગરીબ (બિચારા) શ્રી મફતલાલ થઈ જશો. પણ તમે બીજી વાર તમારું નસીબ અજમાવી શકો છો. ચાલો. કામ કરીને રળવાનું શરૂ કરો.” (‘પહેંસ, યુ આર રાઇટ,” સેડ મિસ્ટર મફતલાલ ઍલિ.) કદાચ તમારી વાત સાચી છે.” દુખી થઈ શ્રી મફતલાલ બોલ્યા.

(B) Choose the correct option for each sentence.

Question 1.
Mr Mafatlal was
(a) hardworking
(b) lazy
(c) clever
(b) lazy

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 4 Will You Wake Up?

Question 2.
Mr Mafatlal saw an egg
(a) in the nest
(b) under the tree
(c) in the market
(b) under the tree

Question 3.
Mr Mafatlal said, “I shall ” ….
(a) keep the egg in my pocket
(b) put the egg in the sunlight
(c) eat the egg
(a) keep the egg in my pocket

Question 4.
Mr Mafatlal said, “I shall have four ……….
(a) houses
(b) servants
(c) cars
(c) cars

Question 5.
Mr Mafatlal will sell hens and eggs and will be …..
(a) lucky
(b) rich
(c) clever
(b) rich

(C) Work in pairs. Complete the dialogue.

Mafatlal: Aha,, an egg ! I’m lucky.
Chhaganlal: Hello, Mafatlal. What is there in your hand ?
Mafatlal: An egg. It will make me rich.
Chhaganlal: An egg will make you rich ! How come ?
Mafatlal: I shall not eat this egg. I shall put it in my pocket. It will be warm there. Soon a chick will come out of the egg.
Chhaganlal: Ok, fine. Then how will an egg make you rich?
Mafatlal: Just try to understand. The chick will grow into a hen. The hen
will lay eggs. Those eggs will give me more chicks. They will grow into hens.
Chhaganlal: Well, you will have many hens.
Mafatlal: Right. Those hens will lay eggs.
I shall sell them and I shall be a rich man.
Chhaganlal: Interesting. You will be a rich man.
Mafatlal: I shall live in a big house,Many servants will serve me.
I shall have four cars.
Chhaganlal: You will be a very important man.
Mafatlal: People will look at me. They will praise my luck.
Chhaganlal: Let me look at this wonderful egg.
Mafatlal: Let me bring it out of my pocket. Be careful. Oh, dear.
Chhaganlal: Oh dear ! It slipped from your fingers.
Mafatlal: Poor me ! Now I shall not have any chicks. No hens. No more eggs. No money.
Chhaganlal: No big home. No servants.
Mafatlal: No cars.
Chhaganlal: You can try your luck next time. Start working and earn.
Mafatlal: You are right.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 4 Will You Wake Up?

(D) Work in pairs. Fill in the blanks. Give appropriate number to each sentence based on the story.

[ 3 ] Those eggs will give me more chicks.
[ 1 ] The chick will grow into a hen.
[ 4 ] I shall be a rich man.
[ 2 ] The hen will lay eggs.
[ 5 ] People will point and say.

(E) Work in groups. Read the following points. Construct a story based on it. Write the story. You can extend the story.

[Mr Shekhchalli – going on a road- found a tyre – started to daydream – thinks of making a bicycle – will sell the bicycle – will earn money – will open a cycle store-will earn a lot of money – will open a bike showroom – will sell bikes-will become a millionaire – will earn more – will start a car company – will become a billionaire – will start an airline – will become the richest man.] Hello, friends! I am Mr Shekhchalli. Yesterday, I found a tyre on the road. I thought, “This tyre will make me a very rich person.”

Do you know how?

First of all, I will make a bicycle. Then I will sell the bicycle and earn money. I will open a cycle store with the help of the money. My store will be popular. I will sell many cycles and earn more money.

Then I will open a bike showroom and I will sell bikes. Thus I will earn a lot of money and I .will become a millionaire. I will earn so much money that I will start a car company. My cars will be very popular.

I will sell the cars and earn a lot of money. Soon I will become a billionaire. I will earn a lot of money. In a few years, I will start an airline. I will have my own airplanes. My airline will be very popular. I will earn a lot of money. I will become the richest man on the earth.

Then I will also buy some ships. My shipping company will also be very popular. I will earn more and more money. Then I will enjoy myself. I will travel all over the world. I will have a home on Mount Everest.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 4 Will You Wake Up?

It will be a big house. It will be so big that …” Mr Shekhchalli stretched his hands to show how big the house will be. And the tyre tore! Poor Mr Shekhchalli!

Activity 4.

Work in pairs.

(A) Read the paragraph. Find the places in the map.

Hello, friends. I am Dhansukhbhai. I am a postman. I am at the post office now.
Look at the map and find out the post office.
Today, I have so many letters, magazines and parcels.
At first, I will go to the bank. How will I reach the bank ? I will go straight. I will walk 100 metres. I will deliver letters there.
Then I will take a left turn. After 100 metres, I will reach the temple.
Then I will visit Sargam Row House. You will find Dayaben and Babitaben talking there. They sit together and talk for a long time. I will deliver a letter at 17, Sargam Row House.
Then I will take a right turn. I will walk for 100 metres. There is A-l Hair Salon. I will deliver a parcel to Arunbhai.
I will walk for 80 metres. There is a library at the cross-roads. I will deliver the magazines there.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 3 In Future 16

(B) Look at the map. Answer the questions.

Question 1.
You want to go to the library from your school. How will you reach there?
I will walk straight till I reach Janakpuri Society. Then I will take a right turn and walk straight till I reach the library. It is on my left-hand side.

Question 2.
You are at the railway station. You want to go to the bus stop. How will you go there ?
I will go straight. Then I will take a right turn till I reach the dairy. From there I will take a left turn.
I will walk straight till I reach the Janakpuri Society. I will take a right turn to reach the bus stop. It is on my left-hand side.

Question 3.
You are coming from school. You want to go to the library. Your teacher gave you a letter to post. Which route will you take?
I will come out from the school gate and take a right turn immediately. I will walk straight till I reach the garden and the Rangkrupa Society. I will cross the road. I will go straight. I will walk for 100 metres to reach the post office. It is on my right-hand side.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 4 Will You Wake Up?

Question 4.
You want to go to the dairy from Geetanagar. The road beside A – I Salon is under repair. Which will be the shortest route?
I will walk straight till I reach the Janakpuri Society. Then I will take a right turn.

Question 5.
Which is the longest route in the map ?
The longest route in the map is from the mosque to the bus station.

Activity 5.

જ તમારા વિસ્તારમાંથી કૉલેજ ભણવા જતા બે વિદ્યાર્થીઓને મળો. આપેલા પ્રશ્નો તેમને પૂછી ટેબલમાં વિગતો ભરો..

Questions Naman Vinita
(1) What are you studying? First Year B.Com Third Year B.Sc.
(2) When will you become a graduate ? After two years This year
(3) For how many years will you study ? Four more years Two more years
(4) What will you do after 5 years ? Join in a
Study medicine
(5) What will be your first job ? Manager Doctor

Activity 6.

Read and enjoy. Here Is Darshil’s trick.
Try Darshil’s trick on your friends. Find out such more tricks from books In the library.
GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 3 In Future 17

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 3 In Future 18

Activity 7.

Read the sentences. Identify the things. Your word must start with the letter B.

Example : We can travel by it. BUS

(1) We can carry things in it. BAG
(2) We can play with it. BALL
(3) We can clean our teeth with it. BRUSH
(4) We can eat this fruit. BANANA
(5) We can fill air in it. BALLOON
(6) We can put things in it. BASKET
(7) We can sit on it. BENCH
(8) We can read it. BOOK
(9) We can sleep on it. BED
(10) We can cross a river walking on it. BRIDGE

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 4 Will You Wake Up?

Let’s Learn More

1. Read the following paragraphs from the lesson.

(1) Mr Mafatlal was a lazy man. He did not like to work. He sat idle or moved here and there all the time. One day, he went for a walk. He stopped on the way to take rest. He sat down under a tree. Then he saw a hen’s egg lying on the grass under the tree.

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
What did Mr Mafatlal do all the time?
Mr Mafatlal sat idle and moved here and there all the time.

Question 2.
Where did Mr Mafatlal sit ?
Mr Mafatlal sat under a tree.

Question 3.
What did Mr Mafatlal see ?
Mr Mafatlal saw a hen’s egg lying on the grass under the tree.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options.

Question 1.
Mr Mafatlal was a …… man.
A. poor
B. hardworking
C. rich
D. lazy
D. lazy

Question 2.
Mr Mafatlal saw ………..
A. a hen
B. a hen’s egg
C. a chick
D. a cock
B. a hen’s egg

Question 3.
Mr Mafatlal did not like to ………..
A. walk
B. rest
C. work
D. sit idle
C. work

(2) “An egg!” he thought. “I am very lucky. This will make me rich.”
Just then his friend Chhaganlal saw him.
“Hello, Mr Mafatlal!” He said. “What is there in your hand ?”
“An egg!” said Mr Mafatlal. “I’m very lucky, aren’t I ?”
“An egg?” said Chhaganlal. “Is that all?” “You don’t understand,” said Mr Mafatlal. “This egg will make me rich.”
His friend laughed. “Please explain,” he said.

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
Who was Chhaganlal ?
Chhaganlal was Mr Mafatlal’s friend.

Question 2.
What will make Mr Mafatlal rich ?
An egg will make Mr Mafatlal rich.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options.

Question 1.
Mr Mafatlal thought he was ………
A. lucky
B. unlucky
C. rich
D. poor
A. lucky

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 4 Will You Wake Up?

Question 2.
The egg will make Mr Mafatlal …………
A. lucky
B. unlucky
C. rich
D. poor
C. rich

(3) “Listen to me,” said Mafatlal. “I shall not eat this egg. I shall put it in my pocket. It will be warm there. Soon a chick will come out of the egg. The chick will grow into a hen. The hen will lay eggs. Those eggs will give me more chicks. They will grow into hens.

Those hens will lay eggs. I shall sell them and I shall be a rich man. I shall live in a big house. Many servants will serve me. I shall have four cars. People will say ‘Look, that’s Mr Mafatlal. He is a very rich man.’ Then I shall…”

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
Where will Mr Mafatlal put the egg?
Mr Mafatlal will put the egg in his pocket.

Question 2.
What will come out of the egg ?
A chick will come out of the egg.

Question 3.
What will the chick grow into ?
The chick will grow into a hen.

Question 4.
What will Mr Mafatlal have when he becomes rich ?
Mr Mafatlal will have a big house, many servants and four cars when he becomes rich.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options.

Question 1.
Mr Mafatlal will put the egg ……..
A. in a basket
B. on the grass
C. in a dish
D. in his pocket
D. in his pocket

Question 2.
A …………. will come out of the egg.
A. hen
C. chick
D. puppy
C. chick

Question 3.
The chick will grow into a ……….
A. hen
D. dog
A. hen

Question 4.
Mr Mafatlal will sell eggs and be a man.
A. poor
B. rich
C. healthy
D. happy
B. rich

Question 5.
Mr Mafatlal will have ……… cars.
A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four
D. four

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 4 Will You Wake Up?

(4) “Stop !” said Chhaganlal. “You are going too fast. Let me look at this wonderful egg”
Mr Mafatlal took the egg out of his pocket. He showed it to Chhaganlal, but it slipped from his fingers.
Mr Mafatlal looked at the broken egg. “Oh dear!” he said. “Now I shall not have any chicks. I shall not have 5 any hens. They will not lay any eggs.
I shall not be rich. I shall not have a big house.
I shall not have lots of servants and cars. Oh dear!”

Answer the following question.

What happened when Mr Mafatlal took the egg out of his pocket?
When Mr Mafatlal took the egg out of his pocket, it slipped from his S fingers.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options.

Question 1.
Chhaganlal calls the egg ……………
A. nice
B. beautiful
C. lovely
D. wonderful
D. wonderful

Question 2.
The egg slipped from
A. Chhaganlal’s fingers
B. Mr Mafatlal’s fingers
C. the tree
D. the grass
B. Mr Mafatlal’s fingers

(5) “Yes,” said Chhaganlal. “You will be poor Mr Mafatlal. But you can try your luck next time. Come on. Start working and earn.”
“Perhaps, you are right,” said Mr Mafatlal sadly.

Answer the following question.

What did Chhaganlal tell Mr Mafatlal ?
Chhaganlal told Mr Mafatlal to start working and earn.

Answer the question selecting the correct option.

Question 1.
In the end, Mr Mafatlal was ………….
A. sad
B. happy
C. rich
D. poor
A. sad

2. Fill in the blanks using the words given in the brackets.

(hot, cold, soft, beautiful, fat, thin, big, small, long, short)
(1) It is very hot. Please give me ……….. water.
(2) This is a ………… book.
(3) The elephant is a …………animal.
(4) The grass is ……………
(5) Tea is …………..
(6) Divya has ………… has short hair.
(7) Manubhai is a ………… man.
(8) My classroom is ………… But the library is big.
(9) Raman is tall. His brother is …………
(10) The peacock is a ………… bird.
(1) Cold
(2) thin
(3) big
(4) soft
(5) hot
(6) long
(7) fat
(8) small
(9) short
(10) beautiful

3. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs given in the brackets.

Example: Sachin will meet me tomorrow.

(1) Rita ………. me Maths. (teach)
(2) The children ………. in the garden. (play)
(3) We ………. the room tomorrow. (clean)
(4) Mohan ………. a picture. (draw)
(5) They………. a poem next week. (learn)
(6) Uma ………. her grandfather tomorrow. (visit)
(7) Ravi ………. the work tomorrow. (finish)
(8) The boys ………. kites. (fly)
(1) will teach
(2) will play
(3) will clean
(4) will draw
(5) will learn
(6) will visit
(7) will finish
(8) will fly

4. Form questions using the words given in the brackets.

(Who, What, Where, When, How many)
Example: Mayur will come at 10 o’clock.
Who win come at 10 o’clock?
When win Mayur come ?

(1) Sanjay will buy a scooter next month.
Who will buy a scooter next month ?
What will Sanjay buy next month ?
When will Sanjay buy a scooter ?

(2) The children will play football in the garden.
Who will play football in the garden ?
What will the children play in the garden ?
Where will the children play football ?

(3) Raj will buy ten balloons.
Who will buy ten balloons ?
How many balloons will Raj buy?
What will Raj buy?

(4) Yogini will clean the room next Sunday.
Who will clean the room next Sunday?
What will Yogini clean next Sunday?
When will Yogini clean the room ?

(5) Mohan will live in Rajkot.
Who will live in Rajkot?
Where will Mohan live ?

(6) Ketan will give me two books in the library tomorrow.
Who will give me two books tomorrow?
How many books will Ketan give me tomorrow ?
What will Ketan give me tomorrow ?
Where will Ketan give me two books- tomorrow ?
When will Ketan give me two books ?

(7) Deepak will sell two cars next month.
Who will sell two cars next month ?
How many cars will Deepak sell next month ?
What will Deepak sell next month ?
When will Deepak sell two cars ?

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 4 Will You Wake Up?

(8) Harsh will celebrate his birthday tomorrow.
Who will celebrate his birthday tomorrow?
What will Harsh celebrate tomorrow?
When will Harsh celebrate his birthday?

Word Meanings

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