GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 3 Ah! Oh! Ouch!..

Gujarat Board GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Second Language Sem 2 Unit 3 Ah! Oh! Ouch!.. Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

GSEB Std 8 English Textbook Solutions Sem 2 Unit 3 Ah! Oh! Ouch!..

GSEB Class 8 English Ah! Oh! Ouch!.. Text Book Questions and Answers

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Activity 1.

Listen, recite and enjoy the poem.
When everybody has short hair,
(વન એવરિબડિ હૅઝ શૉર્ટ હેઅર,)
જ્યારે સૌને ટૂંકા વાળ હોય છે,

The rebel lets his hair grow long.
(ધ રેબલ લેટ્સ હિઝ હેઅર ગ્રો લોંગ)
બળવાખોર તેના વાળ લાંબા વધવા દે છે.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 3 Ah! Oh! Ouch!..

When everybody talks during the lesson,
(વેન એવરિબડિ ટૉક્સ ડ્યુરિંગ ધ લેસન,)
જ્યારે પાઠ દરમિયાન સૌ વાતો કરે છે,

The rebel doesn’t say a word.
(ધ રેબલ ડઝન્ટ સે અ વર્ડ.)
બળવાખોર એક શબ્દ બોલતો નથી.

When nobody talks during the lesson,
(વન નોબડિ ટૉક્સ ફ્યુરિંગ ધ લેસન,)
જ્યારે પાઠ દરમિયાન કોઈ બોલતું નથી,

The rebel creates a disturbance.
(ધ રેબલ ક્રિએટ્સ અ ડિસ્ટર્બન્સ.)
બળવાખોર ધાંધલ મચાવે છે.

When everybody wears a uniform,
(વન એવરિબડિ વેઅર્ઝ અ યુનિફૉર્મ,)
જ્યારે સૌ ગણવેશ પહેરે છે,

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 3 Ah! Oh! Ouch!..

The rebel dresses in fantastic clothes.
(ધ રેબલ ડ્રેસિઝ ઇન ફૅન્ટેસ્ટિક ફ્લોચ્છ.)
બળવાખોર વિચિત્ર કપડાં પહેરે છે..

When everybody is praising the sun,
(વન એવરિબડિ ઇઝ પ્રેઝિંગ ધ સન )
જ્યારે સૌ સૂર્યની સ્તુતિ કરે છે,

The rebel remarks on the need of rain.
(ધ રેબલ રિમાર્ટ્સ ઑન ધ નીડ ઑવ રેન.)
બળવાખોર વરસાદની આવશ્યકતા વિશે વાત કરે છે.

When everybody goes to the meeting,
(વેન એવરિબડિ ગોઝ ટુ ધ મીટિંગ).
જ્યારે સૌ મીટિંગ(સભા)માં જાય છે,

The rebel stays at home and reads a book.
(ધ રેબલ સ્ટેઝ ઍટ હોમ ઍન્ડ રીડ્ઝ અ બુક.)
બળવાખોર ઘરે રહીને પુસ્તક વાંચે છે.

When everybody says, “Yes, please.”
(વન એવરિબડિ સેઝ, “યસ પ્લીઝ.”)
જ્યારે સૌ, “હા, પ્લીઝ.” કહે છે,

The rebel says, “No, thank you.”
(ધ રેબલ સેઝ, “નો, થેંક યૂ.”)
બળવાખોર, “ના, આભાર.” કહે છે,

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 3 Ah! Oh! Ouch!..

It is very good that we have rebels,
(ઇટ ઇઝ વેરિ ગુડ ઘંટ વી હેવ રેબલ્બ,)
બળવાખોર હોય છે તે ખૂબ સારું છે,

You may not find it very good to be one.
(યૂ મે નૉટ ફાઇન્ડ ઇટ વેરિ ગુડ ટૂ બી વન.)
(તમને પોતાને) એક બળવાખોર બનવું ખૂબ સારું ન લાગે. — D. J. Enright (ડી. જે. એરાઇટ)

Activity 2.

Read and understand the dialogues.

(1) Mother : Ramesh, here is your new T-shirt.
(રમેશ, હિઅર ઇઝ યુઅર ન્યૂ ટી-શર્ટ.) રમેશ, આ તારું નવું ટી-શર્ટ છે.
Ramesh : That’s nice. Thank you.
(ધટ્સ નાઇસ. થેંક યૂ.) સરસ છે. આભાર.
Mother : Are you happy?
(આર યુ હૅપિ?) તું ખુશ છે?
Ramesh : Yes, I am.
(યસ, આઈ ઍમ.) હા, હું (ખુશ) છું.

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(2) Ajay : Can you climb Girnar ?
(કન યૂ ક્લાઇમ ગિરનાર ?) શું તું ગિરનાર ચડી શકે?
Vijay : Yes, I can.
(યસ, આઈ કૅન.) હા, હું (ચડી) શકું.
Ajay : Are you confident ?
(આર યૂ કાન્ફિડન્ટ?) તને આત્મવિશ્વાસ છે?
Vijay : Yes, I am.
(યસ, આઈ ઍમ.) હા, મને (આત્મવિશ્વાસ) છે.

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(3) Father : Neha, where are you?
(નેહા, વેઅર આર યુ?) નેહા, તું ક્યાં છે?
Neha :I am here, Papa.
(આઈ ઍમ હિઅર, પાપા.) હું અહીં છું, પાપા.
Father : This is your result.
(ધિસ ઇઝ યુઅર રિઝલ્ટ.) આ તારું પરિણામ છે.
Neha : I can’t believe this.
(આઈ કાન્ટ બિલીવ ધિસ.) હું આ માની શકતી નથી.
Father : Why? (વાઇ ?) કેમ?
Neha : I expected less marks.
(આઈ ઇન્સપેક્ટિડ લેસ માક્સ.) મને ઓછા ગુણની અપેક્ષા હતી.

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(4) Salim : Joseph, have you seen that film?
(જોસેફ, હૈવ યુ સીન વૅટ ફિલ્મ?) જોસેફ, તે પેલી ફિલ્મ જોઈ છે?
Joseph : Yes, I have. (યસ, આઈ હૈવ.) હા, મેં (જોઈ) છે.
Salim : What’s your opinion ?
(વૉટ્સ યુઅર અપિન્યન?) તારો શું અભિપ્રાય છે?
Joseph : I was bored.
(આઈ વૉઝ બોર્ડ.) હું કંટાળી ગયો.
Salim : Why? (વાઇ ?) કેમ?
Joseph : There were many scenes of fighting.
(ધેઅર વેઅર મેનિ સીઝ ઑવ ફાઇટિંગ.) (તમાં) લડાઈનાં ઘણાં દશ્યો હતાં.
Salim : It’s your view. (ઇટ્સ યુઅર ન્યૂ.) તે તારો મત છે.

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Activity 3.

Here are some smile. Write a proper word under each smiley. The words are given below in the brackets.

(Satisfied, Sad. Lonely, Surprised, Guilty. Confident. Cold. Happy. Bored)
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Activity 4

(A) Work In pairs. Read and understand the dialogues. Enact the dialogues In the class. Form other dialogues with the help of the words given In the brackets.

(1) Rashmi : Good afternoon, aunty.
(ગુડ આફ્ટરનૂન, આન્ટિ.) ગુડ આફ્ટરનૂન, માસી.
Radhaben : Good afternoon. Where are you going?
(ગુડ આફ્ટરનૂન. વેઅર આર યુ ગોઇંગ?) ગુડ આફ્ટરનૂન. તું ક્યાં જઈ રહી છે?
Rashmi : I am going to the market. (આઈ ઍમ ગોઇંગ ટુ ધ માર્કિટ.) હું બજાર જઈ રહી છું.
Radhaben : Will you bring some sugar
for me? (વિલ યૂ બ્રિગ સમ શુગર ફૉર મી?) તું મારા માટે થોડી ખાંડ લાવીશ?
Rashmi : Why not? How much, aunty ? (વાઇ નૉટ? હાઉ મચ, આન્ટિ?) કેમ નહીં? કેટલી, માસી?
Radhaben : 2 kgs, please. (2 kgs, પ્લીઝ.) 2 કિલો, પ્લીઝ.
Rashmi : Sure. See you. (શુઅર, શી યુ.) ચોક્કસ. આવજો. (milk, sweet, tea, vegetables, ghee, wheat)

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 3 Ah! Oh! Ouch!..

(1) Heta : Where are you going ?
Sonal: I am going to the market.
Heta : Will you bring some milk for me ?
Sonal: Yes. How much ?
Heta : 2 litres, please.
Sonal: Sure. Bye.

(2) Mihir : Where are you going ?
Shirish : I am going to the market.
Mihir: Will you bring some sweet ? for me ?
Shirish : Sure. Which sweet ?
Mihir : Kaju Katri, please.
Shirish : How much ?
Mihir : 1 kg, please.
Shirish : OK. Bye.

(3) Raj : Where are you going ?
Anuj : I am going to the market.
Raj : Will you bring some tea for me ?
Anuj : Why not ? How much ?
Raj : 1 kg, please.
Anuj : Sure. See you.

(4) Geeta : Where are you going ?
Mita: I am going to the market.
Geeta :Will you bring some vegetables for me ?
Mita : Yes. What do you want ?
Geeta : I want 500 gms brinjals and 1 kg potatoes.
Mita : Sure. Bye.

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(5) Nita : Where are you going ?
Komal: I am going to the market.
Nita: Will you bring some ghee for me ?
Komal : Yes. How much ?
Nita : 1 kg, please.
Komal: OK. See you.

(6) Harsh : Where are you going ?
Mohan : I am going to the market.
Harsh: Will you bring some wheat for me ?
Mohan : OK. How much ?
Harsh : 3 kgs, please.
Mohan : Sure. Bye.

(2) Ajay : Hi, Vijay! Ready for the eating competition ?
(હાઈ, વિજય! રેડિ ફૉર ધ ઇટિંગ કૉમ્પિટિશન?)
હાઈ, વિજય! ખાવાની સ્પર્ધા માટે તૈયાર?
Vijay : Yes, ready.
(યસ, રેડિ.) હા, તૈયાર.
Ajay : What will you eat ?
(વૉટ વિલ યૂ ઇટ?) તું શું ખાઈશ?

Vijay : I will eat laddus.
(આઈ વિલ ઇટ લક્ઝ.) હું લાડુ ખાઈશ.
Ajay : How many laddus can you eat ?
(હાઉ મેનિ લઝ કૅન યૂ ઇટ?)
તું કેટલા લાડુ ખાઈ શકે છે?
Vijay : Five. (ફાઇવ.) પાંચ.
Ajay : I can’t believe it ! Are you confident ?
(આઈ કાન્ટ બિલીવ ઇટ ! આર યુ કાન્ફિડન્ટ?)
હું તે માની શક્તો નથી ! તને વિશ્વાસ છે?
Vijay : Yes, I am confident.
(યસ, આઈ ઍમ કાન્ફિડન્ટ.) હા, મને વિશ્વાસ છે.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 3 Ah! Oh! Ouch!..

(1) Yash : Hi, Jatin! Ready for the eating competition ?
Jatin : Yes, ready.
Yash : What will you eat ?
Jatin : I will eat rotis.
Yash: How many rotis can you eat ?
Jatin : Six.
Yash: I can’t believe it! Are you confident?
Jatin : Yes, I am confident.

(2) Bharat: Hi, Neha! Ready for the eating competition ?
Neha : Yes, I am.
Bharat: What will you eat ?
Neha : I will eat gulab jamuns.
Bharat: How many gulab jamuns can you eat?
Neha: Twelve.
Bharat: What ? Are you sure ?
Neha : Yes, I am sure.

(3) Deepak : Hi, Lalu ! Ready for the eating competition ?
Lalu: Yes, ready.
Deepak : What will you eat ?
Lalu : I will eat pizzas.
Deepak: How many pizzas can you eat ?
Lalu : Three.
Deepak : I can’t believe it! Are you sure ?
Lalu : Yes, I am sure.

(4) Vinit: Hi, Amit! Ready for the eating competition ?
Amit: Yes, I am ready.
Vinit: What will you eat ?
Amit: I will eat mangoes.
Vinit: How many mangoes can you eat ?
Amit: Ten.
Vinit: I can’t believe it! Are you confident ?
Amit: Yes, I am confident.

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(5) Saurabh : Hi! Ready for the eating competition ?
Ansh : Yes, I am.
Saurabh : What will you eat ?
Ansh : I will eat bananas.
Saurabh : How many bananas can you eat?
Ansh : Nine.
Saurabh: I can’t believe it! Are you confident ?
Ansh : Yes, I am confident.

(B) Listen and understand the dialogues. Form new dialogues with the help of the words given in the brackets.


Ruchir : Mummy, look! What an arrangement !
(મમિ, લુક ! વૉટ ઍન અરેન્જમેન્ટ !) મમિ, જુઓ ! શું ગોઠવણ છે!
Malaben : Yes, dear. Which T-shirt do you like?
(યસ, ડિઅર. વિચ ટી-શર્ટ ડૂ યૂ લાઈક?) હા, વહાલા. તને કયું ટી-શર્ટ ગમે છે?
Ruchir: The black one. (ધ બ્લેક વન.) કાળું.
Malaben: Why? (વાઇ?) કેમ?
Ruchir : It’s a perfect match for my jeans.
(ઇટ્સ અ પર્ફેક્ટ મૅચ ફૉર માઇ જીન્સ.) તે મારા જીન્સને એકદમ અનુરૂપ છે.
Malaben : Nice choice. (નાઇસ ચૉઇસ.) સરસ પસંદગી છે.
Ruchir : Thank you. (થેંક યૂ.) આભાર.

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(Jeans, Shirt, Salwar-Kameez, Punjabi dress)

(1) Rohit: Father, look ! What an arrangement!
Harshadbhai: Yes, son. Which jeans do you like ?
Harshadbhai: Why ?
Rohit: I’ve got many light blue jeans.
Harshadbhai: Nice choice.
Rohit: Thank you.

(2) Ketan : Mona, this is a good shop.
Mona: Yes, Ketan. Which shirt do you like ?
Ketan : The white one.
Mona : Why ?
Ketan : It’s my favourite colour.
Mona : Good choice.
Ketan : Thank you.

(3) Asha: Mummy, look! What an arrangement!
Neelaben: Yes, dear. Which salwar- kameez do you like ?
Asha : The red one.
Neelaben: Why ?
Asha: It’s a perfect match with my new necklace.
Neelaben: It’s beautiful.
Asha : Thank you.

(4) Sonal: Monal, look! This is a big shop.
Monal: Yes, dear. Which Punjabi dress do you like ?
Sonal: That yellow one.
Monal: Why ?
Sonal: It has nice embroidery on it.
Monal: Yes, it’s beautiful.
Sonal: Thank you.

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Asha : Excuse me. (ઇક્સક્યુઝ મી.) માફ કરો.
Shopkeeper : Yes, little pretty doll. What can I do for you?
(યસ, લિટલ પ્રીટિ ડૉલ. વૉટ કૅન આઈ ડૂ ફૉર યુ?) હા, નાની સુંદર ઢીંગલી. હું તારા માટે શું કરી શકું?
Asha : My mother wants red buttons for my dress.
(માઈ મધર વૉન્ટ્સ રેડ બટઝ ફૉર માઇ ડ્રેસ.) મારી મમ્મીને મારા ડ્રેસ માટે લાલ બટન જોઈએ છે.
Shopkeeper : How many buttons does your mother want?
(હાફ મેનિ બટન્ટ ડઝ યુઅર મધર વૉન્ટ?) તારી મમ્મીને કેટલાં બટન જોઈએ છે?
Asha : She wants one dozen.
(શી વૉન્ટ્સ વન ડઝન.) તેમને એક ડઝન જોઈએ છે.
Shopkeeper : Here you are. (હિઅર યુ આર.) આ રહ્યાં.
Asha: Thank you. (થેંક યુ.) આભાર.

(sugar, biscuits, tea, wheat, chocolates, compass-box)

(1) Deep : Excuse me.
Shopkeeper: Yes, son. What can I do for you?
Deep : My mother wants some sugar.
Shopkeeper : How much sugar does your mother want ?
Deep : She wants 1 kg sugar.
Shopkeeper : Here you are.
Deep : Thank you.

(2) Nisha : Excuse me.
Shopkeeper : Yes, what can I do for you? .
Nisha: My mother wants some biscuits.
Shopkeeper : How many packets?
Nisha: Three packets.
Shopkeeper : Here you are.
Nisha: Thank you.

(3) Komal: Excuse me.
Shopkeeper: Yes, dear. What can is do for you ?
Komal: My mother wants some tea.
Shopkeeper : How much ?
Komal: 500 gms.
Shopkeeper : Here you are.
Komal: Thank you.

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(4) Vinay : Excuse me.
Shopkeeper : Yes, what can I do for s you?
Vinay : My mother wants some wheat.
Shopkeeper : How much wheat does your mother want ?
Vinay : She wants 1 kg.
Shopkeeper : Here you are.
Vinay: Thank you.

(5) Ali: Excuse me.
Shopkeeper : Yes, son. What can I do for you ?
Ah : My mother wants some chocolates.
Shopkeeper : How many chocolates does your mother want?
Ali: She wants two dozen.
Shopkeeper : Here you are.
Ali: Thank you.

(6) Ishita : Excuse me.
Shopkeeper : Yes, what can I do for you?
Ishita : I want a compass-box.
Shopkeeper : Which colour ?
Ishita : A red one, please.
Shopkeeper : Here you are.
Ishita : Thank you.

Activity 5.

Look at the pictures. The pictures tell us a story. Put the correct number under the picture and fill in the blanks.

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Fill in the blanks:

(1) A girl saw a wounded bird.
(2) She went home and showed the bird to her mother
(3) They gave treatment to the bird.
(4) She took care of the bird.
(5) After some days, she set the bird free, her mother.
(6) The bird flew away in the sky.

Activity 6.

(A) Read the story :

Two Boys in A Jungle

Amit was in Assam. He was staying with his friend, Bhupen.
Amit: Assam is so beautiful, isn’t it ? It has forests and rivers. Your forests have thick bushes, long creepers, thick trees, short trees and tall trees, too. The leaves of the banana plants are glossy. Do ants skate on them ?
Bhupen: (smiling) Certainly! They must have a lot of fun, haven’t they?
Amit: Why are all the trees so tall ?
Bhupen: They are tall because we get s a lot of rain. The soil is very fertile. We have thick forests.
Amit: We have tall trees in the Dangs, too. We also have forests.
Bhupen : Gujarat is famous for the lions, isn’t it?
Amit: Yes, we have a lion sanctuary. We also have a wild ass sanctuary, sloth bear sanctuary and many bird sanctuaries as well. Are there wild animals in Assam ?
Bhupen : Oh, yes. Our Kaziranga is famous for the one-horned rhino. It is the UNESCO World Heritage Site. It has elephants, wild buffaloes and swamp deer. Next week, some of us from our school are going to camp in Kaziranga. We’ll see elephants and other animals.
Amit: Will it be a real camp ? Will you stay in tents and cook your own food ?
Bhupen : Yes, we will. Can you join us ?
Amit: Yes ! Why not ? It will be a memorable experience for me.
Bhupen : We will enjoy trekking. We will sing, dance and enjoy the bonfire. Do join us.
Amit: I like it.

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The next week, Amit and Bhupen joined the camp. On the first day, they went out together to explore the forest. They saw many birds, insects and animals. During the night, they lost their way, but soon they got back on track. Those moments were really thrilling for them. On the second day, it was late in the evening. The boys were a long way off from the camp. They were walking along the Brahmaputra river. They could hear the cries of animals all around them.
Bhupen : Walk fast. We must get to the camp quickly. (They heard the trumpet of elephants. Amit was excited.)
Amit: (In an excited voice) Do you think we’ll see any elephants ?
Bhupen : Wait.
Suddenly, Bhupen stopped and held up his hand. They stood still and listened. Thump … thump … thump. A big animal was coming towards them.
“It’s an elephant!” Bhupen whispered. They walked quickly on the grass and hid behind a big tree. A big black creature with white tusks, thick legs, big ears, small eyes, a long trunk was coming towards them. It was coming closer and closer
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Amit: Bhupen, it’s an elephant! What a I big creature it is ! I can’t believe it! It’s a dream ! I have never seen a living elephant in my life. Can see it from very near?
Bhupen: Please, keep distance from the elephant. Bhupen was worried. There was a large elephant about thirty feet away. “He’s angry. Shhhhhh” Bhupen whispered.
The elephant heard their voices. He smelled them, too. He put his long trunk up in the air and trumpeted loudly. Bhupen and Amit could not move a bit. Bhupen was afraid, but Amit wasn’t. He was enjoying himself. Slowly the elephant came towards them. Now he was twenty-five feet away. He was shaking his head in anger.

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“He’s going to attack us,” Bhupen whispered to Amit. “We must do something.” Bhupen pulled out a big brown paper bag from his pocket. There were some sweets in it. He threw away the sweets on the grass. He started to blow into the bag. Soon the bag was like a big balloon. He hit it hard with his hand.

(ટ બૉઈઝ ઈન અ જંગલ) જંગલમાં બે છોકરાઓ

(અમિત વૉઝ ઇન આસામ. હી વૉઝ સ્ટેઈંગ વિથ હિઝ ફ્રેન્ડ, ભૂપેન.) અમિત આસામમાં હતો. તે તેના મિત્ર, ભૂપેન સાથે રહેતો હતો. (આસામ ઇઝ સો બ્યુટિફુલ, ઇઝન્ટ ઇટ? ઇટ હૈઝ ફૉરિટ્સ ઍન્ડ રિવર્ઝ. યુઅર ફૉરિટ્સ હૈવ થિક બુશિઝ, લોંગ ક્રીપર્શ, થિક ટ્રીઝ, શૉર્ટ ટ્રીઝ ઍન્ડ ટૉલ ટ્રીઝ, ટુ. ધ લીડ્ઝ ઑવ ધ બનાના પ્લેટ્સ આર ગ્લૉસિ. ડ્ર ઍટ્સ સ્ટેટ ઑન ધેમ?) આસામ કેટલું સુંદર છે, નહીં? તેમાં જંગલો અને નદીઓ છે.

તમારાં જંગલોમાં ગીચ ઝાડવા, લાંબી વેલ, ગીચ વૃક્ષો, નીચાં વૃક્ષો અને ઊંચાં વૃક્ષો પણ છે. કેળાંનાં પાંદડાં સુંવાળાં હોય છે. શું કીડીઓ તેમના પર સ્કેટ કરે ? (સ્માઇલિંગ) સર્ટલિ ! ધે મસ્ટ હૈવ અ લૉટ ઑવ ફન, હેવન્ટ ધે?] (હસતાં) ચોક્કસ ! તેમને ઘણી મજા આવતી હશે, નહીં? (વાઇ આર ઑલ ધ ટ્રીઝ સો ટૉલ?) બધાં વૃક્ષો આટલાં ઊંચા શા માટે છે? (ધે આર ટૉલ બિકૉઝ વી ગેટ અ લૉટ ઑવ રેન. ધ સૉઇલ ઇઝ વેરિ ફટાઇલ.

વી હૈવ થિક ફૉરિટ્સ.) તે ઊંચાં છે કારણ કે અહીં ખૂબ વરસાદ હોય છે. જમીન ખૂબ ફળદ્રુપ છે, અમારે ગાઢ જંગલો છે. (વી હૈવ ટૉલ ટ્રીઝ ઇન ધ ડાંઝ, ટુ. વી ઑલ્સો હૈવ ફૉરિટ્સ.) અમારે ડાંગમાં પણ ઊંચાં વૃક્ષો છે. અમારે જંગલો પણ છે. (ગુજરાત ઇઝ ફેમસ ફૉર ધ લાયન્ઝ, ઇઝન્ટ ઇટ?) ગુજરાત સિંહો માટે પ્રખ્યાત છે, નહીં?

છે. તે UNESCOની વર્લ્ડ હેરિટિજ સાઇટ (વૈશ્વિક વિરાસતની જગ્યા) છે. તેમાં હાથી, જંગલી ભેંસ અને સ્વૉમ્પ હરણ છે. આવતા અઠવાડિયે, અમારી શાળામાંથી અમે કાઝિરંગામાં કેમ્પ (પડાવ) કરવાના છીએ. અમે હાથી અને બીજાં પ્રાણીઓ જોઈશું. (વિલ ઇટ બી અ રિઅલ કૅમ્પ? વિલ યુ રે ઇન ટેન્ટ્સ ઍન્ડ કુક યુઅર ઓન ફુડ?) શું તે અસલ કૅમ્પ હશે? તમે તંબુમાં રહેશો અને તમારી રસોઈ કરશો? (યસ, વી વિલ. કૅન યૂ જૉઇન અસ?)

હા, અમે (તેમ) કરીશું. શું તું અમારી સાથે જોડાઈ શકીશ? (યસ ! વાઇ નૉટ? ઇટ વિલ બી અ મેમરબલ ઇક્સપિરિઅન્સ ફૉર મી.) હા ! કેમ નહીં? તે મારા માટે એક યાદગાર અનુભવ હશે. (વી વિલ ઇનજૉઇ ટ્રેકિંગ. વી વિલ સિંગ, ડાન્સ ઍન્ડ ઇનજઇ ધ બૉનફાયર, ડૂ જૉઇન અસ.) આપણે ટ્રેકિંગનો આનંદ લઈશું. આપણે ગાઈશું, નાચીશું અને બૉનફાયરની મજા લઈશું. અમારી સાથે (ચોક્કસ) આવ.

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(આઈ લાઇક ઇટ). મને (તે) ગમે છે. | (ધ નેટ વીક, અમિત ઍન્ડ ભૂપેન જૉઇન્ડ ધ કૅમ્પ. ઑન ધ ફર્સ્ટ ડે, ધે વેન્ટ આઉટ ટુગેધર ટુ ઇક્સપ્લોર ધ ફૉરિસ્ટ, ધે સૉ મેનિ બડ્ઝ, ઇનસેટ્સ, ઍન્ડ ઍનિમલ્ટ. યૂરિંગ ધ નાઇટ, ધે લૉસ્ટ ધેઅર વે, બટ સૂન ધે ગૉટ બેંક ઑન ટ્રેક. ધોઝ મૉમર્સ વેઅર રિઅલિ ટ્રિલિંગ ફૉર ધેમ.)

બીજા અઠવાડિયે, અમિત અને ભૂપેન કૅમ્પમાં જોડાયા. પહેલા દિવસે, જંગલનું નિરીક્ષણ કરવા તેઓ સાથે ગયા. તેમણે ઘણાં પક્ષીઓ, જંતુઓ અને પ્રાણીઓ જોયાં. રાત્રે, તેઓ રસ્તો ભૂલી ગયા, પણ થોડી જ વારમાં તેઓ પાછા સાચા રસ્તે ચડી ગયા. તે ક્ષણો તેમની માટે ખરેખર રોમાંચક હતી.

(ઑન ધ સેકન્ડ ડે, ઇટ વૉઝ લેટ ઇન ધ ઇવનિંગ. ધ બૉઇઝ વેઅર અ લોંગ વે ઑફ ફ્રોમ ધ કૅમ્પ. ધે વેઅર વૉકિંગ અલોંગ ધ બ્રહ્મપુત્ર રિવર, ધે કુડ હિઅર ધ ક્રાઇઝ ઑવ ઍનિમલ્ક ઑલ અરાઉન્ડ ધેમ.) બીજા દિવસે, મોડી સાંજ હતી. છોકરાઓ કૅમ્પથી ઘણાં દૂર હતા. તેઓ બ્રહ્મપુત્ર નદીના કિનારે ચાલતા હતા.

તેમને તેમની આસપાસ પ્રાણીઓના અવાજ સંભળાતા હતા. (વૉક ફાસ્ટ, વી મસ્ટ ગેટ ટુ ધ કૅમ્પ ક્વિલિ.) ઝડપથી ચાલ. આપણે કૅમ્પ પર ઝડપથી પહોંચવું જ જોઈશે. [ (ધે હર્ડ ધ ટ્રેમ્પિટ ઑવ એલિફન્ટ્સ. અમિત વૉઝ ઇક્સાઇટિડ.)] (તેમણે હાથીઓના અવાજ સાંભળ્યા. અમિત ઉત્તેજિત હતો.)

(ઇન ઑન ઇસાઇટિડ વૉઇસ) ડુ યુ ર્થિક વીલ સી ઍનિ એલિફન્ટ્સ?] (ઉત્તેજિત અવાજમાં) તને લાગે છે આપણે કોઈ હાથી જોઈશું? (વેટ.) ઊભો રહે. (સડક્લિ, ભૂપેન સ્ટૉર્ડ ઍન્ડ હેલ્ડ અપ હિઝ હેન્ડ. ધે ટુડ સ્ટિલ ઍન્ડ લિસન્ડ. થમ્પ … થમ્પ … થમ્પ. અ બિગ ઍનિમલ વૉઝ કમિંગ ટવૉઝ ધેમ.) અચાનક, ભુપેન ઊભો રહ્યો અને તેનો હાથ ઊંચો કર્યો. તેઓ સ્થિર ઊભા રહ્યા અને સાંભળ્યું.

થમ્પ … થમ્પ … થમ્પ. એક મોટું પ્રાણી તેમની તરફ આવી રહ્યું હતું. (‘‘ઇટ્સ ઍન એલિફન્ટ!” ભૂપેન વિસ્પર્ડ. ધે વૉડિ ક્વિલિ ઑન ધ ગ્રાસ ઍન્ડ હિડ બિહાઇન્ડ અ બિગ ટી. અ બિગ બ્લેક ક્રીચર વિથ વાઇટ ટક્સ, થિક લેઝ, બિગ ઇઅર્ઝ, સ્મૉલ આઇઝ, અ લૉગ ટુંક વૉઝ કમિંગ ટવૉર્ડઝ ધેમ. ઇટ વૉઝ કમિંગ ક્લોઝર ઍન્ડ ક્લોઝર.) “તે હાથી છે !” ભૂપેન ધીમા અવાજે બોલ્યો. તેઓ ઝડપથી ઘાસ પર ચાલીને એક મોટા ઝાડ પાછળ સંતાઈ ગયા. સફેદ દશળ, જાડા પગ, મોટા કાન, નાની આંખો, લાંબી સૂંઢવાળું એક મોટું કાળું પ્રાણી તેમની તરફ આવી રહ્યું હતું. તે વધુ ને વધુ નજીક આવી રહ્યું હતું.

(ભૂપેન, ઇટ્સ ઍન એલિફન્ટ ! વૉટ અ બિગ ક્રીચર ઇટ ઇઝ ! આઈ કાન્ટ બિલીવ ઈટ ! ઇટ્સ અ ડ્રીમ ! આઈ હૈવ નેવર – સીન અ લિવિંગ એલિફન્ટ ઇન માઇ લાઇફ. કેન આઈ સી ઇટ ફ્રૉમ વેરિ નિઅર?) ભૂપેન, આ તો હાથી છે ! તે કેટલું મોટું પ્રાણી છે ! હું માની શક્તો નથી ! આ એક સ્વપ્ન છે! મેં મારા જીવનમાં એક જીવતો (સાચો) હાથી કદી જોયો નથી.

શું હું તેને – ખૂબ નજીકથી જોઈ શકું? (પ્લીઝ, કીપ ડિસ્ટન્સ ફ્રોમ ધ એલિફન્ટ.) મહેરબાની કરીને, હાથીથી દૂર રહે. (ભૂપેન વૉઝ વરિડ. ધેઅર વૉઝ અ લાર્જ એલિફન્ટ અબાઉટ ઘર્ટેિ ફીટ અવે.) ભૂપેન ચિંતિત હતો. લગભગ ત્રીસ ફૂટ દૂર એક મોટો હાથી હતો.

(“હીઝ એગ્રિ. શ ….” ભૂપેન વિસ્પર્ડ.) “તે ગુસ્સામાં છે. શ …,” ભૂપેન ધીમા અવાજે બોલ્યો. (ધ એલિફન્ટ હર્ડ ધેઅર વૉઇસિઝ, હી મેલ્ડ ધેમ, તૂ હી પુટ ડિઝ લોંગ ટૂંક અપ ઇન ધ એર ઍન્ડ ટૂમ્પિટિડ લાઉલિ.) હાથીએ તેમનો અવાજ સાંભળ્યો. (તેને) તેમની ગંધ પણ આવી. તેણે તેની લાંબી સૂંઢ હવામાં ઊંચી કરી અને જોરથી અવાજ ક્ય. (ભૂપેન ઍન્ડ અમિત કુડ નોટ મૂવ અ બિટ, ભુપેન વૉઝ અફ્રેડ, બટ અમિત વૉઝન્ટ.

હી વૉઝ ઇજૉઇંગ હિમસેલ્ફ.) ભૂપેન અને અમિત જરા પણ હલી શક્યા નહીં. ભુપેન ભયભીત હતો, પણ અમિત નહોતો. તે મજા માણી રહ્યો હતો. (સ્લોલિ ધ એલિફન્ટ કેમ ટવૉઝ ધૂમ. નાઉ હી વૉઝ ટ્વેન્ટિફાઇવ ફીટ અવે, હી વૉઝ શેકિંગ હિઝ હેડ ઇન એંગર.) ધીમે ધીમે હાથી તેમની તરફ આવ્યો. હવે તે પચીસ ફૂટ દૂર હતો.

તે ગુસ્સામાં તેનું માથું હલાવતો હતો. (“હીંઝ ગોઇંગ ટુ અટૅક અસ,” ભૂપેન વિસ્પર્ડ ટુ અમિત.. “વી મસ્ટ ડૂ સમથિંગ.”) “તે આપણા પર હુમલો કરેશે.” ભૂપેને અમિતને ધીમેથી કહ્યું. “આપણે કંઈક કરવું જ પડશે.” (ભૂપેન પુલ આઉટ અ બિગ બ્રાઉન પેપર બૅગ ફોમ હિઝ પૉકિટ. ધેઅર વેઅરે સમ સ્વીટ્સ ઇન ઇટ. હી ધ્રુ અને ધ સ્વીટ્સ ઑન ધ ગ્રાસ.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 3 Ah! Oh! Ouch!..

હી સ્ટાર્ટિડ ટુ બ્લો ઇન્દુ ધ બૅગસૂન ધ બૅગ વૉઝ લાઇક એ બિગ બલૂન, હી હિટ ઇટ હાર્ડ વિથ ડિઝ હેન્ડ.) ભૂપેને તેના ખિસ્સામાંથી એક મોટી કથ્થાઈ કાગળની કોથળી કાઢી. તેમાં થોડી મીઠાઈ હતી. તેણે મીઠાઈ ઘાસમાં ફેંકી દીધી. તેણે કોથળીમાં (ફૂંક મારી) હવા ભરવાનું શરૂ કર્યું. થોડી જ વારમાં કોથળી એક મોય ફુગ્ગા જેવી થઈ ગઈ. તેણે તેના પર જોરથી મુક્કો માર્યો.


What a loud sound it was ! It echoed in the forest.
The elephant stopped, trumpeted angrily and turned away. He walked quickly through the tall grass and soon disappeared into the forest. What a useful trick!
Both the boys felt relieved.
“He thought we had a gun,” said Bhupen, laughing softly.
“Yes,” said Amit.
They walked towards the camp.
After some time, Bhupen said, “Look, those are the lights of our camp.”
What a thrilling experience it was!

વૉટ અ લાઉડ સાઉન્ડ ઇટ વૉઝ ! ઇટ એકોડ ઇન ધ ફૉરિસ્ટ.) કેટલો મોટો અવાજ હતો તે ! તે (અવાજ) જંગલમાં ગુંજી ઊઠ્યો. 3 (ધ એલિફન્ટ સ્ટૉપડ, ટૂમ્પિટિડ ઍગ્રિલિ ઍન્ડ ટર્નડ અવે. હી 3 વૉડ ક્વિલિ શૂ ધ ટૉલ ગ્રાસ ઍન્ડ સૂન ડિસપિઅર્ડ ઇન્દુ 3 ધ ફૉરિસ્ટ. વૉટ અ યૂસફુલ ટ્રિક!) હાથી ઊભો રહ્યો, ગુસ્સે થઈ અવાજ કર્યો અને પાછો ફરી ગયો. ઊંચા ઘાસમાં ઝડપથી ચાલીને તે થોડી વારમાં જ જંગલમાં અદશ્ય થઈ ગયો.

કેટલી ઉપયોગી યુક્તિ ! (બોથ ધ બૉઇઝ ફેલ્ટ રિલીડ.) બંને છોકરાઓને રાહત થઈ. (“હી થૉટ વી હેંડ અ ગન,” સેડ ભૂપેન, લાફિંગ સૉફ્ટલિ.) “તેને લાગ્યું (કે) આપણી પાસે બંદૂક છે,” ધીમેથી હસતા ભૂપેન બોલ્યો. ( વૉફડ ટવૉટ્ઝ ધ કૅમ્પ.) તેઓ કૅમ્પ તરફ ચાલવા માંડ્યા. (આફ્ટર સમ ટાઇમ. ભૂપેન સેડ, “લુક, ધોઝ આર ધ લાઇટ્સ
ઑવ અવર કૅમ્પ.”) થોડા સમય પછી, ભૂપેન બોલ્યો, “જો, પેલી આપણા કૅમ્પની લાઇટ છે.” (વૉટ અ બ્રિલિંગ ઇપિઅરિઅન્સ ઇટ વૉઝ !) કેટલો રોમાંચક અનુભવ હતો તે !

(B) Mark True or False for these sentences. Use (T) for True and (F) for False.

(1) Amit lives in Assam. — (False)
(2) Bhupen and Amit are friends. — (True)
(3) Gir forest is famous for lions. — (True)
(4) Assam lies in the North-East of India. — (True)
(5) Amit and Bhupen were walking along the Brahmaputra river. — (True)
(6) Assam gets less rain. — (False)
(7) The soil in Assam is fertile. — (True)
(8) Kaziranga is famous for lions. — (False)
(9) The elephant was angry. — (True)
(10) Bhupen was not afraid of the elephant. — (False)
(11) Amit took out a big brown paper bag. — (False)
(12) The elephant ran away. — (True)

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 3 Ah! Oh! Ouch!..

(C) Write who said and who listened. Who said — Who listened

(1) “Why are all the trees so tall ?” Amit — Bhupen
(2) “He’s going to attack us” Bhupen — Amit
(3) “Will we see any elephants ?” Amit — Bhupen
(4) “It’s an elephant.” Bhupen — Amit

(D) Tick ( ✓) the correct option.

Question 1.
Assam has a lot of trees because it has…
(a) a lot of rain and many animals.
(b) a lot of elephants and a small state.
(c) a lot of rain and fertile soil. ( ✓ )

Question 2.
The cry of elephant is called ………….
(a) bow…bow
(b) trumpet ( ✓ )
(c) trempate

Question 3.
Which part of the elephant Is the most powerful?
(a) trunk ( ✓ )
(b) tongue
(c) nose

Question 4.
Bhupen made a loud sound with …….
(a) a gun
(b) a big balloon
(c) a paper bag ( ✓ )

Question 5.
Amit lives in ………
(a) Gujarat ( ✓ )
(b) Assam
(c) Gujarat and Assam

Question 6.
The soil in Assam is …….
(a) glossy
(b) fertile ( ✓ )
(c) infertile

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 3 Ah! Oh! Ouch!..

Question 7.
Assam gets a lot of ……….
(a) sunlight
(b) cold
(c) rain ( ✓ )

Question 8.
………. is famous for lions.
(a) Gir ( ✓ )
(b) Kaziranga
(c) Dangs

Question 9.
………. is a sanctuary in Assam.
(a) Gir
(b) Kaziranga ( ✓ )
(c) Corbett

Question 10.
Bhupen and Amit were walking along the river.
(a) Ganga
(b) Tapi
(c) Brahmaputra ( ✓ )

Question 11.
Bhupen was ……….
(a) afraid ( ✓ )
(b) happy
(c) sad

Question 12.
Amit was ……..
(a) afraid
(b) enjoying ( ✓ )
(c) worrying

Question 13.
……….. disappeared into the forest.
(a) Amit
(b) Bhupen
(c) The elephant ( ✓ )

Question 14.
The elephant thought that the boys had ……….
(a) a paper bag
(b) a gun ( ✓ )
(c) a balloon

(E) Answer these questions.

Question 1.
Which tree leaves are glossy ?
The leaves of the banana plants are glossy.

Question 2.
What did Bhupen tell about Assam ?
Bhupen said that Assam gets a lot of rain, the soil is fertile and so they have thick forests.

Question 3.
Amit was excited because …
Amit was excited because he heard the trumpet of an elephant.

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Question 4.
What did Bhupen pull out of his pocket ?
Bhupen pulled out a big brown paper bag from his pocket.

Question 5.
The elephant trumpeted loudly because …
The elephant trumpeted loudly because he heard the voices of Bhupen,and Amit and smelled them, too.

Question 6.
What did the elephant mistake the sound of the paper bag for ?
The elephant mistook the sound of the paper bag for a gun.

Question 7.
Whose sense of hearing was sharper ? How did you know ?
The elephant’s sense of hearing was sharper because he heard the voices of the boys from far away.

Question 8.
Which part of India is Assam in ?
Assam is in North-East India.

Question 9.
List out seven things related to a forest.
Rivers, trees, bushes, creepers, animals, birds, insects.

Question 10.
What is Gir famous for?
Gir is famous for lions.

Question 11.
Where can we see the one-horned rhino ?
We can see the one-horned rhino in Kaziranga.

Question 12.
Which river is mentioned in the lesson ?
The Brahmaputra river is mentioned in the lesson.

Question 13.
Why was Bhupen worried?
Bhupen was worried because the elephant was angry.

Question 14.
What did the elephant do when he heard the boys ?
When the elephant heard the boys, he trumpeted loudly.

Activity 7.

(A) Read the paragraph and answer the following questions.

The elephant is the largest mammal on the earth. His weight is about 4989 kg. – He eats grass, leaves, fruits and barks. He spends 16 hours a day for eating. He eats 224 kg of food per day. The adult male is called ‘a bull’. The adult female is called ‘a cow’.

The baby elephant is called ‘a calf. His eyesight is poor. He can smell from 3 to 5 km away. He has the largest brain in the animal kingdom. His sound is referred to as grunts, purrs, bellows, whistles and trumpeting. His life span is up to 70 years. The elephant’s trainer is called ‘a mahout’. Elephants can hear by feeling the vibration in the ground with their feet.

Question 1.
What is the average weight of the elephant ?
The average weight of the elephant is 4989 kg.

Question 2.
How many hours does an elephant spend for eating?
An elephant spends 16 hours a day for eating.

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Question 3.
How much food does an elephant take in a day?
An elephant takes 224 kg of food per day.

Question 4.
What does an elephant eat ?
An elephant eats grass, leaves, fruits and barks.

Question 5.
What are the unique facts about an elephant ?

  • An elephant has poor eyesight.
  • He can smell from 3 to 5 km away.
  • He has the largest brain in animal kingdom.

Question 6.
How many years can an elephant live ?
An elephant can live up to 70 years.

Question 7.
Which words describe an elephant’s sounds ?
Grunts, purrs, bellows, whistles and trumpeting describe an elephant’s sounds.

Question 8.
Who trains an elephant ?
A mahout trains an elephant.

(B) What will they speak ? Find out the proper expressions from the brackets and fill in the blanks.

(Oh, God!; How beautiful!; What a wonderful idea!; Bravo!; So huge!; Oh, no!)

Example : Ria misses the train. — Oh, no !
(1) Maria sees an accident. — Oh, God !
(2) Leela sees a beautiful flower. — How beautiful!
(3) Aasha gives a good idea. — What a wonderful idea!
(4) Jigar wins the race. — Bravo !
(5) Zoya sees a dinosaur’s picture. — So Huge

Activity 8.

Complete these questions using the words from the! brackets:

(year, months, day, days, week, years, weeks, hours, hour, minutes)

(1) How many months are there in a year? — 12
(2) How many days are there in a week ? — 7
(3) How many hours are there in a day ? — 24
(4) How many weeks are there in a year ? — 52
(5) How many minutes are there in an hour ? — 60

(B) Observe the pictures below. Make questions using ‘How many’ or ‘How much’. Then write the answers in the space given:

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(1) How many cups of ice-cream are there in the picture ?
There are three cups in the picture.

(2) How much ice-cream is there in the second cup ?
There is 200 ml ice-cream in the second cup.

(3) How much money will you pay for the third cup ?
I will pay ₹ 10 for the third cup.

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(1) How many bottles are there in the picture?
There are three bottles in the picture.

(2) How much cold drink is there in the first bottle ?
There is 200 ml cold drink in the first bottle.

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(3) How much money will you pay for the second bottle ?
I will pay ₹40 for the second bottle.

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(1) How many books are there on the shelf?
There are five books on the shelf.

(2) How much do they cost ?
They cost a lot.

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(1) How many apples are there in the basket ?
There are ten apples in the basket.

(2) How much do they cost ?
They cost a lot.

Activity 9.

Read the following sentences. They suggest some situations. Write appropriate expressions for them. Expressions are given in the box below.

I need water badly; Wow! I can’t believe it!: Ouch!;
Alas!; How wonderful!; I am sorry. Pardon:
Nice to meet you.: Best of luck.:
Hip I Hip! Hurrah!;
Yippee! Yippee!

(1) You are talking with your friend and your mobile phone rings.
I am sorry.

(2) You win a prize.
Wow! I can’t believe it!

(3) You can’t understand what your friend is saying.

(4) Your father introduces you to his friend. You shake hands with him.
Nice to meet you.

(5) Your sister is leaving for school to take part in a debate.
Best of luck!

(6) You are thirsty. What will you tell your mother ?
I need water badly.

(7) Your naughty friend is pinching you.
Ouch !

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(8) You heard that India has lost the cricket match.

(9) You see the Taj Mahal.
How wonderful!

(10) Your school wins the trophy.
Hip! Hip! Hurrah!

Activity 10.

(A) Make the name of a month using those letters of the alphabet which don’t appear here.

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(B) Make the name of a bird using those letters of the alphabet which don’t appear here.

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(C) Learn to make ‘word cones’. Every top to bottom should consists of complete :

words, consisting of letters rearranged from the previous word, with one letter dropped every time.
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Activity 11.

(A) See the picture carefully. Answer the questions given below:

Optical Illusion
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Questions :
(1) How many faces are there in the picture ? — 32
(2) How many young ladies’ faces are there in the picture ? — 8
(3) How many young men’s faces are there in the picture ? — 12
(4) How many old men’s faces are there in the picture ? — 4
(5) How many strange faces are there in the picture ? — 8

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 3 Ah! Oh! Ouch!..

(B) Project Work.

Prepare a feather book. Collect feathers from your surroundings. Stick them in your book. Write sentences about the bird. You can draw different feathers in the box given on page 39 of the textbook.

Let’s Learn More

1. Read the following paragraphs from the lesson.

(1) Amit was in Assam. He was staying with his friend, Bhupen.
Amit: Assam is fo beautiful, isn’t it ? It has forests and rivers. Your forests have thick bushes, long creepers, thick trees, short trees and tall trees, l too. The leaves of the banana plants are glossy. Do ants skate on them ?

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
Which tree leaves are glossy?
The leaves of the banana plants are glossy.

Question 2.
List out seven things related to a forest.
Rivers, trees, bushes, creepers,animals, birds, insects.

Answer the question selecting the correct option.

Question 1.
The leaves of the banana plant are ………….
A. glossy
B. broad
C. smooth
D. Green
A. glossy

(2) Amit: Why are all the trees so tall ?
Bhupen : They are tall because we get a lot of rain. The soil is very fertile. We have thick forests.
Amit: We have tall trees in the Dangs, too. We also have forests.

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Answer the following question.

What did Bhupen tell about Assam ?
Bhupen said that Assam gets a lot of rain, the soil is fertile and so they have thick forests.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options.

Question 1.
The soil in Assam is ……..
A. infertile
B. fertile
C. wet
D. dry
B. fertile

Question 2.
The soil in Assam is fertile because
A. it gets a lot of sunlight
B. it gets less sunlight
C. it gets a lot of rain
D. it gets less rain
C. it gets a lot of rain

(3) Bhupen : Gujarat is famous for the lions, isn’t it ?
Amit: Yes, we have a lion sanctuary. We also have a wild ass sanctuary, sloth bear sanctuary and many bird sanctuaries as well. Are there wild animals in Assam ?
Bhupen : Oh, yes. Our Kaziranga is famous for the one-horned rhino. It is the UNESCO World Heritage Site. It has elephants, wild buffaloes and swamp deer. Next week, some of us from our school are going to camp in Kaziranga. We’ll see elephants and other animals.

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
What is Gir famous for ?
Gir is famous for lions.

Question 2.
Where can we see the one-horned rhino ?
We can see the one-horned rhino in Kaziranga.

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Question 3.
Which sanctuaries does Gujarat have ?
Gujarat has lion sanctuary, wild ass sanctuary, sloth bear sanctuary and many bird sanctuaries.

Question 4.
Which animals are found in Kaziranga ?
One-horned rhino, elephants, wild buffaloes and swamp deer are found in Kaziranga.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options.

Question 1.
Where is the lion sanctuary?
A. Rajaji National Park
B. Corbett
C. Kaziranga
D. Gir
D. Gir

Question 2.
Kaziranga is famous for
A. one-horned rhino
B. lions
C. sloth bear
D. birds
A. one-horned rhino

Question 3.
Which of the following is found in Kaziranga ?
A. wild buffaloes
B. wild ass
C. sloth bear
D. lions
A. wild buffaloes

(4) Amit: Will it be a real camp ? Will you stay in tents and cook your own food ?
Bhupen : Yes, we will. Can you join us ?
Amit: Yes ! Why not ? It will be a memorable experience for me.
Bhupen: We will enjoy trekking. We will sing, dance and enjoy the bonfire. Do join us.
Amit: I like it.

Answer the following question.

What will they enjoy at the camp?
They will enjoy trekking, singing, dancing and bonfire.

Answer the question selecting the correct option.

It will be a ……… experience for Amit.
A. thrilling
B. exciting
C. memorable
D. good
C. memorable

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(5) The next week, Amit and Bhupen joined the camp. On the first day, they went out together to explore the forest. They saw many birds, insects and animals. During die night, they lost their way, but soon they got back on track. Those moments were really thrilling for them.

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
What did the boys do on the first day?
On the first day, the boys went out together to explore the forest.

Question 2.
What did the boys see in the forest ?
The boys saw birds, insects and animals in the forest.

Question 3.
Which moments were thrilling for the boys ?
The boys lost their way in the forest during the night and those were thrilling moments for them.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options.

Question 1.
Which word in the passage means ‘to walk around’ ?
A. thrilling
B. track
C. joined
D. explore
D. explore

Question 2.
When they lost their way, it was
A. thrilling
B. exciting
C. frightening
D. boring
A. thrilling

(6) On the second day, it was late in the evening. The boys were a long way off from the camp. They were walking along the Brahmaputra river. They could hear the cries of animals all around them.
Bhupen : Walk fast. We must get to the camp quickly. (They heard the trumpet of elephants. Amit was excited.)
Amit: (In an excited voice) Do you think we’ll see any elephants ?
Bhupen: Wait.

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Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
Which river is mentioned in the lesson ?
The Brahmaputra river is mentioned in the lesson.

Question 2.
Amit was excited because …
Amit was excited because he heard the trumpet of an elephant.

Question 3.
What could the boys hear ?
The boys could hear the cries of animals all around them.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options.

Question 1.
Which words in the passage means ‘far off’ ?
A. around them
B. walking along
C. a long way off
D. get quickly
C. a long way off

Question 2.
What did the boys hear ?
A. trumpet of elephants
B. cries of wolves
C. sounds of birds
D. sound of flowing water
A. trumpet of elephants

(7) Suddenly, Bhupen stopped and held up his hand. They stood still and listened. Thump… thump… thump. A big animal was coming towards them. “It’s an elephant!” Bhupen whispered. They walked quickly on the grass and hid behind a big tree. A big black creature with white tusks, thick legs, big ears, small eyes, a long trunk was coming towards them. It was coming closer and closer.

Answer the following questions. 

Question 1.
What did the boys do ?
The boys walked quickly on the grass and hid behind the tree.

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Question 2.
Describe the elephant.
The elephant was big, with white tusks, thick legs, big ears, small eyes and a long trunk.

Answer the question selecting the correct option.

Question 1.
Which word in the passage means ‘animal’ ?
A. trunk
B. tusks
C. creature
D. thump
C. creature

(8) Amit: Bhupen, it’s an elephant! What a big creature it is! I can’t believe it! It’s a dream! I have never seen a living elephant in my life. Can I see it from very near?
Bhupen: Please, keep distance from the elephant.
Bhupen was worried. There was a large elephant about thirty feet away.
“He’s angry. Shhhhhh” Bhupen whispered.
The elephant heard their voices. He ’ smelled them, too. He put his long trunk up in the air and trumpeted loudly.
Bhupen and Amit could not move a bit. Bhupen was afraid, but Amit wasn’t. He was enjoying himself.

Answer the following questions. 

Question 1.
What did the elephant do when he heard the boys?
When the elephant heard the boys, he trumpeted loudly.

Question 2.
Why was Bhupen worried ?
Bhupen was worried because the elephant was angry and it was just thirty feet away. .

Question 3.
Whose sense of hearing was sharper ? How do you know?
The elephant’s sense of hearing was sharper because he heard the voices of the boys from far away.

Question 4.
The elephant trumpeted loudly because …
The elephant trumpeted loudly because he heard the voices^ of Bhupen and Amit and smelled them too.

Question 5.
Why was Amit enjoying himself ?
Amit was enjoying himself because he had never seen a living elephant in his life.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options.

Question 1.
Which word in the passage means ‘spoke softly’ ?
A. heard
B. worried
C. trumpeted
D. whispered
D. whispered

Question 2.
Bhupen was
A. excited
B. not excited
C. afraid
D. not afraid
C. afraid

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 3 Ah! Oh! Ouch!..

Question 3.
Amit was ………….
A. worried
B. enjoying himself
C. happy
D. afraid
B. enjoying himself

Question 4.
The elephant was ………….. away.
A. thirty feet
B. thirty metres
C. thirty kilometres
D. thirty centimetres
A. thirty feet

Question 5.
Which word is used for the sound made by the elephant?
A. worried
B. trumpeted
C. whispered
D. heard
B. trumpeted

(9) Slowly the elephant came towards them. Now he was twenty-five feet away. He was shaking his head in anger. “He’s going to attack us,” Bhupen whispered to Amit. “We must do something.” Bhupen pulled out a big brown paper bag from his pocket. There were some sweets in it. He threw away the sweets on the grass. He started to blow into the bag. Soon the bag was like a big balloon. He hit it hard with his hand.

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
What did Bhupen pull out of his pocket ?
Bhupen pulled out a big brown paper bag from his pocket.

Question 2.
What did Bhupen say about the elephant ?
Bhupen said that the elephant was going to attack them.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options.

Question 1.
The elephant was
A. trumpeting in anger
B. shaking his head in anger
C. running in anger
D. walking in anger
B. shaking his head in anger

Question 2.
The bag was like
A. a big mask
B. a big gun
C. a big balloon
D. a big paper
C. a big balloon

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 3 Ah! Oh! Ouch!..

(10) What a loud sound it was! It echoed in the forest. The elephant stopped, trumpeted angrily and turned away. He walked quickly through the tall grass and soon disappeared into the forest. What a useful trick! Both the boys felt relieved. “He thought we had a gun,” said Bhupen, laughing softly. “Yes,” said Amit. They walked towards the camp. After some time, Bhupen said, “Look, those are the lights of our camp.” What a thrilling experience it was!

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
What did the elephant mistake the sound of the paper bag for ?
The elephant mistook the sound of the paper bag for a gun.

Question 2.
How do you know the sound was loud ?
The sound was loud because It echoed in the forest.

Question 3.
What did the elephant do ?
The elephant stopped, trumpeted angrily and turned away. He walked quickly through the tall grass and disappeared into the forest.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options.

Question 1.
Which word in the passage means ‘idea’ ?
A. echoed
B. trick
C. experience
D. softly
B. trick

Question 2.
The boys felt
A. happy
B. sad
C. excited
D. relieved
D. relieved

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 3 Ah! Oh! Ouch!..

Question 3.
The elephant thought that the boys had a
A. balloon
B. bag
C. gun
D. stick
C. gun

Question 4.
The boys had a ……….experience.
A. thrilling
B. exciting
C. happy
D. sad
A. thrilling

2. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the brackets.

(sad, surprised, confident, happy, angry, bored, satisfied, lonely, guilty, cold, wild, thick)

(1) Nitin won the race. He is ………..
(2) Mona is alone at home. She is ……….
(3) I have got good marks. I am …………
(4) Anand cheated in the test. He is feeling
(5) Father was when he saw me at his office.
(6) This is a ………. place.
(7) Manu is ……….. that he will win the race.
(8) Are you ……….. that you can eat 10 ice-creams.
(9) Jaymin is ……….. of playing cricket.
(10) Father is ……….. that I have won the match.
(11) Anil has got less marks. He is ……….
(12) This is a ………. book.
(13) The teacher is ………. with the class.
(14) Are there ………. animals in the zoo?
(15) I have no friends. I am ……….
(1) happy
(2) lonely
(3) satisfied / happy /surprised
(4) guilty
(5) happy/surprised
(6) lonely / cold
(7) confident
(8) confident
(9) bored
(10) happy
(11) sad/surprised
(12) thick
(13) angry
(14) wild
(15) lonely

3. Fill in the blanks with ‘How many’ or ‘How much’.

(1) ……… pencils do you want?
(2) ……… waiter is there in the river ?
(3) ……… tea will you bring ?
(4) ………boys are there in the class ?
(5)……… sugar is there in the cup ?
(6) ……… is this packet of sweets ?
(7) ……… balloons are there ?
(8) ……… petrol is there in the can ?
(9) ……… books can you read in a day ?
(10) ……… is this ice-cream?
(11) ……… days are there in a week?
(12) ……… money do you want?
(13) ……… chocolates can you eat?
(14) ……… is the cost of this dress?
(15) ……… butter is there in the packet?
(1) How many
(2) How much
(3) How much
(4) How many
(5) How much
(6) How much
(7) How many
(8) How much
(9) How many
(10) How much
(11) How many
(12) How much
(13) How many
(14) How much
(15) How much

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 3 Ah! Oh! Ouch!..

4. Read the passage and answer the questions.

People worship King Mahabali because he was a very just, kind and popular king. People were happy. They loved and worshipped him like God. The gods did not like this. They took away his kingdom and removed him from there. But the king loved his people very much. He said to the gods, “Please allow me to see my people.” The gods granted his wish. So King Mahabali visits his people once in a year. People celebrate this visit as Onam.

Question 1.
What did the Gods not like ?
The Gods did not like that people loved King Mahabali and worshipped him like God.

Question 2.
What did the Gods do ?
The Gods took away the king’s kingdom and removed him from there.

Question 3.
King Mahabali was a ……….. and …………. king.
King Mahabali was just, kind and popular king.

Question 4.
Which word in the passage means ‘allowed’ ?
A. worshipped
B. granted
C. celebrated
B. granted

Question 5.
People celebrate the king’s visit as
People celebrate the king’s visit as Onam.

5. What will you say in the following situations ? Use the expressions given in the brackets.

(Oh, God ! / How beautiful! / What a wonderful idea ! /Bravo ! /Alas ! / Oh, no ! / Ouch ! / Wow ! I can’t believe it! / Best of luck! / Nice to meet you)

Question 1.
Your friend has caught a chain-snatcher.
Bravo !

Question 2.
You have forgotten to do your homework.
Oh, no !

Question 3.
You are pushed by a friend.
Ouch !

Question 4.
Anuj is going for a match.
Best of luck !

Question 5.
You have won the first prize in a competition.
Wow! I can’t believe it!

Question 6.
You hear about your friend’s accident.
Oh, God !

Question 7.
India lost the match by 1 run.
Alas !

Question 8.
You are lost in a jungle.
Oh, God !

Question 9.
You are watching the sunset.
How beautiful!

Question 10.
Your cousin introduces you to a friend.
Nice to meet you.

Question 11.
Mother has given you a good suggestion.
What a wonderful idea !

Question 12.
You slipped and fell down. You have hurt your hand.
Ouch !

Word Meanings

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