GSEB Solutions Class 8 Maths Chapter 11 Mensuration Intext Questions

Gujarat BoardĀ GSEB Textbook Solutions Class 8 Maths Chapter 11 Mensuration Intext Questions and Answers.

Gujarat Board Textbook Solutions Class 8 Maths Chapter 11 Mensuration Intext Questions

Try These (Page 170)

Question 1.
(a) Match the following figures with their respective areas in the box?
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(b) Write the perimeter of each shape?
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(b) (i) The given figure is a rectangle in which
Length = 14 cm
Breadth = 7 cm
āˆµ Perimeter of a rectangle = 2 Ɨ [Length + Breadth]
āˆ“ Perimeter of the given figure = 2 Ɨ [14 cm + 7 cm]
= 2 Ɨ 21 cm = 42 cm

(ii) The figure is a square housing its side as 7 cm
āˆµ Perimeter of a square = 4 Ɨ side
āˆ“ Perimeter of the given figure = 4 Ɨ 7 cm = 28 cm.
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GSEB Solutions Class 8 Maths Chapter 11 Mensuration Intext Questions

Try These (Page 172)

Question 1.
Nazma sister also has a trapezium shaped plot. Divide Ā”tinto three parts as shown. Show that the area of trapezium WXYZ = h\(\frac{(a+b)}{2}\)
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Area of āˆ† PWZ
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) Ɨ Base Ɨ Attitude = \(\frac{1}{2}\) Ɨ c Ɨ h = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ch
Area of the rectangle PQYZ = b Ɨ h = bh
Area of āˆ† QXY = \(\frac{1}{2}\) Ɨ d Ɨ h = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ch
āˆ“ Area of the trapezium XYZW
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GSEB Solutions Class 8 Maths Chapter 11 Mensuration Intext Questions

Question 2.
If h = 10 cm, c = 6 cm, b = 12 cm, d = 4 cm, find the values of each of its parts separately and add to find the area WXYZ . Verify it by putting the values of h, a and b in the expression \(\frac{h(a+b)}{2}\)?
Area of āˆ† PWZ = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ch
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) Ɨ 6 Ɨ 10cm2 = 30 cm2
Area of āˆ† QXY = \(\frac{1}{2}\)ch
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) Ɨ 4 Ɨ 10cm2 = 20cm3
Area of rectangle PQYZ = Length Ɨ Breadth
= b Ɨ h
= 12 Ɨ 10 cm2
= 120 cm2

āˆ“ Area of trapezium WXYZ = Area of āˆ† PWZ + Area of āˆ† QXY + Area of rectangle PQYZ
= 30 cm2 + 20 cm2 + 120 cm2 = 170 cm2
Also, area of the trapezium WXYZ = \(\frac{h(a+b)}{2}\)
= \(\frac{10(22+12)}{2}\) cm2 (āˆµa = c + b + d = 6 cm + 12 cm + 4 cm = 22 cm)
= \(\frac{10Ɨ34}{2}\) cm2 = 170 cm2
Hence, the area of trapezium is verified.

Try These (Page 173)

Question 1.
Find the area of the following trapeziums?
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Note: Area of a trapezium
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) Ɨ [Sum of parallel sides] Ɨ [Perpendicular distance between parallel sides]

(i) Area of the given trapezium
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) Ɨ (Sum of parallel sides) Ɨ (Perpendicular distance between parallel sides)
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) Ɨ (9 + 7) cm Ɨ 3 cm
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) Ɨ 16 cm Ɨ 3 cm = 24 cm2

(ii) Area of the given trapezium
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) Ɨ (Sum of parallel aides) Ɨ (Perpendicular distance between parallel sides)
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) Ɨ (10 + 5) cm Ɨ 6 cm
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) Ɨ 15 cm Ɨ 6 cm = 45 cm2

Try These (Page 174)

Question 1.
We know that parallelogram is also a quadrilateral. Let us also split such a quadrilateral, find their areas and hence thai of the parallelogram. Does this
agree with the formula that you know already?
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The diagonal BD of quadrilateral ABCD is joined and it divides the quadrilateral into two traingles.
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Area of quadrilateral ABCD
= Area of āˆ† ABD + Area of āˆ† BCD
= (\(\frac{1}{2}\) b Ɨ h) + (\(\frac{1}{2}\) b Ɨ h) = 2(\(\frac{1}{2}\) b Ɨ h) = bh
In fact ABCD is a parallelogram
āˆ“ Area of a parallelogram ABCD = b Ɨ h
Area of a parallelogram = Base Ɨ Height
We know that a parallelogram can also be a trapezium ABCD
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) (Sum of parallel sides) Ɨ [Perpendicular distance between the parallel sides]
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) Ɨ (b + h) Ɨ h = \(\frac{1}{2}\) Ɨ (2b) Ɨ h = bh
orArea of parallelogram ABCD = bh.
Yes, the above relation agrees with formula that we know already.

Try These (Page 175)

Question 1.
Find the area of these quadrilaterals:
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(i) Area of quadrilateral ABCD
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) Ɨ AC Ɨ [Sum of perpendiculars on AC from opposite vertices]
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) Ɨ 6 cm Ɨ [3 cm + 5 cm]
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) Ɨ 6 cm Ɨ 8 cm = 24 cm2

(ii) The given figure is a rhombus having d1 = 7 cm and d2 = 6 cm.
āˆ“ Area of the given rhombus
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) Ɨ Product of diagonals = \(\frac{1}{2}\) Ɨ d1 Ɨ d2
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) Ɨ 7 cm Ɨ 6 cm = 7 cm Ɨ 3 cm = 21 cm2

(iii) The given figure is a parallelogram. Its diagonal divides it into two congruent triangles.
āˆ“ Area of the parallelogram
= 2 Ɨ [Area of one of the triangles]
= 2 Ɨ [\(\frac{1}{2}\) Ɨ 8 Ɨ 2] cm2
= 2 Ɨ 4 Ɨ 2 cm2
= 16 cm2

Try These (Page 176)

Question 1.
Divide the following polygons into parts (triangles and trapezium) to find out its area?
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(a) We draw perpendiculars from opposite vertices on FI. i.e. GL \(\perp\) FI, HM \(\perp\) FI and EN \(\perp\) FI
= ar (āˆ† GFL) + ar (trapezium GLMH) + ar (āˆ† HMI) + ar (āˆ† NEI) + ar (āˆ† EFN)
= (\(\frac{1}{2}\) FL Ɨ GL) + \(\frac{1}{2}\) (GL + HM) Ɨ LM + (\(\frac{1}{2}\) MI Ɨ MH) + (\(\frac{1}{2}\) NI Ɨ NE) + (\(\frac{1}{2}\) Ɨ FN Ɨ NE)
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(b) NQ is a disgonal. Draw OA \(\perp\) NQ, MB \(\perp\) NQ, PC \(\perp\) NQ and RD \(\perp\) NQ
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āˆ“ Area of polygon OPQRMN
= ar (āˆ† OAN) + as (trap. CPOA) + ar (āˆ† PCQ) + ar (āˆ† RDQ) + ar (trap. MBDR) + ar (āˆ† MBN)
= (\(\frac{1}{2}\) Ɨ NA Ɨ OA) + (\(\frac{1}{2}\) Ɨ (CP + AO) Ɨ AC] + (\(\frac{1}{2}\) Ɨ CQ Ɨ PC) + (\(\frac{1}{2}\) Ɨ QD Ɨ RD) + [\(\frac{1}{2}\) Ɨ (DR + MB) Ɨ BD] + (\(\frac{1}{2}\) Ɨ BN Ɨ MB)

GSEB Solutions Class 8 Maths Chapter 11 Mensuration Intext Questions

Question 2.
Fill in the blanks.
Poligon ABCDE is divided into pans as shown below Find its area if AD = 8 cm, AH = 6 cm, AG = 4 cm, AF = 3 cm and perpendiculars BF = 2 cm, CH = 3 cm, EG = 2.5 cm.
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Area of polygon ABCDE = Area of āˆ†AFB + ………. Area of āˆ†AFB = \(\frac{1}{2}\) Ɨ AF Ɨ BF
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) Ɨ 3 Ɨ 2 = ……………..
Area of trapezium FBCH = FH Ɨ \(\frac{(BF+CH)}{2}\)
= 3 Ɨ \(\frac{(2+3)}{2}\) [FH = AH – AF]
Area of āˆ† CHD = \(\frac{1}{2}\) Ɨ HD Ɨ CH = …………..
Area of āˆ† ADE = \(\frac{1}{2}\) Ɨ AD Ɨ GE = …………….
So, the area of polygon ABCDE = ……………
Area of polygon ABCDE = Area of āˆ† AFB + Area of trapezium FBCH + Area of āˆ† CHD + Area of āˆ† ADE
Area of āˆ† AFB = \(\frac{1}{2}\) Ɨ AF Ɨ BF
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) Ɨ 3 Ɨ 2 = 3 cm2
Area of trapezium FBCH = FH Ɨ \(\frac{BF+CH}{2}\)
= 3 Ɨ \(\frac{(2+3)}{2}\) cm2 [āˆµ FH = AH – AF]
= 3 Ɨ \(\frac{5}{2}\) cm2 = \(\frac{15}{2}\) cm2 = 7.5 cm2
Area of āˆ† CHD = \(\frac{1}{2}\) Ɨ HD Ɨ CH
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) Ɨ (AD – AH) Ɨ CH [āˆµHD = AD – AH]
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) (8 – 6) Ɨ 3 cm2 = 3 cm2
Area of āˆ† ADE = \(\frac{1}{2}\) Ɨ AD Ɨ GE
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) Ɨ 8 Ɨ 2.5 cm2 = 4 Ɨ 2.5 cm2 = 10 cm2
So, the area of polygon ABCD = 3 cm2 + 7.5 cm2 + 3 cm2 + 10 cm2 = 23.5 cm2

GSEB Solutions Class 8 Maths Chapter 11 Mensuration Intext Questions

Question 3.
Find the area of polygon MNOPQR if MP = 9cm, MD = 7cm, MC = 6cm, MB = 4cm, MA = 2 cm. NA, OC, QD and RB are perpendiculars to diagonal MP?
Area of polygon MNOPQR
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= ar (āˆ†MAN) + ar (trap, ACON) + ar (āˆ†CP) + ar (āˆ†PDQ) + ar (trap. DBRQ) + ar (āˆ†RBM)
āˆµ Area of āˆ†MAN = \(\frac{1}{2}\) Ɨ MA Ɨ AN
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) Ɨ 2 Ɨ AN cm2 = AN cm2
Area of trapezium ACON = \(\frac{1}{2}\) (AN + OC) Ɨ AC
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Area of āˆ†OCP = \(\frac{1}{2}\) Ɨ CP Ɨ OC
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Area of āˆ†PDQ = \(\frac{1}{2}\) Ɨ PD Ɨ DQ
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Area of trapezium DBRQ
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Area of āˆ†RBM = \(\frac{1}{2}\) Ɨ MB Ɨ BR
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) Ɨ 4 Ɨ BR cm2 = 2BR cm2
āˆ“ Area of polygon MNOPQR
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GSEB Solutions Class 8 Maths Chapter 11 Mensuration Intext Questions

Try These (Page 181)

Question 1.
Find the total surface area of the following cuboids?
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(i) āˆµ l = 6 cm, b = 4 cm and h = 2 cm
āˆ“ Total surface area of the cuboids
= 2(lb + bh + hl)
= 2(6 Ɨ 4 + 4 Ɨ 2 + 2 Ɨ 6) cm2
= 2(24 + 8 + 12) cm2
= 2 Ɨ 44 cm2 = 88 cm2

(ii) āˆµ l = 4cm, b = 4 cm and h = 10 cm
āˆ“ Total surface area of the cuboid
= 2(lb + bh + hl)
= 2(4 Ɨ 4 + 4 Ɨ 10 + 10 Ɨ 4) cm2
= 2(16 + 40 + 40) cm2
= 2 Ɨ 96 cm2 = 192 cm2

Try These (Page 182)

Question 1.
Find the surface area of cube A and lateral surface area of cube B?
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For cube A:
Side (l) = 10 cm
āˆ“ Total surface area of the cube = 6l2
= 6 Ɨ (10)2 cm2 = 600 cm2

For cube B:
Side (l) = 8 cm
āˆ“ Total surface area of the cube = 6l2
= 6 Ɨ (8)2 cm2
= 6 Ɨ 64 cm2
= 384 cm2

GSEB Solutions Class 8 Maths Chapter 11 Mensuration Intext Questions

Try These (Page 184)

Question 1.
Note that lateral surface area of a cylinder is the circumference of base Ɨ height of cylinder. Can we write lateral surface area of a cuboid as perimeter of base Ɨ height of cuboid?
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Yes. Because the lateral surface area of cuboid is the surface area of its n walls, which is given by [perimeter of the room] Ɨ height.

Try These (Page 188)

Question 1.
Find the volume of the following cuboids?
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(i) Base area = 8 cm Ɨ 3 cm
Height = 2 cm
āˆ“ Volume of the cuboid
(8 cm Ɨ 3 cm) Ɨ 2 cm = 48 cm3

(ii) Base area = 24 m2
Height = 3 cm
āˆ“ Volume of the cuboid = Base area Ɨ height
= 24 m2 Ɨ 3 cm = 24 Ɨ \(\frac{3}{100}\) m3
= \(\frac{72}{100}\) m3 = 0.72 m3
Cube: Cube is a special case of a cuboid such that its Length = Breadth = Height
āˆ“ Its volume = Edge Ɨ Edge Ɨ Edge
Volume of a cube = (Edge)3

Question 2.
Find the volume of the following cubes (a) with a side 4 cm and (b) with a side 1.5 m?
(a) Side (edge) of the cube = 4 cm
āˆ“ Volume of the cube = (Edge)3 = (4 cm)3
= 4 Ɨ 4 Ɨ 4 cm3 64 cm3

(b) Side (edge) of the cube = 1.5 m
āˆ“ Volume of the cube = (Edge)3
= (1.5 m)3 = (\(\frac{15}{10}\) Ɨ \(\frac{15}{10}\) Ɨ \(\frac{15}{10}\))m3
= \(\frac{3375}{1000}\)m3 = 3.375m3

Try These (Page 189)

Question 1.
Find the volume of the following cylinders?
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(i) Radius (r) = 7 cm
Height (h) = 10 cm
āˆ“ Volume of the cylinder = Ļ€r2h
= \(\frac{22}{7}\) Ɨ 72 Ɨ 10 cm3
= \(\frac{22}{7}\) Ɨ 7 Ɨ 7 Ɨ 10 cm3
= 22 Ɨ 7 Ɨ 10 cm3 = 1540 cm3

(ii) Base area 250 m2, Height = 2 m
āˆ“ Volume of the cylinder
= Base area Ɨ Height
250 m2 Ɨ 2 m = 500 m3

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