GSEB Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 6 The Night Train at Deoli

Gujarat Board GSEB Solutions Class 9 English Second Language Chapter 6 The Night Train at Deoli Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

GSEB Class 9 English Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 The Night Train at Deoli (Second Language)

GSEB Class 9 English The Night Train at Deoli Text Book Questions and Answers

(A) Recite the poem.
In the Train
As we rush, as we rush in the train,
The trees and the houses go wheeling back (go backwards),
But the starry heavens (sky filled with stars) above the plain foil
Come flying on our track.
All the beautiful stars of the sky,
The silver doves of the forest of night,
Over the dull earth swarm (collect together) and fly,
Companions (those travelling along) of our flight (journey).
We will rush ever on without fear;
Let the goal (aim) be far, the flight be fleet!
For we carry the heavens with us, dear,
While the earth slips from under our feet! – James Thomson

GSEB Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 6 The Night Train at Deoli

Say whether the statements are True or False.

When we travel in a train…
(1) Stars are like bright birds. -True
(2) We are slipping on the earth. – False
(3) Star-filled sky is changing. – False
(4) The dark night looks like a forest. – False
(5) It seems as if trees are racing with us. – True
(6) The journey is scaring. – False

(B) Recollect a meeting with a stranger during your journey on a train or a bus and share the details of that person with your classmate. (You may use your mother tongue.) (Classroom discussion)


1. Frame a sentence using all the words in each group.

(1) anxious – look at – pale – my teacher .
My teacher looked at me so strictly that I became anxious and my face became pale.

(2) determine – summer vacation – spend -Mt. Abu
I was determined to spend my summer vacation at Mount Abu.

(3) kettle – tea – gas stove
Please keep the tea kettle on the gas stove.

GSEB Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 6 The Night Train at Deoli

(4) run back – bell – classroom – students
When the bell rang, the students ran back into the classroom.

(5) bare – sun – road – walk
The poor man walked on the road in the hot sun with bare feet

2. Form words by rearranging the letters in the correct order. The middle column gives you some clues.

Clue Word
lalst a small shop stall
ulbr not clear blur
joruney trip, travel journey
pumisle a sudden urge to act impulse
otneic observe notice
aclng a loud ringing sound clang
paimtniet restless impatient

3 Write the appropriate matches from the brackets to complete the phrases

(and down, footboard, the dark, the engine, the train, the hospital, the jungle, the bell)

(1) clanging of the bell.
(2) border of the jungle.
(3) get off the train.
(4) rushed to the hospital.
(5) vanishing in the dark.
(6) hissing of the engine.
(7) stepped off the footboard.
(8) looked up and down.

4. Match the words with the expressions.

amazed, annoyed, confused, disgusted, embarrassed, excited, interested, shocked
GSEB Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 6 The Night Train at Deoli 1


1. Look at the picture of the girl selling baskets. Read the lesson and write at least eight sentences about her.

(bare feet, old clothes, young, walking gracefully, pale skin, black hair, dark eyes, searching and lively)

GSEB Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 6 The Night Train at Deoli 2

(1) Her clothes were old.
(2) She had a shawl across her shoulders.
(3) Her feet were bare.
(4) She was young.
(5) She walked gracefully.
(6) She had pale skin.
(7) She had shiny black hair and dark eyes.
(8) Her eyes were lively and searching.

GSEB Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 6 The Night Train at Deoli

2. Say whether the statements are True or False. Correct the false statements.

(1) The girl was selling many things. – False
The girl was selling baskets.

(2) The writer met the girl twice at Deoli. – True

(3) The writer controlled his feeling of touching the girl. – False
The writer caught her hand and held it.

(4) The writer watched the girl in the dream during the journey. -False
The writer sat up awake during the journey.

(5) The writer expressed his love in words during their second meeting. – False
The writer said nothing for some time but they spoke without words.

(6) The writer broke his journey at Deoli and made inquiries about the girl. -True

GSEB Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 6 The Night Train at Deoli

3. Here is a list of sentences expressing the writer’s attraction and love for the girl selling baskets. Put the numbers from 7 (the highest) to 1 (the least) for suggesting the degree of attraction according to your opinion.

4 I was looking at her intently.
5 I wished to touch her.
1 I watched the girl until the signal box came in the way.
3 I could not forget her face.
7 I felt the impulse to put her on the train there and then.
6 I caught her hand and held it.
2 She was with me for the rest of the journey and for long after.

4. Fill in the blanks selecting the appropriate words from the text.

The writer was of about eighteen years of age. He regularly spent his summer vacation with his grandmother who lived in Dehra. He left for Dehra early in May and returned late in July. Once while he was travelling by the night train, at Deoli, he saw a girl selling baskets on the platform. She had a pale skin. She had shiny black hair and dark eyes. The writer was attracted to her so he got off the compartment and walked across to the tea stall. Actually he didn’t want to buy any basket but he still bought one so that he could be with her for some time. He wanted to touch her but he couldn’t do so. As the train started, he ran back to his compartment. He couldn’t forget the face and the dark, bright eyes of the girl till he reached Dehra.

GSEB Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 6 The Night Train at Deoli

5. Answer the questions.

Question 1.
Where did the author spend his summer vacation?
The author spent his summer vacation at his grandmother’s place in Dehra.

Question 2.
How did the author react when he saw the girl for the first time?
When the author saw the girl for the first time, he could not stop staring at her.

Question 3.
What feeling did the author have while buying a basket?
While buying a basket, the author wanted to touch the girl, but he could not do so.

Question 4.
What kept the author awake for the rest of the journey?
The girl’s face and her dark, bright eyes kept the author awake for the rest of the journey.

Question 5.
What urge did the author have when he met the girl for the second time?
When the author met the girl for the second time, he had the urge to put her on the train and take her away with him.

Question 6.
Why did the author leave for Dehra earlier than usual?
The author left for Dehra earlier than usual because he could not forget the girl. He was very eager to see and meet her.

GSEB Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 6 The Night Train at Deoli

Question 7.
How did the author feel as the train entered Deoli ? What did he decide then?
The author felt anxious and nervous as the train entered Deoli. He decided that he would not stand helplessly before her. He was wondering what he would say to the girl and what he should do.

Question 8.
Whom did the author ask about the girl? What reply did he get?
The author asked the station master about the girl. The station master replied that he did not know the girl who sold baskets there.

Question 9.
Why did the author want to break his journey at Deoli? Could he do that?
The author wanted to break his journey at Deoli so that he could spend a day there to find the girl who had stolen his heart. But he could never do that.

• Imagine that you were the writer. What would you have done in the end?
If I were the writer, I would have got down at Deoli and searched for the girl. I would have found her out and told her about my feelings for her.

GSEB Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 6 The Night Train at Deoli

• What do you think about the end of the story?
The end of the story is very beautiful and touching. The writer was young and had fallen in love with a girl selling baskets on the platform. He could never forget her. He preferred to keep dreaming about her and hoping to meet her some day on the platform. He never stopped at Deoli to find the girl, but always passed through, hoping to see her waiting for him.

Language Practice

1. Work in pairs. Write the occupation of the speaker.

Example : He told me that I should not drive until I was 18 years. – Traffic Police

(1) She told me that I was not taking my medicines regularly. – Doctor
(2) He scolded him that nobody would write from his neighbour’s answer book. – Teacher
(3) She announced that the train scheduled on that day would arrive the day after. – Railway Announcer
(4) They declared that they were ready to participate in any programme organised after school hours – Students / Teachers

2. Read the sentences in A and B carefully. Underline the differences.

1. He said, “I am alone at home today.”
2. He said, “I’m looking for my keys now.
3. He said, “I visited Mehsana last Sunday.”
4. He said, “I’ve lived here for a long time.”
5. He said, “I had finished my homework when my parents came.”
6. He said, “I have been watching this programme for two hours.”
7. He said, “I was watching television when they rang the doorbell.”
8. He said, “I had been doing my homework when the lights went off.”
9. He said, “I will open the library tomorrow.”
He said that he was alone at home that day.
He said that he was looking for his keys then.
He said that he had visited Mehsana the previous Sunday.
He said that he had lived there for a long time.
He said that he had finished his homework when his parents came.
He said that he had been watching that programme for two hours.
He said that he had been watching television when they rang the doorbell.
He said that he had been doing his homework when the lights went off.
He said that he would open the library the next day.

3. Read the text given in L. 2 and write down the changes made in B into the table.

Sentence A B
1. Example : I, am, today he, was, that day
2. I’m looking, my, now he was looking, his, then
3. I, visited, last Sunday he, had visited, the previous Sunday
4. I’ve lived, here he had lived, there
5. I, had finished, my he, his
6. I, have been watching, this he, had been watching, that
7. I, was watching he, had been watching
8. I, had been doing, my he, his
9. I, will open, tomorrow he, would open, the next day

GSEB Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 6 The Night Train at Deoli

4. You are a class monitor. As the monitor of your class, you are asked to take attendance and note down the absentees and the reasons for their absence in the class. Following are the reasons given by the students who remained absent the previous day in the class.

You : Why were you absent yesterday ?
(1) Disha : I was not well.
(2) Haroon: I got up late in the morning.
(3) Suketu : I was not ready with my homework.
(4) Vraj : I visited my uncle’s place with my parents.
(5) Dhiraj : I went to the stadium to watch the cricket match.
(6) Sonia : We had some guests and I had to help my mother in the kitchen.
Now you are reporting the students’ reasons to your class teacher.

(1) Disha said that she had not been well.
(2) Haroon said that he had got up late in the morning.
(3) Suketu said that he had not been ready with his homework.
(4) Vraj said that he had visited his uncle’s place with his parents.
(5) Dhiraj said that he had gone to the stadium to watch the cricket match.
(6) Sonia said that they had some guests and she had to help her mother in the kitchen.

5. As a part of your school project, you meet Roopam, a former student of your school. He / She remembers his / her school days.

I was an average student in studies. But I was very good at English. I was not good at sports. I was very fat. I did not like reading much. I used to spend too much time watching TV I loved the annual function celebrations. Work in pairs and write a brief report on what was shared by Roopam about his/her school days. Roopam is a former student of our school and he / she is a successful businessman / woman now. He / She said that he / she had been an average – student in studies. But he / she stated that he / she had been very good at English. He/she shared that he / she had not been good at sports as he / she was very fat. He/She said that he / she had not liked reading much. He / She said that he / she would spend too much time watching TV. He / She happily said that he / she had loved the annual function celebrations.

6. Your school is busy preparing for the Annual Day. A music teacher is appointed to train you for different events. Unfortunately, the music – teacher’s guitar is lost from the school. The teacher is making inquiry for the lost guitar.

Teacher : Where were you last evening ?
Mohsin: I was with the dance group. But I saw Raghav playing the guitar.
Raghav: I took it for a while. Then I went to see the dance practice.
Megha : I was busy with my classical dance practice.
Reena :We were rehearsing our prayer
song in the assembly hall.
Sam: I left for home early as I wasn’t feeling well.

GSEB Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 6 The Night Train at Deoli

The teacher is now sharing the information with the principal about what happened. Complete the following text.

I had left the guitar in the music hall the previous evening. I asked the students who were involved with different events. Mohsin said that he was with the dance group but he had seen Raghav playing the guitar. Raghav said that he had taken it for a while and then he went to see the dance practice. Megha revealed that she had been busy with her classical dance practice. Reena said that they had been rehearsing for their prayer song in the assembly hall. Sam said that he had left for home early as he wasn’t feeling well.

7. When Radhika and Shekhar shifted to their new flat, several things needed repairing. The flat owner rang them up and said…

“I am out of station now, but I will come tomorrow and give you the extra key for the main door. I will also get the furniture in the kitchen repaired and get the gas heater fixed in the bathroom. I will also get the curtain in the drawing room fixed this week. I had checked the fans and lights in all the rooms. And I had reinstalled a new stabilizer for the AC in the bedroom. I am not sure whether the doorbell works well. If you find any other problem, you can ring me up tonight at home.”

Two weeks passed but the flat owner had done nothing. Radhika is telling her friend what the owner had said. Complete the text.

When my flat owner rang up he said that he was out of station then, but he would come the next day and give us the extra key for the main door. But he never came. He said that he would also get the furniture in the kitchen repaired and get the gas heater fixed in the bathroom. He added that he would also get the curtain in the drawing room fixed that week. But he never did. He also said that he had checked the fans and lights in all the rooms and he had reinstalled a new stabilizer for the AC in the bed room. He told us that he was not sure if the doorbell worked well. Then he said that if we found any other problem, we could ring him up that night at home. We rang him up, but he never responded.

GSEB Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 6 The Night Train at Deoli

8. Read the dialogue. Now write it as you are reporting it to your neighbour. Work in pairs.

The author: I have to go to Delhi.
The girl: I do not have to go anywhere. The author: I will come again. Will you be there?
The girl: I do not have to go anywhere.
The author told the girl that he had to go to Delhi. The girl said that she did not have to go anywhere. The author said that he would come again and asked her if she would be there. The girl again replied that she did not have to go anywhere.


1. Read the conversation among the family members. Now write a report on Dilipbhai’s family tour. Work in pairs.

Dilipbhai: Hello, everybody! It’s time to plan this year’s family trip. What are your suggestions?
Dhaval: Papa, let’s go to Mangalore once again…!
Dilipbhai: Again to the same place? Why?
Darshana: Yes, Papa. That was the most exciting trip. The journey by Konkan Railway was the most memorable one.
Ranjanben: I agree with the kids. I still remember those beautiful sea-shores, palm trees, villages and towns on the way to Mangalore by train.
Dhaval: And those mountain passes and tunnels and jungles?
Darshana: Of course, I would love to travel on the same route again.
Dilipbhai: Well, I remember the railway stations and porters and passengers only … But I grant your wish. Let’s go once again on the same beautiful route to revisit all those beautiful landscapes.
Dilipbhai greeted everyone in the family with a hello and said that it was time to plan that year’s family trip. He asked them what their suggestions were. Dhaval suggested that they should go to Mangalore once again. Dilipbhai asked him why (they should go) to the same place again.

GSEB Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 6 The Night Train at Deoli

Agreeing with Dhaval, Darshana said that that had been the most exciting trip and added that the journey by Konkan Railway had been the most memorable one. Ranjanben agreed with the kids and said that she remembered those beautiful seashores, palm trees, villages and towns on the way to Mangalore by train even then.

Dhaval then asked her about those mountain passes and tunnels and jungles. Darshana agreed with Dhaval and Ranjanben and said that she would love to travel on the same route again. Dilipbhai said that he remembered the railway stations and porters and passengers only, but he had granted their wish. He suggested that they should go once again on the same beautiful route to revisit all those beautiful landscapes.

2. Write a paragraph on ‘The Person I Miss the Most’.

The Person I Miss the Most
Since last year, I have been studying in a boarding school in Mount Abu. Besides my family and friends, I really miss Mohan, my friend in the village. Every summer vacation, I would visit my grandparents, who lived in a small village.

Every morning, I would go to the field with my grandfather. I played with Mohan, who was of my age. His father worked on our field. Mohan was a lively boy, full of energy. He taught me to climb trees, plough the field and even milk the cows! Though he did not go to school, he had a lot of knowledge about trees and crops, animals and birds.

GSEB Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 6 The Night Train at Deoli

I learnt more from him than any school could ever teach me. Sometimes, we would sit under the banyan tree and I would teach him to read and write. We enjoyed a lot together. I miss him the most.

3. Describe the given picture. You can use these words if you like.

(platform, buses, passengers, hawkers, porters, bookstore, depot manager, drivers, conductor, inquiry window, police)

GSEB Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 6 The Night Train at Deoli 3

My New Bus Port
This is the picture of a bus station. It has big and clean platforms. The platform numbers are displayed on each platform. The depot manager’s office is big and nice. There is a bookstore and an inquiry window, too. There are many buses in the station. Drivers and conductors are standing near their buses. Passengers are waiting to get into the buses. Those who have just arrived are waiting for a rickshaw to get home. There are porters and hawkers in the bus station. There are a few policemen, too.


A. Read the extracts and answer the questions.

(1) When I was at college, I regularly spent my summer vacation in Dehra, at my grandmother’s place. I would leave the plains early in May and return late in July. Deoli was a small station about 50 km from Dehra. It was on the border of the heavy jungles of the Indian Terai.

GSEB Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 6 The Night Train at Deoli

Question 1.
Where did the author spend his summer vacation?
The author spent his summer vacation at his grandmother’s place in Dehra.

Question 2.
When would the author go to Dehra and return from there?
The author would go to Dehra early in May and return late in July.

Question 3.
Where was Deoli?
Deoli was about 50 km from Dehra, on the border if the heavy jungles of the Indian Terai.

(2) I decided that one day I would get off the train at Deoli and spend the day there. I was eighteen, visiting my grandmother and the night train stopped at Deoli. A girl came down the platform selling baskets.

Question 1.
What did the author see when the train stopped at Deoli?
When the train stopped at Deoli, the author saw a girl, who was selling baskets, coming down the platform.

(3) It was a cold morning and the girl had a shawl across her shoulder. Her feet were bare and her clothes were old. She was a young girl, walking gracefully towards me.

Question  1.
Describe the girl’s appearance.
The girl was young and she wore old clothes, with a shawl across her shoulder.

GSEB Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 6 The Night Train at Deoli

(4) When she came to my window, she stopped. She saw that I was looking at her intently, but at first she pretended not to notice. She had a pale skin, shiny black hair and dark eyes. And then those eyes, searching and lively, met mine.

Question 1.
How did the author react when he saw the girl for the first time?
When the author saw the girl for the first time, he could not stop staring at her.

Question 2.
Describe the young girl.
The girl had a pale skin, shiny black hair and dark eyes.

Question 3.
What did the girl see? What did she pretend?
The girl saw that the author was looking at her intently, but she pretended not to notice it.

Question 4.
What does the author say about the girl’s eyes?
The author says that the girl’s eyes were dark, searching and lively.

(5) She stood by my window for some time and neither of us said anything. But when she moved on, I don’t know why, I left my seat and rushed to the carriage door. She noticed me at the door, and stood waiting on the platform. I walked across to the tea stall. A kettle was boiling on a small fire. The girl followed me behind the stall.

GSEB Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 6 The Night Train at Deoli

Question 1.
What did the author do when the girl moved on?
When the girl moved on, the author left his seat and ran to the carriage door.

Question 2.
What did the girl do when she saw the author at the carriage door?
When the girl saw the author at the carriage door, she stood waiting on the platform.

(6) “Do you want to buy a basket?” she asked. “They are very strong, made of the finest cane.”
“No,” I said, “I don’t want a basket.”
We stood looking at each other for a very long time and then she said, “Are you sure you don’t want a basket?” “Give me one,” I said and I took the one on top and gave her a rupee. I wished to touch her fingers, but could not.

Question  1.
What feeling did the author have while buying the basket?
While buying the basket, the author wanted to touch the girl’s fingers, but he could not do so.

(7) The guard blew his whistle; she said something, but it was lost in the clanging of the bell and the hissing of the engine. I had to run back to my compartment. I watched her as the platform slipped away. She was alone on the platform and did not move, but she was looking at me and smiling. I watched her until the signal-box came in the way, and then the jungle hid the station. I could still see her standing there alone.

Question 1.
What was the girl doing when the train left the platform?
When the train left the platform, the girl was standing alone there and looking at the author and smiling.

Question 2.
Why could the author not hear what the girl said?
The author could not hear what the girl said because it was lost in the clanging of the bell and the hissing of the engine

Question 3.
How long did the author keep watching the girl?
The author kept watching the girl till the signal-box came in the way and then the jungle hid the station.

GSEB Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 6 The Night Train at Deoli

(8) I sat up awake for the rest of the journey. I could not forget the girl’s face and her dark, bright eyes.But when I reached Dehra, the incident became blurred and distant; for there were other things on my mind. It was only when I was making the return journey two months later, that I remembered the girl.

Question 1.
What kept the author awake for the rest of the journey?
The girl’s face and her dark, bright eyes kept the author awake for the rest of the journey.

Question 2.
Why did the author forget about the girl when he reached Dehra?
The author forgot about the girl when he reached Dehra because there were many other things on his mind.

Question 3.
When did he remember the girl?
He remembered the girl on his return journey two months later.

(9) I was looking out for her as the train drew into the station and I felt an unexpected thrill. I saw her walking up the platform. I ran to the door and waved at her. When she saw me, she smiled. She was pleased that I remembered her. I was pleased that she remembered me.

Question 1.
What did the author feel when he saw the girl again?
The author felt an unexpected thrill when he saw the girl again.

Question 2.
What was the girl’s reaction when she saw the author?
When the girl saw the author, she smiled and looked pleased that he remembered her.

Question 3.
Why was the author pleased?
The author was pleased because the girl remembered him.

Question 4.
What did the author do when he saw the girl?
When the author saw the girl, he ran to the door and waved at her.

GSEB Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 6 The Night Train at Deoli

(10) She did not start selling baskets, but came straight to the tea stall. Her dark eyes were suddenly filled with light. We said nothing for some time but we spoke without words. I felt the impulse to put her on the train there and then, and take her away with me. I could not bear the thought of watching her vanish into the darkness of Deoli station. I took the baskets from her hand and put them on the ground. She put out her hand to take a basket, but I caught her hand and held it.

Question 1.
What urge did the author have when he met the girl for the second time?
When the author met the girl for the second time, he had the urge to put her on the train and take her away with him.

Question 2.
What did the girl do when she saw the author?
When the girl saw the author she came straight to the tea stall.

Question 3.
What happened when the author and the girl met?
When the author and the girl met, the girl’s eyes were filled with light and they said nothing, but spoke without words.

Question 4.
What could the author not bear?
The author could not bear the thought of watching her vanishing into the darkness of the Deoli station.

Question 5.
What did the author finally do?
The author finally caught the girl’s hand and held it.

GSEB Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 6 The Night Train at Deoli

(11) “I have to go to Delhi,” I said.
She nodded. “I do not have to go anywhere.”
The guard blew his whistle and I hated the guard for doing that.
“I will come again,” I said. “Will you be here?”
She nodded. “I do not have to go anywhere.”
She nodded again. The bell clanged and the train slid forward. I had to pull my hand away from the girl and run for the moving train.

Question 1.
The author wanted to take the girl with him. How did the girl respond?
The girl said that she did not have to go anywhere and that she would always be there, at Deoli.

Question 2.
What happened when the train started moving?
When the train started moving, the author pulled his hand away from the girl and ran for the moving train.

(12) This time I did not forget her. She was with me for the rest of the journey, and for long after. All that year she was a bright, living thing. And when the college term ended, I packed in haste and left for Dehra earlier than usual.

Question 1.
Why did the author leave for Dehra earlier than usual?
The author left for Dehra earlier than usual because he could not forget the girl. He was very eager to see her and meet her.

GSEB Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 6 The Night Train at Deoli

(13) I was nervous and anxious as the train entered Deoli. I was wondering what I should say to the girl, and what I should do. I was determined that I wouldn’t stand helplessly before her.

Question 1.
How did the author feel as the train entered Deoli?
The author felt anxious and nervous as the train entered Deoli.

Question 2.
What did he decide?
He decided that he would not stand helplessly before her.

Question 3.
What was the author wondering?
The author was wondering what he should say to the girl and what he should do.

(14) The train came to Deoli, and I looked up and down the platform, but I could not see the girl anywhere. I opened the door and stepped off the footboard. I was deeply disappointed. I felt I had to do something, and so I ran up to the station master and said, “Do you know the girl who used to sell baskets here?” “No. I don’t,” said the station master.

Question 1.
Whom did the author ask about the girl?
The author asked the station master about the girl.

Question 2.
What reply did the station master give?
The station master replied that he did not know the girl who sold baskets there.

Question 3.
What did the author feel when he did not see the girl?
When the author did not see the girl he was deeply disappointed and wanted to do something.

GSEB Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 6 The Night Train at Deoli

(15) The train was moving out of the station, and I had to run up the platform and jump for the door of my compartment. As Deoli platform vanished, I decided that one day I would have to break my journey there. I would spend a day in the town, make enquiries, and find the girl who had stolen my heart with nothing but a look from her dark, impatient eyes.

Question 1.
What did the author decide?
The author decided to break his journey at Deoli some day and find out the girl who had stolen his heart.

Question 2.
What does the author say about the girl?
The author says that one day he would find the girl who had stolen his heart with a look from her dark, impatient eyes.

(16) In the last few years I have passed through Deoli many times. I always look out of the window to see the same unchanged face smiling to me. But I will never break my journey there. I prefer to keep hoping and dreaming, and looking out of the window for the girl with the baskets waiting for me…. I never break my journey at Deoli, but I pass through as often as I can.

Question 1.
Why does the author always look out of the window?
The author always looks out of the window to see the girl’s unchanged face smiling at him.

Question 2.
Why would the author never break his journey at Deoli?
The author would never break his journey at Deoli because he preferred to keep hoping and dreaming and looking out for the girl waiting for him.

Question 3.
Does the author break his journey at Deoli?
No the author never breaks his journey at Deoli, but he passes through as often as he can.

GSEB Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 6 The Night Train at Deoli

B. Use the set of words in your own sentences.

Question 1.
bare – wonder
Mini wondered how the boys in the village could walk in the hot sun with bare feet.

Question 2.
notice – pale
The teacher noticed that the little boy was looking pale and weak.

Question 3.
lively – pleased
The parents were pleased to see the lively dance of the children.

Question 4.
gracefully – came down
The dancer came down the stage gracefully and sought the blessing of her guru.

Question 5.
follow – intently
The little boy followed the magician and waited intently to see what he was doing.

Question 6.
pretend – unexpected
Jay felt an unexpected thrill when he saw the gifts, but he pretended as if he was not interested.

Question 7.
incident – helplessly
When the incident happened, a lot of people were present there, but they stood helplessly.

GSEB Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 6 The Night Train at Deoli

Question 8.
walk up to – haste
The minister’s secretary walked up to him in haste and whispered something in his ear.

Question 9.
blurred – disappointed
The old photographs were so blurred that grandfather could not recognize anyone and so he was quite disappointed.

Question 10.
thrill-got off
I was so thrilled on seeing my grandparents that I got off the moving train.

Question 11.
hope – determined
Though there was little hope of winning the case, the poor man was determined to fight for his rights.

Question 12.
enquiry – vanish
The detectives are conducting an enquiry to find out the statue, which vanished from the temple.

Question 13.
impatient-rush to
The people waiting in the queue since morning became so impatient that they rushed to the gate and opened it.

Question 14.
prefer – anxious
Father became so anxious that he preferred to go to school and see the result, rather than wait at home.

Question 15.
nervous – haste
Mr Verma looked quite nervous as he left the office in haste.

C. Write who said to whom the following sentences.

Question 1.
Do you want to buy a basket ?
This was said by the girl (selling baskets) to the author.

GSEB Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 6 The Night Train at Deoli

Question 2.
I don’t want a basket.
This sentence was said by the author to the girl (selling baskets).

Question 3.
Are you sure you don’t want a basket ?
This was said by the girl (selling baskets) to the author.

Question 4.
They are very strong, made of the finest cane.
This sentence was said by the girl (selling baskets) to the author.

Question 5.
I have to go to Delhi.
This sentence was said by the author to the girl (selling baskets).

Question 6.
I do not have to go anywhere.
This sentence was said by the girl (selling baskets) to the author.

Question 7.
I will come again. Will you be here ?
This was said by the author to the girl (selling baskets).

Question 8.
Do you know the girl who used to sell baskets here?
This was said by the author to the station master.

Fill in the blanks choosing the correct words from the brackets.

(1) (heavy, regularly, return)
When I was at college, I regularly spent my summer vacation in Dehra, at my grandmother’s place. I would leave the plains early in May and return late in July. Deoli was a small station about 50 km from Dehra. It was on the border of the heavy jungles of the Indian Terai.

(2) (visiting, decided, selling)
I decided that one day I would get off the train at Deoli and spend the day there. I was eighteen, visiting my grandmother and the night train stopped at Deoli. A girl came down the platform selling baskets.

GSEB Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 6 The Night Train at Deoli

(3) (gracefully, cold, bare)
It was a cold morning and the girl had a shawl across her shoulder. Her feet were bare and her clothes were old. She was a young girl, walking gracefully towards me.

(4) (stopped, pretended, intently)
When she came to my window, she stopped. She saw that I was looking at her intently, but at first she pretended not to notice.

(5) (searching, dark, pale)
She had a pale skin, shiny black hair and dark eyes. And then those eyes, searching and lively, met mine.

(6) (noticed, neither, rushed)
She stood by my window for some time and neither of us said anything. But when she moved on, I don’t know why, I left my seat and rushed to the carriage door. She noticed me at the door, and stood waiting on the platform.

(7) (sure, finest, wished)
“Do you want to buy a basket ?” she asked. “They are very strong, made of the finest cane.” “No,” I said, “I don’t want a basket.” We stood looking at each other for a very long time and then she said, “Are you sure you don’t want a basket ?” “Give me one,” I said, and I took the one on top and gave her a rupee. I wished to touch her fingers, but could not.

(8) (blew, clanging, hissing)
The guard blew his whistle; she said something, but it was lost in the clanging of the bell and the hissing of the engine. I had to run back to my compartment.

(9) (platform, slipped, smiling)
I watched her as the platform slipped away. She was alone on the platform and did not move, but she was looking at me and smiling.

(10) (blurred, bright, journey)
I sat up awake for the rest of the journey. I could not forget the girl’s face and her dark, bright eyes. But when I reached Dehra, the incident become blurred and distant; for there were other things on my mind.

(11) (unexpected, drew into, waved)
I was looking out for her as the train drew into the station and I felt an unexpected thrill I saw her walking up the platform. I ran to the door and waved at her.

(12) (remembered, smiled, pleased)
When she saw me, she smiled. She was pleased that I remembered her. I was pleased that she remembered me.

GSEB Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 6 The Night Train at Deoli

(13) (impulse, filled with, spoke)
She did not start selling baskets, but came straight to the tea stall. Her dark eyes were suddenly filled with light. We said nothing for some time but we spoke without words. I felt the impulse to put her on the train there and then, and take her away with me.

(14) (vanish, bear, held)
I could not bear the thought of watching her vanish into the darkness of Deoli station. I took the baskets from her hand and put them on the ground. She put out her hand to take a basket, but I caught her hand and held it.

(15) (clanged, moving, hated)
The guard blew his whistle and I hated the guard for doing that. “I will come again,” I said. “Will you be here ?” She nodded. “I do not have to go anywhere.” She nodded again. The bell clanged and the train slid forward. I had to pull my hand away from the girl and run for the moving train.

(16) (forget, haste, living)
This time I did not forget her. She was with me for the rest of the journey, and for long after. All that year she was a bright, living thing. And when the college term ended, I packed in haste and left for Dehra earlier than usual.

(17) (wondering, anxious, determined)
I was nervous and anxious as the train entered Deoli. I was wondering what I should say to the girl, and what I should do. I was determined that I wouldn’t stand helplessly before her.

(18) (sell, stepped off, disappointed)
I opened the door and stepped Off the foot-board. I was deeply disappointed. I felt I had to do something, and so I ran up to the station master and said, “Do you know the girl who used to sell baskets here ?”

(19) (jump, vanished, moving)
The train was moving out of the station, and I had to run up the platform and jump for the door of my compartment. As Deoli platform vanished, I decided that one day I would have to break journey there.

GSEB Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 6 The Night Train at Deoli

(20) (heart, enquiries, impatient)
I would spend a day in the town, make enquiries, and find the girl who had stolen my heart with nothing but a look from her dark, impatient eyes.

(21) (dreaming, prefer, unchanged)
In the last few years, I have passed through Deoli many times. I always look out of the window to see the same unchanged face smiling to me. But I will never break my journey there. I prefer to keep hoping and dreaming, and looking out of the window for the girl with the baskets waiting for me.

The Night Train at Deoli Summary in Gujarati

જ્યારે હું કૉલિજમાં હતો, ત્યારે ઉનાળાની રજાઓમાં હું હંમેશાં મારાં દાદીના ઘરે, દેહરા જતો. મેં મહિનાની શરૂઆતમાં (જ) હું મેદાની વિસ્તારમાંથી નીકળી (દેહરા) જતો અને જુલાઈ મહિનાના અંતમાં પાછો ફરતો. દેરાથી 50 કિમી દૂર દેઉલી નામનું એક નાનું સ્ટેશન હતું. તે તરાઈના ગાઢ જંગલને અડીને હતું.

મેં નક્કી કર્યું કે એક દિવસ દેવલી ઊતરીને ત્યાં આખો દિવસ પસાર કરીશ. હું અઢાર વર્ષનો હતો, અને મારાં દાદીને મળવા જઈ રહ્યો હતો અને રાતની ગાડ દેલી ઊભી રહી. પ્લેટફોર્મ પર ટોપલીઓ વેચનારે એક છોકરી આવી. ઠંડી સવાર હતી અને છોકરીના ખભા ફરતી શાલ હતી.

GSEB Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 6 The Night Train at Deoli

તેના પગ ખુલ્લા હતા અને તેનાં કપડાં જૂનાં હતાં. તે યુવાન હતી, અને આકર્ષક ચાલમાં મારા તરફ આવી રહી હતી. તે મારી બારી પાસે આવીને અટકી ગઈ. તેણે જોયું કે હું આતુરતાથી તેની સામે જોઈ રહ્યો હતો, પણ પહેલાં તો તે કશું જ જોતી ન હોય તેવો ડોળ કર્યો. તેની ચામડી નિસ્તેજ હતી, (અને તેને ચમકતા, કાળા વાળ અને કાળી આંખો હતી અને તેની પેલી કંઈક શોધતી જીવંત આંખો સાથે મારી આંખો મળી.

થોડી વાર તો તે મારી બારી પાસે ઊભી રહી અને અમારાં બંનેમાંથી કોઈ કંઈ બોલ્યું નહીં. પણ જ્યારે તે આગળ ચાલી. – ત્યારે, મને ખબર નહીં કેમ, હું મારી બેઠક છોડીને ડબાના દરવાજા તરફ દોડી ગયો. તેણે મને દરવાજે ઊભેલો જોયો અને તે લૅટફૉર્મ પર રાહ જોતી ઊભી રહી. હું ચાની દુકાન પાસે ગયો.

ધીમા તાપ પર કીટલી ઊકળી રહી હતી, છોકરી મારી પાછળ દુકાન પાસે આવી. “તમારે ટોપલી ખરીદવી છે?” તેણે પૂછ્યું. “ટોપલીઓ ઉત્તમ ખેતરમાંથી બનાવેલી, ખૂબ મજબૂત છે.” “ના,” મેં કહ્યું, “મારે ટોપલી નથી જોઈતી.”

અમે ઘણી વાર સુધી એકબીજાની સામે જોતાં ઊભા રહ્યાં, અને પછી તેણે પૂછયું, “નક્કી તમારે ટોપલી નથી જોઈતી?” – “મને એક (ટોપલી) આપ,” કહ્યું અને મેં ઉપરની એક ટોપલી લઈને તેને એક રૂપિયો આપ્યો. તેની આંગળીઓને સ્પર્શ કરવાની મારી ઇચ્છા હતી, પણ હું) તેમ કરી શક્યો નર્ટી. ગાર્ડે વિસલ વગાડી; તેણે કંઈક કહ્યું, પણ ઘંટના અવાજમાં અને એન્જિનના સૂસવાટામાં તે સંભળાયું નહીં.

મારે મારા ડબામાં પાછા દોડવું પડ્યું, પ્લેટફૉર્મ પૂરું થયું ત્યાં સુધી હું તેને જોતો રહ્યો. લૅટફૉર્મ પર તે એકલી જ હતી અને ત્યાંથી ખસી નઈં, પણ તે મારી સામે જોઈ મલકાતી હતી. સિગ્નલ બૉક્સ વચ્ચે આવ્યું ત્યાં સુધી હું તેને જોતો રહ્યો, અને પછી સ્ટેશન જેગલની પાછળ ઢંકાઈ ગયું. હજી પણ હું તેને ત્યાં એકલી ઊભેલી જોઈ શકતો હતો.

બાકીના પ્રવાસ દરમિયાન હું જાગતો બેસી રહ્યો. હું તે છોકરીનો ચહેરો અને તેની કાળી ચમકતી આંખો ભૂલી શક્તો નહોતો.પણ દેહરા પહોંચ્યા પછી, એ પ્રસંગ ઝાંખો થઈને ભુલાઈ ગયો; કારણ કે મારા મનમાં બીજા ઘણા વિચારો હતા. પણ જ્યારે બે મહિના બાદ હું મારી વળતી મુસાફરી કરી રહ્યો હતો, ત્યારે તે છોકરી મને યાદ આવી.
ગાડી જ્યારે સ્ટેશન પર પહોંચી, ત્યારે હું તેને શોધી રહ્યો હતો અને મને એક અનપેક્ષિત રોમાંચનો અનુભવ થયો. મેં તેને પ્લેટફૉર્મ પર આવતી જોઈ. હું દરવાજે દોડી ગયો અને તેને હાથથી ઇશારો કર્યો. તે મને જોઈને મલકી, તે મને યાદ હતી, તેથી તે ખુશ થઈ. હું તેને યાદ હતો, તેથી હું ખુશ થયો.

તેણે પલીઓ વેચવાનું શરૂ ન કરતાં, સીધી ચાની દુકાન પાસે આવી. તેની કાળી આંખો અચાનક ચમકી ઊઠી. થોડી વાર તો અમે કંઈ બોલ્યા નહીં પણ (અમે) મૌન દ્વારા વાતો કરી. મને એ જ વખતે તેને ગાડીમાં બેસાડીને મારી સાથે લઈ જવાની લાગણી થઈ આવી. દેઉલી સ્ટેશનના અંધકારમાં તેને અદશ્ય થતી. જોઈ રહેવાનો વિચાર હું સહન કરી શક્યો નહીં. તેના હાથમાંથી ૌપલીઓ લઈને મેં નીચે મૂકી. એક ટોપલી લેવા તેણે હાથ લંબાવ્યો પણ મેં તેનો હાથ પકડી રાખ્યો.

“મારે દિલ્લી જવાનું છે,” મેં કહ્યું. તેણે માથું ધુણાવ્યું, “મારે ક્યાંય જવાનું નથી.” ગાર્ડે તેની વિસલ વગાડી અને આમ કરવા માટે મને તેનો તિરસ્કાર થયો. હું ફરી વાર આવીશ,” મેં કહ્યું, “તું અહીં જ હોઈશ ને?” તેણે માથું હલાવ્યું. “મારે ક્યાંય જવાનું નથી.” તેણે ફરી વાર માથું હલાવ્યું. ઘંટ વાગ્યો અને ગાડી આગળ ચાલી. છોકરીના હાથમાંથી મારે હાથ છોડવો પડ્યો અને ચાલતી ગાડી માટે દોટ મૂકી.

આ વખતે હું તેને ભૂલ્યો નહીં, બાકીના પ્રવાસ દરમિયાન, અને પછી પણ, ઘણા લાંબા સમય સુધી તે મારી સાથે હતી. તે આખાય વર્ષ દરમિયાન તે એક તેજસ્વી, જીવંત વસ્તુ હતી. અને જ્યારે કૉલિજનું સત્ર પૂરું થયું, મેં ઝડપથી સામાન તૈયાર કર્યો અને હંમેશ કરતા વહેલો દેહરા જવા નીકળી ગયો.

GSEB Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 6 The Night Train at Deoli

ટ્રેન દેકલી પહોંચી ત્યારે હું બેચેન અને આતુર હતો. તે છોકરીને શું કહેવું અને મારે શું કરવું જોઈએ તે હું વિચારતો હતો. હું તેની સામે અસહાય થઈને નહીં જ ઊભો રહું, એ વિશે હું મક્કમ હતો. ટ્રેન દેવલી પહોંચી, અને મેં પ્લેટફૉર્મના એક છેડાથી બીજા છેડા સુધી નજર દોડાવી, પણ મને તે છોકરી ક્યાંય દેખાઈ નહીં.

મેં બારણું ખોલ્યું અને પગથિયેથી ઊતરી ગયો. હું ખૂબ નિરાશ થયો. મને લાગ્યું કે મારે કંઈક કરવું જોઈએ. તેથી હું ઝડપથી સ્ટેશન માસ્ટર પાસે ગયો અને (તેમને) પૂછ્યું, “અહીં ટોપલીઓ વેચતી હતી તે છોકરીને તમે જાણો છો?’
“ના, હું (તેને) નથી જાણતો,’ સ્ટેશન માસ્ટરે કહ્યું.

ગાડી સ્ટેશનની બહાર જઈ રહી હતી અને મારે લૅટફૉર્મ પર દોડીને ડબાનું બારણું પકડવા માટે કૂદવું પડ્યું.
દેઉલી ગ્લૅટફૉર્મ દેખાતું બંધ થયું અને મેં નક્કી કર્યું કે એક દિવસ હું મારા પ્રવાસ દરમિયાન ત્યાં રોકાઈ જઈશ. હું ગામમાં એક દિવસ વિતાવી, તપાસ કરીશ, અને જે છોકરીએ માત્ર તેની કાળી ઉત્સુક આંખોની એક નજરથી મારું હૃદય ચોરી લીધું હતું, તેને શોધી કાઢીશ.

છેલ્લાં થોડાં વર્ષોમાં હું દેઉલીથી કેટલીય વાર પસાર થયો છું. મારી સામે મલકતો એ જ ચહેરો જોવા માટે હું હંમેશાં બારીની બહાર જોઉં છું. પણ હું ક્યારેય ત્યાં રોકાઈશ નહીં. ટોપલીઓ લઈને મારી રાહ જોતી એ છોકરીને જોવાની આશા અને સ્વપ્ન સાથે (હું) બારીની બહાર જોવાનું પસંદ કરું છું. હું ક્યારેય દેઉલી રોકાતો નથી, પણ વારંવાર ત્યાંથી પસાર થાઉં છું. – Ruskin Bond

Word Meanings
GSEB Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 6 The Night Train at Deoli 4
GSEB Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 6 The Night Train at Deoli 5
GSEB Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 6 The Night Train at Deoli 6
GSEB Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 6 The Night Train at Deoli 7

Idioms and Phrases

(1) to get off
We got off at Neral station to go to Matheran.

(2) to come down
The policeman came down the road to clear the traffic jam.

(3) to look at
The teacher looked at the naughty children with anger.

GSEB Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 6 The Night Train at Deoli

(4) to move on
After talking to us, the principal moved on to meet another group.

(5) to rush to
The doctor had to rush to the hospital to attend to a patient.

(6) to walk across
We walked across the road to go to the museum.

(7) to run back
Mohan ran back to his class because he forgot his lunch box there.

(8) to slip away
As the train left the station, I saw the beautiful hills slip away behind me.

(9) to come in the way
I could not see the actors on the stage because a tall boy came in the way.

(10) to look out for
The police are looking out for the thief who robbed the bank yesterday.

(11) to draw into
The coolies rushed towards the compartments as the train drew into the station.

(12) to walk up to
Raj walked up to the teacher and said sorry for his behaviour.

(13) filled with
Mother’s eyes were filled with tears of joy when she saw me after a long time.

(14) to put someone / something on
Father put me on the train to Mumbai.

(15) to pull away
Deepak pulled the small boy away from the road and saved his life.

GSEB Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 6 The Night Train at Deoli

(16) To look up and down
The passenger looked up and down the platform, but he could not see any cooli

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