GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Poem 1 My Song

Gujarat Board GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Second Language Poem 1 My Song Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

GSEB Class 10 English Textbook Solutions Poem 1 My Song (Second Language)

GSEB Class 10 English My Song Text Book Questions and Answers

1. Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
What will the song do for the child when it is alone at night ?
When the child is alone at night, the song will sit by its side and whisper in its ear.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Poem 1 My Song

Question 2.
How does the song act when the child thinks of it?
When the child thinks of the song, it will wind its music round the child like the fond arms of love and touch its forehead like a kiss of blessing.

Question 3.
When does the child feel that it is being watched and loved by the parents ?
When the child is lonely, the song whispers in its ear and when the child is in a crowd, the song protects it. So the child feels that it is being watched and loved by the parents.

Question 4.
What does the song give to the child ?
The song gives a pair of wings to the child’s dreams and guide it when it is in trouble.

Question 5.
Find out the synonyms of ‘vision’ and ‘lonely’.
vision – sight, lonely – alone

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Poem 1 My Song

2. Fill in the table using the information from the poem.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Poem 1 My Song 1

3. Tick mark the sentence nearest in meaning.

Question 1.
The song will be like a faithful star.
A. The song will be a shining star for the child.
B. The song will be a star that will guide the child.
C. The song will help the child to reach home.
B. The song will be a star that will guide the child.

Question 2.
‘Like the fond arms of love’ meAnswer:..
A. Arms that would hug the child with love and comfort.
B. Arms that would protect the child from any danger.
C. Arms that would hug the child with tearful eyes.
A. Arms that would hug the child with love and comfort.

Question 3.
‘My song will speak in your living heart’ means …
A. Even though the parent is dead, the song will remind the child that it was given up.
B. Even though the parent is alive, the song will remind the child that it was abandoned
C. Even though the parent is dead the song will tell the child that he was not abandoned.
C. Even though the parent is dead the song will tell the child that he was not abandoned.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Poem 1 My Song

Question 4.
My song will transport your heart to the verge of the unknown.
A. We can never certainly know what the poet wants to say.
B. The song takes us nearer to the wonder of mystery.
C. The song unknowingly affects our heart.
B. The song takes us nearer to the wonder of mystery.

4. Write True or False.

Question 1.
The song will touch the head of the child.

Question 2.
The child will be taken care of by the song when the child is alone.

Question 3.
The song will whisper into the ears of the child.

Question 4.
The song will be a guiding star when the dark day is over the child’s path.

(5) When the parents die, there is a place for them in the child’s heart,

Read the lines of the poem and answer the questions.

(1) This song of mine will wind its music around you, my child,
Like the fond arms of love.
This song of mine will touch your forehead like a kiss of blessing.
When you are alone, it will sit by your side and whisper in your ear,
When you are in the crowd, it will fence you about with aloofness.

Question 1.
What will the song do when the child is in the crowd?
When the child is in the crowd, the song will protect the child.

Question 2.
What will the song do when the child is alone?
When the child is alone, the song will sit by his side and whisper in his ear.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Poem 1 My Song

Question 3.
The song will touch the child’s forehead like… .
The song will touch the child’s forehead like a kiss of blessing.

Question 4.
The song will wind its music around the child like…
The song will wind its music around the child like the fond arms of love.

Question 5.
When the child is alone, the song will protect it. True or False ?

Question 6.
When the child is alone, the song will whisper in his ear. True or False ?

Question 7.
What is the antonym of the word ‘curse’?

Question 8.
Which word in the poem means ‘to speak softly’?

(2) My song will be like a pair of wings to your dreams,
It will transport your heart to the verge of the unknown.
It will be like the faithful star overhead when dark night is over your road.
My song will sit in the pupils of your eyes, and will carry your sight into the heart of things.
And when my voice is silent in death, my song will speak in your living heart.

Question 1.
How will the song help the child’s dreams ?
The song will be like a pair of wings to the child’s dreams.

Question 2.
What will happen when the child’s parents are no more?
When the child’s parents are no more, the song will speak in his living heart.

Question 3.
The song will transport the child’s heart…
The song will transport the child’s heart to the verge of the unknown.

Question 4.
‘When dark night is over your road’ means.
‘When dark night is over your road’ means when you are in trouble.

Question 5.
The song will sit in the pupils of the child’s eyes and…
The song will sit in the pupils of the child’s eyes and carry his sight into the heart of things.

Question 6.
The song will be like to the child’s dreams.
The song will be like a pair of wings to the child’s dreams.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Poem 1 My Song

Question 7.
What is the synonym of the word ‘vision’?

Question 8.
What is the synonym of the word ‘loyal’?

My Song Summary in Gujarati

ભાષાંતર મારા આ ગીતનું સંગીત તારી આસપાસ (એવી રીતે)
વીંટાશે, મારા વહાલા (બાળક), જાણે કે હેતભર્યા માયાળુ હાથ. મારું આ ગીત આશીર્વાદના એક ચુંબનની જેમ તારા કપાળને સ્પર્શ કરશે. જ્યારે તું એક્લો હોઈશ, તે તારી બાજુમાં બેસીને તારા કાનમાં ગણગણશે, જ્યારે તું ટોળામાં હોઈશ, તે તને (ટોળાથી) દૂર રાખીને તારું રક્ષણ કરશે.
મારું ગીત તારાં સપનાઓને પાંખો આપશે, તે તારા હૃદયને અજ્ઞાતની સીમાઓ સુધી લઈ જશે.
તારા માર્ગમાં જ્યારે અંધારી રાત આવશે ત્યારે તે એકનિષ્ઠ તારાની જેમ (તારી સાથે) હશે.
મારું ગીત તારી આંખોની કીકીઓમાં રમશે, અને વસ્તુઓના હાર્દમાં તારી દષ્ટિને પહોંચાડશે.
અને જ્યારે (મારા) મૃત્યુ બાદ મારો અવાજ શાંત થઈ જશે,
મારું ગીત તારા ધબકતા હૃદયમાં સંભળાશે. – રવીન્દ્રનાથ ટાગોર

Word Meanings

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Poem 1 My Song 5
GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Poem 1 My Song 6


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