GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Poem 4 Vanilla Twilight

Gujarat Board GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Second Language Poem 4 Vanilla Twilight Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

GSEB Class 10 English Textbook Solutions Poem 4 Vanilla Twilight (Second Language)

GSEB Class 10 English Vanilla Twilight Text Book Questions and Answers

1. Which liner, did. yon like the mast ? Underline these 4 – 5 lines. What is special about these lines : expression or meaning ? Write E or M at the end of these lines. (Individual Activity)

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Poem 4 Vanilla Twilight

2. Make a list of creative / imaginary expressions.

Example : stars lean down
doze of atmosphere.
(1) night turn light blue
(2) drenched in vanilla twilight
(3) waist-deep in thoughts
(4) violet eyes get brighter
(5) heavy wings grow lighter
(6) taste the sky
(7) voice could reach back to through the past

3. Find out the antonyms of these words from, the poem.

(1) dry : drenched
(2) shout: whisper
(3) wake up : slept
(4) day : night
(5) light: heavy
(6) different: same
(7) happy : sad
(8) wrong : right
(9) darker : lighter

4. Write True or False.

Question 1.
The poet dozes off while missing his beloved.

Question 2.
As the poet wishes his beloved to be present there, he will write a letter.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Poem 4 Vanilla Twilight

Question 3.
As per the poet, a lonely man cannot whisper.

Question 4.
The night changes into light blue as usual.

Question 5.
The poet feels that the absence of his beloved changes the shade of morning.

Question 6.
The silence is good.

Question 7.
The poet is going to think about his beloved innumerable times tonight.

Question 8.
The poet has kept awake for two consecutive nights.

5. Answer these questions in brief.

Question 1.
At what time is the poet singing this song ?
The poet is singing this song in the evening.

Question 2.
What does the poet request his beloved to pour on him?
The poet requests his beloved to pour a heavy dose of atmosphere on him.

Question 3.
What does the poet wish ?
The poet wishes that his beloved is with him.

Question 4.
Why is the night not the same for the poet as before ?
The night is not the same for the poet as before because his beloved is not with him.

Question 5.
What will the poet do all night ?
The poet will sit on the front porch all night and think about his beloved.

Question 6.
Why doesn’t the poet feel lonely though he is alone ?
Though he is alone, the poet doesn’t feel lonely because he is always thinking about his beloved.

Question 7.
When will the poet feel alive again ?
The poet will feel alive again when his beloved comes back to him.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Poem 4 Vanilla Twilight

Question 8.
What will the poet do if his voice could reach back to the past ?
If the poet’s voice could reach back to the past, he will whisper in his beloved’s ear.

6. Convert the content (feelings, events, places, columns, etc.) of this poem into the form of prose. Write it as a letter to your friend. You can begin like this.

Dear Raj,
Today I read the poem ‘Vanilla Twilight’ by Adam Young.
In this poem, the poet tells his beloved that…
As the stars come down to the earth to kiss you, I lie awake because I really miss you. It is such a beautiful night, yet I lie awake. Please pour this feeling of beautiful atmosphere on me so that I feel safe and can sleep soundly. Though I may go to sleep, I will still miss the warmth of your arms around me. I wish you were here with me in person.

As I sit here and watch the night turn blue, I know it is not the same without you. You may wonder why I say this. I have so much to tell you… so much to whisper in your ear … but you are not here. Whom should I whisper to ? The silence is not that bad. But I wish I could talk to you. It would have been much better than silence.

As I sit alone, I look at my hands and feel sad because your hand should have been in my hand. I miss you so much that I have not slept for two days. But I find new ways to relax my mind, that is troubled by your absence. The beautiful time that we spent together chills me to the bones. will immerse myself in this beautiful twilight.

I will sit on the front porch throughout the night and just keep on thinking of you. I will think of you as many times that I blink. When I am lost in your thoughts, I do not feel lonely. When my tired eyes become bright again and my sadness goes away, I know I will feel alive again.

I will forget everything, but I promise,I will never forget you. If my voice could reach the past, I would whisper in your ear, “My dear, I wish you were here.” I simply loved this poem. How did you like it ? Do write to me.
Your friend,

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Poem 4 Vanilla Twilight

Exam-Oriented Study Material

Read the lines of the poem and answer the questions.

(1) The stars lean down to kiss you,
And I lie awake and miss you.
Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere,
Because I’ll doze off safely and soundly
But I’ll miss your arms around me.

Question 1.
At what time of the day is the poet singing ‘Vanilla Twilight’?
The poet is singing ‘Vanilla Twilight’ in the evening.

Question 2.
What leans down to kiss the poet’s beloved?
The stars lean down to kiss the poet’s beloved.

Question 3.
Why is the poet awake?
The poet is awake because he is missing his beloved.

Question 4.
What does poet want his beloved to pour on him?
The poet want his beloved to pour a heavy dose of atmosphere on him.

Question 5.
Why does the poet want his beloved to pour a heavy dose of atmosphere on him?
The poet wants his beloved to pour a heavy dose of atmosphere on him so that he can sleep safely and soundly.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Poem 4 Vanilla Twilight

Question 6.
What will the poet miss?
The poet will miss his beloved’s arms around him.

Question 7.
What is the antonym of the word ‘light’ ?

Question 8.
What is the antonym of the word ‘asleep’ ?

(2) I’d send a postcard to you dear
Because I wish you were here
I’ll watch the night turn light blue
But it’s not the same without you,
Because it takes two to whisper quietly
What does the poet wish? fins.
The poet wishes that his beloved was with him.

Question 1.
What does the poet wish?
The poet wishes that his beloved was with him.

Question 2.
Which lines shows that the poet misses his beloved ?
I’ll watch the night turn light blue But it’s not the same without you

Question 3.
Why is the night not the same as before for the poet ?
The night is not the sane as before for the poet because his beloved is not with him.

Question 4.
It takes two to ….
It takes two to whisper quietly.

Question 5.
Write the rhyming words in the poem.
dear – hear, blue – you

(3) The silence isn’t so bad, till I look at my hands and feel sad
Because the spaces between my fingers are right where yours fit perfectly
I’ll find repose in new ways, though I haven’t slept in two days,
Because cold nostalgia chills me to the bone

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Poem 4 Vanilla Twilight

Question 1.
‘I look at my hands and feel sad.’ Why?
The poet will look at his hands and feel sad because he wants to hold his beloved’s hand.

Question 2.
According to the poet is not so bad.
According to the poet, silence is not so bad.

Question 3.
For how long has the poet been awake ?
The poet has been awake for two days.

Question 4.
What is the synonym of the word ‘calm’?

Question 5.
Which word in the poem means ‘rest’?

Question 6.
Write the rhyming words in the poem.
bad – sad, ways – days

(4) But drenched in vanilla twilight, I’ll sit on the front porch all night
Waist-deep in thought because when I think of you
I don’t feel so alone
As many times as I blink, I’ll think of you tonight, I’ll think of you tonight.

Question 1.
What does the poet feel drenched in ?
The poet feels drenched in vanilla twilight.

Question 2.
What will the poet do all night?
The poet will sit on the front porch all night and think of his beloved.

Question 3.
What happens when the poet thinks of his beloved?
When the poet thinks of his beloved, he does not feel lonely.

Question 4.
How often does the poet think of his beloved ?
The poet thinks of his beloved as many times as he blinks.

Question 5.
What is the antonym of the word ‘dry’ ?

Question 6.
What is the synonym of the word ‘soaked’?

(5) When violet eyes get brighter
And heavy wings grow lighter
I’ll taste the sky and feel alive again
And I’ll forget the world that
I knew But I swear I won’t forget you
Oh if my voice could reach back through the past
I’ll whisper in your ear
Oh darling I wish you were here

Question 1.
Which line shows that the poet will always think of his beloved?
And I’ll forget the world that I knew
But I swear I won’t forget you

Question 2.
What will the poet do if his voice could reach back to the past?
If the poet’s voice could reach back to the past, he would whisper in his beloved’s ear.

Question 3.
Write the rhyming words in the poem.
brighter – lighter, knew – you, ear – hear

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Poem 4 Vanilla Twilight

Question 4.
What is the antonym of the word ‘remember’?

Question 5.
What is the antonym of the word ‘light’?

Question 6.
Which word in the poem means ‘promise’ ?

Question 7.
Which word in the poem means ‘to speak softly’?

Vanilla Twilight Summary in Gujarati

તારાઓ તને ચૂમવા નમે છે, અને હું જાણું છું અને તને યાદ કરું છું. વાતાવરણનો એક ભારે જામ મને પીવા આપ, કારણ કે હું સ્વસ્થતાથી અને શાંતિથી ઝોકું તો ખાઈશ, પણ મારી ફરતે વીંટળાયેલા તારા હાથની ખોટ સાલશે. મેં તને એક પોસ્ટકાર્ડ મોલ્યું હોત, પ્રિય કારણ કે હું ઇચ્છું છું કે તું અહીં હોય રાત્રિના

ગાઢ અંધકારને હું આછો ભૂરો થતા (તો) જોઈશ પણ તારા વિના એ એટલું સુંદર નહીં હોય, કારણ કે શાંતિથી, હળવે રહીને કાનમાં કહેવા માટે બે જણ તો જોઈએ આ મૌન ત્યાં સુધી ખટકતું નથી, જ્યાં સુધી હું મારા હાથ જોઈને ઉદાસ થાઉં છું કારણ કે મારી આંગળીઓ વચ્ચેની જગ્યામાં તારી (આંગળીઓ) બરાબર શોભે છે.

હું બે દિવસથી ઊંધ્યો નથી, પણ હું આરામ કરવાની નવી રીતો શોધી કાઢીશ, કારણ કે ઠંડો (લાગણીહીન) વિયોગ મારાં હાડકાં થીજીવી દે છે પણ સુગંધી સંધ્યામાં તરબોળ થઈને, હું આખી રાત રવેશમાં બેસી રહીશ ઊંડા વિચારમાં, કારણ કે જ્યારે હું તારા વિશે વિચારું છું. મને એકલું લાગતું નથી જેટલી વાર મારી આંખો પલકારા મારશે, (તેટલી વાર) આજે રાત્રે હું તને યાદ કરીશ, આજે રાત્રે હું તને યાદ કરીશ.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Poem 4 Vanilla Twilight

જ્યારે રાતી આંખો ચમકતી થશે અને ભારે પાંખો હળવી થશે હું આકાશમાં ઊડીશ અને ફરી એક વાર જીવંત હોવાનો અનુભવ કરીશ અને જે દુનિયાને હું જાણતો હતો તેને ભૂલી જઈશ પણ હું વચન આપું છું કે હું તને નહીં ભૂલું ઓહ, જો મારો અવાજ ભૂતકાળમાં પાછો જઈ શકે તો હું તારા કાનમાં હળવેથી કહીશ ઓહ પ્રિયે, હું ઇચ્છું છું કે તું અહીં હોય. – એડમ યંગ.

Word Meanings

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Poem 4 Vanilla Twilight 1
GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Poem 4 Vanilla Twilight 2

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